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II. Listening Comprehension

Scene 1

1.Listen to the scene and describe the situations in which the words from the glossary list are used.

2.Answer the following questions on the scene:

1.What does Kamal tell about Barratts and their difficulties?

2.What advice does Kamal give to Jack?

3.What is Tom’s reaction to the extension of Paul’s visit in Industria?

4.What arguments do Jack and Tara give Tom to calm him down?

3.Give the summary of the scene.

Scene 2

1.Listen to the scene and fill in the blanks in the extracts from this scene with words and word combinations:

a)Paul: Well, as you know ________ eventually got here ________ for the last

week. You know, I’ve had a lot of ________. People have shown a great deal of

_______, but they all asked me if I had _________ here.

Carl: I am afraid _______ is ________. Your _______ is likely to fail without one.

Paul: Oh, dear.

Carl: No, no, no. I’m not being _______. You know as well as I do how important _______ is in the whole operation. A _____ ______.

Paul: Well, I hope Mr. Fortesquieu can help.

Carl: I warn you, he’s _______ but very _______.

b) Fortesquieu: Well, what can I do for you, Mr. Osman?

Paul: Well, I _______ to a company called Jayal Motors in Zana, Zuritania. Now, we produce _______, _________, ________ machines. Our _______ at the moment is relatively _______ as we only ________ the home market … people were very ________ in the bikes at the ________, but I need a good

______ here to make the export project _______.

Fortesquieu: Well, you seem pretty ________ and very ________. From your

________ it looks as if you have an _______ and ________ product. Yes, there could be a ________. Your prices are ________. Yes, I am interested. I’d like to see your ________ _________.

Paul: Yes, I’m sure we can _______ that.

Fortesquieu: Look, I’ be willing to help but Jayal Motors have to guarantee

_______ _________, _________ high quality, an ________ supply of ______

_______, and _______ dates must be _____, Mr. Osman. Paul: Oh yes, of course.


2. Give the summary of the scene

Scene 3

1. Listen to the scene and describe the situations in which the following words

are used:


to run a string of shops

storage costs

to vary

to lead

to take into consideration

to make it



to cover


to give a try

a favourite



2.Give the summary of the scene

3.Translate the following sentences using your active vocabulary from Listening comprehension:

1.Несмотря на то, что наша компания выходит на внешний рынок, мы не можем пренебрегать внутренним рынком.

2.Камал попросил Джека держать его в курсе дальнейшего развития событий.

3.Джек считал, что Тиму не трудно будет перехватить несколько недовольных заказчиков их конкурентов, которые находятся в затруднительном положении из-за превышения кредита в банке.

4.По мнению Карла, агент необходим компании, так как их рискованное начинание может без него провалиться.

5.К сожалению, наши поставщики сорвали сроки поставки, и у нас нет в наличии запасных частей для этого оборудования.

6.Он руководит сетью магазинов во Владивостоке.

7.Нашему директору нравятся решительные, предприимчивые сотрудники.

8.Они считали, что их конкуренты могут легко поправить свое положение на рынке.

III. Communication skills

Make up a dialogue on the following situation:

You are invited to a small but successful company for a position of an import agent. The company produces fish cans and has recently decided to go into exporting. You have a conversation with a Managing Director. You asks about the company’s performance, capacity, position on the market and present your requirements.



I.Programmed Unit: Working Conditions.

I.Answer the questions:

1.What is the management?

2.Who is the manager appointed by?

3.What is the collective name for directors?

4.What does an employee get when he is promoted?

5.What is labor force?

6.Who operates sophisticated equipment?

7.What are the workers paid?

8.What are he managers paid?

9.Why do some factories operate a shift system?

10.How do the workers solve their labor problems?

11.What must a worker do if he wants to leave his job?

12.What does a retired person get after working for a firm for a long time?

13.Are you a trade union member?

14.What privileges does your union membership give you?

II. Give definitions to the following words. Translate the sentences in which these words are used.



-pay rise

-assembly plant

-shop floor

-skilled worker






-shift system

-trade union

-industrial unrest




-for good



III. Insert right word or word combination choosing from those given.

Pay rise, recruit, wages, overtime rates, for good, management, shop floor, overtime, shift, board, skilled workers, operates, negotiates, notice, bonus

1.The people who run a company are known as the … .

2.The … is the collective name for directors.

3.When someone is promoted he usually receives … .

4.The men working on the … in the factory operate the machinery.

5.Those who are trained to operate the sophisticated equipment are called

… .

6.If the company needs to increase its labor force it tries to … new workers.

7.The workers are normally paid … for working a certain number of hours.

8.If the men work more than 8-hour … throughout 24 hours the assembly plant … all the time.

9.If a worker works more than his required number of hours, he works …, and he is paid at … .

10.The trade union represents the men and … with the management on their behalf.

11.Some firms often give a … at Christmas.

12. If someone wants to leave his job, he must give a … . 13.If someone leaves his work … because he is old, he retires.

V.Fill in the blanks with prepositions whеre necessary:

1.The management is made … … individual manager.

2.The managers are usually appointed … their posts by the board of directors.

3.The men working … the shop floor … the factory operate … the machinery.

4.The company might undertake a recruitment programme and will hire workers who apply … jobs.

5.If a worker works … overtime he is paid … overtime rates.

6.The men work 8-hour shift … 24 hours, so that the assembly plant operates all the time.

7.The union represents the workers and enters … negotiations … management.

8.The union might negotiate … a pay rise or a bonus payment … increased productivity.

9.If someone leaves work … good because he is old he retires.

10.The pension is a regular payment to live … … retirement.


11.Paul will have to give Bill Cornell time to check the efficiency of the bikes and try them … … his customers.

12.Tom was afraid to be alienated … his workers. 13.We have to keep … … the times.

14. There is the risk … moving … exports.

15.Kamal wanted to increase the bank’s stake … the firm as a security … the loans.

IV. Translate into English:

1.Людей, управляющих компанией, называют руководством.

2.При назначении работника на более высокую должность ему повышают зарплату.

3.Промышленные предприятия заинтересованы в подготовке квалифицированных рабочих для работы на сложном современном оборудовании.

4.Рабочие обычно получают зарплату за проработанные часы еженедельно.

5.Если рабочий работает сверхурочно, он получает зарплату по сверхурочной ставке.

6.Многие предприятия переходят на сменную работу, чтобы работа предприятия осуществлялась круглосуточно.

7.Профсоюзы представляют интересы рабочих и ведут переговоры с руководством от их имени.

8.Многие фирмы повышают зарплату рабочим за увеличение производительности и очень часто дают премии (вознаграждение) к праздникам,

9.Если работник собирается оставить работу, он обязан уведомить

руководство, по-крайней мере, за неделю, 10.Когда работник уходит на пенсию, он оставляет работу


11.90% рабочих предприятия состоят в профсоюзе.

12.Каждый член профсоюза должен платить членские взносы.

13.Администрация признает цеховых старост и через них осуществляет контакты между администрацией и рабочими.

14.Профсоюзы постоянно борются за улучшение условий труда трудящихся.

15.Иногда профсоюзы организуют забастовки, целью которых является оказать давление на администрацию, чтобы добиться повышения зарплаты.

16.В обязанности управляющего по кадрам входит прием сотрудников на работу, их увольнение и улучшение условий труда,,




сотрудник работает сверхурочно, оплата должна

производиться по сверхурочной ставке.

II. Listening Comprehension

Scene 1

1.Answer the questions.

1.How long has Paul been from Industria?

2.Has he heard anything from Industria?

3.Who is backing him in his idea of expansion?

4.Why is Tom reluctant to advance into the export business?

5.Who is expected to arrive from Industria?

6.Where and How long has Eve been?

7.What are Eve’s feelings about her trip?

8.What news has she brought from Industria?

2.Reproduce the situations in which the words from the glossary list are used.

3.Paraphrase the following sentences conveying the same meaning and translate them.

1.Paul has to give Bill Cornell time to check the efficiency of the sample bikes and try them out on his customers.

2.Only Tim and Jack were still backing Paul.

3.Tim is an ace salesman and he is going to go far.

4.Tom thinks that if the company is small he can manage it, keep in touch with the workers and be in contact with the shop floor.

5.Tom is afraid he will be alienated from his workers.

6.Eve’s trip to the Far East was hectic but fruitful.

7.Eve’s boss, Mr. Fortesquieu, liked the ingredients of the bikes and thought that it was a healthy risk.

4.Give the summary of the scene.

Scene 2

1.Answer the questions.

1.What are Eve’s impressions of J.M’s outfit?

2.What are Eves’ recommendations to improve J.M. operations?

3.What is Nom’s reaction to Eve’s recommendations?

4.Will the bank lend J.M. money?


5.What questions will be discussed at the board meeting?

2.Reproduce the situations in which the words from the glossary list are used.

3.Paraphrase the following sentences conveying the same meaning and translate them.

1.Eve was very impressed by J.M. little outfit.

2.The company’s ratio of borrowings to share capital is going to rise sharply.

3.If the company went bust they would lose only what they have invested.

4.Kamal wanted to increase the bank’s stake in the firm as a security for the loans they are prepared to make.

4 .Give the summary of the scene

Scene 3

1.Answer the questions.

1.What are workers concerned about?

2.Why was it necessary to talk to the men?

3.How will all changes in the company affect the workers?

2.Reproduce the situations in which the words from the glossary list are used.

3.Paraphrase the following sentences conveying the same meaning and translate them.

1.If they want their export business to succeed they need the men behind them.

2.Jack will start immediately to recruit more process men.

3.They will bring in new machines to speed up the production.

4.Experienced workers will be selected to operate sophisticated equipment.

5.Paul was sure that that they would find their feet.

4.Give the summary of the scene.

5.Translate the following sentences.

1.Только испытав свою продукцию на покупателях, можно определить уровень спроса.

2.Том очень неохотно шел на расширение компании, так как боялся, что это отдалит его от рабочих.


3.Поездка Ив была утомительной, но плодотворной.

4.Билл Корнел разместил заказ на 100 велосипедов с условием поставки через три месяца и возможностью регулярных заказов в будущем.

5.Ив считала, что J.M. необходимо расширить производство и набрать больше рабочих, чтобы удовлетворить спрос на внутреннем и внешнем рынках.

6.J.M. необходимо поддерживать современный уровень (идти в ногу со временем), чтобы крупные компании не смогли вытеснить ее с рынка.

7.При выходе на внешний рынок есть определенный риск, но его можно свести к минимуму, если реорганизовать компанию из частной в компанию с ограниченной ответственностью. Это означает, что, если компания обанкротится, они потеряют только то, вложили в нее, а не всю собственность или личные сбережения.

8.Пол осознавал, что им понадобится время, чтобы освоиться в новой ситуации.

9.Для того чтобы расширить производство, необходимо установить сложное современное оборудование, ввести новые технологии и обучить рабочих.

III.Make up a dialogue to discuss the following situation.

St. A.: You are the union shop steward. Negotiate with the management all conditions connected with the changes and reorganization of the company.

St. B.: You are the General Manager. Your company is going to expand. The workers would like to know what this expansion means. Discuss all problems in this connection with the union shop steward.


Role play a union meeting to discuss problems connected with the company expansion (increasing production, working conditions, training of workers, pay, etc.).



I.Programmed Unit: International Trade and Exchange.

1.Answer the questions.

1.What is balance of trade?

2.What is invisible import?

3.What is balance of payment?

4.When does a country have a favorable balance of payment?

5.What is balance of payment deficit?

6.Why do countries buy foreign currency?

7.What is currency?

8.What is exchange rate?

9.What influences the exchange rate?

10.When can the value of currency fall?

11.How can the exchange rate affect the price of exported goods?

12.What can an exporter do to prevent from losing money if the foreign currency falls in value?

2. Insert right word or word combination choosing from those given.

currency, balance of trade, favorable, profit, forward exchange cover, deficit, invisible import, exchange rate, take fall.

1.The difference between the money a country earns for goods and the amount it spends on goods is called ….

2.When a country exports goods it is paid in foreign ….

3.When a country spends money abroad on things other than goods, the transaction is called ….

4.If a country earns more than it spends, it has a … balance of payment.

5.The price at which money can be exchanged at a particular time is called the ….

6.The value of a currency may fall if a country has a large trade balance … .

7.If the value of a foreign currency … , the exporter may have to raise his prices abroad in order to make a … .

8.An exporter can take out … to prevent from losing money if the foreign currency falls in value.

3.Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary.

1.When a country exports goods it is paid … foreign currency.

2.Countries also trade abroad … things like insurance, tourism, etc.


3.When a country spends money abroad … things other than goods, this transaction is called an invisible import.

4.The value of currency … foreign exchange market changes frequently and the price … which money can be exchanged … particular time is called the exchange rate.

5.The exchange rate can affect … the price of exported goods.

6.The exporter can take … forward exchange rate.

7.The exporter arranges to sell forward … an agreed rate of exchange.

4.Explain the following words and give Russian equivalents.


exchange rate

Trade balance

exchange market

Invisible imports

take fall

Invisible exports


Balance of payment

take out


forward exchange cover

Payment deficit


5.Translate into English.

1.Разница между деньгами, которые страна получает за продажу товаров, и деньгами, которые она тратит, называется торговый баланс.

2.Если страна получает больше, чем тратит, она имеет активное сальдо платежного баланса.

3.Сокращение доходов от невидимых статей платежного баланса приводит к необходимости расширять экспорт.

4.В платежном балансе страны зарегистрировано положительное сальдо.

5.Невидимые статьи платежного баланса включают платежи за банковские операции, услуги страхования, перевозки и т.п.

6.При заключении сделок необходимо учитывать колебания валюты на валютном рынке.

7.Изменение валютного курса может оказывать влияние на цены товаров.

8.Если стоимость валюты падает, то экспортеру, возможно, придется поднять цены, чтобы получить прибыль.

9.Чтобы защитить себя от потерь, экспортер может застраховать валютный курс.

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