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Microbiology new Документ Microsoft Word.doc
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Unit 16





Exercise 1. Learn the following new words:

  1. microbiology

  2. stereoscope

  3. unicellular

  4. multicellular

  5. acellular

  6. protozoans

  7. yeast

  8. algae

  9. fungi

  10. encompass

  11. discipline

  12. virology

  13. mycology

  14. parasitology

  15. bacteriology

  16. biosynthesis

  17. Louis Pasteur

  18. Robert Koch

['maikrəubai 'ɔləʤi]


[ju:ni 'seljulə]

[mʌlti ' ]

[ei ' ]








[mai 'kɔləʤɪ]

[pærəsai 'tɔləʤɪ]

[bæktiəri 'ɔləʤɪ]

[baiəu 'sɪnθesis]

['Lu:is Pæs 'tə:]

['Rɔbət Kəuk]

  1. мікробіологія

  2. стереоскоп

  3. одноклітинний

  4. багатоклітинний

  5. безклітинний

  6. найпростіші

  7. дріжджі;

  8. морська водорість

  9. гриби

  10. містити в собі

  11. дисципліна

  12. вірусологія

  13. мікологія

  14. паразитологія

  15. бактеріологія

  16. біосинтез

  17. Луїс Пастер

  18. Роберт Кох

Exercise 2. Read the following paying attention to the rules of reading

[əs] – vigorous, numerous, famous, fibrous, nervous, venous, subcutaneous

[ɑ:] – dance, plant, grant, advantage, branch, advance

] – contain, consists, comprise, concern, control, correct, complete

Exercise 3. Study the suffixes and terminology. Read and translate the following words and give more examples of your own:

  • ology: study of– ( histology, morphology, physiology, ecology…

  • bio: life and living things– (biology, biophysics, biorhythms, biopsy…

  • micro: very small– (microscope, microscopy, microsurgery, microbes...

  • physio: nature and living things – ( physician, physics, physiopathology…

Exercise 4. Make Adverbs from Adjectives. Translate them into Ukrainian

Model: slow – slowly (повільний – повільно)

Slow, vigorous, quick, numerous, rapid, nervous, general, subcutaneous, intramuscular, common, sharp.

Exercise 5. Give the Plural of the following Nouns:

Example: analysis – analyses, force – forces.

Diagnosis, process, force, analysis, disease, abscess, science, medicine, prognosis, course, neurosis.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the word combinations into your native language:

microscopic organisms; scientific study; controlling activities; numerous sub-disciplines; disease-causing microorganisms; harmful effects; channeling the activities; to benefit medicine; produce antibiotics; the branches of microbiology; pure and applied sciences; advances made in physics; the practical usefulness; the improvement of health; treatment options; outbreaks of disease; species and their properties, to examine under a stereoscope.

Exercise 7. Match the terms with their explanations:

  1. stereoscope

  2. microbiology

  3. virology

  4. mycology

  5. parasitology

  6. bacteriology

  7. biosynthesis

    1. the branch of medicine concerned with the study of viruses and the diseases they cause;

    2. the formation of complex compounds from simple substances by living organisms;

    3. an optical instrument for viewing two-dimensional pictures and giving them an illusion of depth and relief.;

    4. the branch of biology involving the study of microorganisms;

    5. the branch of biology concerned with the study of fungi;

    6. the branch of biology that is concerned with the study of parasites;

    7. the branch of science concerned with the study of bacteria.

Exercise 8: Read and translate the text: