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Rawls / Wk 11 Rawls questions

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Rawls Questions

Rawls is interested in finding the principles that will result in a Just State. (So were Plato, Locke, Hobbes.)

  • Rawls thinks that Justice is Fairness, so the just state is the fair state.

  • His is a form of Distributive Justice, where the things being distributed are Primary Social Goods: wealth and income, privileges and liberties, opportunities and the bases of self-respect.

  1. Suppose there was a pie in this classroom; let’s test our ideas of fairness.

    1. The pie doesn’t belong to anyone. How would you divide it up?

    2. You bought the pie. What’s a fair distribution of pie pieces.

    3. You made the pie for your friend. What’s a fair distribution of pie pieces.

    4. Is Justice really all about distribution?

  1. How would Rawls identify a Just state?

  1. What’s the point of the Veil of Ignorance?

  1. What are we doing in the Original Position?

  1. Why do we apply the Maximin principle in the Original Position? And what is it anyway?

Rawls thinks the principles that would naturally be adopted for a just state would be these:

    1. Principle of Liberty

    2. Equality of Opportunity

    3. Difference Principle

  1. What are our ‘rights and liberties’. How do you find out what they are?

  1. What is meant by Equality of Opportunity?

    1. Should everyone have the same opportunity to play for the Australian Rugby team? Do they?

    2. Should everyone have the same opportunity to go to Bond University? Do they?

  1. What’s the reason for the Difference Principle?

    1. Give an example of the Difference Principle being applied.

    2. How would you decide what degree of difference is best?

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