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Контрольная работа 3 туризм ЗАО.docx
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Вариант №3

Задание №1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа. Переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.

1. This palace was the summer ______ (residence/residents) of the Emperor Franz Joseph.  2. On you right you'll see a beautiful example of 17th century Neo-gothic architecture. Presently it _______ (houses/homes) the Museum of Justice, but it used to be a prison.  3. The walking tour _______ (departs/goes) from the tourist information office every hour until 7:00 PM.  4. All of the major sights are _______ (marked/marketed) on the map.  5. There is a _______ (list/details) of hotels in the back of the brochure.  6. Go straight for about 500 meters, and then _______ (turn/make) right on Main Street.  7. You won't be able to catch a taxi here. You have to go to a taxi _______ (stand/place).  8. A lot of these buildings are really _______ (run/cut)-down. ( = old and falling apart)  9. It's a two-_______ (hour/hours) tour. ( = the tour lasts for two hours)  10. The city has many beautiful tree-_______ (lined/planted) avenues.

Задание №2. Выберите ответную реплику, соответствующую ситуации общения, и переведите полученные диалоги на русский язык.

 1. Why is the flight being delayed? - a) We're waiting for clearance. We'll be taking off shortly. b) We will be passing out headphones shortly. c) Would you like some peanuts? 2. Am I going to miss my connecting flight? - a) You have to transfer to terminal 3. b) What time is your flight? c) We will be arriving in 20 minutes. 3. Can I get a Coke? - a) Of course with ice? b) I'll add ice? c) Of course, would you like ice with that? 4. My headphones are not working! - a) Let me get you another pair. b) We'll be coming around soon with drinks. c) Let me get you another pear. 5. How much do I owe you? - a) Free. b) Please fill out this form. c) The drinks are free-of-charge. 6. Can I use the lavatories in first-class? - a) We have four lavatories. b) I'm sorry but those lavatories are for first-class passengers only. c) Would you like an extra blanket? 7. Would it be possible to change/switch seats? - a) It may be possible, but we'll have to wait until the plane takes off and the captain turns off the seatbelt sign. b) Yes, this is your assigned seat. c) Please make sure you stow your belongings in the overhead compartment. 8. How long before we land? - a) We will be coming around with a snack soon. b) We will be landing in about 20 minutes. c) Yes, it's a very long flight, isn't it? 9. I just want to stretch my legs. - a) Would you like something to drink? b) You'll be able to do that as soon as the captain turns off the seatbelt sign. For now, please remain seated. c) Would you like a blanket? 10. I requested a vegetarian meal. - a) Alright - Chicken or fish? b) No, the choice is chicken or fish. c) Alright - Let me go check if it's there.

Задание №3. Прочитайте тексты и ответьте на следующие вопросы:

Which market(s)…

0. - is not open on Monday? - Text B

1. - are sometimes open on Sunday?

2. - requires you to agree on a price?

3. - is in a city that has been making leather goods?

4. - for more than half a millennium?

5. - is inside a building with a special ceiling?

6. - sells goods made by people from nearby villages?

7. - are located in the centre of the city or town?

8. - sell different medicines?

9. - is open for 12 hours a day?

10. - has many animals for sale?

Text A.

Otavalo Indian Market, Ecuador

The small town of Otavalo, in the mountains of northern Ecuador, is famous for its Indian Market. This market dates back to pre-Incan times and is without doubt the biggest and most spectacular in South America. Although the market is open every day, it is Saturday which is the most important day, for locals and tourists alike.

Every Saturday, the whole town becomes an enormous marketplace. It opens at around 5.30 and continues all day. You can visit the animal market, which is alive with the sounds of chickens, geese, sheep, horses and many other animals. As you move closer to the centre of town, you will see pyramids of colourful fruits and vegetables. There are stalls selling everything from meat, sweets and herbal remedies to armadillo shell guitars! It's hard to hear above the voices of traders and buyers trying to agree on a final price.

The Poncho Plaza, in the centre of town, is the main crafts market. This is where the Indians from the surrounding villages come to sell the handicrafts, textiles, wood carvings, silver, emeralds and leather goods, for which the area is famous.

So, if you want a taste of tradition, make sure you visit the Otavalo Indian Market. It's an experience not to be missed.

Text B.

San Lorenzo Market, Italy

The city of Florence, in north-western Italy, is home to one of the world's most famous markets specialising in leather goods, the San Lorenzo Market. Florence has been a European centre of craftsmanship for more than 500 years. Today, the city is still famous for its high quality leather products, which are produced in workshops all over the city.

The market is located in San Lorenzo Square, which is in the centre of the city. Hundreds of stalls compete with each other to sell leather articles such as handbags, wallets, gloves, belts and even leather masks! You will also find lots of other souvenirs as well, as well as silk scarves and clothing. Bargain hunters are sure to find something to suit their taste - and their budget! San Lorenzo Market is open from Tuesday to Saturday, as well as on the first Sunday of the month.

The soft sheen of the leather goods, combined with the rich aroma of genuine leather, make a visit to this market an unforgettable experience.

Text C.

Oriental Medicine Market, South Korea

Korea, with its long and successful history in the use of traditional herbal remedies, is the perfect place to discover the world of ancient medicines. Seoul, located in the north-western corner of South Korea, is home to the country's most famous medicine market.

The Oriental Medicine Market has over 1,000 stalls that sell various Asian herbs, as well as vegetables and Korean spices. Walking through the narrow streets, you will be overwhelmed by

can find many rare and expensive herbs like ginseng as well as special medicinal mushrooms. You will be amazed by the many strange plants and herbs on display. There are more than 3,000 different herbs on sale in the Medicine Market. The vendor not only sells them, but also grows them and prepares them for use. If you describe your symptoms to him, he will be able to give you a remedy on the spot.

The market is easy to get to by bus or underground. It is open daily from 8.00 am to 6.30 pm, although it is closed on the first and third Sundays of the month. If you should ever visit Korea, a visit to the Oriental Medicine Market is something you must do. It will introduce you to an exotic world of ancient traditions, and make for a unique shopping experience.

Text D.

Egyptian Spice Bazaar, Turkey

The Egyptian Spice Bazaar in Istanbul takes its name from Egypt, the ancient source of Turkey's spices. It is located in Istanbul's old city and is more than 350 years old. The bazaar is located in a long, domed building. Inside, the vaulted ceiling adds to the exotic atmosphere.

The Egiptian Spice Bazaar covers about six hectares and is filled with the rich aromas of coffee, vanilla and cloves. The stalls inside offer a wide variety of spices, herbs, teas and coffees for sale. you can also find traditional sweet shops where you can sample and buy Turkish Delight. Although, in the past the stalls sold only spices, today, you ran also find a range of other goods, such as household items, clothing, jewellery and more.

The Egyptian Spice Bazaar is open every day except Sunday, and the activity continues without a break from 7.00 am to 7.00 pm. The narrow streets outside the bazaar are lined with small shops and are always crowded with street vendors and shoppers.

Any trip to Istanbul cannot be complete without a visit to the Egyptian Spice Bazaar.

Найдите в тексте слова, соответствующие следующим определениям:

Text A

1. an inhabitant of a particular area or neighbourhood;

2. very large in size, quantity, or extent;

3. make skilfully by hand;

Text B

4. the skill that someone uses when they make beautiful things with their hands;.

5. a stand, booth, or compartment for the sale of goods in a market or large covered area;

6. a thing bought or offered for sale much more cheaply than is usual or expected;

Text C

7. a medicine or treatment for a disease or injury;

8. any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavouring, food, medicine, or perfume;

9. of an event, situation, or condition not occurring very often;

Text D

10. a set of different things of the same general type.