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Дата: 06.11;

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс;

Тип урока: комбинированный;

Тема: Спорт;

Подтема: Спорт в нашей жизни;


  • активизация лексики по теме;

  • формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений;

  • расширение словарного запаса.

  • активизация лексики по теме;

  • формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений;

  • расширение словарного запаса.

  • воспитание культуры общения;

  • формирование умения работать в парах, помогать друг другу.

Оборудование: карточки с заданиями на 2 команды, игра, учебники.

Ход урока:

Этап. Цель. Прием.

Содержание работы

I.Организационный момент


Good morning, children. Sit down, please. I am glad to see you, too.

2)Введение в иноязычную атмосферу

- Look at the blackboard and read the statement? How do you think what is the topic of our lesson.

- Yes, you are right, we are going to speak about sport today.

3)Сообщение цели, темы и задач;

Comment please. These words can help you to express your opinion:

  • to my mind;

  • if you ask me;

  • in my opinion;

  • in my view;

  • from my point of view;

  • to be honest;

  • I feel that;

  • I think that;

  • I believe that.

4)Фонетическая зарядка;

At first, we must repeat some sounds to speak about kinds of sport.

  • [t] team, sport, tennis, table tennis

  • [r] cricket, run, ground, rugby

  • [w] wood, white, swimming, weight, weightlifting

  • [d] deep, end, speed, develop

II. Основная часть 1)Активизация навыков говорения;

-What sport do you prefer?

-What activities don’t you like?

-What summer sports do you know?

-What winter sports do you know?

-What sport is played all year round?

Now, please, agree or disagree with my statements.

  • Sport builds character.

  • Sport makes you strong.

  • Sport takes a lot of time.

  • Sport is boring.

2)Активизация рече-мыслительной деятельности;

Ответы на вопросы по теме:

- Most people understand the importance of sports in people's life but not all people go in for sports. Can you explain why?

-Which sport would you like to learn and why? Do you and others members of your family go in for sport? What kind? Do you/ they enjoy doing that?

-Comment the pictures:

( Picture 3-4)

3) Работа с учебником;

There are many kinds of sport. And sometimes it is difficult to choose the right one. What advices can you give for choosing the sport?

Please, open your books at page 49, read this text and answer my question.

What is an alternative for sport?

4)Совершенствование навыков чтения;

Ученики слушают стихотворение и читают его.


Sport is fun for girls and boys.

It’s much better then the toys.

You can sledge, and ski, and skate

And play snowballs with Kate.

You can swim and play football,

Hockey, tennis, basketball.

You can jump and you can run.

You can have a lot of fun.

5) Развитие навыков работы в команде;

And now, my dear, we have a competition, we will work in groups. At the end the winning team will get 12. We need two group and two captains. Who wants to be the captain?

Now every captain one by one will choose the pupils for their teams.

Good, now think of the name of the group.

So, we will divide the blackboard into two parts. Let’s do it. So, the group which wins – gets owl.

Ok, your first task in the next: each group one by one should write the kinds of sport. Wins the team which will write more ones.

Now teams, the next task. Here are pictures. Look at the pictures. There are different kinds of sport. Your task is to describe them to your opposite group so that they will understand about what kind of sport you are talking.

6)Активизация мыслительной деятельности;

You have a debate. The topic is “pros and cons of extreme sport.” , the second – cons. One group will give pros. Here the plan to help you. Wins the team which will write more ones.



  • the pleasurable release of endorphins or the adrenaline rush;

  • offergreat health and wellness benefits to their participants;

  • psychological development (reduce anxiety and depression, instill a spirit of competition…)

  • many fatal accidents;

  • break a lot of bnes;

  • a risk of getting killed;

  • extremely, extremely dangerous!!!

III. Заключительная часть урока

1)Домашнее задание

You can see your home task on the board. In the book p. 39 ex. 19, read and translate the text orally, answer the question at its end.

2)Подведение итогов урока

Thank you for the lesson. Good bye. See you.

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