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42.The decision to invade provoked storms of protest in the UN.

43.It is the first time the article has provoked me to write in to the newspaper.

44.Globalization is still a controversial issue in this part of the


45.The fact is that the company is unlikely to survive the reces-


46.The trouble is that most deaths from lung cancer are caused by smoking.

47.Teaching young people is a challenging problem.

48.The challenge is that most students lack motivation.

49.The problem is that it is difficult to motivate students.

50.It is a fact that the divorce rate in the US is now twice as high as in the 1960.




Step I

Исходные данные о статье

Step II

Тема статьи


Step III

Основное содержание статьи

Step IV

Заключение/выводы автора

1.Автор не делает выводов: There is no concluding part in the article. The article/the author gives readers a lot of food for thought.

2.Автор выводит заключение:


Step V

Цель статьи

Step VI

Главная идея статьи


Step VII

Отношения автора к информации


Выражение собственного мнения

1. Прочтите пример аннотации газетной статьи:

The article I’ve just read was published in the November issue of the Energy and Buildings, 2017. It is written by Jaime Santa Cruz Astorqui, César Porras-Amores and entitled “Ventilated Facade with double chamber and flow control device”.


As the title implies the article is about new facades. In particular, it deals with the problem of energy efficiency of buildings.

At the beginning of the article the authors report the facts about designing a new system that reduces the energy gains-losses of buildings through their facade, managing to reduce the energy consumption due to air flow.

First of all Jaime Santa Cruz Astorqui, César Porras-Amores analyze that the facade is the main constructive element of a building that allows us to meet the requirements of energy efficiency and interior comfort established in the national and international rules and directives of the construction sector.

Next, the authors emphasize that the airflow expenses are of 40 % ‒ 65 % of the total expenses of a building and buildings in a Mediterranean-continental climate like in Spain suffer in winter energy losses through their north and east facades due to low temperatures, likewise, these buildings in summer obtain energy gains through their south and west facades due to solar radiation. Then the two researchers have focused on the conventional ventilated facades composed of an inner sheet, thermal insulation, ventilation chamber and exterior finish.

In the final part the authors comment on the fact that ventilated facade with a double chamber presents two improvements over the conventional system. Firstly, energy gains-losses are reduced through the facades reducing, consequently, the energy consumption due to airflow. Secondly, the design of the system helps to reduce the vertical temperature gradient along the envelope, homogenizing the air temperature in the chambers throughout the year.

The authors are concerned with the problem described. They think that this research work highlights the potential energy efficiency of buildings through the redesign of conventional construction systems. The main idea is expressed in the key note that this system is a sustainable and efficient solution. In the last analysis the authors come to the conclusion that it can be applied in both rehabilitation works and new buildings due to its simplicity of implementation.


The aim of the article, the way I see it, is to present a new technique in building facades, on the one hand, and suggest the way to improve the energy efficiency of facades, on the other.

I believe the problem in question is acute and vital. I support the authors’ opinion that a new system that reduces the energy gainslosses of buildings through their facade manages to reduce the energy consumption due to airflow.

2. Прочтите статью и составьте аннотацию к ней:



Plastics are often derived from petroleum, contributing to reliance on fossil fuels and driving harmful greenhouse gas emissions. To change that, scientists are trying to take the pliable nature of plastic in another direction, developing new and renewable ways of creating plastics from biomass.

When John Wesley Hyatt patented the first industrial plastic in 1869, his intention was to create an alternative to the elephant tusk ivory used to make piano keys. But this early plastic also sparked a revolution in the way people thought about manufacturing: What if we weren't limited to the materials nature had to offer?

Over a century later, plastics are an abundant part of daily life. But these plastics are often derived from petroleum, contributing to reliance on fossil fuels and driving harmful greenhouse gas emissions. To change that, Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (GLBRC) scientists are trying to take the pliable nature of plastic in another direction, developing new and renewable ways of creating plastics from biomass.

Using a plant-derived solvent called GVL (gamma-Valerolactone), University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering James Dumesic and his team have developed an economical and high-yielding way of producing furandicarboxylic


acid, or FDCA. One of 12 chemicals the U.S. Department of Energy calls critical to forging a "green" chemical industry, FDCA is a necessary precursor to a renewable plastic called PEF (or polyethylene furanoate) as well as to a number of polyesters and polyurethanes.

The researchers published their findings Jan. 19, 2018 in the journal

Science Advances.

As the bio-based substitute for PET (polyethylene terephthalate) ‒ its widely used, petroleum-derived counterpart ‒ PEF is rich in potential. PET currently has a market demand of close to 1.5 billion tons per year, and Coca-Cola, Ford Motors, H.J. Heinz, Nike and Procter & Gamble have all committed to developing a sustainably sourced, 100 percent plant-based PET for their bottles, packaging, apparel and footwear. PEF's potential to break into that sizeable market, however, has been hampered by the high cost of producing FDCA.

"Until now, FDCA has had a very low solubility in practically any solvent you make it in," says Ali Hussain Motagamwala, a UWMadison graduate student in chemical and biological engineering and co-author of the study. "You have to use a lot of solvent to get a small amount of FDCA, and you end up with high separation costs and undesirable waste products."

Motagamwala and colleagues' new process begins with fructose, which they convert in a two-step process to FDCA in a solvent system composed of one part GVL and one part water. The end result is a high yield of FDCA that easily separates from the solvent as a white powder upon cooling.

"Using the GVL solvent solves most of the problems with the production of FDCA," says Motagamwala. "Sugars and FDCA are both highly soluble in this solvent, you get high yields, and you can easily separate and recycle the solvent."

Other features of the process contribute to its robust economics. The system doesn't require costly mineral acids for catalysis, doesn't produce waste salts, and you can separate out the FDCA crystals from the solvent by simply cooling the reaction system.


The team's techno-economic analysis suggests that the process could currently produce FDCA at a minimum selling price of $1,490 per ton. With improvements, including lowering the cost of feedstock and reducing the reaction time, the price could reach $1,310 per ton, which would make their FDCA cost-competitive with some fossil fuel-derived plastic precursors.

"We think this is the streamlined and inexpensive approach to making FDCA that many people in the plastics industry have been waiting for," says Dumesic. "Our hope is that this research opens the door even further to cost-competitive renewable plastics."

The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation is working to license GVL technology for use in bioplastics production.




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Date: January 29, 2018

Source: Rice University

Rice University lab simulates polymer-cement composites to find strongest, toughest materials.

Engineers study what it takes to make strong and tough infrastructures by probing the interfacial interactions of polymer and cement, which are key to composite properties. Rice University scientists probing the interfacial interactions of polymer (blue) and cement (yellow) discovered the right mix of hydrogen bonds is critical to making strong, tough and ductile composite materials for infrastructure. Computer simulations like that in the illustration measured the strength of the bonds as hard cement slides past the soft polymer in a layered composite, which mimics the structure nacre, seen in the background.

The right mix of hydrogen bonds in polymer and cement composites is critical to making strong, tough and ductile infrastructure material, according to Rice University scientists who want to mimic the mechanics of mother-of-pearl and similar natural composites with synthetic materials.

Seashells made of mother-of-pearl, aka nacre, get their remarkable properties from overlapping micron-sized, mineralized plates held together by a soft matrix. This structure can be approached by cement and polymer composites that may, for instance, make better earth-


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