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1. Почему ты настаиваешь на том, что ты должен сдавать экзамен досрочно? 2. Её заветная мечта о том, что когда-нибудь она станет известной актрисой. 3. Мой совет таков, что вам нужно бросить курить. 4. Зимой они опасались, как бы их дачу не ограбили. 5. Порядок таков, что вы прежде всего должны зарегистрироваться. 6. Рекомендация врача заключалась в том, чтобы мне перейти на диету. 9. Я предлагаю, чтобы мы организовали пикник в воскресенье. 10. Вы согласны, чтобы мы работали вместе? 11. Я предлагаю, чтобы мы продолжили переговоры. 12. Партнёры настаивали, чтобы Фрэнк организовал эту встречу. 13. Она предложила нам прогуляться по саду после обеда. 14. Студенты просили, чтобы им показали фильм в оригинале. 15. Я распорядился, чтобы лекцию прочитали ещё раз для студентов. 16. Никто не настаивает, чтобы вы выполнили эту работу сегодня. 17. Директор приказал всем собраться в актовом зале через два часа. 18. Она посоветовала, чтобы мы ждали её у входа в парк. 19. Он предложил, чтобы все студенты участвовали в этом обсуждении. 20. Мы договорились, что мы все вместе навестим её в воскресенье. 21. Библиотекарь потребовала, чтобы я вернула книги в конце недели. 22. Он приказал, чтобы все было готово к пяти часам.

10.Comment on the Subjunctive in the following sentences. Translate them into Russian.

1.Far be it from me to marry a woman for her money! 2. Be that as it may, but I know nothing about it. 3. Peace be with you! Success attend you! 4. Blessed be the day of his birth! 5. If it means that one day I will face execution for my presumption, then so be it. 6. Blessed be he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. 7. Manners be hanged! 8. I suggest he do the job. 9. Be yours a lucky choice!

11.Add one of these common phrases to each of the sentences.

come what may

suffice it to say

be that as it may

God forbid

so be it

far be it from me




1.If, …………., you were to die, who’d run the business?

2.I don’t want to explain. ……………….. Aunt Sarah is coming to stay after all.

3.If you really want to drop out of college, then …………… .

4.…………………, I’m determined to finish decorating the room this weekend.

5.…………………. to tell you what to do, but you’d be mad to marry him.

6.“This medicine tastes horrible!” – “ ……………, it will cure your cough.”

12. Translate into English.


1. К черту эту английскую орфографию! 2. Да будет благословенна земля, которая дает миру таких сынов! 3. Кто бы он ни был, мне до этого нет дела. 4. Ну что же, я сдаюсь. Да будет так! 5. Он велел, чтобы все присутствовали. 6. Необходимо, чтобы у вас были все данные. 7. Пусть вам сопутствует удача! 8. Желательно, чтобы вы поддержали его. 9. Да благословит вас Бог! 10. Осмелюсь заметить, сэр, что вы не правы. 11. Будь что будет, а я все-таки рискну.

13. Fill each of the gaps with one suitable word. (words such as didn’t and weren’t count as one word.) e.g. Imagine we …hadn’t… met at all those years ago!

1.I can’t tell you how much I wish the architect ________ here to see the results of his work.

2.It’s time you ________ able to take full responsibility for your own actions.

3.If he _______ so self-righteous, he’d realize he was wrong.

4.Imagine you ______ completely blind: how would it affect your life?

5.He looked for all the world as though he _______ been sleeping in his clothes.

6.I really wish I ________ always in so much of a hurry these days.

7.If only she _________ so impossibly beautiful!

8.I’d rather you ________ talk so loudly, if you don’t mind.

14. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the passages with one word.


Thank you for your e-mail. I agree that it is essential you be fully (1) ……………..

with the facts of the case. They are as follows. It was agreed six months ago that, come what (2) …………….., the above residence (3) ……………. Decorated inside and out before the end of June. This has not happened and my solicitor has recommended I (4) ……………….. with legal action forthwith.

May I suggest that you (5) ……………. me as a matter of some urgency.


Just (1)……………… you (2) ……………… not eaten for a week or two and (3)

……………… absolutely starving and the only food that (4) ……………..

available to you was a trapped rat that you (5) ………………. No way of cooking, would you be tempted?



Dear Maria,

I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news. I know we agreed it was advisable that Stavros

(1) ………………… the summer holidays with you. Unfortunately my parents have changed their minds and are now insisting he (2) …………….. to Athens to stay with Aunt Sotiria. (3) ……………… it to say, they are not allowing any discussion! Athens it is, although he really wishes he (4) ………………… at least share the period between you and his aunt. Dimos is going to England for the summer. If only life (5) ………………. so simple for all of us.


15. Questions to consider:

1.In your opinion, what is the difference between being assertive and being aggressive?

2.Do you agree with the saying "Don't say yes when you mean no"?

Read the letter to the advice columnist and the columnist's response. Dear Pamela,

I've always been considered a "nice person," but I guess you could also call me "a soft touch." A year ago my husband's sister, Sarah, was in a desperate situation and needed a thousand dollars immediately to pay off a loan she had defaulted on. She asked us to lend her the money. At first I suggested that she go through the usual channels and get a bank loan. She said she'd tried that and had been turned down. She pressured my husband for a loan, and he pressured me. Sarah assured us that if we lent her the money, she would pay it back with interest. I gave in and advanced her a thousand dollars from my own account, but I shouldn't have. In fact, had I known what was going to happen, I never would have said yes. We didn't put anything in writing, and Sarah hasn't paid us a red cent. I am extremely angry about this, but whenever I mention it to Carl, my husband, he says that Sarah suffers from low self-esteem and is going through a rough time right now. And, he says, it's important that we keep peace in the family. Were I to confront Sarah, he says, it would be the straw that broke the camel's back. Pamela, what should I do? What if I confront her and it ends up being a blow to her self-esteem or it causes trouble in the family?

Furious in Frankfort

Dear Furious,


Sweetie, it's one thing to be a nice person, but it's another to be a doormat. It sounds like you let people take advantage of you. If so, I'd say it's time you got some assertiveness training. Without it, you'll just keep letting people tell you what to do. In my view, you should have insisted that Sarah sign a notarized agreement spelling out the terms of repayment, it's too late for that now, though, so I recommend that you arrange a meeting between yourself and Sarah. And, if I were you, I wouldn't worry too much about Sarah's self-esteem. Leave Carl out of it. Call Sarah and ask her to meet you for lunch at a restaurant. At the lunch meeting, tell her calmly but in no uncertain terms that you're angry and that this thing has gone far enough. Insist that she start making immediate repayments. Should she balk at what you're saying or mention Carl, simply tell her that this is between you and her, that you don't want family squabbles, and that there won't be any as long as she makes the payments. Make it clear that she must make the payments; if not, you'll take her to small claims court. It's essential that Sarah understand you're serious; otherwise, she'll simply go on taking advantage of you. Tell Carl what you've done after you've met with Sarah. You don't need to get angry. Just say that it was your money that was lent, that this is the way things are going to be from now on, and that you'd rather the two of you didn't get into a fight about it. Then look around for a course in assertiveness. With a little work, you can learn not to be a wimp. Good luck, and be calm but courageous!


16. a) Look again at the opening reading. Find six sentences containing Subjunctive verb forms in which the main verb is followed by the base form of another verb. Find two sentences in which the main verb is followed by the past form of another verb. On a separate piece of paper, write the eight sentences containing subjunctive usage.

e.g. I suggested that she go through …

b) Find the three inverted conditionals in the opening reading. Write them here, and then rewrite them using normal word order.

e.g. Had I known… / If I had known …

c) Could each of the following sentences be correctly restated as the sentence in parenthesis? Why or why not?

1.You should have insisted that Sarah sign a notarized agreement. (You should have insisted that Sarah to sign a notarized agreement.) – No. “insist” is followed only by the base form”


2.I recommend that you arrange a meeting between yourself and Sarah. (I recommend you to arrange a meeting between yourself and Sarah.)

3.Call Sarah and ask her to meet you for lunch at a restaurant. (Call Sarah and ask that she meet you for lunch at a restaurant.)

4.Tell Carl you’d rather the two of you didn’t get into a fight about it. (Tell Carl you’d rather the two of you aren’t getting into a fight about it.)

17.Fill in the blanks in the story with items from the box.

if so

if not



had she known

were she to have stayed




Hellen Hilliard had recently moved to Atlanta from Ponders, the small town where she had grown up. (1) Had she known how difficult it would be to find employment, she might have stayed in her hometown. She loved the big city, though, and she felt that,

(2) _____________ in Ponders, she would have fallen into a rut that she would never escape from. The only problem was that Helen needed to find a job soon; (3)

_______________, she wouldn’t be able to pay next month’s rent, and she’d have to go back to Ponders.

The trouble was, she was shy about asking for work. One day Helen was wondering around downtown, feeling that (4) _____________ a bit of luck she might find something. She saw a pleasant-looking florist’s shop. Maybe they were hiring. (5)

______________, she might get a job. (6) ___________, she wouldn’t lose anything by going in and asking. Without even thinking further, she walked in.

“I’m Helen Hilliard, and I was wondering whether you were doing any hiring. I have a lot of experience with flowers and gardening.”

The manager said, “Actually, we do need someone to work part-time. I was just going to put up a sign in the window. Tell me more about your experience.”

Helen got the job.

Now rewrite the phrase in each blank above with an if-clause that restates the meaning.

7.Had she known / If she had known (she / know)

8.______________________ (she / stay)

9.______________________ (she / not / find / work)

10.______________________ (she / have)

11.______________________ (they / be / hiring)

12.______________________ (they / not / be / hiring)


18. Read the letter and correct the eight verb errors.

December 10

Dear April,

I wanted to write and fill you in on what's been happening since I left Ponders. I finally got a job! Remember when you suggested I just went go walking around, getting a sense of what Atlanta was like? A few weeks ago I was really getting worried, and I had spent almost all the money I had saved up to tide me over until I found work. I had gotten to the point where it was absolutely essential that I found something or just came home. So I decided to follow your advice. Had I know how easy this would be, I would have tried it in the first week I was here. I started walking around in the downtown area, and before I knew it, I saw a beautiful little florist's shop. I walked right in as if I have courage and experience and asked whether they needed anyone. Can you believe that they did?

I was really happy in my job until my boss hired a new assistant manager who has been making my life miserable. He treats me as if I be his personal slave. I took this job to work with plants, not to serve him coffee. I think it's time I'm telling him where I stand.

I have a few days off for the holidays. What if I had come home as a surprise to Mom and Dad? Could we plan some kind of party? Write and let me know, Ok?

Love, Helen

19. a) Paraphrase the following advice to travelers so that it began with the words given.

1.(A driver must keep to the right-hand side of the road.) → In the United States and many European countries, it is essential that a driver keep to the right-hand side of the road.

2.(He or she has to drive on the left.) → In Japan and England, however, it is mandatory


3.(People should remove their shoes before going inside a house.) → In some places, such as Japan and Saudi Arabia, it is important


4.(People should keep their shoes on.) → In other places, it is expected



5.(People must not eat pork products.) → In some places, religious laws demand


6.(Pork products must be avoided.) → This is because in olden times, the hot weather required ____________________________________________________ because of the strong possibility of food contamination.

7.(A sick person should take vitamin C.) → In some places doctors recommend


8.(A sick person should have a lot of homemade chicken soup.) → In other places they advice _______________________________________________________.

9.(A waiter should be summoned by whistling.) → In some places, it is suggested


10.(A waiter must not be summoned by whistling.) → In other places, it is recommended _____________________________________________________

because it would be considered exceedingly rude.

11.(A traveler ought to learn about customs in various places.) → Logic suggests


b) Working in groups of three or four come up with a list of your own advice. Then ask the members of another group to paraphrase it using the subjunctive constructions.

20. Circle the letter of the choice that correctly completes each sentence.

1. You need to get some job retraining. Without it, you risk being laid off.

(A) If so

(C) If not

(B) With

(D) Without

2. I recommend that Miriam ___________ a boarding school. She’d be much more challenged academically.

(A) attends

(C) is attending

(B) attend

(D) were attending

3. Ambrose had to take a job at a fast-food restaurant; ___________, he wouldn’t have

been able to make his car payment.


(A) otherwise

(C) had he done so

(B) if so

(D) were that the case

4. I hope you ___________ make it to the family reunion on the fifteenth. Everyone

will be there.


(A) could

(C) can

(B) were

(D) would


5. I hope Anna passed her exams. _____________, she’ll have to repeat her senior year.

(A) If not

(C) With

(B) Without

(D) If so

6. At this point, Shannon wishes she ___________ mechanical drawing. She hates the



(A) didn’t take

(C) hadn’t taken

(B) wouldn’t take

(D) were to take

7.You were right when you suggested I ______________ my intuition in this business deal. I did and it worked.

(A) follow

(C) were to follow

(B) followed

(D) had followed

8. I wish we ____________ to get to know one another better in the time we had.

(A) will be able

(C) would have been able

(B) were able

(D) had been able

9.My wife will be home by seven p.m., on the eighteenth. __________ before her, please water the lawn.

(A) Should arrive

(C) You should arrive

(B) Should you arrive

(D) Should you have arrived

10. It sounds like something is wrong with the car’s engine. ___________, we’d better

take it to the garage immediately.


(A) Otherwise

(C) If not

(B) Without it

(D) If so

21. Read the following passage. Find and correct twelve errors in the forms of conditionals and subjunctives. Several of the conditional and subjunctive sentences are correct.

I have often fantacized about the perfect world. It First of all, we woreliving in a perfect world, there would be food for everyone.

First of all, we were were we living in a perfect world, there would be food for everyone. No one would be starving or without regular sources of food. Second, in this perfect world, everything would be clean and free of pollution. With clean air and toxin-free water, humans, animals, and plants would stayed healthy. Third, all diseases would be conquered; we will be free of cancer, AIDS, and heart disease. Without


those diseases, people could lived longer and be free from terrible suffering. If had scientists already discovered a cure for these diseases, we could now be anticipating a much longer life span. Fourth, were the world in perfect condition, there will be no crime. Societal and psychological factors would not breed the crime that they do. And last, there would be no wars. All countries and all peoples would live together, harmoniously as one.

While these goals may appear unrealistic, it would be wise not to abandon

them. Had statesmen abandoned the idea of one world, we don't have the United

Nations today. Had scientists given up their search for cures, we will not have

found the means to conquer polio, tuberculosis, some types of pneumonia, and

many bacteria-caused diseases. Had civic-minded individuals been less tenacious,

we did not have cleaned up the cities and waters and air as much as we have.

Had we not learned and taught better methods of agriculture and food

distribution, many more people would be starving today.

What if it were required by law that all of the haves—those people who have a

decent life and more than enough material things—made concrete contributions

to a perfect world? Local governments would require that citizens gave a

specified amount of time or money each year to a recognized community project.

Would such a program work? It could and should; otherwise, we would have to

give up on making appreciable progress toward a better, if not perfect, world. It

is absolutely essential that hope is expressed not only in theory, but also tangibly

in order to improve the quality of all life on earth.

22. Choose one of the following topics and write a narrative essay of three or four paragraphs. Support your statements with specific details.

A time when being assertive was a mistake for you. What should you have done instead? What might have happened had you behaved differently?

A time when you weren’t assertive and should have been. What was the situation? What did you do? What could you have done?

A time when you were successfully assertive. What was the situation? What action did you take? Why was it success?


23. What was the most serious problem you faced and how did you deal with it? How would you deal with the similar problem today? Write a short essay. Include some of the phrases from the box.

One of the most serious problems I faced was …………..

Had I known at the time that ………………………

It was essential that ………………………

Without a lot of luck at that time, I …………………..

It’s indeed fortunate that this happened. What if ………………

Were a similar problem to arise now, I would ……………….

Were a similar problem to arise, I might try to solve it in the same way. If so, ………… Otherwise, …….

Everyone faces problems like mine. Life demands that we


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