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2.11. Сопоставите вопросы из колонки а с ответами из колонки в.


1. How long is a. They get special

an academic year? knowledge.

2. What subjects do students study b. Universities provide students

during the first year at the University? with living accommodation.

3. What do students get c. The academic year usually lasts

at the third year of study? 9 months.

4. When do students get d. Students learn fundamental

a Bachelor’s degree? sciences.

5. When do students have e. They get it after four years of

vacations? study.

6. What do universities f. They have two weeks in winter

provide students with? and two months in summer.

2.12. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в соответствующее время (Present, Past, Future Simple).

1. Universities usually.....(provide) students with living accommodation.

2. My brother..... (graduate) from University last year.

3. All the students of our group..... (get) state grants.

4. He..... (take) exams twice( =two times ) a year.

5. Next year I..... (enter) University.

6. Higher education..... (play) a very important role for me.

2.13. Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо.

My sister studies... NSTU. She entered... the University two years ago. She studies... a full-time basis. At the end of each semester she takes... her exams. My sister is a good student and she didn’t fail... her examinations and now she gets a state grant once...a month. She wants to graduate... the University successfully and become a good specialist.

2.14. Выберите глагол и поставьте его в соответствующее время.

pass do get take teach study learn fail

A maths teacher..... maths.Her students..... maths.

After school students..... homework.

At primary school children..... to read and write.

At university students..... exams at the end of each semester.

All students hope to..... exams. Nobody wants to..... their exams.

If they pass their final exams at university, they..... a degree.

2.15. Прочитайте текст 2.3. Ещё раз и цифрами укажите последовательность названий частей текста.

– Forms of education

– Degrees

– Hostels

– The academic year

– Subjects

– The importance of higher education

2.16. Расскажите об обучении в России, используя план упражне- ния 2.15.

Unit 3

Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU)

3.1. Прочитайте и изучите следующие слова и словосочетания.

attend [ə`tend] (v) – посещать

e.g. attend courses

campus [`kæmpəs] (n) – студенческий городок,

территория университета

course [`kכ:s] (n) – курс

e.g. paid courses

extra courses

education [,edju`keι∫n] (n) – oбразование

еducational [,edju`keι∫nl] (adj) – образовательный

e.g. educational center

educational projects

faculty [`fækəltι] (n) – факультет

gain [`ցeιn] (v) – приобретать, получать,

e. g. gain a status – выигрывать

obtain [əb`teιn] v) – получать, приобретать

e.g. obtain knowledge

obtain a degree

residential university – университет,

предоставляющий общежитие

science [`saιəns] (n) – наука

scientific [,saιən’tιfιk] (adj) – научный

e.g. scientific center

scientific work

semester [sι`mestə] (n) = term [tə:m] (n) – ceместр

e.g spring semester

autumn term

specialist [`spe∫əlιst] (n) – специалист

specialize [`spe∫əlaιz] (v) ( in the field of…) – специализироваться

(в области)

train [`treιn] (v) – обучать, тренировать

e.g. train specialists

training [`treιnιŋ] (n) – обучение, тренировка

e.g. distance training