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3.15 Work in pairs or small groups. Using the list of software terms and definitions you’ve made check if your partners understand them.

3.16 Use http://www.webopedia.com or any other sites to investigate something new in computer software and present your information to your group.

Unit 4

The Internet


  1. create


творить, создавать

  1. network


(инфор.) сеть

  1. spread


распространять(ся), простирать(ся)

  1. share


делиться; поделиться

  1. transfer


перемещать, передавать

  1. backbone


главная опора; основа; суть

  1. maintain


(тех.)обслуживать; содержать в исправности

  1. provide


предоставлять (услуги), давать

  1. provider

(информ.)провайдер, поставщик информационных и коммуникационных услуг

  1. browse



  1. browse facility


(компьют.)средство просмотра

  1. feature


(компьют.)функция, функциональность, опция, (сленг)фича (у программного продукта, системы)

  1. surf the Internet


«путешествовать» по Интернету

(тж.surf the net)

  1. etiquette



профессиональная этика

  1. netiquette


(информ.)сетевой этикет

  1. flood(withspam)


засыпать; заваливать (спамом)

  1. evaluate



4.1 How would you describe what the Internet is? Discuss it with your partner.

4.2 Match the terms and their definitions.

a) Internet

b) World Wide Web

c) e-mail

1. A global network connecting millions of computers.

2. The transmission of messages over communications networks.

3. A system of Internet servers that support specially formatted documents.

4.3 Now read the text and try to describe the Internet again using the key vocabulary in bold type.

Believe it or not, the Internet was created way back in 1969, during the Cold War, by the United States military. It was meant to be a "nuke-proof"(1) communications network. Today, the Internet spreads across the globe and consists of countless networks and computers, allowing millions of people to share information. Data that travels long distances on the Internet is transferred on huge lines known collectively as the Internet backbone. The Internet is now maintained by the Internet service providers.

Many people think the Internet and the World Wide Web are the same thing. They're not! The World Wide Web is what you are browse. It is one of the many features of the Internet. E-mail, FTP(2), and Instant Messaging (3) are also features of the Internet.


(1) "nuke-proof" устойчивый к воздействию ядерного оружия

(2) FTP File Transfer Protocol протокол передачи файлов (используемый в Internet протокол передачи файлов между хост-компьютерами)

(3) Instant Messaging система мгновенной передачи текстовых сообщений

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