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книги / Basic course of english for students of technical universities

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There’s a lot of one-to-one teaching. We have two tutorials a week but if you want to see your tutor for extra help you can arrange a tutorial any time. The lectures haven’t been so important in our first year.

Ben Wilcox (19)

I’m in my first year of architecture but I’ve already done a degree in languages at Oxford. As a first-year student in Oxford, I found the freedom amazing. Suddenly you’re not living at home, and you can do exactly what you want. In my first year at Oxford, I found that there was a tug between studies and social life. Generally, I found that social life won out. I only got into my work in my last year and started to enjoy it more. In my firstyear work seemed likeaburden,probablybecauseIalways leftituntil the lastminute.

Martha Read (23)

My advice to school leavers about to start their first year at university? You shouldn’t be lured by people who seem to be going out all the time and not doing any work. People do work, even if they don’t seem to. You can get into the partying mode very easily when you first get there. The first weeks are a party, having fun and meeting people. But you do need to be responsible about your studies as well as having fun.

Malin Paulsson (20)

First-year students have to make a break from home, from a set of school friends they’ve probably been with for the last eight years. So it’s always a bit stressful coming to a strange university. But, on the whole, I think most of them settle down and make friends.

The main problem is money. There’s no way that the grant can possibly cover your expenses. It’s very difficult to persuade your parents to give you extra £25 a week, so many students have part-time jobs. I think it’s particularly stressful combining work and study for architecture students because they have to produce projects to a deadline every two weeks.

My advice to school leavers about to start university? Make sure you’ve got some savings and that you’ve got a very friendly bank manager!

Tim Bell (Design tutor)


Exercise 3. Explain the meaning of the following English words or phrases:

a hall of residence, a commuter, to sit back, to fall behind, a tutor, a tutorial, to share a room, a burden, a grant, to make a break from home, a deadline.

Exercise 4. Answer the questions.

1)What problems do first-year students face?

2)What tips would you give to first-year students to minimize these problems and be a success at the University?

Exercise 5. Read the descriptions of the campuses of some universities, write down the words and phrases you may need to describe the campus of PNRPU.

Campus of Harvard University

Harvard University is a prestigious private Ivy League research university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Harvard's main campus is centered over 209 acres on Harvard Yard in Cambridge about three miles from downtown Boston, and it is surrounded by Harvard Square neighborhood.

The central administrative offices, main libraries, academic buildings such as Sever Hall and University Hall, Memorial Church, and most


of the freshman dormitories are all located Harvard Yard. Twelve residential houses provide accommodation for sophomore, junior, and senior undergraduates. Nine of them are south of Harvard Yard and the other three are in a residential neighborhood northwest of the Yard at the Quadrangle.

The university campus has a wide range of building styles that together provide a portrait of 300 years of informal history centering on American architecture.

Campus of Lomonosov Moscow State University

Moscow State University is a public research university in Moscow, Russia founded in 1755 (it was then known as Lomonosov University). Since 1953, most of the schools have been located on Sparrow Hills, about five km from the Moscow city center.

The main building was designed by architect Lev Vladimirovich Rudnev in the post-war era style as one of seven tiered neoclassical towers ordered by Joseph Stalin.

The university administration, the Museum of Earth Sciences, and four of the main faculties are located in the main building, which is 240 m tall and 36 stories high. It is flanked by four huge wings with student and faculty accommodations. The building includes a concert hall, a theater, a museum, administrative services, a library, a swimming pool, and much more.


Campus of the University of Copenhagen

The University of Copenhagen was founded in 1479 and is the oldest university and research institution in Denmark. The university consists of four campus areas.

As Copenhagen is fairly small, it is easy to move from one campus to the other. All campus areas are completely integrated into the city of Copenhagen. Students are able to use all city facilities and in exchange add a lively vibe to the streets of Copenhagen. The university buildings range from historic structures in the medieval city to modern buildings that accommodate state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities.

City Campus is right in the heart of Copenhagen, surrounded by everything the city has to offer. Students can escape city noise and study or relax in one of the many Copenhagen parks. The City Campus includes Center for Health and Society, Copenhagen Botanical Garden, Geocentre Copenhagen with the Department of Geography and Geology, and the University Quadrangle, used mostly for administration.


Exercise 6. Look at the picture and describe the campus of our university.


Part 4. Perm National Research Polytechnic University.

Faculties and Departments

Exercise 1. Find the information about Perm National Research Polytechnic University in different sources of information (e.g. https://pstu.ru/).

Follow the plan:

1)The History of the University

2)The Mission and the Administration of the University

3)Faculties and Departments

4)Student’s Life

5)Sports in the University

6)Scientific Research of the University

Exercise 2. Use the plan and prepare a small talk about the university.

Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU)

1) History

1953 – (as) Mining Institute

1960 – Polytechnic Institute


1990s – Perm State Technical University

2011 – the status of National Research University




the largest University


the main building (in the city centre)


a campus (in a pine wood on the right bank of the Kama river)


Civil Engineering faculty (its own building)


3 branches (Berezniki, Lysva, Chaikovsky)



-11 faculties (Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, etc.)

-the head – Rector / Dean

-the total number of students / teachers (16000 / 1200)

-78 Bachelor’s Degree programs

-95 Master’s Degree programs

-14 Specialists’ training programs

-75 Postgraduate programs

-unique equipment, laboratories, computer-classes, libraries, sports gyms, canteens

-close links with industrial enterprises (more than 200 partners)

4) Organization of educational process

-admission to the University (applicants are selected on the results of the Unified State Exams)

-2 terms (in the academic year)

-summer practice (an important part of training)

-free of charge (80 % of students)

-a grant

-full-time, part-time, correspondence students

-3 groups of subjects: social, general, specialized

-extra-curricular activities: sports competitions, conferences, par-

ties, etc.

-hostels for out-of-town and international students


Exercise 3. Read the text in Russian and try to render it into English.


Строительный факультет был основан в 1959 году. Факультет расположен в отдельном здании на улице Куйбышева. В настоящее время факультет готовит бакалавров и магистров шесть строительных направлений. Можно продолжить образование в аспирантуре.

Визитная карточка факультета (visiting card) – ПГС (Industrial and Civil Engineering). Также студенты могут специализироваться по водоснабжению и водоотведению (Water Supply and Sewerage), тепло-,

газоснабжению и вентиляции (Heating, Gas Supply and Ventilation),

экспертизе и управлению недвижимостью (Real Estate Management and Examination) и т.д.

Основная задача бакалавров-строителей – проектировать (design), возводить (erect), оценивать (assess) и реконструировать (reconstruct) жилые (residential), промышленные и общественные (public) здания, а также автомобильные дороги и аэродромы. Особое внимание уделяется таким предметам, как механика грунтов (soil mechanics), геодезия, геология, технологии строительного производства и т.п.


Факультет поддерживает тесные связи (maintains close links) с промышленными предприятиями города Перми. Выпускники факультета работают главными инженерами, инженерами-проекти- ровщиками (design engineers), научными сотрудниками (research engineers), мастерами/прорабами (foremen) и т.д. Строитель – одна из самых универсальных профессий. Можно найти работу от продавцов строительных материалов до ведущих позиций в банках, крупных компаниях и правительстве/политике.

Во главе факультета – декан Сарайкина Ксения Александровна. Имеются две формы обучения: очная и заочная. Факультет имеет все необходимое оборудование для удобного обучения (training): компьютерные классы, лаборатории, спортивный комплекс, столовую, парковку для автомобилей (parking lot) и т.п. Преподавательский состав (teaching staff) включает много профессоров, кандидатов и докторов наук.

Exercise 4. Use the following beginnings of the sentences to express your personal ideas about:

a)why you have chosen this subject (faculty, profession);

b)what you like or dislike in it most, and your plans.

1.Я выбрал этот факультет, потому что ….

2.Больше всего мне нравится / не нравится ….

3.В будущем я бы хотел специализироваться на ….

Exercise 5. Prepare a report and make a video or Power Point presentation of PNRPU or the Civil Engineering Faculty.


Additional Tasks for Self-Control

Variant 1

Exercise 1. Read the text and answer the questions.

1)When do students get degrees of Bachelor of Science?

2)When do students get a master's degree?


1.Young people in the USA get higher education in colleges and universities.Studentschoose"major"subject andmakemanycoursesinthissubject.

2.After four years of study students get the degrees of Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.), Bachelor of Philosophy (B. Phil.) or Bachelor of Arts (B.A., if they study Greek or Latin). After a year or two of further study they get a master's degree. If they go on in their study and research, they will get a still higher degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D).

3.Higher education trains people to become teachers, engineers or to do other professional work.

4.College students often continue their study at universities. Not all the students get grants. The minimum period of study is two years (in this case they don't get the degree of Ph. D.), three or even four years.

5.Many cities have colleges and universities that hold evening classes as well as daytime classes. People who work in the daytime can get higher education attending evening classes.

Exercise 2. Chose the correct form of the verb “to be’.

1)School education in the USA (is, was, will be) free.

2)They (are, were, will be) second-year students last year.

3)History (is, was, will be) the first lesson tomorrow.

Exercise 3. Write interrogative and negative sentences, translate them into Russian.

1)They have five lessons every day.

2)We had four exams last term.

3)Students will have a lecture on history tomorrow.