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Экзамен зачет учебный год 2023 / Статья на 13.04 со слайдами

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The colorful mural, adorned with hearts, a portrait of a local activist and the words “Black Lives Matter,” stands out at a busy intersection in West St. Paul, a community nestled against the Twin Cities. It is a cherished symbol for many Black residents, a site of reflection and pride.


сердцами,портреместногоак исловамиомивистаЧерная“ж зньмеет




номСент -П,общинеле,приютившейсянафоне



Этозаветныйсимволдлямногихчернокожихжит,мразмышленстолейгордост. ий



But the city says it must go.




Ног говоритрод,чтоэту

фреску необходимоубрать.



“I am totally saddened,” said Kimetha Johnson, the activist depicted on the 75-foot fence, who last year became the city’s first Black mayoral candidate. “It’s an awesome piece of art. The message is needed here.”


– сказалаКиметаДжонсон, кт,изображеннаявистка

а75 -футовзаб,котораярем



«Это потрясающее произведение

искусства. Сообщениенеобходимоздесь



West St. Paul, where about 5 percent of the 20,000 residents are Black, says that the mural violates two sections of city code

— about fences and prohibited signs — and that its specific content has nothing to do with the violations.


— Поколо,гдепр5 оизцентов20жителей000

— чернокожие,гово,чтоф нарушаетитеска

двар зде лагородскогокодекса

– озаборахизапрещенныхзнаках

– ичтоееконкретноесодержаниенеиме т




The commotion over the mural comes at a pivotal moment in the Twin Cities area, which is anxiously awaiting a verdict in the trial of Derek Chauvin, a white former Minneapolis police officer who is charged with murder in the death of George Floyd, who was Black.




ДерекаШовина,белогобывшегоп лицейскогоМиннеап,обвиняемогоубийствелиса


ДжорджаФл,к йдабылторыйчернокожим.



Thousands of residents spilled into the streets of Minneapolis, St. Paul and West St. Paul after Mr. Floyd’s death, demanding justice night after night in protests that reverberated around the country. About 200 National Guard members are stationed in the area while Mr. Chauvin’s trial unfolds; witnesses will return to the stand on Monday, the start of the third week of testimony.

Тысячи жителейвышлинаулицыМиннеаполиса,Сент



требуясправедливпротестахиночьзаночью,к то поажалисьыевейтране.Око200ч енов





дг -номШо;свидетелиеномвернутсяна





Ryan Weyandt, who owns the contested fence and the house it borders, received a notice from West St. Paul officials in November informing him that he was violating the city’s sign ordinance.

РайанВейандт,которпринадлежитомуспариваемыйзаб,го ни,получилчащийуведомлениеот чиновниковЗападногоСент -Полавноябре,сообщивему,чтооннарушаетпостанзнакахго.родавление

He reached an agreement to keep the mural, which was created with spray paints and acrylics last summer, in place until April 15. But the city denied an extension beyond Thursday and told reporters Mr. Weyandt could face fines of up to $2,000 for every 10 additional days the mural remains.

Ондоговосохранитьфреску,котораяилсябыласозданапомощьюаэрозольныхкрикриласокпрошлым летом,наместедо15апреля.Ног отказалродвпродлениисрокапослечетвергасообщилжурналистам,что





Mr. Weyandt, who is white, said he had asked local museums if they might want to preserve the entire fence in their collections. If none accept, he will probably end up painting over the mural, an outcome he considers highly disappointing.

МистерВейандт,являющийсябелым,сказал,чтоонспромемузеистные,илнехотятлионисохранитьвсю оградувсвоихколлекциях.Еслиниктонесогласится,он,вероят,закотеночит м,чтозакфреску,результатит, которыйонсчиткрразочаровывающимйнеет.

“We don’t want to take it down before the trial is over,” he said. “We want that message to stay.”

- Мынехотимсниматьегодокончсуд, ания

- сказалон.

– Мыхотим,чтобыэт




Dan Nowicki, a spokesman for the city, said in an email that officials had received multiple complaints about the “noncompliant fence,” which breaches a part of city code that says fences must be one uniform color and feature no pictures or lettering. In its original notice to Mr. Weyandt, the city cited a code that bans signs “painted, attached or in any other manner affixed to fences, roofs, trees, rocks or other similar natural surfaces.”





нанесоотве“ заб”,котонарстврчастьыйушаетгородскогоющийкодекса,












“While the city understands the message on this particular fence is very important to the homeowner and many members of our community,” Mr. Nowicki said, “the city cannot and does not take content or message into account when dealing with infractions of city code.”




многихчленнашегос общества,

- сказалг


- горнемоинеджетпринимаетвовнимание

содержаниеилисообще,когим етлоиеарушениямигородскогокодекса.”





The notice Mr. Weyandt received also explained that during general election years, noncommercial signs are allowed “in any size, in any number, in any location, except the public right of way” — starting 46 days before the state primary election through 10 days after the general election in November.

Вувед,помлениилученномг осподиномВей,таобъяснялндтомкже,чтовг всеобщихдывыборовсь некоммезнакиразрешв“любомческиераз,влюбомютсяколичествеере,любомместе,кромеобщественного правапроезда” - начиная с46днейдопервичныхвыборовштатачерез10днейповслееобщихвыборов ноябре.

Such exceptions are common in Minnesota city ordinances and allow people to display almost anything they want, said Jane Kirtley, a professor of media ethics and law at the University of Minnesota. “But once that time has passed, then the city or the town or whoever it is has a lot of discretion to establish restrictions,” she said.

ТакиеисключенияраспрвгородскихстраненыпостановлМиннеспозвлюднипоказыватьтыяхютм повсе,чтонихотят,говорДжейнКи,профессорттлиэтправакиСМИУниверситетеМиннесоты.




- сказона. ла


Ms. Johnson, who goes by Kae Jae and received about 35 percent of the vote in last year’s mayoral election, said it was especially bad timing that the city was demanding that the mural be painted over in the middle of Mr. Chauvin’s trial.

ГоспожаДж,к нспроходиттораяпоКаэнДжеполучилаоколопр35голосцентнапрошлогоднихв

выборахмэра,ск,чтоэтозалабылособеннонеудачноевремя,когдагородтр, бовал




She said she liked to bring her 7-year-old granddaughter to the fence because of its powerful signal to Black girls.



-заег омощногосигналачерным




“She literally loves to read out loud, ‘Black Lives Matter,’” Ms. Johnson said, adding, “For her, it’s seeing that the city has some type of pride about her.”

- Онабуквальнообожаетчитатьвслух”Чернаяжизмеетьаче

ние“, - сказаламиссДжонсондобавила:

- Для

нееэтознавидетьчто, итгородгордитсяею.”



On Saturday morning, Guillermo Maldonado Pérez, an assistant principal at a St. Paul school, and his 7-year-old daughter were admiring the mural. A petition in support of the painted message was circulating on Facebook, he said, but the request had seemed mostly to engage people from outside of the area.

ВсубботуутромГильермоМальдонадоПерес,п мощникдиректорашколыСвятогоПавла,его7


любовалисьфреской.Петициявподдержкунариссо циркулировалаванногобщения

Facebook,сказалон, о


-запределэтогорайона. в

“Hopefully, West St. Paul will change the way they allow people to express their values and their opinions,” he said, noting the demonstrations on nearby streets after Mr. Floyd was killed in May.







Mr. Weyandt, the fence’s owner, said he and his husband were simply hoping to project the “Black Lives Matter” message as best they could. They offered their fence as a canvas, hiring two artists who had worked on murals in the Twin Cities area.



Lives Matter”какможнолучше.Онипр свойдложилизаборкачествехолста,нанявдвухдожников,которые



“If one car stopped at the stop sign, looked at the fence and took that thought home, then our mission was accomplished,” he said.

“Еслиоднамашинаостауз ”Стовитсяака",п псмотритназаборунесетэт



- сказалон.


Mr. Weyandt said that they had put messages and flags on the same fence several times before but that this was the first time the city had ever served them with a violation notice. One of the flags, which was hung up before 2020, proclaimed “Coexist.”

Г-нВейандтсказал,чтоониуженесколькоразвывешивсо флбщениянаодномглитомжезаб,нэторе былпераз,когдавыйгородвримуведомлениечилнаруше.Одиизфлагов,которыйиибыл вывешендо2020 года,провозглашал:Сосуществуйте“ .”



1.The significance, desirability, or utility of something.

2.The monetary worth or price of something; the amount of goods, services, or money that something commands in an exchange. • With respect to negotiable instruments and bank collections, a person generally gives value for rights if he or she acquires them (1) in return for a binding commitment to extend credit or for the extension of immediately available credit, regardless of whether the credit is drawn on or whether a charge-back is provided for if collection proves difficult; (2) as security for or in total or partial satisfaction of a preexisting claim; (3) as accepting delivery under a preexisting contract for purchase; or (4) more generally, in return for any consideration sufficient to support a simple contract.

3.Sufficient contractual consideration.


1. A complete system of positive law, carefully arranged and officially promulgated; a systematic collection or revision of laws, rules, or regulations <the Uniform Commercial Code> . • Strictly, a code is a compilation not just of existing statutes, but also of much of the unwritten law on a subject, which is newly enacted as a complete system of law. — Also termed consolidated laws.

“A code is not only a collection of the existing statutory law, but also of much of the unwritten law on any subject, and is composed partly of such materials as might be at hand from all sources — from statutes, cases, and from customs — supplemented by such amendments, alterations, and additions as are deemed by the codifiers necessary to harmonize and perfect the existing system. In fact, in making a code, new laws may be added and old laws repealed in order to constitute a complete system.”

2. (usu. cap.) The collection of laws and constitutions made by order of the Roman Emperor Justinian and first authoritatively published in A.D. 529 (with a second edition in 534). • Contained in 12 books, the Code is one of four works that make up what is now called the Corpus Juris Civilis.


1.That which is proper under law, morality, or ethics <know right from wrong> .

2.Something that is due to a person by just claim, legal guarantee, or moral principle <the right of liberty> .

3.A power, privilege, or immunity secured to a person by law <the right to dispose of one's estate> .

4.A legally enforceable claim that another will do or will not do a given act; a recognized and protected interest the violation of which is a wrong <a breach of duty that infringes one's right> .

5.(often pl.) The interest, claim, or ownership that one has in tangible or intangible property <a debtor's rights in collateral> <publishing rights> .

6.The privilege of corporate shareholders to purchase newly issued securities in amounts proportionate to their holdings.

7.The negotiable certificate granting such a privilege to a corporate shareholder.


1.The exercise of a choice; esp., the act of choosing from several possible rights or remedies in a way that precludes the use of other rights or remedies <the taxpayers' election to file jointly instead of separately> .

2.The doctrine by which a person is compelled to choose between accepting a benefit under a legal instrument and retaining some property right to which the person is already entitled; an obligation imposed on a party to choose between alternative rights or claims, so that the party is entitled to enjoy only one <the prevailing plaintiff was put to an election between out-of-pocket damages and lost profits> . — Also termed equitable election.

3.The process of selecting a person to occupy an office (usu. a public office), membership, award, or other title or status <the 2004 congressional election> .

4.Patents. A patent applicant's choice of a single invention to continue prosecuting under the original application, after an examiner has required a restriction.


1.An individual seeking election to an office, membership, award, or like title or status.

2.Popularly, a person being considered for a job, nomination, or appointment.


1.Someone who lives in a particular place.

2.Someone who has a home in a particular place. • In sense 2, a resident is not necessarily either a citizen or a domiciliary.


A formal judicial examination of evidence and determination of legal claims in an adversary proceeding.


1. Something that suggests the presence or existence of a fact, condition, or quality. 2.

a.An act or gesture used to convey an idea, a desire, information, or a command.

b.Sign language.


a.A displayed structure bearing lettering or symbols, used to identify or advertise a place of business

b.A posted notice bearing a designation, direction, or command.

4.A conventional figure or device that stands for a word, phrase, or operation; a symbol, as in mathematics or in musical notation.

5.pl. sign An indicator, such as a dropping or footprint, of the trail of an animal:

6.A trace or vestige:

7.A portentous incident or event; a presage:

8.Medicine An objective finding, usually detected on physical examination, from a laboratory test, or on an x- ray, that indicates the presence of abnormality or disease.

9.One of the 12 divisions of the zodiac, each named for a constellation and represented by a symbol.


Not of, connected with, or involved in commerce.


someone who is asked to speak as the representative of an organization or group of people.


1.Is it appropriate to express your values and your opinion in the shape of city?

2.Is it contradictory to allow noncommercial signs during general election?

3.Does any opinion have the right to exist?