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Г.Д.Невзорова Г.И.Никитушкина




Разрешено Северо-западным научно-методическим советом по преподаванию иностранных языков в качестве основного учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений

Санкт Петербург


Невзорова ГД., Никитушкина Г.И. Учебник английского языка для вузов. СПб. Издательство «Северная Звезда».


Доктор гуманитарных наук Джон Слейд (США), писатель Проф. Томас Крамер(США), эксперт в области инженерных наук Проф. Ричард Эллмерс (США), эксперт в области права В подготовке учебника к изданию принимали участие:

С.И. Лисовская - подбор грамматических упражнений Н.А. Курочкина - составление речевых упражнений

Настоящий учебник предназначен для студентов неязыковых вузов, изучающих английский язык на базе знаний, полученных в средней школе в соответствии с требованиями стандартной программы.

Цель учебника - подготовить студента к самостоятельному чтению и пониманию оригинальной научной литературы такого содержания, которое отвечало бы современному уровню научно-технического прогресса в условиях информационной глобализации общества. Большое внимание уделяется также овладению учащимися навыков устной речи,включая перевод с русского языка

Под общей редакцией А.К. Гречухина Консультант - Г.Н. Попов

©ГД. Невзорова

©Г.И. Никитушкина

ISBN: 5-901954-21-1

© «Северная Звезда»



Настоящий учебник предназначен для студентов высших учебных заведений нефилологического профиля, изучающих английский язык на базе знаний, полученных в средней школе в соответствии с требованиями стандартной программы. Необходимость такого учебника ощущается вузами уже много лет.

Цель учебника - подготовить студента к самостоятельному чтению и пониманию оригинальной научной литературы такого содержания, которое отвечало бы современному уровню научно-технического прогресса в условиях информационной глобализации общества. Большое внимание уделяется также овладению учащимися навыков устной речи, включая перевод с русского языка.

Новизна данного учебника состоит в том, что в нем учтены возможности комплексного методического подхода к изучению материала. Оригинальные тексты, из которых в основном и состоит учебный материал, снабжены таким количеством параллельного вокабуляра, которое полностью снимает лексические трудности и упрощает процесс адекватного понимания исходного текста. Характер и количество лексических упражнений, следующих непосредственно за текстом, способствует ее быстрому усвоению и активизации.

Сочетание характера подачи текста с типами лексических и речевых упражнений позволяет использовать данный учебник как на занятиях с применением интенсивной методики, так и в традиционном режиме, а также для самостоятельной работы учащихся, желающих повысить свой уровень владения языком.

Наличие в каждом уроке текстов с параллельным переводом позволяет проводить как контроль, так и самоконтроль усвоения материала.

Учебник состоит из восьми уроков, объединенных единым тематическим материалом:

1.Системы образования и образовательные учреждения в Англии и США.

2.Содержание образования в разных странах

3.Студенческая жизнь. Контакты, развлечения, организации.

4.Понятие «Engineering» и его составляющие

5.Глобальная коммуникация и интернет технологии

6.Карьера. Выдающиеся личности современности

7.Экология человека в естественной и кибер-интеллектуальной среде

8.Права личности

Материал каждого урока организован по единой схеме и подобран таким образом, чтобы его усвоение шло от более простого к более сложному. Эта схема может быть представлена следующим образом:

4 тематических текста первого уровня сложности (IA, IB, IC, ID) со следующими за ними лексическими упражнениями непосредственно по текстам

4 тематических текста второй степени сложности(IIA, IIB, IIC, IID) со следующими за ними лексическими упражнениями непосредственно по текстам

грамматические упражнения по теме урока

речевые упражнения


упражнения на тренировку перевода с русского языка на английский, включая текст с параллельным переводом

тексты для дополнительного чтения по данной тематике

цитаты и высказывания знаменитых людей по теме урока

В конце учебника дается несколько приложений, включая справочный материал по крупнейшим языкам мира, список основных сокращений, используемых в деловой корреспонденции, глоссарий по академической терминологии, включая ученые степени и оценки, названия штатов в США и их столицы, таблицу неправильных глаголов.

Учебник рассчитан на 160200 часов аудиторной работы, что примерно соответствует сетке учебного плана по иностранному языку в неязыковом вузе.

Авторы выражают искреннюю благодарность за помощь в подборе оригинальных текстов и за лингвострановедческий комментарий профессорам Балтийского государственного технического университета "Военмех", гражданам США госп.Томасу Кремеру, эксперту в области инженерных наук и госп.Ричарду Эллмерсу , эксперту в области права.

Огромную благодарность и признательность адресуем также известному американскому писателю, автору нескольких книг о С.Петербурге, доктору гуманитарных наук профессору Джону Слейду, приславшему свои комментарии и высоко оценившему материал, используемый в учебнике.


Unit One

Системы образования в Англии, Америке. Их отличие от Российской системы.

Грамматика: Порядок слов, Времена Indefinite & Continuous (Active & Passive).

Некоторые сочетания глаголов широкой семантики: have, be типа: have breakfast, have dinner – have a talk, have a smoke…артикль

Introductory Text.


Every society has its own specific attitude toward past, present and future, and it is clearly reflected in the way the society prepares its young generation for adulthood.

In stagnant societies, the past creeps forward into the present and repeats itself in the future. In such a society, the most effective way to prepare a child was to transfer him the skills of the past, as a set of values he would need in the future.

Knowledge was transmitted not by specialists concentrated in schools but through the family, religious institutions, and apprenticeships.

The next age, the industrialism required a new kind of man. It demanded skills that neither family nor church could, by themselves, provide. That age constructed its own educational machine or the system of mass education – the system that, in its very structure, simulated this new world. This system did not appear instantly. Even today it has throwback elements from pre-industrial society. But the whole idea of assembling masses of students (like raw material) to be processed by teachers (workers) in a centrally located school (factory) was a work of industrial genius.

The inner life of school thus became a perfect introduction to industrial society. The most criticised features of education today—lack of individualisation, the rigid systems of seating, grouping, grading and marking, the authoritarian role of the teacher are exactly those that made mass public education so effective for its place and time.

Young people passing through this educational machine entered an adult society whose structure of jobs, roles and institutions was the same as the school itself. For generations, we have simply assumed that the proper place for education is in a school.

However, if the new education is to simulate the society of tomorrow, should it take place in school at all? Many parents are much more capable of teaching certain subjects to their children than the teachers in the local schools.

With the move toward knowledge-based industry and the increase of leisure, we can expect a tendency for highly educated parents to pull their children at least partway out of the public education system, offering them home instruction instead.

This tendency will be strongly supported by achievement in computer-assisted education, electronic video recording, holography and other technical fields.

Discussion is often centred on the design of secondary and higher education programs that use "mentors"(instructors) drawn from various professional spheres. Such mentors would not only transmit skills, but would show how the information of textbooks is applied in life.

Accountants, doctors, engineers, businessmen, builders and planners might all become part of an "outside faculty" in another dialectical swing, this time toward a new kind of apprenticeship.

Vocabulary: attitude - отношение;


toward - к, по отношению к; to reflect - отражать; generation - поколение; adulthood - взрослая жизнь; stagnant - застойный;

to creep - ползти, красться, еле передвигаться; forward - вперед;

to repeat oneself - повторяться;

to transfer - прививать, передавать; skills - навыки, умения;

set of values - набор ценностей;

to transmit - передавать (в данном случае, знания); through - через, посредством;

apprenticeship - ученичество; to demand - требовать;

to provide - обеспечивать, предоставлять;

to simulate - походить, быть похожим (на что-то); to appear - появляться;

instantly - мгновенно;

throwback - регресс, возврат к прошлому, атавизм; to assemble - собирать;

raw - сырье, сырьевой; to process - обрабатывать; thus - таким образом; feature - черта;

lack (of) - отсутствие, нехватка;

rigid - жесткий, строгий, непреклонный; to grade - здесь: разбивать на классы; to mark - оценивать, ставить отметки;

to enter - поступать(в вуз), входить(в помещение); to assume - полагать, считать;

proper - соответственный, подходящий; capable - способный;

increase - увеличение;

leisure - свободное время, досуг; to pull out - вытаскивать, забирать; partway - частично;

instead - взамен (чего-то);

to support - поддерживать (в том числе в финансовом отношении); achievement - достижение;

mentor - наставник; adult - взрослый;

to apply - применять; accountant - бухгалтер;

outside - вне, за стенами; здесь: вне школы/вуза; faculty - профессорско-преподавательский состав; swing -взмах, сдвиг, изменение.

Comprehension check: answer the following questions.

1.How was knowledge transmitted in the past?

2.How does the system of mass education operate?

3.What are the most criticized features of education today?


4.Will teaching process take place only in schools in future?

5.What is discussion often centered on?

Word Study

Ex.1 Find equivalents to the following words.

программы среднего и высшего образования; домашнее образование; готовить к взрослой жизни; преподаватели за стенами вуза; семья не может предоставить это; передавать знания; появляться мгновенно; образовательная машина; особоеотношение к прошлому; промышленный гений; строгая/жесткая система; подобно сырью; застойноеобщество; юное поколение; увеличение свободного

времени; промышленное общество; наукоемкое производство; техническая сфера; религиозные учреждения; наиболее критикуемые черты; применяемы в жизни.

Ex.2 Translate the following phrases from the text and use them in the translation below.

specific attitude toward the past; to repeat itself; introduction to adulthood; to demand; inner life; mentor; rigid system; grading; marking; transmitted; specialists concentrated in schools; set of values; the most criticized features; to assume; young generation; proper place; discussion is often centered on; educational machine; to transfer them knowledge and skills; professional sphere; design of secondary and higher education programs; is applied in life; home instruction; instead; to enter an adult society; with the increase of leisure; to move toward knowledge-based industry; to pass through; is often criticized.

1.Это может повториться в будущем.

2.Почему у вас особое отношение к прошлому?

3.Внутренняя жизнь школы стала своего рода (some kind of) введением во взрослую жизнь.

4.Жесткая система разбиения на классы и оценивания (знаний) часто критикуется.

5.Знания передаются специалистами, сконцентрированными в школах.

6.Наиболее эффективный способ подготовить ребенка к взрослой жизни - это привить ему знания и умения прошлого, ибо они являются набором ценностей, передаваемых от одного поколения к другому.

7.Каковы наиболее критикуемые черты современного образования?

8.Каким образом общество готовит юное поколение к взрослой жизни?

9.Следующий век, век индустриализации, потребовал человека нового типа.

10.Поколениями мы полагали, что соответствующее место для (получения) образования – это школа.

11.С увеличением свободного времени можно ожидать иную тенденцию.

12.В центре дискуссий - создание программ среднего и высшего образования, которые используются наставниками из различных профессиональных сфер.

13.Их ребенок получает домашнее образование.

14.Мы движемся к наукоемкому обществу.

15.Юное поколение, проходя через эту образовательную машину, входило во взрослое общество.

Topics to discuss.

1. Mass education and individual education.


2.Professionals in different spheres of life as "outside faculty" - is it a good idea, in your opinion

Text I-A

Education in Great Britain

Education in Great Britain, as in most of the developed countries, is compulsory from 5 to 16. About 25%-30% stay on at school beyond this age and about 15% are in full-time education at the age of 20; 10% go to university. About 80% of children in the public sector go to comprehensive schools. A few Local Education Authorities still retain separation of students into grammar school and secondary-modern school pupils according to their level. Preparatory schools are supposed to 'prepare' children for education at a public school. Public schools were originally founded by public benefactors to educate poor children. In the 19th century, most of them were transformed into foundations which are privately run. They are non-profit, but parents pay fees for their children's education. Colleges of education or teacher-training colleges train teachers. Technical colleges and polytechnics offer courses in practical and scientific subjects. Polytechnics award degrees. University and Polytechnic degree courses last three or four years; the degrees are BA (Bachelor of Arts) or BSc (Bachelor of Science). Postgraduate courses exist for the degrees of MA (Master of Arts), MSc (Master of Science) and PhD (Doctor of Philosophy).


Public Sector (State education)

Private Sector (Independent schools)




3- 5


Play school, kindergarten


Primary school

Preparatory school


Comprehensive school

Public school


Grammar school

Other authorised


Secondary-modern school

independent schools







University, College of Further Education, Technical college, Polytechnic





compulsory - обязательный; beyond - свыше;

full-time education - дневная форма образования

comprehensive school - школа для уч-хся всех классов и способностей (с 11 лет); authorities - власти, органы, руководство;

to retain - сохранять;

secondary-modern school - (с 11 лет) - школа, где готовят к дальнейшему образованию (в частности, университетскому);


preparatory school - частная школа (до 14 лет), где готовят к дальнейшему образованию; according to - согласно (чему-то), в соответствии (с чем-то

level - уровень;

public school - государственная школа (с 11 лет); originally - первоначально, исходно, сначала; to found - основывать;

benefactor - благодетель, жертвователь; to transform - преобразовать, изменить;

privately - частным образом, в частном порядке; non-profit – некоммерческий

fee - плата за обучение; to train - обучать, готовить;

to award - вручать, присуждать; degree - научная степень;

to last - продолжаться, длиться;

Bachelor - бакалавр;

post-graduate course - аспирантура; Master - магистр.

Comprehension check: answer the following questions:

1.In what age education in Great Britain is compulsory?

2.What types of school are there in Great Britain?

3.Which of them are run privately?

4.What education institutions award degrees?

5.How long does the college course last?

6.What scientific degree do you know?

Word Study

Ex.1 Translate the following phrases into English.

образование является обязательным; присуждать научные степени; продолжаться 3-4 года; вносить плату за образование; изначально основанный; дневная форма образования; учиться в аспирантуре; давать образование; государственная школа; сохранять разделение (учащихся) в соответствии с уровнем знаний; местные органы народного образования; учреждения, руководимые частным образом.

Ex.2 Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Образование в Великобритании является обязательным в возрасте от 5 до16 лет.

2.Некоторые местные органы народного образования сохраняют разделение учащихся в соответствии с уровнем их знаний.

3.В ХIХ веке большинство подготовительных школ были преобразованы в учреждения, руководимые частным образом.

4.Педагогические колледжи готовят учителей.

5.Технические колледжи предлагают курсы как в практической, так и в научной областях.

6.По окончании колледжа студентам присваиваются ученые степени.

7.Курс обучения в колледже длится 3-4 года.


8. Они учатся на дневном отделении университета.

Text I-B

The three passages that follow refer to one person's education in England. Make sure that you understand the meaning of all the words and phrases in different type. Answer the questions in each case, but at all times compare this account with your own experience.

Part one

Primary school

When I first went to school at the age of three, kindergartens were not play-schools. I played in the playground, but before I got to primary school I had learned to read and write. At the primary school, there were 42 children in the class; nowadays, the average is 25. We had regular tests, with marks, and discipline was strict. The teacher had a cane, which he used if anyone talked or did not pay attention. We did not wear uniforms, like the children at preparatory schools, except for a cap, which had the school badge on it. The school's main aim was to prepare children for the 11-plus exam. In the days before comprehensive schools were introduced, all the children in the country took this, and according to the results, were sent to different types of secondary school. I went to what was called a direct-grant school; this was a public school that accepted over 80% of its intake from state primary schools; the

Local Educational Authority paid the fees, instead of the parents.


primary - начальный;

nowadays - в наше время, в наши дни; average - средний;

strict - строгий; cane - палка, трость; attention - внимание; uniform - форма;

except (for) - за исключением, кроме( чего-то, кого-то); cap - фуражка, кепка;

badge - значок, эмблема; aim - цель;

to introduce - здесь: открывать; secondary - средний (об образовании); to accept - принимать;

intake - прием;

fee - плата за обучение.


Comprehension check: answer the following questions:

1.Did you go to a kindergarten or play-school ? What did you do there?

2.How many children were there in your class at primary school?

3.Did you have a lot of tests and exams? Were you given marks regularly for your work?

4.Did you wear a uniform?

5.Was there corporal punishment of any kind?

6. Do you think the system at that time was a fair one? Do you think children

should be

separated at the age of 11 according to an estimation of their ability

based on one




7.The primary school was co-educational, with boys and girls, but not in the same classes! The direct-grant school only accepted boys. What advantages or disadvantages do you see in co-educational schools?

Part two

Public School

Life at public school was quite different. We had uniforms, and if we did not wear our caps, we were put in detention or given extra work or some other form of punishment. Instead of hours of arithmetic and reading and writing, we had 45-minute periods of various subjects. We went to school six days a week, and there were compulsory games on Wednesdays and Saturdays, always the same two games, rugby and cricket. We had an hour's homework every night, and sometimes it took longer because we had to learn speeches from Shakespeare by heart. But the hours were short. I cycled the five kilometres to school and was usually home by 4.15. In one respect, this school was like a primary school in those days; it was very competitive, though at public school those who got the best marks got prizes. All of us were expected to specialise at an early age in order to concentrate on the subjects that we would need for university entrance. As a result I can count almost as fast as a pocket calculator - I learnt that at primary school - but I know nothing of algebra or geometry or physics or chemistry.

When I was about 17,1 began to like the school. It had beautiful grounds and magnificent playing fields, and suddenly the principal and the teachers began to treat us like grown-up people. We had to arrive on time so as not to be marked absent in the attendance register, but otherwise we were free to pursue our studies more or less as we liked. There were no more compulsory games, but plenty of opportunities to take part in other sports we preferred. The only thing we were expected to do in return was to win a scholarship to a university so that the school could put our names on a big “honours board” in gold letters!


public school - государственная школа; to wear (wore, worn) - носить (об одежде);

detention - оставление после уроков (в виде наказания); extra - дополнительный;

punishment - наказание;


instead (of) - вместо( кого-то, чего-то); various - различный, разнообразный; compulsory - обязательный;

night - здесь: вечер;

to learn by heart - учить наизусть;

in one respect - в одном отношении/смысле; in order - (для того) чтобы;

to concentrate (on) - уделять основное внимание; entrance - здесь: поступление (в вуз);

pocket - карман;

competitive - состязательный, соревновательный; principal - директор школы;

to treat - относиться, обращаться (с); grown-up - взрослый;

attendance - посещаемость;

attendance register - классный журнал (где отмечается посещаемость); otherwise - иначе;

to pursue - здесь: заниматься; plenty - много, множество; opportunity - возможность; to prefer - предпочитать;

in return - в ответ;

to win a scholarship - выиграть/завоевать стипендию; hono(u)r - честь, почет;

board - доска.

Comprehension check: answer the following questions:

1.Did you/do you go to school six days a week ? Were/arc games compulsory ?

2.How was/is the curriculum organised? How many periods did/do you have of

different subjects?

3.Is it common for children to have to learn things by heart in your country? What sorts of things?

4.Is there a lot of specialisation in secondary schools? Do you think this is a good thing?

5.Why do you think there is a difference in meaning between a playground and playing fields ? What are grounds in this context?

6.What do you think an 'honours board' was, and why was it important to the school? Why do you think they used 'gold letters'?

7.What sort of sports facilities do you think a school should have? Should games be compulsory? If so, what choice of games should be offered to students?

Part three



Students from other countries that I met at university often took a long time to get used to the system. The university terms lasted only six months and you were free to do what you liked in the vacations. Attendance at lectures was optional, and the only compulsory assignment was to write an essay once a week and submit it to your tutor. The idea was that you were not supposed to be there to obtain an academic qualification, but to extend your knowledge of this or that subject in your own way. It was all there in the libraries and laboratories and lecture halls if you looked for it. A poor American student who had attended all the tutor's lectures once reproduced them almost word for word in his essay, and the tutor said: 'I know what I think. What do you think?' The life of an undergraduate was relaxing and enjoyable, but you had to work things out for yourself.

Note: In British universities, there is normally only one Professor for a given subject; other university teachers are called lecturers. They are also tutors when they give individual students classes in small numbers.


to get used (to) - привыкнуть (к); term - семестр;

to last - продолжаться, длиться; attendance - посещаемость;

optional - факультативный; необязательный; compulsory - обязательный;

assignment - задание;

to submit (to) - предоставлять (куда, кому); tutor - куратор;

to obtain - получать; to extend - расширять; to attend - посещать;

to reproduce - воспроизвести; word for word - дословно;

undergraduate - студент последнего курса to relax - отдыхать, расслабляться;

to work out - решать; разрабатывать.

Comprehension check: answer the following questions:

1.Is this system similar to that of university inRuaaia? If not, what are the differences?

2.Why do you think people go to university? Do you think they go for the right reasons?

3.What did the American student's tutor expect him to do? How do you suppose this differed from the system he was used to ?


Word Study to text B

Ex.: Find in the text equivalents to the following phrases.

носить фуражки с эмблемой школы; написать золотыми буквами; много возможностей; совсем другой; в одном отношении; доска почета; выиграть стипендию; в результате; оставлять после уроков; давать дополнительные домашние задания; относиться к нам как к взрослым; в раннем возрасте; формы наказания; обязательные игры; учить наизусть; для поступления в университет.

Ex.2: Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Жизнь там была совсем другой.

2.Если мы не носили фуражки, нас оставляли в школе, давали дополнительную работу или какое-нибудь другое наказание.

3.Мы ходили в школу 6 дней в неделю.

4.По четвергам у нас были обязательные игры - регби и крикет.

5.Нам приходилось учить много стихов наизусть.

6.В результате, я мог считать почти так же быстро, как и карманный калькулятор - я научился этому в начальной школе.

7.Директор и учителя относились к нам как к взрослым.

8.Мы должны были приходить во время.

9.У нас было много возможностей принимать участие в тех видах спорта, которые мы предпочитали.

10.Единственное, чего от нас ожидали в ответ - это выиграть стипендию для университета, чтобы школа могла золотыми буквами внести наши имена на доску почета.

Ex.3: Translate the following phrases into English.

много времени требуется, чтобы привыкнуть к системе; раз в неделю; посещать лекции; воспроизвести лекцию дословно; необязательная посещаемость; приятный; семестр длится 6 месяцев; факультативный курс; написать эссе; почти; лекционный зал.

Ex.4: Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Студенты из других стран долго привыкали к этой системе.

2.Семестр длился 6 месяцев, а во время каникул ты мог делать все, что угодно.

3.Посещение лекций было необязательным.

4.Единственным обязательным заданием было написать эссе раз в неделю и предоставить его куратору.

5.Главной задачей было не получение академической квалификации, а расширение знаний.

6.Один студент посещал все лекции профессора и почти дословно воспроизвел их в


своем эссе, но не сумел сделать свои собственные выводы (to make one's own conclusions).

Text I-C

English examination system

Students in Great Britain can take public examinations known as General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and Advanced ('A') level. Those who want to go to university usually take from 5—7 subjects for GCSE at 16, and three subjects at 'A' level when they are 18. In order to enter a university or polytechnic in Britain, you are expected to have two or three 'A' levels with good marks. The only subject that is compulsory for university entrance is English at GCSE, but Mathematics is often required.

Look at the chart below, which shows the ten most popular subjects with boys and girls in Britain at GCSE and 'A' level. Then answer the questions that follow.




'A' level



























English Literature




English Literature



General Studies


General Studies









Art and Design
















Art and Design






Comprehension check: answer the following questions:

1.Which of these subjects would you call, 'science subjects' and which would you call 'arts subjects'?

2.Do you notice any preferences among boys and girls for one or the other?

3.What other subjects would you expect to find in the school curriculum (e.g. other modern languages, ancient languages, religious or civic studies, other arts subjects)?

4.Which three subjects would you take at 'A' level if you wanted to be the following? А) doctor; B) an economist; C) an interpreter; D) a journalist; E) an engineer; F) "an actor; G) a priest; H) a naturalist/ a painter /'a businessman? (Note that they would not necessarily be among the most popular subjects listed here).

5.Which subjects did you or do you enjoy most at school? Why? Is it because you were or are good at them, or for other reasons?

Word Study

Ex.!: Complete the sentences, using the correct word or phrase from those you have seen


above. To help you, the first letter of each word is given.

1.He wants to be a doctor so he is doing three sciences at GCSE, b_____, с_____, and p_____.

2.When he has got his d_____ at university, he wants to do a postgraduate с_____ in


3.I'll give you back your e_____ papers when I've made a note of the m_____s you obtained. It was a difficult t_____, so you did quite well.

4.The little children at the k_____ were playing games in the p_

5.He went to a school where the children wore blue and yellow u_____, and the boys had gold b_____s on their с_____.

6.If you don't pay a_____ to what I'm saying, I'll put you in d_____ and you'll have to do some e_____ work.

7.Where were you in first p_____ this morning? I've marked you as a_____ in the r_____.

8.I enjoyed his 1_____ at the Shakespeare Conference in Stratford.

9.He's one of the best 1_____s at the university. I expect he'll become the p_____one day.

10.He wanted his son to study at university but he couldn't afford to pay the f_____s so he was delighted when the boy won a s_____, which covered the cost.

11.Terminology is different at university from what we said at school. At school we said 'holidays', but here they say 'v_____s'; the t_____ here is like the form teacher at school; there they told us to write compositions, here they ask us to write e_____s; and there they talked about homework, but here it's an a_____.

Ex.2: Using a dictionary, decide which of the words in the box can go in which sections of the chart. You can put one word in more than one column.


high school


classroom playgroup

nursery school

comprehensive public school

sixth form


pupil reception class

evening classes

university master deputy-head

preparatory school tutor

teacher lecturer



head teacher headmaster headmistress



lecture theatre technical college





















Ex.3: Discuss, which of these words and phrases have similar meaning, or are used in similar situations. Find one word in each list, which seems to be the odd one out and which is not connected with education or training.

Model: award, grant, loan, prize, reward, scholarship, trophy.


(AWARD - GRANT - SCHOLARSHIP; GRANT - LOAN; TROPHY - PRIZE - AWARD; a word "reward" isn't connected with education).

1.certificate, degree, diploma, doctorate, license, recommendation, reference;

2.article, assignment, composition, dissertation, essay, paper, report, thesis;

3.law school, medical school, private school, public school, state school, Sunday school.

Text I-D.

School in the USA.

In the United States, the word "school" describes any place where people learn.

I You can call a college a "school". You can even call a university a "school". You can use the

word "school" for any English language institute, graduate program, or secondary ("high") school.

College or university follows after high school, or secondary school. A college in the U.S.A. is not a high school or secondary school. College and university programs begin in the

thirteenth year of school, when a student is 17 or 18 years old or older. A two-year "junior" college offers an Associate Degree. A four-year college or university offers a Bachelor's

Degree. Programs that offer these degrees are called "undergraduate" schools"

A "university" is a group of schools for studies after secondary school. At least one of these schools is a college where students receive a Bachelor's Degree. The other schools in a

university are "graduate" (also known as "postgraduate") schools where students receive advanced degrees. Therefore, a university offers both the Bachelor's Degree and graduate

degrees such as the Master's (M. A.) and Ph.D.(doctorate) A university usually offers graduate programs both in professional fields such as engineering and in academic subjects

such as English literature.

You can earn a Bachelor's Degree at either a college or a university. However, students in the USA prefer to use the word "college" rather than the word "university" when they talk about the four-year undergraduate program and the Bachelor's Degree. They say “going to college" and "a college degree" when they talk about undergraduate programs at either a college or a university.

Most "colleges" are separate schools. They are not located in a university. Some colleges are part of a university and are located on the university campus. (The "campus" is the school buildings and surrounding area.) A few colleges offer graduate programs in selected subjects. Usually, however, it is universities that offer graduate programs. So, Americans use the word “university" and not "college" when they talk about graduate study.


to describe - описывать;

high school - старшие классы школы to follow - следовать (за);

junior - младший;

degree - научная степень;

undergraduate - студент последнего курса; secondary - средний (о школе, образовании); to receive - получать;

post-graduate course - аспирантура;

advanced - продвинутый, повышенного типа;


therefore - следовательно; to earn - зарабатывать; either... or... - либо... либо..; to prefer - предпочитать;

separate - отдельный, раздельный;

to be located - размещаться, находиться; surrounding – окружающий

to select - отбирать, выбирать.

Comprehension check: answer the following questions.

1.What does the word "school" mean in the USA?

2.What follows after secondary (high) school?

3.At what age do American students enter colleges/universities?

4.What degree does a two-year "junior" college offer?

5.What degrees do four-year colleges provide?

6.What is a University?

Word Study

Ex.1: Translate the following phrases into English.

следовательно; средняя школа; старшие классы школы; степень бакалавра; аспирантура; учебные предметы; профессиональная сфера; получить ученую степень; студент последнего курса; предлагать; окружающая территория.



“Americans regard education as the means by which the inequalities among individuals are to be erased and by which every desirable end is to be achieved.” George S. Counts



Education in the United States comprises three levels: elementary, secondary and higher education. There are two types of educational institutions* - private and state. State institutions are called public schools, they are open to all classes and financed by taxes collected from all citizens. Americans view their public school system as an educational ladder, rising from secondary school to university programs. Kids start school by going to kindergartens at the age of 6, which is often a part of grade schools (each year of study is called a grade*). First six years are elementary school, then come junior high (grades 7 - 8) and high school (grades 9 - 12).

Most pupils follow a course that includes basic subjects - English, science and mathematics, social sciences and physical education - as well as elective subjects for high school students


who plan their careers and select subjects that will be useful in their chosen work - foreign languages, fine arts, advanced mathematics and science, and vocational training.

Students usually receive grades from A (excellent) to F (failing) in each course they take on the basis of performance in tests given throughout the year, participation in class discussions and completion of written and oral assignments. End-of-the-year examinations are given in many schools, but it’s not a must.

Sometime during grade school students are given an IQ test* (an Intelligence Quotient test). It is not a test of their knowledge, but of their ability to think. The results (scores) from these tests are known only by the teachers, and not by the students or their parents. If you have a high IQ score the teachers expect more of you, and give you more interesting work to do. At the same time, you could have a bad IQ score and be quite bright because the tests aren’t perfect and often fail to bring out your best abilities.

Though there is no separate educational system for the wealthy, there have always been private schools at all levels which are not supported primarily by public funds and charge fees*. The organization and curriculum* of private schools and colleges are similar to those of public schools but the administration differs. Private schools are usually smaller, some are open to all classes and some are not. The latter are elite private schools which serve mainly upper-class children. The tuition costs are so high that only wealthiest families can afford. Many private schools are boarding schools where kids often stay at school and don’t go home after classes, so their parents have to pay not only for better training but for their rooms and food as well. Some schools are single-sex, whereas most public schools are coeducational (coed*). Private high schools are sometimes called prep schools, that is , preparatory schools, meaning preparation for college.

Most young Americans graduate from school with a high school diploma* upon satisfactory completion of a specified number of courses. Each student is given a high school transcript* which summarizes the courses taken and the grades obtained. That is the end of mandatory free public education, however, some students drop out of school and never graduate. ). At that point young people have to decide whether they want to continue with their education or whether they want to seek employment. Over half of the students enter institutions of higher education, others may get further education at special colleges. It is mainly vocational, and leads to a certificate, or a diploma, not a degree. Courses vary in length - from a few months to two years. There are full-time , part-time and sandwich courses, that is, courses where periods of full-time study alternate with periods of full-time work, usually in industry.


to regard - рассматривать;

means - средство;

inequality - неравенство;

to erase - стереть;

desirable - желаемый;

to achieve - достигать, добиваться;

to comprise - включать;

institution = establishment - учреждение;

Institution of Higher Education - ВУЗ;

public school - государственная школа (субсидируемая государством);

taxes - (мн.ч.) налоги;

to view - рассматривать;

ladder - лестница, лесенка;

kids - амер. разг. : дети;


grade - амер. класс; оценка;

junior - младший;

basic - основной;

elective - факультативный, необязательный, по выбору;

advanced - продвинутый, повышенного типа;

vocational - профессиональный;

training - обучение;

to receive - получать;

failing - провал, т.е. неудовлетворительно;

performance - здесь: участие, успеваемость;

throughout - через, в продолжение (всего времени);

IQ = Intelligence Quotient - коэффициент умственного развития;

completion - выполнение, завершение;

ability - способность;

scores - баллы, результат очках;

bright - здесь: смышленый, сообразительный, умный;

wealthy - состоятельный;

to support – поддерживать

to charge - взимать (плату);

fee - плата за обучение;

curriculum (мн.ч. curricula) - учебный план, программа;

similar - подобный, схожий;

latter - последний (из названных);

elite - элита, элитный

to serve - обслуживать;

tuition - обучение;

tuition fee - плата за обучение; cost - стоимость;

to afford - позволять (в финансовом отношении

boarding school - школа-пансионат (т.е. с проживанием);

co-educational school - школа совместного обучения (юношей и девушек);

preparatory - подготовительный;

high school diploma - диплом о среднем образовании;

specified - определенный;

high school transcript - аттестат зрелости (с указанием отметок);

to obtain - получать;

mandatory - обязательный;

to drop out - бросать (школу);

point - точка, момент;

to seek employment - искать работу;

over - свыше;

to enter - поступать ( колледж, университет);

further - дальнейший;

degree - научная степень;

to vary - варьировать, различаться;

full-time courses - дневное обучение;

to alternate - чередовать(ся).

Comprehensive check: answer the following questions:


1.What are the levels of education in the USA?

2.What age groups do they include?

3.What are the basic subjects at school?

4.What does the word "elective" mean?

5.How are the students graded?

6.Does a bad IQ test score necessarily mean, that a student is not bright?

7.Are the IQ test scores known to students and their parents?

8.Is there a separate educational system for the wealthy?

9.What are boarding schools like? Who can afford to study there?

10.What information does a high school transcript include?

11.What are the possible ways to get further education?

Word Study

Ex.1: Match the pairs of synonyms among the following words:

to select; to comprise; to regard; elective; to be a must; to receive; to

be mandatory; task; to obtain; specified; education; vocational; optional; assignment; to view; to choose; certain; professional; to include; training.

Ex.2: Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

1.educational institution a/ студент дневной формы обучения

2.public school b/ диплом о среднем образовании

3.elective subjects c/ по окончании

4.oral assignment d/ определенное число

5.performance in tests e/ плата за обучение

6.throughout the year f/ факультативные предметы

7.vocational training g/ пансионат

8.boarding school h/ государственная школа

9.high school diploma i/ участие/успехи в тестах

10.upon completion j/ профессионально-технич. образование

11.high school transcript k/ старшеклассник

12.specified number l/ аттестат зрелости

13.full-time student m/ в течение всего года

14.high-school student n/ устное задание

15.tuition fee o/ образовательное учреждение

Ex.3: Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

1.to comprise 3 levels a/ вести к научной степени

2.to collect taxes b/ бросать школу

3.to receive grades c/ искать работу

4.to be a must d/ заканчивать университет

5.to be supported by public funds e/ получать отметки

6.to drop out of school f/ быть обязательным

7.to seek employment g/ включать три уровня

8.to graduate from a university h/ варьировать по продолжительности

9.to lead to a degree i/ собирать налоги

10.to vary in length j/ содержаться на


11. деньги общества

Ex.4: Translate the following phrases from the text and use them in the translation below.

educational institution;

to collect taxes;

to be supported by;

to view;


to choose;


upon completion;

further; vocational school;

to charge;

co-educational school;

public funds;



to comprise 3 levels;


boarding school;

during vacations;

tuition fee;


to seek employment; grades;


throughout the year; IQ

test scores;



grades obtained;




to drop out of school;

to summarize the courses taken;


to lead to; useful;

higher school;


high school transcript;


private school.





1.Образование в США включает 3 уровня - начальное, среднее и высшее образование.

2.Существуют 2 типа образовательных учреждений - частные и государственные.

3.Государственные школы финансируются за счет налогов, взимаемых со всех граждан.

4.Американцы рассматривают свою систему образования как лестницу, ведущую от

средней школы к высшей.

5. . Студенты выбирают предметы, которые будут более всего полезны в их будущей карьере.

6.В течение года они должны посещать лекции и выполнять множество устных и письменных заданий.

7.Можно иметь плохие очки по тесту IQ, но тем не менее (nevertheless) быть сообразительным, потому что тесты не являются совершенными и не всегда верно отражают (to reflect) ваши способности.

8.Частные школы взимают плату за обучение детей с их родителей.

9.Учебные программы частных школ сходны с программами государственных школ.

10.Многие частные школы являются пансионатами, где дети не только учатся, но и живут, навещая свои семьи только во время каникул.

11.Большинство государственных школ являются учреждениями совместного обучения.

12.Большинство американцев по завершении школы получают диплом о среднем образовании.

13.Аттестат об окончании средней школы суммирует пройденные курсы и полученные за них отметки.

14.Некоторые учащиеся (students) бросают школу, так и не закончив ее.

15.В таком случае, они ищут работу.

16.Большинство выпускников получают дальнейшее образование в различных учебных заведениях, от профессионально-технических школ до колледжей и университетов.

Topics to discuss.

1.Public schools.

2.Private schools.

3.Q test.

4.After-school education.




However, a high school diploma is not a ticket that allows someone to automatically enter a university. There are two widely used standardized tests for high school students who wish to attend a college or university. One is the SAT* (Scholastic Aptitude Test) consisting of three parts : Math, English and Logic. The other is ACT (American College Testing program), more commonly used in the western part of the US Both tests are of the multiple-choice type, i.e. you have to choose the most suitable answers out of the four given. Each year over three million high school students take those tests, set by non-profit, nongovernmental organizations, at specific dates and locations throughout the US The results of the test are mailed to students. The maximum score for each subject is 800 points, a score of 700 is very good, 550 is the lowest score for getting into university.

In general, colleges and universities, whether state or private, are quite free to determine their own individual standards, entrance and graduation requirements, therefore admission policies differ considerably throughout the country, but the main principles are almost the same. If you want to apply to a university you should write an application, and sometimes an essay of some kind, and submit a copy of your high school transcript and letters of recommendation. Your good transcript and high SAT or ACT scores prove you are a good scholar while the letters should speak for your character.

The system of higher education in the US is rather competitive, and it becomes extremely selective the higher the level of education.. A lot of individuals seek admission to world-known private universities, although they must pay a high fee even to apply for admission. The best universities are the most difficult to get into: they admit about 15-17 percent of all applicants, while admission to law or medical schools has always been even more selective. Needless to say, those children who have attended better schools, worked hard, or come from wealthy families, often have an advantage over those who haven’t.

The most prestigious universities are the oldest private universities like Harvard (founded in 1636), Yale (1701), Princeton (1746), Pennsylvania (1740), and some others. They are called Ivy League (from ivy* climbing over the brick walls of the old university buildings). Private universities are generally smaller, and, therefore, very competitive; tuition fees are much higher, and academic standards* are also very high; the most famous professors teach at them, and the wealthiest students attend them. The quality of education is always better, and an Ivy League University diploma gives much better career opportunities. So, it’s worth all the money that goes into it. Americans believe that the more schooling you have the more money you will earn when you leave school.

State universities, unlike private colleges are partly subsidized by state governments, so the tuition is lower. They also bring in money for research being done at the university. On the whole, they are about the same as private universities: the same classes, similar faculties, roughly the same courses. Of course, the professors won’t be so famous, or the students so rich. Young people usually go to the university in the state they live, for they have to pay less in their own state and don’t have to compete because some public colleges and universities accept nearly all applicants. However, many state-supported universities have very good reputations, and the best of them, like the University of California at Berkeley, or State University of New York (SUNY) are rather competitive, and have many students from other states and countries.

The academic year in all types of educational institutions is divided into two terms, or semesters ( unlike British universities that have three terms)-fall and spring semesters. Upon term completion children break up for holidays, whereas university students have vacations.


NOTES SAT - Scholastic Aptitude Test - a test for determining the probability of a person’s success in learning.


to allow - позволять, разрешать; widely - широко;

to attend – посещать

scholastic - учебный; школьный; aptitude - способность; склонность; commonly - обычно;

multiple - множественный, многократный, состоящий из нескольких(вариантов); choice - выбор;

suitable - подходящий, non-profit - некоммерческий;

non-governmental organization (NGO)- негосударственная/общественная организация;

specific - определенный;

throughout - здесь: по всей (стране); to mail - посылать по почте; score - счет (количество баллов);

point - очко, балл; whether... or... - или... или..; to determine - определять; entrance - поступление; graduation - завершение; requirement - требование;

considerably - значительно, очень; therefore - следовательно; aptitude - склонности, способности scholar - ученый (человек) scholastic - ученый (научный)

ivy - плющ

academic standards - требования, предъявляемые к учащимся/студентам; to apply (to) - обращаться (куда-то, к кому-то);

scholar - ученый; здесь: учащийся;

competitive - состязательный, соревновательный; to seek - искать;

applicant - абитуриент; while - в то время, как;

Law School - юридическая школа (колледж); selective - отборочный, ибирательный, разборчивый; advantage - преимущество, достоинство;

ivy - плющ;

to climb over - виться (вверх) по..; взбираться по..; brick - кирпич;

tuition fee - плата за обучение; to earn - зарабатывать, получать;

to leave(left, left) - здесь: заканчивать, покидать (школу); unlike - в отличие (от);

partly - частично;

to subsidize - субсидировать, финансировать; research - научно-исследовательская работа; in the whole - в целом;

faculty - профессорско-преподавательский состав;


roughly - грубо, примерно;

to accept - принимать, допускать; nearly - около, приблизительно;

state-supported – финансируемый штатом; academic year - учебный год;

to divide - разделять; term - семестр;

whereas - в то время как.


Ex.1: Answer the following questions:

1.What do abbreviations SAT and ACT mean?

2.What for are these standartisized tests used?

3.What kind of tasks do they include?

4.Who are these tests arranged/set by?

5.When and where are they conducted?

6.How are the test results delivered to the applicants?

7.What documents should apllicants submit to the university?

8.Why do young people seek admission to world-known private universities?

9.What are the most prestigious U.S. universities?

10.What is the number of terms in the U.S.? in Great Britain?

Ex. I Explain the following words and expressions and give their Russian equivalents: public school, elementary school, basic subjects, boarding school, written and oral

assignments, scores, mandatory, to seek employment, furher education, vocational, multiplechoice type, to apply to a university, to submit documents, competition, competitive, to admit, to attend, academic standards, to accept, terms, vacations, it’s worth all the money.


Ex1:. Match the pairs of synonyms among the following words:


to differ;

to support;

to leave;


term; to get into;



to accept;

to vary;

to subsidize;




to admit;

to graduate (from);





to enter.








Ex.2: Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

1.suitable answer a/ юридический колледж

2.2. non-governmental organisation b/ некоммерческий

3.specific date and location c/ общественная организация

4.throughout the country d/ требования по вступлению

5.brick walls e/ определенная дата и место

6.Law School f/ старшеклассник

7.admission policy g/ выбор из многих (нескольких)

8.entrance requirements h/ финансируемый штатом

9.non-profit i/ максимальное количество баллов

10.partly subsidized j/ учебный год

11.academic year k/ политика/правила приема


12.state government l/ кирпичные стены

13.multiple-choice m/ частично финансируемый

14.maximum score n/ правительство штата

15.state-supported o/ по всей стране

16.high-school student p/ подходящий ответ

Ex.3: Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

1.to enter a university a/ быть вынужденным состязаться

2.to attend a college b/ обращаться в университет

3.to be commonly used c/ предоставлять документы(кому, куда)

4.to be mailed (to) d/ поступать в университет

5.to differ considerably e/ посещать колледж

6.to apply to a university f/ обычно применяться/использоваться

7.to submit documents (to) g/ значительно различаться

8.to have to compete h/ отправлять по почте

Ex.4: Translate the following phrases from the text and use them in the translation below.

high school diploma/transcript;

to enter;

to choose;


to mean;

standartisized tests;

high-school student;




multiple-choice type test;

the most suitable answer;

to take tests;

set by; throughout

the country;

non-governmental organisation;





at specific dates and locations;


to mail;

maximum score;


admission requirements;

to vary;

to differ;


to submit;


letter of recommendation;

to prove;

opportunity; state government; tuition


lower; scholar;

to compete; partly;

to subsidize;





1.Диплом об окончании школы не означает, что вы автоматически поступаете в университет.

2.Существуют два стандартных теста для учащихся старших классов, которые хотят поступить в колледж или университет.

3.К каждому вопросу даны 4 ответа, из которых вы должны выбрать наиболее подходящий ответ.

4.Каждый год свыше 3-х миллионов старшеклассников проходят эти тесты, проводимые негосударственными организациями в определенные сроки ив определенных местах.

5.Результаты тестов рассылаются учащимся(students) по почте.

6.Максимальное число баллов по каждому предмету - 800, хорошим результатом считается 700 баллов.

7.Требования к поступлению в разных учебных заведениях различаются.

8.Если вы собираетесь поступать в университет, вам следует написать заявление и своего рода (of some kind) эссе, предоставить копию вашего аттестата, результаты теста SAT и рекомендательные письма.

9.Аттестат и результаты теста доказывают, что абитуриент имеет хорошие учебные успехи, а рекомендательные письма говорят о его характере.

10.Американцы считают, что чем лучшее образование ты получишь, тем больше у тебя возможностей для хорошей карьеры.

11.Университеты штатов частично субсидируются правительством штата, поэтому плата за обучение в них ниже.


12.Молодые люди обычно идут в университеты своего штата, ибо в этом случае им не надо состязаться.

13.Университеты штата принимают почти всех абитуриентов, проживающих на территории штата.

14.Учебный год в университете разделяется на два семестра - осенний и весенний.

Ex. 5: Find synonyms from the two columns:

























end-of-the year




Ex.6: Translate the following expressions into Russian in the accordance with the example: news program = программа новостей

public school system; university program; high school student; end-of-the-year examinations; upper-class children; tuition fees; American College Testing program; maximum score; entrance standards; Ivy League University diploma; career opportunities; fall semester; IQ.

Ex. 7: Study the word formation and complete the sentences:

to differ (v.) - different (adj.) - difference (n.)

1. The curriculum is ... at various universities. 2. What is the ... between private and state colleges? 3. The Harvard diploma ... from that of a state university. 4. You may select ...

courses at the University. 5. Tastes ... .

to compete (v.)- competitive (adj.) - competition (n.)

1. The system of higher education is rather ... in this country. 2. To become a student you have to ... . 3. The ... is very high. 4. Our product is very ... . 5. We must win the ... .

to apply (v.) - application (n.) - applicant (n.)

1. To ... to a University you should write an ... and send it by mail. 2. They admit only 15 % of all ... . 3. They must pay even to ... for admission. 4. Where is the ... form? 5. I’d like to

... for this job.

to admit (v.) - admission (n.) ; to accept (v.) - acceptance (n.)

1. ... policies differ throughout the country. 2. Some public colleges ... almost all applicants. 3. ... to law faculty is very selective. 4. He is ... to Yale.

Ex. 8: Match the words and their definitions given below:


grade, high school, curriculum, diploma, vocational, score, higher school, graduate from, standards, selective subjects, term, tuition fee, admission, applicant, vacations, middle-class, boarding school, mandatory subjects, part-time studies.

educational certificate of proficiency;

a school where pupils study and live;

a person who wants to be a student;

being accepted to a school, a club;

the mark given to a student for his work;

subjects that every student must study;

institution for giving secondary education;

course of study in a school, college, etc.;

successfully complete an academic course;

subjects that a student may choose;

academic requirements;


record of points;

when a person combine study with work;

weeks during which universities stop work;


class of society between the poor and the rich;

one of the periods into which the academic year is divided;

payments for teaching.

Ex. 9: Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

начальное образование, собирать налоги, ВУЗ, среднее образование, финансировать, основные предметы, старшие классы средней школы, получать оценки, умный, профессиональное обучение, предметы по выбору, результаты тестов (2 варианта), богатые, учебный план, выполнение устных заданий, плата за обучение, похожий, могут позволить, интернат, прослушать курс, заканчивать школу, обязательное бесплатное образование, успешное завершение, должны решить, так и не закончить, поступать в ВУЗ, удостоверение, получить профессиональное образование, дневная форма обучения, вечерняя форма обучения, подходящий ответ, некоммерческая организация, посещать Университет, выполнять тесты, отправлять по почте, имеют право устанавливать свои требования, попасть в Университет, прием в ВУЗ, ученый, подать документы в колледж, предоставить копию аттестата, качество образования, большой конкурс, прием на юридический факультет, иметь преимущество, частично финансируются государством, стоит тех денег, почти такой же, осенний семестр, получать деньги за проводимые исследования, уходить на каникулы, принимать всех абитуриентов, зачислять иностранцев.

Ex.10: Answer the questions:

1.Is there any difference between grades, examinations and assignments in American and Russian schools?

2.What do you think of IQ test?

3.Is it easy to enter an American University?

Ex. 11: Fill in the blanks with the words given below:


Primary and Secondary Education in the USA

American children at the age of five enter ... which is the beginning of primary education. At the age of six they start first ... and ... for 6 years. The 7th grade is the start of

... education which continues for six ... years. As a rule last four years at school are called ...


Most of secondary education in the US is

... in contrast to private education. It is ...

and requires no

... fees. The public schools are ...

by local ... and state and federal ....

Secondary education is ... in all states.



Basically the American system of

... is based on “C” being “...”, “B” being “...” and

“A” being the ...

grade. “D” is below the ...

and “F” or “fail” receives no credit for the course.

Students who show excellent ...

can take ...

courses. Starting in junior high school, students

have some ... in deciding what ...

they may take. Such ... are called “electives”; e.g. any

foreign ... is an “elective”.









average, choice, high, advanced, tax, kindergarten, grade, subjects, secondary, good, more, abilities, study, free, mandatory, satisfactory, language, tuition, top, government, grades, public, financed, subjects.

Text II-C.



Institutions of higher education in the US for the most part are referred to as colleges or universities. The first American universities divided courses into various fields of learning and called the departments (each teaching one branch) colleges or schools. Within a university they may be similar in structure to the “department ” at different universities all over the world, such as School of Business, Law School, or College of Chemistry, etc. Thus a university is made up of schools and colleges. The word “college” may also mean a separate institution which specializes in a specific branch of knowledge, like College of Engineering.

The number of departments, their titles and the subjects they teach varies from one university to another. Here is the list of basic departments and subjects they teach:

-Department of Arts (the Humanities) includes English, modern languages and classics (both languages and literature), History, Philosophy, sometimes Drama;

-Department of Science (or Natural Sciences, or pure science) teaches natural sciences, like Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Geography;

-Department of Engineering (or technology, or Applied Science);

-Department of Social Science(s) teaches Economics, Sociology, Political science;

-Department of Business Administration (or business studies) is a fairly new speciality combining the study of Economics, Accountancy, Commercial Law, Marketing;

-Department of Medicine, usually called medical school;

-Department of Law;

-Department of Education.

The dean is in charge of students and educational matters. He or she is assisted by Faculty Board including both professors and students.

A distinctive feature of American university is its two levels. The first level is Undergraduate School that lasts four years. The first two years (the freshman year and the sophomore year) are aimed at providing general education, i.e. broadly-based studies in the humanities, social sciences, applied and natural sciences. In the spring of the sophomore year students choose an area of concentration. During the last two years (the junior and the senior years) the students (the undergraduates) major in one special subject, so they take the majority of courses in this one area. Juniors are usually engaged in independent work and seniors - in a year-long project, thesis. This undergraduate education culminates in a


Bachelor’s degree. These degrees are usually referred to by their initials, both in speech and writing : BA (Bachelor’s of Arts), B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science), BEd (Bachelor of Education). Bachelor’s degrees are at two levels: Honors and General/Pass. At some institutions an Honors degree, abbreviated as BA (Hons),is awarded after a more specialized course, at others the course is the same for everyone and Honors degree is given to those students who are more successful in their examinations.

A Bachelor’s degree can be often considered as a background for a higher, or advanced, or further degree, that is awarded after further study, usually involving research. There are two levels of higher degrees : the Master’s degree and Doctor’s degree usually called the Ph.D. They can be obtained in Graduate School, which is the second level of university education. To obtain the Master’s degree a graduate student should work for two or sometimes three years. During this time he takes courses, passes exams, does some laboratory research guided by a competent professor, masters a foreign language, and submits a thesis (though a thesis is not always required). The name of the degree depends on the field of specialization, thus there are : MA (Master of Arts), MSc (Master of Science), MBA (Master of Business Administration), etc.

The highest degree in the American graduate school is the research doctorate, or Doctor of Philosophy, often referred to as the Ph.D. This name is invariable for all specialities. If a the graduate student is accepted into the Ph.D. program, he takes two or three years of advanced studies in his field of interest, passes the exams and does independent research, which culminates in a written dissertation. The dissertation must be an original contribution to knowledge. The candidate for Ph.D. should defend the conclusions of his dissertation before a panel of experts who finally decide whether he deserves the degree.


institution - учреждение;

to be referred to - называться; to divide - (под)разделять; field - сфера, область; department - факультет; specific - определенный; within - внутри, в пределах;

similar (to) - подобный, сходный (с);

Law School - Юридическая Школа/колледж; thus - таким образом;

to be made up (of) - состоять (из); separate - отдельный; engineering - инженерное дело; number - число, количество; title - название;

to vary - варьировать, различаться; list - список;

art - искусство;

humanities - гуманитарные науки; to include - включать;

natural sciences - естественные науки; pure - чистый;

applied - прикладной; political science - политология; fairly - здесь: сравнительно; to combine - соединять;

accountancy - бухгалтерское дело;


commercial law - торговое право; dean - декан;

to be in charge (of) - быть ответственным, отвечать (за); возглавлять; matter - вопрос;

faculty - профессорско-преподавательский состав; преподаватели;

Board - Совет; distinctive - отчетливый; feature - черта;

level - уровень;

freshman - первокурсник; sophomore - второкурсник;

to be aimed (at) - иметь своей целью; to provide - обеспечивать;

general - общий; to last - длиться;

broad - широкий; свободный; concentration - здесь: специализация; to major (in) - специализироваться (в); majority - большинство;

junior - младший; senior - старший;

to be ingaged (in) - заниматься (чем-то); independent - независимый;

thesis - диссертация;

to culminate (in) - завершаться (чем-то); Bachelor's degree - степень бакалавра; initials - инициалы (начальные буквы слов); with Honors - c отличием;

background - образование; опыт; further - дальнейший;

to award - вручать;

the same - одинаковый, тот же самый;

to be considered - рассматривать(ся), считаться;

Master - магистр;

Ph.D. = Doctor of Philosophy - доктор (ученая степень); graduate - выпускник;

to obtain - получать;

research - научно-исследовательская работа, исследование; guided by - под руководством;

to master - овладевать; to submit - предоставлять; to require - требовать(ся);

to depend (on) - зависеть (от); invariable - неизменный;

to accept - принимать;

advanced - продвинутый, повышенного типа/уровня; contribution - вклад;

to defend - защищать; conclusion - вывод;

panel of experts - совет экспертов/специалистов; finally - в конечном итоге;

whether - ли;


to deserve - заслуживать.


Ex. I Answer the following questions:

1.What is a college? Is it the same as a Russian University?

2.What is the difference between Undergraduate School and Graduate School?

Ex. II Explain the following words and expressions and give their Russian equivalents:

Arts, natural sciences, engineering, business administration, Law School, an undergraduate, general education, honors, Batchelor’s degree, Master’s degree, a graduate, to do research under a professor, thesis, to master a language, original contribution to knowledge, flexibility, liberal arts, emphasis, scholarship, loans, “on campus”, everincreasing number, essay questons, problems to solve, to grade exams, in the mail, to flunk out.

WORD STUDY to theText C.

Ex. I. Find synonyms from the two columns:


almost the same

natural sciences



specialize in


broad based education



liberal arts

result in

culminate in



pure sciences




at the same time




undergraduates in their last year

concentrate in




Ex. II. Study the word formation and complete the sentences:

to employ(v.) - employer (n.)- employee (n.) - employment (n.) - unemployed (p.)

1. Do you want to seek ... or continue with your education? 2. McDonald’s is the largest foreign ... in Russia. 3. Over 2,000 ... were dismissed last year. 4. He’s been ... for about a year. 5. I don’t think we can afford ... a new manager.

responsible (adj.) - responsibility (n.)

1. Mr. Smith is ... for accounts. 2. Could you describe my ... as an expert. 3. The administration is the ... of the Dean.

special (adj.) - speciality (n.) - to specialize (v.) - specialized (part.)

1. What’s your ... ? - I’m an accountant. 2. Our company ... in designing and constructing remote control systems.. 3. There are a lot of ... schools in St. Petersburg. 4. We can do that research only with the help of some ... devices.


Ex. III. Match the words and their definitions given below:

department; administration; matters; Undergraduate School; freshman; to major in; B.Sc.; thesis; degree; scholarship; loan; dormitory; to earn; mid-terms; essays; to flunk out, college; employers; a graduate; campus; MBA.

management of affairs, an organisation;

grounds of a school, college or university;

academic title, or grade given by a university;

sum of money given to a person who should return it;

first-year student;

piece of writing on any subject;

to be asked to leave the university because of failing the exams;

one of several divisions of a university;

first university degree, for example, in chemistry;

place where students live;

place for higher or professional education;

person who gives work, usually for payment;

holder of the second university degree in management;

first university level leading to bachelor’s degree;

yearly grant given to a student to continue his study;

research paper submitted for a university degree;

specialise in a certain subject;

get money as payment for work;

some problems to be considered and solved;

exams held in the middle of the semester;

person who has completed the course at an educational institution.

Ex. IV. Fill in the missing words:

1. Physics is taught at the faculty of ...of our University. 2. Our School of ... teaches economics. 3. Undergraduate education culminates in a ... degree. 4. The Master’s degree can be obtained in ... School. 5. During their studies undergraduates ... courses and ... exams. 6. A graduate should do some .. under a competent professor and ... a thesis. 7. Students are free in ... all courses available. 8. Where should I study to become a teacher? - At the faculty of ... . 9. Undergraduate School studies ... four years. 10. The faculty board consists of ...

from all departments. 11. Colleges are eager to help needy students with ... and speial programs. 12. At math classes you have different ... to solve. 13. It takes a lot of time for teachers to ... written exams. 14. The dissertation must be an original ... to knowledge.

Ex. V. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Область знания, высшее образование, присуждать степень Бакалавра, студент первого курса, юридический факультет, декан, специализироваться в технических науках, курсовая работа, кафедра, бухгалтерия, похожие предметы, заниматься независимой работой, диплом с отличием, аспирантура, проводить исследования по руководством профессора, средняя стипендия, большое внимание уделяется гуманитарным наукам, все имеющиеся курсы, представить и защитить диссертацию, степень Магистра в области муниципального управления, кроме этого, займы, плата за обучение,


заработать самим на обучение, решить математическую задачу, выполнить письменное задание по экономическому праву, оценивать работы, получать по почте, вылететь из университета, свободны в выборе, общее образование.

Text II-D

American Terminology is sometimes confusing

An experienced international counselor once warned that a misconception frequently develops around the American use of the word "grade."

As with many words in the English language, grade has more than one definition and that definition can be confusing. In American, grade can refer to both the "level" of study reached by a student and also the "marks" earned in a class. Even more confusing, ^making the grade" in America can mean both successfully passing a course and realizing success on several levels—a typically confusing English example!

The international student learning English is may confront these challenges frequently because of language and cultural differences. This is especially confusing when the American penchant for slang and idiomatic expressions are added. For instance, many American students will refer to their "major" and their "career" almost as if they had one definition. Actually, a college major is the intended course of study such as engineering or medicine. A career is the actual job(s) practiced after graduation such as a civil engineer or anesthesiologist.

There is not enough room in any single publication to spell out all the confusion in American English. We offer this list of education-related words and anacronyms of special interest to the international student:

GMAT - This Graduate Management Admissions Test is set by the Education Testing Service (ETS). Many schools require it from students applying for a Masters in Business Administration (MBA). A score of 450 or more usually is required for graduate admission.

GPA - Grade Point Average. The average marks scored in your accumulated college study. It is computed by adding all your grades and dividing them by the number of courses taken. Most GPAs are based on a system of "4," with a perfect "A" (excellent) represented by a 4.0 and an average by 2.0.

Graduate Programs—The course of study leading to a master's degree or doctorate. They must follow completion of a bachelor's degree program.

GRE—Graduate Record Examination. This is the test set by the Education Testing Service and is required by many schools for students applying for master's degrees other than a Master's of Business Administration (MBA).

IAP-66—This is the immigration form issued by the State Department through a United States school to an international student applying for a J-1 exchange visitor visa.

MBA—Master of Business Administration degree.

Post-Secondary Institution—A college, university, professional or technical school. Any

higher education beyond the American 12th grade (final public education).

1-20—This is Immigration Form 20 which is issued by schools in the United States to international students applying for an F-1 (academic) or M-1 (vocational) visa.

APT—Advanced Placement Test. The test set by the Education Testing Service (ETS) taken by students wishing to enter a U.S. university with advanced standing.

B. A. Bachelor of Arts degree, usually four years, available from colleges and universities.


B. S. Bachelor of Science degree, usually four years, available from colleges and universities.

SAT—The Scholastic Aptitude Test is a test provided by the Education Testing Service (ETS) for students wishing to enter a United States university as a freshman. It commonly is known as a college "entrance examination."

TOEFL - The Test of English as a Foreign Language. This is a test given by the Education Testing Service (ETS) for determining a student's standard of English. Test centers are available in many international students' home countries. A score of 500 usually is required for undergraduates and 550 for graduates. Students not passing the test may still enroll in American schools provided they and the school make immediate arrangement for English as a Second Language (ESL) study.



Confusing – запутанный Experienced – опытный Counselor – советник

Warn – предупреждать

Misconception – неправильное понимание

Frequently – часто

Grade – 1. Уровень: класс; 2, оценка (амер)

Definition – определение

Refer (to) – относиться (к) Level – уровень

Reach – достичь, добиться Earn marks – получать отметки Confront – сталкиваться

Challenge – возникшая проблема

Penchant – склонный

Added – добавлен Major – специализация

Graduation – окончание (вуза) Intend – намереваться

Civil – гражданский

Admission – прием

Apply – обращаться

Score – сумма очков (баллов) Require – требоваться

Average – средний

Compute – подсчитывать

Excellent – отличный


Master – магистр

Degree – научная степень

Completion – завеершение

Issue – выдавать

Secondary – средний

Institution – учреждение

Final – заключительный

Academic – учебный, академический

Advanced – продвинутый

Placement – определение места

Standing - положение

Available – доступный, возможный

Scholastic учебный

Aptitude – склонность

Entrance exam – вступительный экзамен

Undergraduate – здесь: старшеклассник

Enroll – здесь: регистрировать(ся)

Provided – в случае, если

Make arrangement – условиться, договориться

Immediate - немедленно

Word Study to the Text.

Ex. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:



1. international student

2. experienced counselor 3. 12th grade



5. entrance examination 6. confusing definition


advanced level

8. required score 9. typical example

10. average mark

11. enough room

12. vocational education



a/ профессиональное образование b/ продвинутый уровень



d/ вступительный экзамен e/

опытный советник f/

типичный пример

g/ достаточно места h/ 12-й класс (последний) i/

требуемая сумма очков j/ приводящее в замешательство определение k/ средняя отметка l/ неправильное понимание

Ex. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

1. to earn marks

2. to confront challenges 3. to complete a program

4. to issue a form

5. to add and divide 6. to apply for a Masters 7.

to determine one' standard of... 8. to make an arragement

a/ завершить программу b/ поступать на получение степени магистра c/ складывать и делить d/ сталкиваться с возникающими трудностями e/ выдать


документ f/ условиться g/ получать отметки h/ определить свой


Ex. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Опытный советник по международным вопросам предупредил, что существует неправильное понимание американского слова "grade". 2. У этого слова - несколько определений. 3. Одно из них обозначает класс, уровень знаний. 4. Второе значение - "оценка", но именно в американском английском, поскольку у англичан есть свое собственное слово для данного понятия (notion). 5. Иностранный студент часто может сталкиваться с проблемами, возникающими из-за языковых и культурных различий. 6. Существует ряд терминов и аббревиатур, которые представляют интерес для студента-иностранца. 7. Существуют различного рода тесты для поступления в университеты и другие учебные заведения. 8. Для поступления в университет необходимо набрать определенное число очков в письменном экзамене, который проводится независимыми экзаменационными комиссиями, разбросанными по всей стране. 9. Этот экзамен равносилен (be equal to) вступительному экзамену.

Comprehension Check.

Ex. Answer the following questions:

1.What did an experienced counselor warn about?

2.What are the main meanings of the word "grades"?

3.What do the words "major" and "career" mean?

4.What scientific degrees are there in America?

5.What score is required to apply for a Master's degree?

6.What do the following abbreviations mean:

a/ MBA; b/ SAT; c/ TOEFL.

7. What institutions are the exams held at?

Topics to discuss.

1.Meanings of the word "grade".

2.Comment the following abbreviations:

a/ GMAT; b/ GPA; c/ GRE; d/ MBA; e/ SAT; f/ TOEFL.


Ex.1:Find out the Subject and the Predicate

1. Courses vary in length – from a few months to two years.


2.In order to enter a university or polytechnic in Britain, you should have two or three “A” levels with good marks.

3.Do young people pay less in their own state?

4.The undergraduate education culminates in a Bachelor’s Degree.

5.During the last two years the undergraduates major in one special subject.

6.To obtain the Master’s Degree a graduate student should work for two or sometimes three years.

7.For classes like history, literature, or even science there are essay questions, for math there are problems to solve.

8.Discussion often centres on the design of secondary and higher education programs.

Ex 2:Choose the verb (in brackets) that agrees with the subject

1.Colleges of education (train, trains) teachers.

2.Postgraduate courses (exist, exists) for the degrees of MA, M Sc and Ph.D.

3.In you have a high IQ score the teacher (give, gives) you more interesting work to do.

4.Further education at special colleges is mainly vocational, and (lead, leads) to a certificate, or a diploma, not a degree.

5.The academic programs (differ, differs) greatly in various universities.

6.An ever increasing number of students (hold, holds) jobs besides studying.

7.This (mean, means) that just about any student who really (want, wants) to can finance his education.

8.Young people usually (go, goes) to the university in the state they (live, lives).

Ex 3: Write down the questions to the given answers

1.….. are you? – I’m 20.

2.….. do you prefer, tennis or golf? – Tennis

3.….. does it cost? – 10 dollars

4.….. is it? - 11 am

5.….. of books do you enjoy reading? – Detective stories

6.….. does he go to school? – 6 days a week

7.….. is he? – a coach

8.….. were you there? – Yesterday

9.….. have you been there? – (for) 3 weeks

10. ..… people will there be out of town tomorrow? – A lot (of)

11.….. do they life? – in S.-P.

12.….. things are these? – Mine

13.….. is she? – my sister

14.….. are you? – O.K.

15.….. do you go in for? - Football


Ex.4:Choose the correct form of each present tense verb

1.A university (offers, offer) both the B.D. and graduate degrees such as the M.A. and Ph.D.

2.Why (does, do) people go to university?

3.Education in Great Britain (is, are) compulsory from 5 to 16.

4.University and Polytechnic degree courses (lasts, last) three or four years.

5.(Does, do) a student wear a uniform?

6.Private universities (is, are) generally small and, therefore, very competitive.

7.In the USA the word “school” (describes, describe) any place where people learn.

8.(Does, do) students have a lot of tests and exams?

The Infinitive and Continuous Tenses (Active and Passive)

Ex 5:Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous (Active).

1. Nothing (to grow) in a desert. 2. – Aren’t you dressed yet? – I (to think) of what to put on, it (to be) rather cold outside. 3. She (to speak) French fluently. 4. This girl always (to talk) at the lessons. 5. Listen! Can you hear those people next door? They (to shout) at each other again/ 6. As a rule she (to do) her homework in the evening. 7. It is rather unpleasant to live in that part of the country at this time of the year. It continually (to rain) there. 8. She (to work) much and usually (to get) good marks. 9. The moon (to go) round the earth. 10. You always (to lock) the door to your apartment when you leave? 11. Please be quiet, I (to try) to concentrate. 12. I can’t afford this ring. It (to cost) too much. 13. Jane often (to teach) other students in her math class. This afternoon she (to help) Steve with his math assignment because he (not to understand) the new material. 14. After three days of rain, I’m glad that the sun (to shine) again today. 15. Mike is a student but he (not to go) to the college right now because it’s summer. He (to attend) his college from September to May every year, but in the summers he (to have) usually a job at the post office. In fact, he (to work) there this summer.

Ex 6: Translate into English using the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous (Active)

1.Девушка, которая разговаривает с моей сестрой, наша соседка, которая живет напротив. 2. – Ты хорошо слышишь докладчика? – Да, я слышу его достаточно четко. Я слушаю его очень внимательно, но не совсем понимаю, на что он намекает, (to drive at). 3. Идете в эту же сторону? Могу вас подвезти. 4. Не входи в кабинет! Там сейчас занимается май брат – студент последнего курса. Он готовится к выпускным экзаменам. 5. – Почему не заходишь к нам? – Я очень занят, я играю в студенческом оркестре и мы репетируем каждый вечер. 6. Прекрати курить! Комната полна дыма. 7. Ей нравятся произведения этого писателя, а мне нет.

Ex7: Open the brackets putting the infinitive into the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous (Active)

1.The class (to argue) hotly about the plans for the summer holidays when the teacher (to enter) the classroom. 2. While I (to study) in one room of our apartment, my roommate (to have a party) in the other room. 3. When he (to offer) you to meet to discuss the plans for the future? 4. – Where, you (to be)? I (to ring up) you at 8 o’clock last night. 5. I (to sleep) soundly when the mailman (to knock) at the door. 6. The accident (to happen) while they (to drive) on the highway. 7. When john (to come) home, Ann (to watch) television. 8. Everybody (to understand) that she (to be) not right but (not to tell) her about it.


Ex8: Translate the sentences into English using the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous (Active)

1.Когда они наконец приехали к нам, нас не было дома. 2. Пока директор вел деловую беседу с представителями иностранных фирм, секретарь сортировала утреннюю почту. 3. Когда поезд проезжал Париж, была ночь и пассажиры так и не увидели его. 4. Когда декан вошел в аудиторию, какой-то студент делал доклад. 5. Она отложила в сторону книгу, которую читала и задумалась. 6. Шел сильный дождь, когда я вышел из автобуса. 7. Когда ты позвонил нам, мы обедали. 8. В субботу утром я работал в саду. 9. Машинистка печатала доклад, когда вошла секретарь и положила на стол еще какие-то бумаги.10. Что ты делала вчера вечером в 9 часов? – Смотрела TV. 11. Когда я впервые встретил ее, она работала в школе. 12. Когда мы вышли на улицу, ярко светило солнце.

13.– Где ты был в 11?

- В колледже. У меня были занятия в это время.

14.Обычно студенты сдают тесты и экзамены в конце семестра.

Ex9: Translate the following into English using the Present Indefinite or the Past Indefinite

1.Я сержусь на вас за то, что вы были очень невнимательны вчера. 2. Он говорит, что не помнит многих подробностей этого фильма, т.к. смотрел его еще в детстве. 3. Кажется, он очень интересуется иностранными языками? – Да, он увлекался ими еще в школе. 4. Наша библиотека снабжает студентов всеми нужными им книгами.

5. Латинский – сейчас «мертвый» язык, но несколько веков тому назад он был международным языком. 6. – Когда вы видели ее в последний раз? – В прошлый четверг. 7.Вы обычно говорите со своими друзьями на английском языке? – Нет. 8. Я никогда не упускаю возможность послушать хорошую музыку. 9. Ваше предложение не имеет смысла. 10. – Не одолжишь мне 10 долларов? – Почему ты не попросишь их у своего брата? – В этом-то вся проблема, я заняла у него 10 долларов на прошлой неделе и сейчас он просит их вернуть.

Ex10: Translate into Russian paying attention to the meanings of the expression used to. Study the example.

Example: - Do you play football?

-Not now but I used to

-Ты играешь в футбол?

-Сейчас нет, но когда-то играл.

1.She used to be very pretty when she was young. 2. He used to be a sailor. 3. I can’t speack

French now as well as I used to, I’m afraid. 4. I don’t drive as carelessly as I used to. 5. He doesn’t smoke as much as he used to. 6. She is slender now but she used to be rather fat in her youth.

Ex11: Open the brackets putting the verbs into the Future Indefinite or the Future Continuous (Active).

1. You (to have) time to help me tomorrow? 2. What you (to do) at 8 a.m. tomorrow? 3. We (to have) a holiday next week. 4. I (to know) the results of my written test in a week 5. At this time tomorrow night, Jack (to practice) the piano. 6. They (to stay) with us next Christmas. 7. At 9 p/m/ he (to work) on his Master’s essay. 8. Where you (to spend) your vocation? 9. You (to meet) Ann soon? 10. When we reach England it (to rain) probably. 11. I can’t understand this letter. I (to call) my son. He (to translate) it to you. 12. Hurry up or you (not to catch) the


last train. 13. I’m awfully busy these days, but I (to see off) you. 14. I hope the weather (to be) better soon and we (to go) down to the country to have a rest.

Ex12: Translate the sentences into English using the Present Continuous in the future meaning. Study the example.

Example: Делегация прибывает завтра.

The delegation is arriving tomorrow.

1.– Что Вы делаете сегодня вечером? – Иду в театр. 2. Они приедут в любую минуту. 3. На следующей неделе мы устраиваем встречу выпускников. 4. Я выхожу из дома

через 10 минут. 5. Завтра я встречаю приятеля их Москвы. 6. Они едут за город на субботу и воскресенье. 7. – Когда уезжают твои родители? – Завтра.

Ex13: Translate the sentences into English according to the model.

Model: Я думаю, он не придет.

I don’t think he’ll come.

1. Я думаю,

о н не пр едло жит нам помо щь. 2 .Я думаю,

их не заинтер есует эта

проблема. 3.

Я думаю, книга не будет иметь успех. 4. Я

думаю, это не займет у нас

много времени. 5. Я думаю, не будет никаких трудностей. 6. Я думаю, там не будет много народа.

Ex14: Translate into English using the Future Indefinite or The Future Continuous (Active).

1. Надеюсь, фильм будет иметь успех. 2. В это время на следующей неделе мы будем путешествовать. 3. – Она будет заниматься английским языком с 8 до 10 часов утра? – Да. 4. Боюсь, мы только зря потеряли время. 5. Подожди! Я поймаю такси. 6. Извини, я тебя не слышу. Я выключу радио. 7. Он перезвонит Вам позднее. 8. Уверена, они поддержат эту идею. 9. – Мы придем в 5. – Хорошо, я буду Вас ждать. 10. Будь уверена, мы придем вовремя. 11. Не звони ей в 12 часов, она будет готовиться к экзамену. 13. Мы не опоздаем.

Ex15: Complete the sentences using the expressions from the right column.

a) I am going

- to say a few words about it.


- to explain our new ideas to you.


- to leave them some message.


- to talk about modern art.

b) Are you going…?

- to buy a colour TV-set.


- to play tennis this afternoon.

- to be a scientist.

- to go to the movies tonight.

Work in pairs. Give your partner the sentence in Russian and ask him to translate it. Give other variants.

Ex16: Change the following sentences in the Future Indefinite Tense (Active).

a)using shall or will:

b)using going to.

Replace the present or past time expressions by a future time expressions. Example: He wrote the letter yesterday.

a) He will write the letter tomorrow.


b)He is going to write the letter tomorrow.

1.Ted worked hard last term. 2. Did Ted work hard last term? 3/ They built a new school in

1990. 4. What time did you have breakfast? 5. They sold their house last month. 6. Susan brought in the coffee. 7. He spoke English to his colleagues. 8. I went to my friend’s house. 9. They thought about their work. 10. We had supper at 7 p.m.

Ex17: Rewrite each sentence below using the Passive Voice wherever possible. Make all the necessary verb and subject changes.

1.A four-year college or university offers a Bachelor’s Degree.

2.The undergraduates take the majority of courses in one special subject.

3.Upon term completion university students have vacations.

4.In “graduate” schools students receive advanced degrees.

5.A high school transcript summarizes the courses taken by the student and the grades obtained.

6.Most universities require mid-semester and final examinations.

7.The best universities admit about 15-17 percent of all applicants.

8.Each year over 3 million high school students take two standardized tests – SAT and ACT.

Ex18: Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets. Make all the necessary changes. (Present Simple / Present Progressive)

1.What are you doing? I (write, be writing) my term paper.

2.The IQ tests are not perfect, and often (fail, be failing) to bring out students’ best abilities.

3.A final examination usually (last, be lasting) three hours.

4.Don’t bother me! I (prepare, be preparing) for my mid-semester exam.

5.Harry (know, be knowing) that his daughter will graduate with honors.

6.After final examinations students (receive, be receiving) their grades in the mail a month, or two later.

7.Hurry up! Your teacher (want, be wanting) you.

8.Where is Sam? He (play, be playing) in the playground.

Ex19:Complete these sentences with one of the following verbs (in the correct Passive form).



refer (to)



(not) support

call aim (at)


Example: The results of the test are mailed to students.

1.The academic year in all types of educational institutions … into two terms.

2.State universities partly … by state governments.

3.Private schools … primarily by public funds and charge fees.

4.In British universities some university teachers … tutors.

5.The freshman year and the sophomore year at an Undergraduate school … providing general education.

6.The results from IQ tests … only by the teachers, and not by the students or their parents.

7.The degrees usually … by their initials, both in speech and writing.


8.At some institutions an Honors degree … to the students who are more successful in their examinations.

Ex20: Make the sentences Passive according to the model wherever possible.

modal verb + be + Participle II


- We can solve this problem.


Мы можем решить эту задачу.

-The problem can be solved.

Задачу можно решить.

1.A student can hold a part-time job either “on campus” or “off campus”.

2.Many students must maintain a certain grade average to keep their scholarships.

3.The candidate for Ph. D. Should depend his dissertation before a panel of experts.

4.High school students can select subjects useful in their chosen work.

5.Students may have two finals a day.

6.The students can obtain the Master’s degree and Doctor’s degree in Graduate school.

7.An applicant to a University should submit some letters of recommendation.

8.Some students may get vocational education at special colleges.

Ex21: Change the voice of the underlined verb making all the necessary changes. a) Example: We carry out many experiments in our laboratory.

Many experiments are carried out by us in our laboratory.

1. The secretary sent all the mail off an hour ago. 2. The doctor examined the patient and wrote out a prescription. 3. The students take written exams at the end of the term. 4.

Columbus discovered America in 1492. 5. We often change our plans.

6. Shakespeare

wrote 37 plays.


b) Example: He was given an interesting problem to solve. (the teacher)

The teacher gave him an interesting problem to solve.

1. The students were warmly thanked for the help (The Dean). 2. He was offered many books on the subject of his report. (a librarian) 3. The children were sent to the sea for summer. (the parents) 4. The questions were asked at the police station. (a police officer) 5. The experiment is discussed every day. (the scientist) 6. The delegates were interviewed near the hotel. (the newspaper reporters)

Ex22: Open the brackets using the Verbs in the Passive Voice

1. A student’s on this problem (to hold) now. 2. All the orders to fulfil) in time as usual. 3. Don’t enter the room. It (to air) now. 4. When mother came into the room the child’s temperature (to take) by the doctor. 5. Listen! This radio programme (to broadcast) again. 6. The serial (to show) on TV every evening last week. 7. A new bridge (to build) across the


river soon. 8. These competitions (to hold) regularly in our country. 9. London (to burn down) in the Great Fire of 1666. 10. We hope that earthquakes (to forecast) in the nearest future.

Ex23: Translate into English using the Passive Voice

1. В нашем районе строится новая школа. 2. Меня пригласили принять участие в студенческой конференции. 3. Этот фильм увидят во многих странах. 4. Его кандидатуру поддержало большинство избирателей. 5. Билеты для вас будут оставлены в кассе цирка. 6. Тише! Обсуждается вопрос, очень важный для нашего учреждения. 7. Меня спросили, где я живу. 8. Какие вопросы вам задавали? 9. Землетрясение разрушило несколько городов. 10. Эти предметы не изучаются на нашем факультете. 11. Ему дали 3 дня, чтобы закончить эту работу. 12. Ей зададут много вопросов после доклада. 13. Когда была открыта Америка? 14. Их сообщение было выслушано с интересом. 15. В доме зимой не живут.


Ex24: Insert articles where necessary a)

…..man called at ….. village post-office for ….. registered letter. ….. letter was there, but

…..clerk did not give it to ….. man. “How can I know that ….. letter is for you?” he said.

…..man took ….. photograph of himself from ….. pocket, and said, “I think now you know who I am?”

…..clerk looked long at ….. photo and then said, “Yes, that’s you. Here’s ….. letter.”


At ….. physics lesson ….. teacher asks ….. children about ….. effects of ….. heat and ….. cold on ….. body.

“Heat makes ….. things bigger and ….. cold makes ….. things smaller,” answered ….. bright boy.

“Quite right,” says ….. teacher. “Can you give ….. example?”

“In ….. summer, when it is hot, ….. days are longer, but in winter, when it is cold, ….. days are shorter,” answered ….. bright boy.


….. man fell ill, and ….. doctor was sent for. ….. doctor came; and when he had found out what ….. matter was. He asked for ….. pen , ….. ink, and paper, so that he might write ….. prescription. But there were no such …..things in ….. house; so ….. man’s wife went out to try to borrow them from somebody. She was ….. long time gone, and ….. doctor grew tired of waiting. He took ….. piece of ….. coal, wrote ….. prescription with it on ….. door, and went away. ….. thing was that nobody in ….. house could read or write ….. Latin. So they took ….. door off its ….. hinges, carried it to ….. chemist’s shop, and got ….. medicine.


….. years ago ….. famous American gave his son ….. piece of ….. advice which will serve you well: ….. all big things have ….. little names”, he said, “such as ….. life and ….. death, ….. peace and ….. war, or ….. dawn, ….. day, ….. night, ….. hope, ….. love, ….. home Learn to use ….. little words in ….. big way. It’s hard to do, but they say what they mean. When you don’t know what you mean, use ….. big words. That often fools ….. little people.

(Harvey Day)


General Review Exersices

Ex.25 Choose the correct singular or plural noun

1.Some (school, schools) are single – sex.

2.The best of the (university, universities) are rather competitive.

3.You may use both (term, terms) in this meaning.

4.Many private schools are boarding schools where (kid, kids) don’t go home after classes.

5.Every part-time (job, jobs) may be either “on campus” or “off campus”.

6.Don’t miss a single (lecture, lectures)!

7.Each (student, students) should write an application to a university.

8.Teachers grade lots of written (exam, exams) at the end of the semester.

Ex 26 Make these nouns plural

1.child -

2.grown-up -

3.businessman -

4.curriculum -

5.tax -

6.life -

7.thesis -

8.campus -

9.woman -

10.employee -

Ex 27Choose the correct preposition

1.Private high schools are sometimes called preparatory schools, meaning preparation (to, for) college.

2.In boarding schools parents pay (to, for) the kid’s rooms and food.

3.Kids start school by going (in, to) kindergartens at the age of 6.

4.The organization and curriculum of private schools and colleges are similar (to, with) those of public schools.

5.Most young Americans graduate (for, from) school with a high school diploma.

6.The name of the degree depends (on, from) the field of specialization.

7.If you want to apply (in, to) a university you should write an application.

8.The faculty board consists (from, of) representatives from all departments (both the staff and the students).



Ex. I Study the models and speak about your studies:

1. What do you do? Are you a student?













I am a/an



student at London University.
























St. Petersburg University



study at


Monteray Institute of International Studies


My friends

go to


Baltic State University of Engineering






University of Humanities and Social Studies






College of economics


2. What is Mr.Smith?






professor of electronics





lecturer in history





supervisor/ advisor



Mr. Smith is a/an



at our School of Engineering.




head of the English department











Oxford graduate












lectures on chemistry



Professor Jones


teaches French






does some research in physics



3. How many Schools (faculties) are there at your University?

There are many Schools at our University, but the most popular are the Schools of:

arts, economics, political sciences, business administration, laser technology, aerospace technology, control systems; mathematics; industrial management; marketing; sociology; real estate and insurance.

4. What is your major / speciality?



history of Russia



computer science




My friend

major in


My fellow students

specializes in

political science



hotel administration



health care administration




5. What rooms and facilities does your College have?




(lecture) rooms




lecture theaters


Students have at their

a lot of

great Hall




gym (gymnasium)



a few


at the College.

There are/is


labs (laboratories)



a/an (one)





snack bars, coffee bars




the office






Ex. II Study the examples and fill in the missing words:

to learn = to get knowledge of some subject or skill in some activity - учить, выучить He learns typing at school.

She learnt to read when she was 5. You should learn the poem by heart.

to study = to gain knowledge, it refers only to knowledge, not skills or abilities - изучать,



He studies at Princeton.


He goes to school.


He is a first -year student.

He learns English at school.

to do/ to get on well = to be a bright student - хорошо учиться How is he getting on at school?

He’s doing well at college.

to teach = to give a person knowledge, to give lessons - преподавать, обучать He teaches for a living.

Who teaches you English? = Who do you have for English

to train = to give teaching AND practice, usually for a particular job or skills - готовить,

обучать, тренировать

College of Education trains 200 teachers a year. She is a trained typist.

to instruct = to teach a practical skill

Mr. Smith instructs them how to drive.

education (general), training (more practical), tuition (refers to costs) - обучение,


Tuition fee is rather high.

1. Is he ... well at school? 2. He ... to high school. 3. He is a first ... student. 4. The ... is smaller at state universities. 5. They ... girls to be nurses. 6. Higher ... in US is rather expensive. 7. Mr. Bell ... me how to ride a horse. 8. She wen to France for a year to ...

French there. 9. Who do you ... for physics? 10. When did you ... to swim? 11. We ... math every day. 12. He is a ... driver. 13. You may get vocational ... at special colleges. 14. The most famous professors ... at Yale. 15. It’s very difficult to ... and work at the same time.

Ex. II Study the structure of American educational system and speak about the system of education in Russia:







Мне бы хотелось получить некоторые

Could you help me to get some







information about the US system of


высшего образования. Я слышал, она

higher education? I’ve heard it differs


очень отличается от системы высшего

greatly from that of most other


образования большинства других стран.















Certainly. The first university – level





degree in the United States is the


степень в США – степень бакалавра.

Bachelor’s Degree (B.D.). Generally,






the Bachelor’s Degree represents the


завершении четырех лет обучения в

completion of four years of university


университете, после того, как студент в

education after finishing twelve years of


течение 12 лет обучался в начальной и,

primary and secondary school.



затем, средней школах.










Кого называют “undergraduate students”?

“undergraduate students”?












Undergraduate students are those who





are pursuing their first university degree.


«студенты последнего курса») – это

Most colleges and universities require


студенты, готовящиеся получить свою

them to take course work in the natural





sciences, mathematics, the arts, the







humanities, the social sciences, and





English composition besides, their area







of specialization (their major).













































и общественных наук, а также






композиции речи в дополнение к их












How many years does the second


Сколько лет требуется для получения

university – level degree – the Master’s





Degree (M.D.) – require? Can


степени магистра? Все ли могут

everybody be admitted to master’s


принять участие в обучении по

degree programs?




программе магистра?





The Master’s Degree requires one or



получения степени магистра

two years of advanced study in an area






of specialization beyond the Bachelor’s


программе от одного до двух лет после

Degree. But admission to Master’s


получения степени бакалавра. Лишь

Degree programs is available only to


студенты, которые достигли отличных

students who have achieved excellent


результатов на последнем курсе, могут

records in their undergraduate programs.


быть допущены к программе магистра.

The highest degree offered in the United


Самая высокая степень в США –

States is the Ph.D., isn’t it?



докторская степень (Ph.D.), не правда















You are right. The Ph.D. is the Doctoral


Вы пр авы. Для получе

ния докторской

Degree which requires a minimum of


степени требуются усиленные занятия в

two years of advanced study beyond the


течение минимум двух лет после

Master’s Degree.




получения степени магистра.



And which students can be admitted to


А какие студенты допускаются к этим

these programs?











Admission to doctoral programs is very




