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Black rhinoceros. Fewer than 2,000 of them remain in the wild. That‘s a 95 percent decline since 1970. Most are killed for their horns, which are ground into powder for medical purposes in Asia.

Tigers. Only 67,000 wild tigers remain. Tigers are hunted and killed for their body parts, which are used in oriental medicines.

Chimpanzees. Chimps and other primates are on the verge of becoming extinct, primarily due to the destruction of tropical rain forests, which are home for 90 percent of all primates.

Elephants. In the last 20 years, half the African elephants have been killed off. The Asian elephant population has shrunk even more. Elephants are killed for their ivory tusks, most of which are used for making jewelry.

Визначте, чи є вірними такі висловлювання.

1. Pandas live in India. 2. Rhinoceros are killed for their skin. 3. The horns of rhinoceros are ground into powder for medical purposes. 4. The number of wild tigers is less than 30,000. 5. Tigers are hunted for their fur. 6. Chimpanzees live in rain forests. 7. The population of African and Asian elephants has increased in the last 20 years. 8. Ivory is a precious material for making jewelry.

30.2. Письмові завдання

Вправа 7. Заповніть пропуски словами, що підходять за змістом: man, months, discovered, wars, evolved, only, appear, information, riches, Earth, ago, known, extinction, huge, system.

Planet Earth Is 4,600 Million Years Old

If we pretend that our planet is like a person, we can compare the Earth with a man of 46 years of age. Nothing is ___ about the first 7 years of this person‘s life, and very little ___ can be found about his youth. What we know for sure is that ___ at the age of 42 the Earth began to flower.

Dinosaurs and the great reptiles did not ___ until one year ago, when the planet was 45. Mammals arrived only eight ___ ago. In the middle of the last week man-like apes ___ into ape-like men. And only last weekend the ice age enveloped the ___.

Modern ___ has been around for only four hours. During the last hour Man

___ agriculture. The industrial revolution began only a minute ___. During those sixty seconds of biological time, Man has made ___ rubbish dump out of Para-


dise. Man has caused the ___ of 500 species of animals, robbed the planet of its mineral ___, and now stands at the brink of a war to end all ___ which will destroy this oasis of life in the solar ___.

30.3. Читання

Прочитайте та перекладіть текст рідною мовою.

Bees Are in Danger

Since the 1980s, beekeepers and observers of nature have been noticing that bees are disappearing, particularly in Europe and the United States. The phenomenon reached a peak during the winter of 2006–2007, when one quarter of all domesticated honey bees in the US died out, according to a report from the US Congress.

Scientific experts blame a combination of stress factors, including climate change, the use of neurotoxic insecticides, viral and fungal infections, and lack of genetic diversity among domestic bee populations.

Thanks to pollinators such as insects, birds and bats, the world‘s flowering plants are able to reproduce and bear fruit. Bees are among the most active pollinators, alone responsible for as much as 70–80% of reproduction in the plant world, according to a study by the France‘s national institute for agricultural research, INRA. Their disappearance would put the survival of wild plants and commercial crops at risk.

30.4. Граматика. Повторення підрядних речень

Вправа 2. Доповніть текст необхідними відносними займенниками.

During your holidays, ___ you go somewhere with your friends, you usually take a lot of things with you. Though, your holiday suitcase is never big enough, is it? And there isn‘t a place ___ you can put bulky items like a sleeping bag. Well, there is a simple solution: take a rope or a scotch and attach it to your suitcase.

On holiday you put all the clothes ___ you have worn into old bags before you take them home. And when you get home, your brother says ―___ T-shirt is this, yours or mine?‖ Correct? Well, here are some attractive bags ___ come in different sizes for different clothes.


There are people ___ like to read late at night on holiday and there are other people ___ want to go to sleep. Here is the answer. It‘s a little reading light ___

you put behind the book while you are reading.

Вправа 3. Вставте that, who, what.

1. Tell me ___ you want and I will try to help you. 2. Why do you blame me for everything ___ goes wrong in our group? 3. Maria is the only person ___ understands me. 4. Why do you always disagree with anything ___ I say? 5. She gives her children everything ___ they want. 6. This is an awful film. It‘s the worst one ___ I‘ve ever seen. 7. I won‘t be able to do very much but I‘ll do the best

___ I can. 8. Nobody knows ___ kind of work is being carried out in that laboratory.

Вправа 4. Передайте непрямою мовою.

1. Mike hasn’t come to school today. The teacher says that Mike hasn’t сотe to school today. 2. Are you going anywhere for the weekend? – Tom asked me

___. 3. I‘m really angry with you for what you‘ve done. – Hannah said that ___. 4. How long has Paul Brown been living in this street? – The police officer asked ___. 5. The police will probably want to question me. – The director thought that ___. 6. I was in love with Judith once. – He confessed that ___. 7. I have a lot of pets at home: a dog, a cat and some budgies. – Anna says that ___. 8. Have you met Kate before? – Mike wanted to know ___.

30.5. Домашнє завдання

Вправа 5. Розкажіть про тварин з тексту (30.1), використовуючи такі фрази. Не забудьте вжити правило узгодження часів.

1. I learned that ... 2. It was reported that ... 3. It turned out that ... 4. Scientists warned that ... 5. It appeared that ...

Вправа 6. Визначте типи підрядних речень та перекладіть їх.

а) 1. That it is possible to convert heat to energy and energy back to heat can be demonstrated in a number of ways. 2. When we will start a new series of experiments is not settled yet. 3. Whether the spaceship will be able to leave the earth depends upon the speed of the ship.


b)1. One of the main characteristics of plastics is that their molecules are composed of a large number of repeating molecules known as monomers. 2. The most important feature of this plant is that all its shops are equipped with automatic and semi-automatic machine-tools. 3. The difficulty is whether all the processes of the production at the plant can be mechanized.

c)1. I know when he will return home. 2. We didn‘t understand what had happened. 3. They said they knew about his arrival. 4. She couldn‘t even imagine where she had put her glasses.

d)1. At the next table in the cafe I noticed the guy whose photo I saw yesterday in the newspaper. 2. She didn‘t explain the reason why she was absent. 3. The house we live in has been renovated recently. 4. The girl who is sitting next to me is my friend‘s sister.

e)1. As soon as you arrive home, please, send us an E-mail. 2. He will be waiting until you come to a decision. 3. When she comes to Australia, she will see a lot of exotic animals. 4. Look before you leap.

Time for Fun

Many dead animals in the past changed to fossils while others preferred to be oil.

Living on Earth may be expensive, but it includes an annual free trip around the Sun.

Wind and students have the same mentality: Both keep turning book‘s pages without reading.

Teacher: What is the chemical formula for water?

Jane: ―HIJKLMNO‖!!

Teacher: What are you talking about?

Jane: Yesterday you said it‘s H to O!



To Lesson 1. Departments and Specialities of NTU “KhPI”

1.Mechanical and Technological Faculty (Механіко-технологічний факу-


Foundry technologies and equipment (Обладнання та технології ливар-

ного виробництва)

Applied materials science (Прикладне матеріалознавство)

Pressurized metal forming equipment and technologies (Обладнання та технології пластичного формування конструкцій машинобудування)

Computer-aided and integrated technological processes and production

(Комп‘ютерно-інтегровані технологічні процеси та виробництва)

Computer-aided design and information technologies (Інформаційні тех-

нології проектування)

2.Mechanical Engineering Faculty (Машинобудівний факультет)

Mechanical engineering technology (Технологія машинобудування)

Hoisting, road-building and meliorative machinery (Підйомно-

транспортні, дорожні, меліоративні машини і обладнання)

Metal cutting machine-tools and systems (Металорізальні верстати і сис-


Hydraulic and pneumatic machinery and hydraulic drives (Гідравлічні машини, гідроприводи та гідропневмоавтоматика)

Tool making (Інструментальне виробництво)

Automated control of technological processes (Автоматизоване управ-

ління технологічними процесами)

Quality, standardization and certification (Якість, стандартизація та сер-


3.Power-Plant Engineering Faculty (Енергомашинобудівний факультет)

Heat and power engineering (Теплоенергетика)

Boilers and reactors (Котли і реактори)

Hydraulic and pneumatic machinery and hydraulic drives (Гідравлічні машини, гідроприводи та гідропневмоавтоматика)

Hydro-power engineering (Гідроенергетика)


Power management (Енергетичний менеджмент)

Turbines (Турбіни)

Thermal physics (Теплофізика)

Gas and oil-production machinery (Машини та механізми нафто-газових промислів)

Computer-aided technological processes and production (Комп‘ютерно-

інтегровані технологічні процеси і виробництва)

Gas-turbine and compressor plants (Газотурбінні установки і компресо-

рні станції)

4.Transport Engineering Faculty (Факультет транспортного машинобудування)

Internal combustion engines (Двигуни внутрішнього згоряння)

Wheeled and caterpillar vehicles (Колісні та гусеничні транспортні засоби)

Electric systems and vehicle complexes (Електричні системи і комплек-

си транспортних засобів)

Electric transport (Електротранспорт)

Locomotives and railway facilities (Локомотиви та локомотивне госпо-


Weaponry (Озброєння та військова техніка)

Automobiles and automobile industry (Автомобілі та автомобільне гос-


Computer-aided design of vehicles (Інформаційні технології проекту-

вання транспортних засобів)

5.Faculty of Physics and Technology (Фізико-технічний факультет)

Physical materials science (Фізичне матеріалознавство)

Alternative and renewable energy sources (Нетрадиційні та відновлюва-

льні джерела енергії)

Cryogenic engineering (Кріогенна техніка і технології)

Technical equipment and high voltage electrophysics (Техніка і електро-

фізика високих напруг)

Microand nano-electronic equipment (Мікрота наноелектронні при-

лади і пристрої)


6.Electrical Engineering Faculty (Електромашинобудівний факультет)

Devices and systems of nondestructive testing (Прилади і системи не-

руйнівного контролю)

Automated electromechanical systems and electric drive (Електромехані-

чні системи автоматизації і електропривід)

Electric machines and equipment (Електричні машини і апарати)

Electronic systems (Електронні системи)

Home appliances (Електропобутові прилади)

Equipment and systems of ecological monitoring (Прилади і системи екологічного моніторингу)

Physical and biomedical electronics (Фізична і біомедична електроніка)

7.Electric Power Engineering Faculty (Електроенергетичний факультет)

Power plants (Електростанції)

Electric systems and networks (Електричні системи і мережі)

Electric power generation and distribution control systems (Системи управління виробництвом і розподілом електроенергії)

Technical equipment and high voltage electrophysics (Техніка та елект-

рофізика високих напруг)

Electric utility systems (Електротехнічні системи електроспоживання)

8.Faculty of Automation and Device Engineering (Факультет автоматиза-

ції та приладобудування)

Radio physics and electronics (Радіофізика та електроніка)

Biotechnological and medical devices and systems (Біотехнічні та меди-

чні апарати і системи)

Metrology and measuring equipment (Метрологія і вимірювальна техні-


Computer-aided control systems and automatics (Комп‘ютеризовані сис-

теми управління та автоматика)

Information measuring systems (Інформаційні вимірювальні системи)

Specialized computer systems (Спеціалізовані комп‘ютерні системи)

9.Faculty of Technology of Inorganic Substances (Факультет технології неорганічних речовин)

Chemical technology of inorganic substances (Хімічна технологія неор-


ганічних речовин)

Engineering electrochemistry (Технічна електрохімія)

Chemical technology of refractory nonmetallic and silicate materials (Хі-

мічна технологія тугоплавких неметалевих і силікатних матеріалів)

Chemical technology of rare dispersed elements and materials based on them (Хімічна технологія рідкісних розсіяних елементів та матеріалів на їхній основі)

10.Faculty of Technology of Organic Substances (Факультет технології ор-

ганічних речовин)

Chemical technology of organic substances (Хімічна технологія органіч-

них речовин)

Industrial biotechnology (Промислова біотехнологія)

Chemical technology of fuel and carbon materials (Хімічна технологія палива та вуглецевих матеріалів)

Technology of fats and fat substitutes (Технологія жирів та жирозамін-


Chemical technology of high-molecular substances (Хімічна технологія високомолекулярних речовин)

Oil and gas production (Видобування нафти та газу)

Technology of fermentation production and wine-making (Технологія бродильних виробництв і виноробства)

Pharmaceutical biotechnology (Фармацевтична біотехнологія)

11.Faculty of Integrated Technologies and Chemical Engineering (Факуль-

тет інтегрованих технологій та хімічної техніки)

Equipment for chemical production and enterprises of construction materials (Обладнання хімічних виробництв та підприємств будівельних матеріалів)

Equipment for food and processing industry (Обладнання переробних і харчових виробництв)

Chemical technology of high-molecular compounds (Хімічна технологія високомолекулярних сполук)

Ecology and environmental protection (Екологія та охорона навколиш-

нього середовища)

Computer-aided integrated technologies and production (Комп‘ютерні ін-


тегровані технологічні процеси і виробництва)

Polymer and composite materials chemical processing technology (Хіміч-

ні технології переробки полімерних та композиційних матеріалів)

Computer-aided control of technological processes (Автоматизоване управління технологічними процесами)

To Lesson 2

My family

Satomi (Japan)

There are five members in my family: my mom, dad, grandmother, brother and myself. My dad works for a golf company. My mom is a housewife. My brother is majoring in tourism at Rikkyo University. When I was four, we moved from Kanagawa to Tokyo because we bought a new house. Now, we‘re living with my grandma. She used to be a very energetic ikebana teacher, but she‘s getting old. So, we‘re supporting her as much as possible. I was influenced by her very much because in my childhood she mainly took care of me and I wanted to be a woman like her in every respect. Now, she‘s not what she used to be; however, I really love her and my family also really loves her. That‘s why we‘ll continue to look after her. As for my grandpa, he died before I was born. Therefore I don‘t know very much about him. One thing I know about him is that thanks to his job (teacher), he didn‘t have to go to the war.

Daniel (USA)

My immediate family consists of six people. I am the youngest of four children. I have an elder brother John, who is twenty-five and two sisters. Jackie is twenty-two, while Anne-Marie is twenty-eight. John graduated from the University of Michigan and is an engineer, while Jackie has just graduated from the University of John Carol. Anne-Marie is an attorney, and currently works for McDonalds, dealing with their corporate material. My father has been the provider for the family as a doctor, and my mother works as a secretary and housemother. My family is always there for me through the rough times, even though I see little of them now.


Sarah (USA)

My family consists of my father (George), mother (Jennifer), my elder sister Korie, me, and my younger sister Vanessa. Korie is 21, and she is a senior at the Ohio State University. She has a double major of journalism and political science and is an editor of the school‘s newspaper, the Lantern. She plans to graduate after the summer quarter. My little sister, Vanessa, is 5 years old, and is in her last year of pre-school. She will start kindergarten next year. My father and mother are both alumni of the Ohio State University. My father works for Conrail/CSX, and my mother as a family and consumer sciences teacher for Benjamin Logan High School. My parents made our family‘s home in Belle Center in 1980. This was after living in Marysville, Ohio, and Runnemede, New Jersey, respectively. The house that we call home now has always been home to me.

To Lesson 4

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879. He enjoyed classical music and played the violin. One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was of a wonder he saw when he was four or five years old: a magnetic compass. The needle‘s invariable northward swing, guided by an invisible force, profoundly impressed the child. The compass convinced him that there had to be ―something behind things, something deeply hidden‖.

Even as a small boy Albert Einstein was self-sufficient and thoughtful. According to family legend he was a slow talker, pausing to consider what he would say. His sister remembered the concentration and perseverance with which he would build houses of cards.

Albert Einstein‘s first job was that of patent clerk.

In 1933, he joined the staff of the newly created Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. He accepted this position for life, living there until his death. Einstein is probably familiar to most people for his mathematical equation about the nature of energy, E= MC2.

Albert Einstein wrote a paper with a new understanding of the structure of light. He argued that light can act as though it consists of discrete, independent particles of energy, in some ways like the particles of a gas. A few years before, Max Planck‘s work had contained the first suggestion of discreteness in energy,


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