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a.Well done, please

b.Very much. It was really excellent.

c.I think I’ll try the roast lamb.

d.Good. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

e.No thanks, I think I’ll just have a coffee.

f.It’s basically a minced meat dish with potatoes on the top.

g.That’s very nice of you. Thank you very much.

h.Could I have a glass of dry white wine?

i.You could try the smoked salmon. It’s very good here.

j.Thank you, but not at the moment. I’ll have some wine later, with the meal.

2.Write a menu of popular dishes from your country. Then role play a situation where you are entertaining some English speaking visitors and have to explain what the different dishes are. Use the prompts:

Ask for recommendations and explanations.

Give recommendations and explanations.

Ask what people are going to have.

Place your orders with the waiter/waitress.

Suggest something to drink.

Offer the quests something to drink.

6. Business communication – Babel

Before you watch

1. Match the words with the definitions

1) overseas

a) a commonly belived but false idea

2) prestigious

b) to move (or cause a person to move) to another country

3) corporate

c) greatly respected & admired, usually because it is important

4) venue

d) information given to someone just before they do something, or a


meeting where this happens

5) briefing

e) in other countries

6) expatriate

f) a belief or opinion, often held by many people, & based on



7) relocabe

g) the place where an event or meeting happens

8) myth

h) someone who has moved to a foreign country to live & work

9) protracted

i) lasting for a long time

10) courtship

j) when 2 people spend time together with a view to getting married

11) agends

k) relating to a large company

12) perception

l) a list of subjects to be discussed at meeting

2.What does the word “Babel” mean to you? If a company has this name, what do you think it does?

3.What is cross-cultural training? What for is it used? What does this training include?


4.Which foreign languages do you think are in most demand by companies in the UK? What is the case in your country / region?

First viewing

1.Watch the whole report.

2.Answer the questions.

1.What’s happening in the opening scene?

2.What kind of service does Babel provide?

3.Who are Babel’s client’s?

4.Where do their courses usually take place?

5.Which languages do they mainly teach?

6.What examples of cultural differences are given?

Section A

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer the questions

1.What is the teacher giving instructions about?

2.Where is Bob Lau from?

3.What is he studying?

4.What kind of business is Arup in?

5.What project have Arup been involved in?

3.Watch the presentation given by Bob Lau. Give the similar presentation about yourself.

4.Which of these things do the foreign employees of Arup in the UK need to do in their work?

communicate with colleagues in the office. give presentations to clients.

have meeting with clients. visit construction sites. read & write e-mails. negotiate with clients. write reports.

write up visits to clients.

take clients to lunch & dinner.

Section B

1.Watch the section

2.Are these statements true or false or there is not enough information?

a.Babel works with corporate clients.

b.The main part of Babel’s business is language training.

c.Babel provides translation services in over 100 languages.

d.Babel specializes in teaching oriental languages.

e.Babel also works a lot with companies outside the UK.

f.The clients studying Arabic are planning to move to the Middle East.

g.They teach different foreign languages.


3.Describe the services or activities of your company. What do you do for your clients.

Section C

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer the questions.

1.Apart from learning a foreign language, what other training do UK, business people need to have?

2.What kinds of people use Babel’s services?

3.What is the word for people who are sent by their company to work aboard?

4.According to Sue Hyde do most people in business speak English? What’s the situation in your country?

5.What was the problem for the woman from Cable & Wireless? How did she solve it?

Section D

1.Watch the section.

2.Which of these statements are an accurate summary of that Sue Curry says?

a)In the UK, it’s not necessary to meet people before doing business with them.

b)In the UK & the US, it’s possible to do business quickly.

c)In the UK, business is done quickly because the products are of high quality.

d)In southern Europe, you need to have a relationship with people before doing business.

e)In the Middle East & the Far East, having a relationship with a client or customer is more important than the quality of a product.

f)UK business people are not interested in developing close relationships with their overseas customers.

g)British people like to follow a clear agenda during meetings.

h)People from the Middle East are often late for meetings.

i)Spanish people believe that meeting should not begin before 12.00.

3.Do you agree with Sue Curry, that if you have a good product or service, you can do business with people quickly? Give arguments to support your point of view.

4.Which of these statements is equivalent in meaning to the following sentence

“There is often far more working abroad than learning another language”.

a.Learning a language is often the least important part of working abroad successfully.

b.Learning a language is often only a part of what it takes to work abroad successfully.

5.Sue carry says: “In England, we tend to have agendas”. What does she mean?

Final viewing

1. Watch the whole report again.

After you watch

1. Complete these sentences, using phrases in the box. Use the dictionary.


at any time

on time

at all time

ahead of time

in time

ahead of his time

at the same time

about time


from time to time

at a time


1.In the UK, it seems that the trains rarely run…

2.Because the work was much easier than we expected, we finished the project …, and received a bonus for early completion.

3.In spite of the heavy traffic, I got to the airport … to catch my plane.

4.It’s … that British and American people started to learn foreign languages instead of expecting everyone to speak English.

5.Parking is not allowed here …

6.This is a security announcement. Keep your luggage with you …

7.English was a genius and years …

8.Although my strongest foreign language is German, I only speak it … I use French much more.

9.In cultures where time is measured, people prefer to do one thing …, rather than several things…

2.Here are some common English sayings using the word “time”. Explain in your own words what they mean.

a.Time is money.

b.Time flies.

c.Time stands still.

d.Time and tide wait for no man.

e.Time is a great healer.

f.Time is of the essence.

g.There’s no time like the present.

h.There’s a time and a place for everything.

3.Give a brief presentation about your company / educational / institution and its activities.

4.How would you define the word “culture”? Give all possible associations to the word “culture”.


5. If someone was moving to live and work in your country what aspects about the country and its culture would be important to know? Discuss this in groups and present your ideas.


7. Travel Problems

Before you watch

1. Translate these words and word-combinations.

1) way out

7) to divert

13) jet lag

2) city Line Rail Link

8) check-in

14) traffic jam

3) destination

9) guard

15) delay

4) measurement

10) diversions

16) queue

5) to handle

11) cancellations

17) over-crowding

6) inconvenience

12) signposting

18) over-booking



19) breakdown

2.Follow as many points of customer dissatisfaction as possible while traveling on business or holidays. How would you deal with the situation?

3.Prepare a list of ways to keep customers happy.

First viewing

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer the questions.

1.Where is Sonia? What is she doing?

2.Where are Alex, Mike and Ed? What are they talking about?

3.What delays Sonia’s arrival by train?

Section A

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer the questions.

1.Sonia’s luggage hasn’t arrived. What color is it?

2.Why is Sonia in such a hurry?

3.Tick the details the clerk asks about.

Sonia’s flight number. airport she flew from. color of the missing item.

Sonia’s phone number. measurements of the missing item. number of missing items.

4. What does Sonia give the clerk at the end of the conversation?

How effective do you think the clerk handled Sonia’s problem?

Section B

1.Watch the section.

2.Which of these things happened to Alex & in witch order?

His taxi arrived late to take him to the airport.

His alarm clock didn’t go off.

He couldn’t find a taxi to take him to the airport.


He had to pay £ 80 to get a taxi to the airport.

He got to the airport just in time to check in.

He discovered he didn’t have his passport with him.

His girl friend forgot her passport.

He missed the flight.

He got to the airport too late to check in.

The flight was cancelled.

3. Alex uses the Past Simple and Past Perfect to tell his story. Complete the extracts with the verbs from the box.

get forget wake up go off realize

a.I … at 10 o’clock. My alarm clock …

b.When I … to the airport check in, I … I … my passport!

4.Mike introduces a new topic of conversation, his visit to Japan. What’s the connection between Ed and Japan. What does Ed recommended doing in Kyoto and Osaka?

5.Complete these recommendations of things to do on a visit to your country.

a.I’d definitely recommend …

b.I would certainly …, if I were you.

c.… if you’ve time to kill.

Section C

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer the questions.

1.Why is Sonia impatient with the clerk?

2.What kind of ticket does she buy?

3.How much is the ticket?

4.Why does she ring Ben?

5.What time does she think she will be back in the office?

3.In Sonia’s call to Ben they use 3 modal verbs. Which of the modal verbs is used to express:

future probability? future ability?

an offer of help?

Section D

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer the questions.

1.What’s Ed’s objection to Mike’s ideas for the TV commercial for Wodehouse Hotels?

2.What does Alex propose in order to meet Ed’s objections?

3.Is Mike for or against this idea?

4.What compromise does Mike suggest?

5.Does Ed agree?


3.Alex uses the second Conditional to discuss a possible alternative solution. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

Alex: If we … (double) the length of the ads, to 60 seconds, we … (put) more information in. So, we … (show) the bedrooms & the conference room.

Mike: But then the commercial … (be) twice as expensive. And that … (mean) half the number of ads.

4. Is Ed reluctant or happy to accept Mike’s idea? What does he say?

Section E




Watch the section.




Answer the questions.





What’s the announcement about?




Which words best describe the tone of the announcement?





















Who is Sonia talking to and why?



Watch the whole episode again.


After you watch

1.Which problems in the list do you associate with these means of transport? Tick the appropriate columns.






poor signposting

jet lag

traffic jams


long queues





lost or delayed luggage

2.Chose one of the means of transport and decide which of the problems above you would find most frustrating as a business traveler.

3.You’re having a meal with a visitor. Work in groups of 3. Take turns to tell a story about an incident that occurred while traveling on business or for pleasure (speakers: Explain the context & then give the details/ Listeners show interest by asking for more information.)


8. Providing a service – Leapingsalmon

Before you watch

1. Translate the words and word-combinations.

1) convenience foods

8) to cater for

2) take-away meal

9) supplier

3) ready prepared meal

10) to dispatch

4) meal-kit

11) benefit

5) catering company

12) warehouse

6) gourment

13) postcode

7)to launch

2.What do you think a company called “Leapingsalmon” does?

3.What are convenience foods? Are they popular in your country?

4.If you want to have a very nice meal at home, which of these options would you choose? Why?

1.Get a take away meal (Chinese, Indian food).

2.Buy a high quality ready prepared meal to heat in the oven or microwave.

3.Go shopping, buy every thing you need, and then, prepare the meals at home.

4.Order a complete meal-kit of all the fresh food needed to make a nice meal, together with full cooking instructions to be delivered to your home, ready for you to cook.

5.Organize a catering company to come to your house to prepare and serve the meal.

First viewing

1.Watch the whole report.

2.Answer the questions.

1.What service does Leapingsalmon provide?

2.Who is the service mainly aimed at?

3.Where do you think the company is based?

4.How quickly can they deliver?

5.How long has the company been in operation?

6.How does Leapingsalmon currently use the Internet in its business?

Section A

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer the questions.

1.Who are the typical customers of Leapingsalmon?

2.What is the advantage of using Leapingsalmon?

3.What do the meal kits contain?

4.How long do Leapingsalmon meals take to cook?

5.Where are they delivered to?

6.On which days of the week do most customers probably order from leaping salmon?


3.The narrator speaks about Leapingsalmon meal kits. Complete these extracts.

People … don’t have time to cook … .

… a service that makes it possible to cook … at home.

4.James Marshall says: “We do the hard work”.

What does he mean?

5.Apart from a good meal, what other benefits of using Leapingsalmon’s service are mentioned by James Marshall?

6.Would you use the Leapingsalmon service?

Section B

1.Watch the section.

2.Are these statements true, false or there is not enough in formation.

a.Most orders come by telephone.

b.Order must be received 24 hours in advance.

c.The service does not operate at weekends.

d.Leapingsalmon produces many of its own fresh ingredients.

e.Each meal order is specially prepared – nothing is off the shelf.

f.Orders can be delivered to a customer’s office or home.

g.There is no delivery outside the London area.

h.The express delivery service is available 24 hours a day.

i.The express delivery service is only available within central London.

j.Deliveries outside the London area usually take 36 hours.

3.James Marshal describes the process of how orders are dealt with. Complete the extract.

Our orders .. through … the telephone or through the internet; and they … and then, basically, … to the central warehouse. And when the orders …, they … and …, and then … during the afternoon.

What is the main form of the verb used to describe a process or procedure?

4.James Marshall explains these different options, and the related conditions. Complete the extracts.

a.… before 10 o’clock, … … to your office between say 4 and 5 o’clock.

b.Or … before 5 p.m., … to your home between 7 and 8 p.m.

c.We also … express delivery service … where … within 30 minutes.

What form of the verb does he use in each case, and why?

5. What’s the name of the service delivering to other parts of the U.K.?

Section C

1.Watch the section.

2.Where are the meal kits actually prepared?

a)in the kitchens of famous restaurants.

b)in the Leaping salmon warehouse.

c)in a number of different kitchens.

d)at the Leaping salmon research centre.

3.Which ingredients are mentioned in the set menu? Tick the boxes.

grease (fat)

sauted potatoes


white wine



wild mushroom


dried mushrooms

duck breast


caramel flavouring

ice cream

red wine

roast potatoes


panna cotta

berry compote


Who designed this menu?


How many courses are included in this menu?


4.What kind of chefs design the recipes for Leaping salmon dishes?

5.James Marshall describes the duck set menu, what verb does he use? Complete these extracts.

a.… a Grassing haw duck breast, … on a bed of caramelized Belgian endive and … olives and a white wine sauce.

b.And for starters … with a fresh, home-made wild mash room ravioli.

c.… a very light dessert panna cotta, … a fresh berry compote.

6.The set menu consists of 3 different courses.

What are the words for these courses?

7.How much do you think this set menu costs for 2 people? How much would you be prepared to pay?

Section D

1.Watch the section.

2.What happened in: a) October 1998?

b)February 2000?

3.How did they choose the name “Leapingsalmon” for the company?

a)by a competition on the Internet

b)by searching a scientific database

c)by trial and error

d)by using the services of a creative agency.

4.What are the current benefits to Leapingsalmon of using the Internet in its operation?

5.The third image that James Marshall mentions about Leapingsalmon is “going against the flow”.

a. How is this connected with salmon?

b. What is the general meaning of the phrase?

c. What is a similar phrase with the opposite meaning?

After you watch

1.Think of the questions that a customer might ask over the phone. The questions should be based on the information in the report.

2.Work in teams and try to come up with other ideas for a company which makes

use of the Internet in their business .

Prepare and give a presentation to try to sell your idea to venture capitalists.


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