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452.Gnoli G. Considerazioni sulla religione degli Achemenidi alla luce di una recente teoria. — SMSR, 35, 1964. 239-250.

453.Gnoli G. L'Iran e l'ideologia tripartita. — SMSR, 36, 1965. 193-210.

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455.Gnoli G. Lo stato di "maga". — AION, 15, 1965. 105-117.

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457.Gnoli G. Manichäismus und persische Religion. — Antaios, 11, 1969. 274-292.

458.Gnoli G. Politica religiosa e concezione della regalita sotto i Sassanidi. — La Persia nel Medioevo, 1971. 225-253.

459.Gnoli G. Questioni sull'interpretazione della dottrina gathica. — AION, 21, 1971. 341-370.

460.Gnoli G. Problems and prospects of the studies on Persian religion. — Problems and methods of the history of religions. Leiden, 1972. 67-101.

461.Gnoli G. Politique religieuse et conception de la royauté sous les Achéménides. — CC, II, 1974. 117-190.

462.Gnoli G. Ashavan. Contributo allo studio del libro di Arda Wiraz. — Iranica. Napoli, 1979. 387-

463.Gnoli G. Le "fravashi" e l'immortalité. — La mort, les morts dans les sociétés anciennes. Cambridge, 1982. 339-347.

464.Gobl R. Investitur im sasanidischen Iran und ihre numismatische Bedeutung. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Ikonographie der Göttin Anahit. — ZDMG, 56, 1960. 36-51.

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466.Gobrecht G. Das Arta Viraz Namak. — ZDMG, 117, 1967. 382-409.

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468.Gonda J. Origin and meaning of Avestan SPЭNTA. — Oriens, 2, 1949. 195-203.

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471.Gottheil R.-J. H. References to Zoroaster in Syriac and Arabic literature. — Classical studies in honour of H. Drisler. N.Y., 1894. 24-51.

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474.Gray L. H. The Indo-Iranian deity Apam Napat. — ARW, 3, 1900. 18-51.

475.Gray L. H. Contributions to Avestan syntax. — JAOS, 21, 1900, 112-145; 22, 1901, 145-176.

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477.Gray L. H. The double nature of the Iranian archangels. — ARW, 7, 1904. 345-372.

478.Gray L. H. Mediaeval Greek references to the Avestan calendar. — Avesta, Pahlavi and ancient Persian Studies. Strassburg, 1904. 167-175.

479.Gray L. H. On certain Persian and Armenian month-names as influenced by the Avesta calendar. — JAOS, 28, 1907. 331-344.

480.Gray L. H. Achaemenians. — ERE, I, 1908. 69-73.

481.Gray L. H. Additional classical passages mentioning Zoroaster's names. — Le Muséon, 9, 1908. 311-318.

482.Gray L. H. Blest, abode of (Persian). — ERE, II, 1909, 702-704.

483.Gray L. H. Calendar (Persian). — ERE, III, 1910. 128-131.

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488.Gray L. H. Missions (zoroastrian). — ERE, VIII, 1915. 749-751.

489.Gray L. H. Some recent studies on the Iranian religions. — HTR, 15, 1922. 87-95.

490.Gray L. H. A list of the divine and demonic epithets in the Avesta. — JAOS, 46, 1926. 97-153.

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492.Gray L. H. Yasna LVII: an essay in text-reconstruction. — JAOS, 58, 1938. 310-323.

493.Gray L. H. A suggested restoration of the Hadhoxt Nask. — JAOS, 67, 1947. 14-23.

494.Gray L. H. Four Indo-Iranian etymologies. — Language, 25, 1949. 375-378.

495.Gregoire A. Les infinitifs de l'Avesta. — KZ, 35, 1899. 79-140.

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497.Greenbaum S. E. Vrtrahavan-Verethragna: India and Iran. — Myth in Indo-European antiquity. Berkeley — Los Angeles — London, 1974. 93-98.

498.Greppin J. Xvarenah as a transfunctional figure. — JIES, 1, 1973. 232-242.

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504.Hanaway W. L. Anahita and Alexander. — JAOS, 102, 1982. 2, 285-295.

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511.Harlez Ch., de. Origine de l'Avesta et son interpretation. — Le Muséon, 1, 1882. 494-505.

512.Harlez Ch., de. Zur Erklärung des Avesta. — ZDMG, 37, 1883. 250-252.

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522.Hartman S. Der Name Ahura Mazdah. — Synkretismus im syrisch-persischen Kulturgebiet. Göttingen, 1975. 170-177.

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524.Haug M. Zendstudien. — ZDMG, 7, 1853, 506-526; 8, 1854, 739-771; 9, 1855, 683-703.

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528.Hauschild R. Der Mantel der Anāhita. — MIO, 11, 1965. 27-54.

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531.Henning W. B. An astronomical chapter of the Bundahishn. — JRAS, 1942. 229-250.

532.Henning W. B. The disintegration of the Avestic studies. — TPS, 1942. 40-56.

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543.Herzfeld E. Spendarmat-Demeter. — AMI, 3, 1931. 12-25.

544.Herzfeld E. Sakastan. — AMI, 4, 1932. 1-116.

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564.Hoffmann К. The Avesta fragment Fr. D. 3. — IIJ, 10, 1968. 282-288.

565.Hoffmann К. Zur Yasna Überlieferung. — MSS, 26, 1969. 35-38.

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569.Hossfeld P. Moses und Zarathustra.- Zeitschrift für Religionsund Geistgeschichte, 27, 1975. 330-345.

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572.Hübschmann H. Avestastudien. — SBAW, 5, 1872. 639-710.

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577.Humbach H. Gast und Gabe bei Zarathustra. — MSS, 2, 1952. 15-24.

578.Humbach H. Zur Textgeschichte des jungeren Awesta. — MSSW, 1953. 61-71.

579.Humbach H. Rituelle termini technici in den aw. Gathas. — MSS, 8, 1956. 74-83.

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581.Humbach H. Ahura Mazda und die Daevas. — WZKSOA, 1, 1957. 3-16, 81-94.

582.Humbach H. Das Ahura Vairya Gebet. — MSS, 11, 1957. 67-84.

583.Humbach H. Gatisch-awestische Nomina. — IF, 63, 1957. 209-219.

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585.Humbach H. Milchproducte im zarathustrischen Ritual. — IF, 63, 1957. 40-54.

586.Humbuch H. Zur altiranischen Mythologie. — ZDMG, 107, 1957. 362-371.

587.Humbach H. Gathisch und Jungawestisch. — WZKSOA, 2, 1958. 22-32.

588.Humbach H. Die awestische Landerliste. — WZKSOA, 4, 1960. 36-46.

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590.Humbach H. Bestattungsformen im Videvdat. — KZ, 77, 1961. 99-105.

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592.Humbach H. Aramaeo-Iraman and Pahlavi. — CC, II, 1974. 237-244.

593.Humbach H. Methodologische Variationen zur arischen Religionsgeschiehte. — Antiquitates indogermanicae. Innsbruck, 1974. 193-200.

594.Humbach H. Problems of Mihr Yasht in the light of philological evidence. — Neue Methodologie in der Iranistik. Wiesbaden, 1974. 85-92.

595.Humbach H. Studien zur Kontinuität des awestischen Wortegebrauchs. — MSS, 33, 1975. 51-

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597.Humbach H. Mithra in India and the Hinduized Magi. — Etudes mithraiques, 1978. 229-253.

598.Hüsing G. Iranischer Mondkult. — ARW, 4, 1901. 349-357.

599.Hüsing G. Widēwdād I und die Heimat des Awesta. — Mitt der geographische Gesellschaft, 1919. 392-413.

600.Jackson A. V. W. On the significance of the Gathas in the Avesta. Yasna 55. — JAOS, 18, 1889. 206-214.

601.Jackson A. V. W. A new reference in the Avesta to "the life book" hereafter. — JAOS, 19, 1890. XX-XXI.

602.Jackson A. V. W. On the "circle of sovereignty" in the Avesta. — JAOS, 19, 1890. CXXIII-CXXIV.

603.Jackson A. V. W. Avesta the Bible of Zoroaster. — The Biblical World, 14, 1993. 420-431.

604.Jackson A. V. W. Where was Zoroaster's native place? — JAOS, 15, 1893. 221-232.

605.Jackson A. V. W. Moral and ethical teachings of the ancient Zoroastrian religion. — IJE, 7, 1896. 55-62.

606.Jackson A. V. W. On the date of Zoroaster. — JAOS, 17, 1896. 1-22.

607.Jackson A. V. W. Zoroaster the Magian priest. — Cosmopolitan, 28, 1900. 349-357.

608.Jackson A. V. W. Zoroastrianism and the resemblance between it and Christianity. — Biblical World, 27, 1906. 335-343.

609.Jackson A. V. W. Iran. — The evolution of ethics as revealed in the great religions. New Haven, 1927. 143-155.

610.Jackson A. V. W. Amesha-Spentas. — ERE, I, 1908. 334-335.

611.Jackson A. V. W. Avesta. — ERE, II, 1909. 266-272.

612.Jackson A. V. W. Images and Idols (Persian). — ERE, VII, 1914. 151-155.

613.Jackson A. V. W. Ahriman. — ERE, I, 1908, 237-238.

614-615. Jackson A. V. W. Demons and spirits (Persian). — ERE, IV, 1911. 619-620.

616.Jackson A. V. W. The location of the Farnbag fire. — JAOS, 41, 1921. 81-106.

617.Jackson A. V. W. The "fifty seven years" in the Zoroastrian doctrine of the resurrection. — JRAS, 1928. 1-6.

618.Jamaspasana J. M. On the Avestic terms Mazda — Ahura Mazda — Ahura. — Actes du VIe СIO, Pt. 3. Leiden, 1885. 593-606.

619.Jolly J. Der Infinitiv im Zendavesta. — KZ, 7, 1873. 416-459.

620.Jones H. S. Mithraism. — ERE, VIII, 1915. 752-759.

621.Joshi J. R. Vāta-Vāyu. — Bull. of the Deccan college research institute, 33, 1973. 227-248.

622.Junker H. Frau Welt im Iran. — ZII, 2, 1923. 237-246.

623.Justi F. Mistellen zur iranischen Namenkunde. — ZDMG, 49, 1895. 681-690.

624.Justi F. Die älteste iranische Religion und ihr Stifter Zarathushtra. — Preussische Jahrbücher, 88, 1897. 55-86, 231-261.

625.Justi F. Die altpersische Monate. — ZDMG, 51, 1897. 233-251.

626.Justi F. Über Lehmann's Zarathustra. — ARW, 6, 1903. 249-259.

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627.Justi F. The life and legend of Zarathushtra. — Avesta, Pahlavi and Persian studies. Strassburg, 1904. 117-158.

628.Imoto E. The four-eyed dog in Ancient Iran. — Orient, 12, 1971. 1-22.

629.Imoto E. Av. xvaranah. — Orient, 12, 1976. 67-74.

630.Insler S. Avestan dax-. — IF, 67, 1962. 53-58.

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632.Insler S. On Yasna 30.1 and 31.7. — KZ, 84, 1970. 187-201.

633.Insler S. The Ahuna Vairya Prayer. — MHSN, 1, 1975. 409-421.

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635.Ito G. Gathica. — Orient, 10, 1974. 1-10.

636.Ito G. From the Dēnkard. — MHSN, 1, 1975. 423-433.

637.Iver V. V. Sraosha of the Zoroastrian system: his identity. — JBBRAS, 25, 1922. 6-25.

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639.Kanga M. F. The age of Yasts. — A volume of Eastern and Indian studies. Bombay, 1939. 134-

640.Кanga M. F. Kingship and religion in Iran. — CC, III, 1974. 221-232.

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646.Katrak J. C. Civilisation and culture of ancient Iran. — Indo-Iranica, 21, 1968. 11-26.

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648.Keall E. J. Archaeology and the fire temples. — Iranian civilization and culture Montreal, 1972. 15-22.

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650.Keith A. B. The early history of the Indo-Iranians. — Commemorative essays presented to Sir R. G. Bhandarkar. Poona, 1917. 81-92.

651.Keith A. B. The Magi. — JRAS, 1915. 790-799.

652.Keith А. В. The date of Zoroaster and the Rigveda. — IHQ, 1, 1925. 3-17.

653.Keith A. B. Mitanni, Iran and India. — Dr. Modi mem. vol. Bombay, 1930. 81-94.

654.Keith A. B. The Achaemenids and Zoroaster. — Dr. Irani mem. vol. Bombay, 1948. 20-26.

655.Kellens J. Sur un parallèle inverse a l'inscription des "daiva". — SMSR, 40, 1969. 209-213.

656.Kellens J. L'avestique de 1962 a 1972. — Kratylos, 16, 1971 (1973). 3-31.

657.Kellens J. Les formules du type hubereta-bar en avestique. — CC, III, 1974. 133-148.

658.Kellens J. Un nouveau trait du vocabulaire daevique. — CC, III, 1974. 149-156.

659.Kellens J. "Prestige" et "satisfaction" dans l'Avesta. — MSS, 32, 1974. 87-101.

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661.Kellens J. L'expression avestique de la perpétuité. — IIJ, 17, 1975. 211-215.

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663.Kellens J. Sur la transmission des Yashts. — MSS, 33, 1975. 61-66.

664.Kellens J. Yasna 31.9: la faveur d'Armaiti. — Studia Iranica, 4, 1975. 145-158.

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666.Kellens J. Les présents avestiques isa-et isha-. — KZ, 90, 1976. 87-103.

667.Kellens J. Trois réflexions sur la religion des Achéménides. — Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik, 2, 1976. 113-132.

668.Kellens J. Les frauuashis dans l'art Sassanide. — Iranica Antiqua, 10, 1977. 133-138.

669.Kellens J. Un "ghost-god" dans la tradition zoroastrienne. — IIJ, 19, 1977. 89-95.

670.Kellens J. ad: Mayrhofer M. Zum Namengut des Avesta. Wien, 1977. — Onoma, 21, 1977. 662-667.

671.Kellens J. Une representation trifonctio nelle d'adolescence. — MSS, 36, 1977. 53-57.

672.Kellens J. Vibration and twinkling. — JIES, 5, 1977. 197-201.

673.Kellens J. Characteres differentiels du Mihr Yasht. — Acta Iranica, 17, 1978. 261-270.

674.Кеllеns J. Les bras de Mithra. — Proceedings of the Int. Seminar on the religio-historical character of Roman Mithraism. Leiden — Roma, 1979. 703-716.

675.Kellens J. Remarques sur le Fravardin Yasht. — AAH, 25, 1977 (1980). 69-73.

676.Kent R. G. Cattle-tending and agriculture in the Avesta. — JAOS, 39, 1919. 329-333.

677.Kent R. G. The name Ahuramazda. — Oriental studies in honour of C. F. Pavry. L., 1933. 200-

678.Khandalavala N. D. The two spirits — Spenta and Angra — in the Avesta. — IIS, 1925. 233-

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