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3.Retell the chapter as if you are Sibyl;

4.Write out the most interesting words and expressions;

5.Make up 2 exercises on the training of your vocabulary notes (not less than 10 expressions and 5 tasks in each exercise).

Chapter VI

I.Tasks and questions for discussion

1.Summary of the chapter.

2.Basil and Lord Henry are against Dorian’s intention of getting married. Why? Lord Henry’s ideas about matrimony. Do you approve of them or not? Give your arguments.

3.What are Dorian’s thoughts about Sibyl and their future?

4.Whose point of view do you accept and why?

5.What has Basil realized on their way to the theatre?

6.Comment on the following:

p.75 “Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives”

p.p.75-76 “… They become more highly organized, and to be highly organized is, I should fancy, the object of man’s existence. Besides, every experience is of value…”

p.79 “To be good is to be in harmony with oneself. Discord is to be forced to be in harmony with others. One’s own life – that is the important thing.”

7.Translate into Russian p 77. “She wore a moss-colored velvet jerkin… her face like dark leaves round a pale rose.”


1.to break in

2.she is simply a born artist

3.all my life had been narrowed to one perfect point

4.a dead secret

5.to kiss on the mouth

6.to be incorrigible

7.to place somebody on a pedestal of gold

8.to mock at somebody


II. Give English equivalents of the following words and expressions. Illustrate their usage in the situations of your own

Быть неисправимым, строжайший секрет, она просто рождена для сцены, вмешаться в беседу, пьедестал.

Chapter VII

I.Tasks and questions for discussion

1.Summary of the chapter;

2.Influence of art pp.82-83, 84-85;

3.Was Sibyl a real actress? Prove your ideas.

4.How can you characterize Dorian’s feelings to Sibyl? Why did his feelings die?

5.What did Dorian find at home? What appeared to be a real shock for Dorian?

6.What decisions did Dorian make? pp.92-93

7.What descriptions have you paid attention to? What words or phrases can you use in a picture description?

8.What is the secret of remaining young? Can we follow Lord Henry’s advice?


1.sombre passions – темные страсти

2.… subtle poisonous theories

3.to commit a sin = to sin

4.the visible emblem of conscience

5.to resist temptation(s) – сопротивляться / противостоять искушениям

6.on upon on of torture – вечность мук

7.tapestries – гобелены

8.buttonhole – бутоньерка / петля

9.the air was heavy with the perfume of the flowers

10.to make oneself ridiculous – стать посмешищем 11.the whole thing was fiasco – провал был полным 12.the curtain rose on the third act

13.with a strange tenderness in his voice – с неожиданной теплотой в голосе

II. Compose situations or dialogues using vocabulary of chapter VII and active vocabulary to the topic “Feelings & Emotions”


Chapter VIII

I.Tasks and questions for discussion

1.Summary of the chapter.

2.Try to analyze the structure of the chapter.

3.What can you say about the development of Dorian’s feelings to Sibyl and her death?

4.How does Lord Henry try to calm Dorian? His attitude to Dorian?

5.What choice in life has Dorian made? What has his portrait turned out to be for him?

II.Comment on the following

“… there is a fatality about good resolutions – that they are always made too late” (p.100)

“The girl never really lived and so she have never really died” (p.103)

“She had died for love of him, and love would always be a sacrament to him now.” (p.105)


1.a pile of letters – пачка…

2.be brought by hand – доставка курьером

3.private views – закрытые вернисажи

4.charity concerts – благотворительные концерты

5.extremely old-fashioned people – люди старой закалки

6.to cut life to pieces with something

7.to get oneself mixed up in something

8.to be an absolute failure

9.intellectual stagnation – застой

10.to whitewash – белить, обелять, выигрывать «всухую» 11.to culminate – достигать высшей точки

culminative culmination

12.the colours faded out– обесцветились, выгорели, полиняли, стерлись


III. Make up short situations to illustrate the usage of this vocabulary.

Chapter IX

I.Tasks and questions for discussion

1.Basil’s attitude to Sibyl’s death. Compare Basil’s and Lord Henry’s attitude to her death.

2.What traits of Basil Hallward and Lord Henry's characters are revealed in this chapter?

3.Summary of the chapter.

4.Further development of Dorian’s character. Dwell on the alterations in his nature and character (personality).

5.Character sketch of Basil Hallward.

6.Art in our life and an artist’s soul in art.

II.Comment on the following

1.“To become the spectator of one’s own life is to escape the suffering of life”


2.“… art conceals the artist for more completely that it ever reveals him” (p.114)

3.“Perhaps one should never put one’s worship into words” (p.115)


1.to be intend to do something to be intended as something

2.to feel infinite pity

3.to worship

4.to determine / be determined to do something

5.a fatal day

6.every flake and film of color

7.fame of reputation

8.a gleam of light

9.beads of perspiration

10.coat of varnish

11.to turn on one’s heel

12.to be infinitely dear to somebody

13.(all the) miseries of life




16.middleclass virtue

17.common common place life

18.divine divinely

19.with a ripple of laughter


21.at all costs

22.he could not run such a risk (of discovery again)

III. Find as many synonyms and antonyms to any 5 expressions from the vocabulary of chapter IX. Use these synonyms or antonyms in a short situation of your own.

Chapter X

I. Tasks and questions for discussion

1.Summary of the chapter;

2.Why did Dorian replace his portrait?

3.Why was Dorian afraid of his servant?

4.What did he think about old people?

5.What book did Lord Henry send to him?

II.Comment on the following

“He shuddered, and for a moment he regretted that he had not told Basil the true reason why he had wished to hide the picture away. Basil would have helped him to resist Lord Henry’s influence, and the still more poisonous influences that came from his own temperament.” (p.118)


1.to be on one’s guard





5.no trouble at all

6.to be of any service to somebody 7.dog-eared

8.hideous corruption of his soul 9.to purify

10.to lean against

11.to keep one’s eyes on somebody

III. Give English equivalents of the following words and expressions

Гибель, изысканный, упрек, знаменитый, средневековый, очистить, быть настороже, ничтожный.

IV. Transcribe the following words.



Shallow, mediaeval, hideous,



V. Use the words from tasks III and IV in the sentences of your own. Try also to use as many patterns with Model Verbs as you can in these sentences.

Chapter XII

I.Questions for discussion

1.What is the purpose of Basil’s visit to Dorian?

2.How can we characterize Dorian at that time (20 years past)? What can we say about his life?

3.What is the most dramatic scene in the chapter? Can we define it as the climax of the novel? Prove.

4.Find arguments to accuse Dorian or to defend him.


1.to take a pity on somebody – пожалеть кого-либо

2.languidly – небрежно

3.the lamp-light struggled out through the fog

4.I have heaps of time

5.to fancy

6.the charm of novelty – прелесть новизны

7.to be inseparable – неразлучный

8.to be broken with shame and sorrow – быть убитым стыдом и горем


9. vice – порок

10.the land of hypocrite – страна лицемеров

11.Take care. You go too far.

12.to air – кичиться

13.middle-class – мещане

14.a by-word – предмет сплетни

15.corrupt / corruption – развращать

16.handwork – это ваших рук дело

17.that makes no matter – не беда

18.a plain answer to a question

19.blaspheme – кощунство

20.a twisted flash of pain shot across his face – судорога боли пробежала…

II. Make up your own exercises on training the vocabulary.

Chapter XIII

I.Tasks and questions for discussion

1.Summary of the chapter;

2.Basil’s feelings and emotions.

3.Structure of the chapter (compositional elements);

4.Comparison of the “portraits.” (Description of the portrait at the beginning of the book and its description in this chapter.)

II. Translate into Russian pp.153-154

p.153; the second paragraph; p.154; the last paragraph;


1.the lamp cast fantastic shadows on…

2.(the) top landing

3.to insist on doing something


5.a half-burned candle

6.to rattle (about windows)


7. a damp odour of mildew

8.sodden eyes

9.to trace; a trace

10.foul parody

11.in famous, ignoble satire

12.to be vain of something

13.to vanish

14.to sing in a (horse) voice

15.to and fro

16.a thought struck him

17.biting his lips

18.to repent of smth

III.Make up your own sentences (not less than 6) with these words and expressions. Try to use as many of them in one sentence of yours as you can.

Chapter XIV

I.Tasks and questions for discussion

1.Summary of the chapter;

2.What forms of writing can we distinguish in the chapter?

3.Translate into Russian the following samples of description: p.159 “The mellow November…”

p.161 “How exquisite they were…”

p.161 “He read of the swallows …” till p.162

4.The development of Dorian Gray’s character p.163

5.Problems of science and scientific experiments, their morality or immorality p.166

6.Why did Oscar Wilde include scenes with the description of nature in this chapter?

7.Dorian’s portrait. What happened to it and why?

8.How did Dorian manage to manipulate people?


1.to brood 2.fascination


3.to be driven out of the mind 4.to sketch upon a piece of paper

5.to have a fantastic likeness to somebody 6.exquisite

7.to pace up and down the room 8.a matter of life and death

9.to be mixed up in

10.keep your horrible secrets of yourself 11.no trace of somebody

12.without my stirring in the matter 13.to speak with deliberation

14.to induce smb to do smth 15.to entreat

16.to bring into the matter 17.a horrible fit of terror 18.dreadful work

19.It was long after seven 20.Face it and do it.

II.Comment on the following

“There were sins whose fascination was more in the memory than in the doing of them, strange triumphs that gratified the pride more than the passions, and gave to the intellect a quickened sense of joy, greater than any joy they brought, or could ever bring, to the senses. But this was not one of them. It was a thing to be driven out of the mind, to be drugged with poppies to be strangled lest it might strangle one itself” (p.159)

III. What new words and expressions from the chapter can be used in discussions on the topic “Crime and Punishment”

Chapters XV and XVI

I.Tasks and questions for discussion

1. Summary of each chapter;


2.Women and society. Look through the previous tasks once again and summarize Lord Henry’s ideas about women and matrimony. Give your arguments for or against these ideas. Comment on the following:

“You will never marry again… You were far too happy. When a woman marries again it is because she detested her first husband. When a man marries again it is detested because he adored his first wife. Women try their luck, men risk theirs” (p.175)

“Women love us for our defects. If we have enough of them they will forgive us everything, even our intellects” (p.171)

“Nowadays all the married men live like bachelors, and all the bachelors like married men” (p.175)

“A man can be happy with any woman, as long as he does not love her”


“She is very clever for a woman. She lacks the indefinable charm of weakness” (p.177)

3.Further development of the plot. Dorian’s behavior. What has James Vane found out about Dorian? Comment on the following:

“He himself could not help wondering at the calm of his demeanour, and for a moment felt keenly the terrible pleasure of a double life” (p.171)

““I wish it were fin du globe,” said Dorian, with a sigh. “Life is great disappointment”” (p.175)

“The only pity was one had to pay so often for a single fault. One had to pay over and over again, indeed. In her dealings with man Destiny never closed her accounts” (p.185)

“They say he has sold himself to the devil for a pretty face” (p.188)

Chapters XVII and XVIII

I.Tasks and questions for discussion

1.Summary of each chapter;

2.Dramatize the conversation about England on pp. 189-190. What does Oscar Wilde tell about Englishmen? Do his ideas coincide with your knowledge of them?

3.What is Beauty for Dorian Grey, Oscar Wilde, Lord Henry and you? (Look through the novel and previous tasks) Comment on the following:


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