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2. Translate the following quotations and comment upon them.

'A university should be a place of light, of liberty and of learning.

Benjamin Disraeli

'Knowledge is a city, to the building of which every human be­ing brought a stone.'

Ralph W. Emerson

'Knowledge is power.'

Francis Bacon

'Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.'

Alfred Tennyson

3. Role Play. "a Talk in the Living-Room".

Setting: The Richardsons' house.

Situation: A group of students gather at Richardsons' on their vacations. They used to be classmates once. Now they are all students of different colleges and uni­versities. In the evening they are sitting in the living-room near the fireplace and speak about their college life, sharing experiences.


Card I—II — Sarah and Terry Richardson. They have in­vited everyone to their house. They are a sister and brother and go to a technical college. Sarah hates it and Terry loves it.

Card III—IV — Dora and Laura. Two medical school students. They have just had their professional experience in a hospital and are comparing stud­ies and real life.

Card V — Harry, a student of the chemical faculty at the university. He failed to pass his exams in spring and is going to take them in autumn.

Card VI — Barbara, a student of the French depart­ment of the faculty of foreign languages at a university. She has won a personal grant for success in studies.

Card VII—VIII — Barry and Jerry, two friends who do eco­nomics at the university. Both are enthusi­astic learners and like to speak about their future speciality.

Card IX — Flora, a student of an art school. She likes her drawing classes but does not like any of her other subjects.

Card X—XI — Clarry and Nora, students of a music school. In school years they used to be friends because they played in a school or­chestra. They are thinking of creating a pop group of their own.

Card XII — Lany. He was expelled from the faculty of Math for missing classes and is dreaming of getting back.

Unit 9. Engineering

9.1. Vocabulary

anchor, to anchor

construction company

crane, carnage

feasibility, a feasibility study, to be feasible

field, the field of engineering/ science, What is your field? engineering fields: aerospace, biomedical, civil, mechanical, computer engineering, an expert in some field

lab, a research/ test lab

man-made structure



overcrowding, overcrowded, overpopulated, overpopulation

pollution, to control/ prevent pollution, polluted

problem, a problem solver, to find a solution to a problem, a problem/ an event occurs, to solve a problem. I love the challenge of finding solutions to problems.


R&D department

research, to do (some) research into

simulation, to run a simulation on the computer, a computer simulation

test, to do safety/ stress/ flight/ fatigue test, to test a theory, a complicated test

version, a full-size/ production version

wind tunnel

to authorise smth.

to be invalid

to benefit from the project

to break a stereotype

to build a career, to build a model

to carry a load, a wind load

to come in on budget/ on schedule

to fail, failure of the equipment, a period of failure

to float

to issue a certificate

to make a breakthrough

to mass-produce, mass production

to meet a deadline

to meet the requirements

to put smth. into practice

to supply energy

to suspend

to work alone/ in a team


Asteroid, collision, comet, deflect, devastation, impact, meteor, meteorite, threat, to collide with, to strike, a NEO (Near Earth Object), a particle, to fly the shuttle into space, a rocket, mission control, an aviation agency, to orbit the Earth

Translate the following sentences from Russian into English

  1. Кто получит выгоду от этого проекта?

  2. Когда-нибудь один из астероидов столкнется с Землей. Нужно будет отклонить его с его орбиты, иначе последствия могут быть катастрофическими. Для этого мы запустим в космос «челнок».

  3. Чтобы запустить оборудование в массовое производство, нужно выполнить все необходимые требования, получить выданные компетентными органами сертификаты, выдержать сроки, создать прототипы и т.д.

  4. Это был прорыв в науке. Были сломаны все стереотипы!

  5. Наш отдел НИОКР использует компьютерную симуляцию.

  6. Что вызвало отказ оборудования?

  7. В какой области Вы работаете? – Я занимаюсь исследованиями осуществимости проектов.

  8. Давайте воплотим этот проект в жизнь. Но нам придется работать в команде.

  9. Какова ветровая нагрузка и как Вы собираетесь подавать электроэнергию? А полетные испытания Вы провели?

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