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  1. Учебная лексика

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1. More and more people are doing online language ______.

  1. degrees

  2. stages

  3. subjects

  4. courses

2. It is since recent times, that the discipline of biology has expanded rapidly into a variety of _______ .

  1. subfamilies

  2. subsystems

  3. subcultures

  4. subdisciplines

3. Some teachers don’t ________ things very clearly.

  1. explain

  2. copy

  3. underline

  4. mean

4. In some countries the educational system is based on streaming which means that children are educated according to their _______.

  1. abilities

  2. characters

  3. opportunities

  4. qualifications

5. One can find meanings of the foreign or technical expressions used in the text in _______.

  1. index

  2. glossary

  3. content

  4. keys

  1. Деловая лексика

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1. Tourism has become highly developed _______ .

  1. pastime

  2. job

  3. science

  4. business

2. We have a _____ for a reception clerk at our new 4-star Portsmouth hotel and conference centre.

  1. vacancy

  2. trade

  3. profession

  4. application

3. Being able to use a computer is an important _________ nowadays.

  1. license

  2. skill

  3. qualification

  4. degree

4. I am writing in reply to your _________ in The Times.

  1. advertisement

  2. registration

  3. statement

  4. explanation

5. _______ building in the workplace creates a sense of collective responsibility.

  1. Computer

  2. Conflict

  3. Power

  4. Team

  1. Профессиональная лексика

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1. The modern _____ is determined by problems of form and by the practical demands of use.

  1. stone

  2. sand

  3. plan

  4. picture

2. Space and mass are the _____ materials of architectural form.

  1. sand

  2. raw

  3. stone

  4. brick

3. The simplest architectural _____ is a plane, the flat, two-dimensional surface.

  1. load

  2. sculpture

  3. element

  4. size

4. _____ bearing piles were originally made of timber.

  1. Glass

  2. Coloured

  3. Solid

  4. Warm

5. _____ architecture is produced for the social unit: the individual, family, etc.

  1. International

  2. Industrial

  3. Domestic

  4. Agricultural

  1. Термины (Дефиниции)

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1. ____ can be called a curved lintel.

  1. An arch

  2. A frame

  3. A column

  4. A slab

2. _____ is a block of baked or dried clay used to build walls.

  1. Concrete

  2. Wood

  3. Sand

  4. A brick

3. A _____ is upper covering of a building, car, cavity, etc.

  1. column

  2. temple

  3. roof

  4. basement

4. A ______ is a storey below ground level.

  1. stage

  2. staircase

  3. floor

  4. basement

5. A _____ is a tall structure, especially as part of a church or castle.

  1. building

  2. mansion

  3. house

  4. tower

  1. Словообразование

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1. The last year has shown a slight ________ in the economy.

  1. improve

  2. improved

  3. improvable

  4. improvement

2. It was an ________ interesting journey.

  1. extremity

  2. extremist

  3. extremely

  4. extreme

3. The whole situation seemed ________.

  1. unreal

  2. really

  3. reality

  4. realization

4. Lots of changes were made but all the attempts had little ______

  1. effective

  2. effectively

  3. effecting

  4. effect

5. Mike tried _______ to phone Cathy several times.

  1. successfully

  2. unsuccessfully

  3. unsuccessful

  4. unsuccess

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