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Утевская Н.Л. - English Grammar Book - 2011

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were discussing tl1e comiпg electioпs iпloud voices. 5. Неlеп returпed to Eпglaпd

at t!1e momeпt \Vl1eп ... were leaviпg it. б. Last week tl1ere was so ... raiп tlшt 1 was поt аЬ!е to go онt. 7. The1·e were ... Ьig hotels t!1at were closed Ьвt пюst оГ the shops were 8. How ... is tl1e clock fast 9. There was ... time to

thiпk. 1О. lп tl1e 1ast tweпty-four lюurs too ... thiпgs !ыd 1ыррепеd. 11. P11ilip

had ...

frieпds. 12. It was а lюt day апd tl1ere were ... flies iп the room. 13. There

were ...

people iп the square, but 1 did поt пotice the faces as I lшrried past.

14. Martiп was ill апd speпt so ... time iп tl1e hospital.

Exercise IV

Clюose betweeп muc/1 апd тапу, (а) little and (а) few to use it in the following


1. I suggested tl1at he should get ... eggs ашt some bread. 2. Auпt Mary Iыd ...

money wblle попе oftl1e ot11er family had iпherited as ... as а pouпd. 3. Му

dear, 1'm afraid I have поt ... pieces ofпews to сопvеу but still tl1ere are ... thiпgs

1 slюuld like to add. 4. 1 Ьеgап to miss Lопdоп: it was поt so ... tl1at 1 l1ad ...

close friends tl1ere, for 1 have ... frieпds but 1missed variety. 5. Nick l1as еаtеп so

... that 11е сап't move. б. Аппl1аd not l1ad ... visitors lately. 7. Не didп't еаrп ...

шопеу апd lived iп tl1e couпtry. 8. Му father read ... books оп econoшics. 9. 1

l1ave ...

time to watch ТУ. 1О. Не l1as

... work to do this afterпooп. 11. Please

give me

... water. 12. Tl1ere are very ...

illвstrations iп this magazine.

Exercise V

Choose between litt!e, а little, fен', afew.

1. А good speaker can say mucl1 in ... words. (few, а few) 2. Could уон describe the situatioп in ... words? (few, а few) 3. Why do you eat so ... ? Try ... of everytl1iпg. (little, а little) 4. Tl1e street looked almost deserted. Tl1ere were ...

people in it. (few, а few) 5. I have опlу ... tl1iпgs Jeft uпdone. (few, а few) б. Не takes very ... trouЬle witl1 his work. (little, а little) 7. It lыs giveп me поt ...

trouЬ!e. (little, а little). 8.... did 1 know what was in store for те. (little, а little)


are as сараЬ!е at languages as he is. (few, а few) 10. Do уон kпow tl1e

Eпglish Jaпguage? - Just

.... (little, а little) 11. Are there тапу шistakes iпmy

compositioп?- Qвite ....

( а few, few)

Exercise Vl

Use а !ot (of), lots (of), plenty (of), а great deal (oj), а good deal (oj), а great тапу, agoodmany.


1 lыve got ...

work to do for tomorrow. 2. There were ...

flowers iп tl1e room.


1have got ...

valuaЬie iпformation. 4. Tl1e Ьоу kпows ...

оп the sвbject. 5. Му

brotl1er reads ...

books. б. She got ...

presents оп her Ьirthday. 7. Не eats ...

sweets. 8. Don't hшry up. We lшve ...

time before us. 9....

people took part iп

the conference. 10. Не took ... trouЬle with that Ьоу.



Exercise Vll

Translate into English.

1.Известный русский художник И. Левитан написал много прекрас­ ных картин. 2. Россия экспортирует много леса. 3. Вы потратили слиш­ ком много времени на этот перевод. 4. В библиотеке много английских

книг. 5. У нас есть немного времени. 6. У меня есть несколько книг по этому вопросу. 7. Мы пригласили много друзей на день рождения.

8.Много народубыло приглашено, но немногие пришли. 9. Об этом ска­ зано мало. 10. Что я могу вам сказать, если я сам так мало знаю об этом?

11.На улице было мало детей. 12. Много детей было на концерте в школе.

Exercise Vlll

Traпslate iпto English.

1. Многое из того, что он сказал, уже обсуждалось раньше. 2. Многие это уже слышали. 3. Мало было сказано, но много сделано. 4. Мшю кто

знает об этом. 5. Как всегда, он говорил много, но сказал мало. 6. Он

сказал, что прочел много детективных романов IЗО время каникул. 7. К

сожалению, у меня мало времени. 8. Много ошибок в контрольной рабо­

те на употребление времен. 9. Многое из того, что он сказал, было ново для нас. 10. Говорят, что он написал мало книг, но почти все его книги имели большой успех. 11. Вы сделали гораздо больше ошибок, чем дру­ гие. 12. Я сделал на три ошибки больше, чем он. 13. На этотраз вы сдела­ ли в три раза меньше ошибок, чем в прошлый раз.

The Verb

А verb is а word used to express some action or state:


Не is very busy.

Verbs are divided into:

1} simple: to read, to speak, to /ove etc.

2} derived (having suffixes or prefixes}: to discover, to rewrite, to Ыacken etc.

3} compound (consisting oftwo stems): tobroadcast, to whitewash etc. 4} phrasal (consisting ofa verb and an adverb or а preposition): to give up,

to соте back etc.






redis- un-
То Ве









:;: r..::;



7 w

The main verblorming suffixes are:


to widen, to strengthen;


to simplify, to justify;


to criticize, to organize;


to demonstrate, to separate.

The main prefixes are:

to resell, to reconstruct; to disappear, to disarm; to untie, to unload.

in the Present Simple Tense





Negative Form















1am not (l'mnot)


is (he's)


Не is not (he'snot or he isn't)


is (she's)


She is not (she'snot or she isn't)


is (it's)

ls it?

lt is not (it'snot or it isn't)


are (we're)


We are not (we'renot orwe aren't)


are (you're)


You are not (you're not or you aren 't)


are (they're)


Theyare not(they're not or they aren 't)


Exercise 1

Put in am, is or are.

1.I ... not quite well today. 2. She ... а painter. Her pictures ... on tl1e walls.

3.Helen's brotl1er ... а student. 4. They ... tl1e most experieпced workers at tllis

factory. 5. Sl1e ... поt so attractive as her sister. 6.

Му room ... tl1e smallest iп

онr tlat. 7.... your cousiп at Jюme? 8. His family ...

in Londoп now. 9....


pareпts at work?- Yes, tl1ey ... 10. Му grаппу ...

ап actress. 11. Wllere ...


spectacles?- Tl1ey ... on tlle taЬie. 12. This garden ... the most beautiful iп our town.

Exercise 11

Write seпtences using short forms oftlle verb to Ье.

Mode/ 1 l'm Ьнsу today (ready to answer your qнestioпs, 18 years old, а pllpil at а secoпdary sclюol, уош friend, in the 1Otll form, late tor tl1e meeting).



Sl1e's а pнpil (ill, а small girl, good at matl1s, а nice womaп, f~lt).


He's а Ьig Ьоу (at home, twenty-five, аЬlе to help us, our classteacher).


You're late (stroпg, ту frieпd, а history teacher, very aпgry, rigl1t).


Не isn't at home (ту friend, а good pupil, at the concert, in the park).


They aren't ту friends (happy, present, at the exam, in the street, пеаr


tl1e metro station).

Exercise 111

Write positive and negative short answers.

1.Is уош motl1er а doctor?

2.Is уош friend а youпg girl?

3.Are you а studeпt?

4.Are уош motl1er апd fatl1er at work?

5.Is your dog small?

6.Аге the pнpils late fог the lessoп?

7.Is the film dull?

8.Are your teachers kind?

9.Аге theytired?

10.Is уош father а doctor?

Exercise IV

Translate iпto Englisl1.

1.Мне семнадцать лет. 2. Я в 10 классе. 3. Я интересуюсь архитектурой.

4.Мой братинженер. 5. Он очень устает после работы. 6. Сейчас он в

читальном зале. 7. Вечером он очень занят. 8. Моя сестрастудентка. 9. Она интересуется искусством. 10. Они дома сейчас. 11. Моя сестра­ лучшая студентка первого курса. 12. Она очень способная девушка. 13. Наша семья гордится ею. 14. Они лучшие ученики класса. 15. Он на уроке сейчас. 16. Мы студенты. 17. Мой братпереводчик.

There ls (Are) Construction

The sentences with there is(are) construction are used to saythat something or someoneexists. Thisconstruction hasthe meaning <<есть», <<имеется», <<находится»,


There is а newspaper оп the tаЬ/е. На столе газета.

The sentences with there is ( are) construction have the following word order:

1 There is ( are)

1 1 the subject


an adverЬial modifier of place

an adverЬial modifier oftime








live, to exist, to occur, to соте,


















The Russian sentences begin with adverЬial modifiers.





В моей диктовке есть

There are some mistakes

несколько ошибок.

in mydictation.


There are а lot of mushrooms


in the forest this year.

Besides the verb to Ье some other verbs can also Ье used after there such as: to to stand etc:

There lives an old тап in that house.

lfthere are several subjects in the construction there is(are) the predicate agrees with the subject that stands first after the predicate:

There is а taьte and five chairs in the rоот. Т/иrе are five chairs and а taьte in the rоот.

lnterrogative and Negative Forms

ls there а map in your room?

No, there isn'tmap in my room). No, there is no map in my room.

Аге there any new words in the text?

No, there aren't(any newwords in the text). No, there are no newwords in the text.

Mind that the sentences: There is а telephone in туrоот and The telephone is in

туrоот have different meaning. The first sentence shows that а telephone is in that place, the second one shows that the telephone we know is in that place (in my room).


Exercise 1

Put tl1e following sentences in the iпterrogative and negative forms.

1. There is а Ьlackboard in the classroom. 2. Tl1ere are some Eпglisl1 books on the taЬie. 3. TJ1ere are many mistakes in уош dictation. 4. TI1ere's а пеw grammar rule in tl1is text. 5. TJ1ere is а teJegram оп tl1e taЬle. 6. TI1ere are а lot ofpeople in tl1e street. 7. There are some textbooks in the bookcase. 8. Tl1ere is а new cinema near ту 11ouse. 9. Tl1ere is uпiversity iп t11at town. 10. There is somebody iп tl1e room.

Exercise 11

Ask qнestioпs to the words iп bold type.

1. Tl1ere's а nice park in ош city. 2. Tl1ere are five c11airs iп the room. 3. There arc somc English textbooks оп my table. 4. Tl1ere are а lot ofmistakes iп your


exercise-book. 5. There are three mistakes in my dictation. 6. There's а new cinema near ту lюuse. 7. Tl1er-e are easy exercises in this textbook. 8. Tl1ere are three юoms in our flat. 9. There is а vase offlowers оп tl1e tаЬ!е. 10. Tl1ere is а bookcase in the corner oftl1e room.

Exercise 111

Translate into English.

1. В Москве много красивых зданий. 2. В центре Москвы находится

Кремль. 3. В нашем городе много исторических памятников. 4. В Санкт­ Петербурге 1\tного университетов и школ. 5. У меня на столе интересная книга. 6. В этом уроке мало грамматических правил. 7. Недалеко от на­

шего дома есть новая школа. 8. В этом тексте есть новые слова. 9. У него в диктанте нет ошибок. 1О. На том столе много журналов?- Нет, только

два. 11. В этом журнале есть много интересных статей. 12. На этом столе

много русских и английских книг.

Exercise IV

Translate into Eпglisl1.

1. В этой коробке лежат карандаши. 2. В аудитории двенадцать стульев. 3. В вашей группе 12 или 14 студентов? 4. Что висит на стене? 5. В этом

шкафу лежат английские или русские книги? 6. Какая бумага лежит на

той полке? 7. Сколько карандашей в коробке? 8. Сколько комнат в ва­

шей квартире? 9. Сколько окон в вашей комнате? 10. Сколько стульев в аудитории? 11. Сколько страниц в этом учебнике? 12. Сколько детей в группе у этого преподавателя? 13. На вашей улице много новых домов? 14. В вашем учебнике много картинок? 15. В вашем классе есть книж­

ный шкаф? 16. Что лежит в этом книжном шкафу?

То Have in the Present Simple Tense




have (got) (l'vegot)

Have 1got?

1have not got (haven'tgot)


has (got) (he'sgot)

Hashe got?

Не has not got (hasn'tgot)


has (got) (she'sgot)


She has not got


has (got) (it'sgot)

Has itgot?

lt has not got


have (got) (we'vegot)


We have not got


have (got) (you'vegot)

Have you got?

You have not got


have (got) (they'vegot)

Have they got?

They have not got







Тf1ey've got а lot of English books.


Have you got а large family?





< DojDoes + Have









1.ln questions and negative sentences we can use dojdoes + have when \Ve speak about regular actions:

Do you have much time for your lessons?- No, 1don 't have much time for them.

Ooes she a/ways lшve much work to do?- She doesn 't always have muc/1 workto do.

11.When the verb to have is used in а number of actions and has other meanings than to possess. For example:

to have dinner (breakfast, supper)

to have а bath shower)

to have tea (coffee)

to have а holiday

to ~1ave а lesson

to have а good time

to have classes

to have а rest etc.

ln qLJestions and negative sentences it also takes the auxiliaryverb to do:

Whattime do you usuallyhavedinner? We don 't have c/asses every day.


Exercise 1

Write sentences using tl1e following models.

Model 1 1 l've got а family.

1 lшveп't got а family. Have you got а family?

А sоп, а brotl1er, а frieпd, а motl1er, а tatl1er, skis, skates, ап Eпg\is\1 textbook,

а Rossiaп magaziпe, а question.

Model 11 1 1 have diппer at three.

Do уоо l1ave diппer at three?

I doп't lшve diппer at tl1ree.

То I1ave breakfast, to have а bat\1, to l1ave classes, to lыve а dictatioп, to l1ave

опе's Eпglish.

Model J/1 1 I 've got а cold поw.

I doп't ofteп have colds.

Тime, work, Englisl1 classes, а dictation, а test.


Exercise 11

Put tl1ese seпtences in tl1e interrogative and пegative forms.

а) 1. Ann has got а tamily. 2. Jane has got а Jot of relatives. 3. l've got а cousiп. 4. Му cllildreп have got а lot offriends. 5. The Ьоу has got а cold now.

Ь) 1. Т11еу !1ave tl1eir Eпglisl1 iп the morning. 2. They often have а dictation.

3.Не lшs diпner iп tl1e afterпooп. 4. The childreп have а rest iп sLJmmer.

5.They l1ave tea or coffee tor breakfast.

с) 1.

1 ofteп have а lot of work to do. 2. l've got а lot of work to do today.


l usLJally have а cLJp oftea for breaktast. 4. I've got а camera. 5. They've

got а Iot offlowers in tl1e gardeп.

Exercise 111

Ask qнestioпs to the foltowiпg seпteпces.

!. TI1ey l1ave two little rooms. 2. Slle l1as few books at Iюme. 3. Не !1as а nice film. 4. We l1ave little bread. 5. We have yoвng teachers at uвiversity. 6. Tlley have а lot ofgood Eng1isl1 books at home. 7. Tllis room l1as two windows. 8. Не 11as good friends at school. 9. We l1ave gLJests toпight. 1О. They l1ave а nice little daugl1ter.

Exercise IV

Traпslate iвto Eпglisl1.

а) 1. У меня есть интересная книга о художниках. 2. У моего друга много

русских книг, но у него нет английских книг. 3. У вашего друга боль­

шанили маленькая семья? 4. Сколько детей у вашегодруга? 5. У моей

сестры двое маленьких детей.

Ь) 1. Когда вы обычно завтракаете? 2. Я обычно пью кофе на завтрак.

3. Вы обедаете сегодня поздно? 4. У кого есть вопросы?- У меня есть один вопрос. 5. Сегодня у меня нет времени обсуЖдать этот вопрос с вами.

с) 1. У вас вечером много времени, чтобы вриготовитьдомашнее зада­ ние по английскому языку? 2. У вас сегодня много работы? 3. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, журнал, у меня сейчас есть время, чтобы прочитать эту статью. 4. Вы часто простужаетесь? 5. Вы простужены сейчас?

Exercise V

Traпslate iпto Eпglisll.

1. У меня есть два брата. 2. У моего друга есть собака. 3. У менн есть времн, чтобы заниматься английским языком. 4. У моего отца есть

новая машина. 5. У моих друзей есть новый телевизор. 6. У кого есть

ручка? 7. Какие уроки у вас сегодня? 8. У вас есть сегодня занятие по английскому языку? 9. У вас много друзей в школе? 10. У меня новый


















The Use of Tenses




























Simple Tenses

























































The Present Simple Tense





















lt is formed from the infinitive without the particle to.







,,· .,. ;,···.. ..·.
































































Do lwork?


1do not work (don 'twork)






























Does he work?



Не does not work (doesn'twork)







Does she work?


She does not work







Does it work?



lt does not work









We do not work









You do not work







Do they work?


They do not work



Pronunciation and Spel/ing Ru/es












The Зrd person singular is pronounced:










after voiceless


after vowels




after -s, -z, -ss,












and voiced consonants


-sh, -ch,




















[s] [z]






























































Note 1.

The Зrd person singular of the verb to say ( says) is pronounced

























Note 2.

The Зrd person singular of the verbs to go and to do is to gogoes







[g<Juz] to dodoes [dлz].












Note 3.

Verbs which end in preceded Ьу а consonant change у into i and







add -es [z] in the Зrd person singular:












1cryhe cries, 1carryhe carries.






1playhe plays (because is preceded Ьу а vowel here).




















Т11е Present Simple is used:

1) to state simple facts in the present:

1/ive iп St Petersburg.

She is а studeпt.

We study Eпglish.

2) to state laws of nature and the permanent truths:

lt sпows iп wiпter.

Sпow melts at 0° С.

3)to denote usual or repeated actions in the present:

They get up at 8.

Оп Suпdays we stay at home.

4)to denote actions taking place at the present moment of verbs not used in

continuous form:

1don 't see w/1at you are doiпg. Now 1hear you perfect/ywe/1.

5) а)

to denote future actions if they are planned beforehand with verbs of motion:


to go, to соте, to start, to /eave, to return, to arrive, to sail, to f/y, and


when we are talking about timetaЫes and programmes:


1go to Moscow пехt week. They start оп Suпday.


The traiп arrives iп Washiпgton at 3 p.m.


in advervial clauses of time and condition, referring to the future, after the


conjunctions: wheп (когда), uпtil, ti/1 (до тех пор пока ... не), as sооп as


(как только), as loпgas (пока), before (прежде), after (после), if(если),


uп/ess (если не), iп case (в случае), оп coпditioп that (при условии),


provided that, providing that {при условии):


1wi/1 go there uпless it raiпs.


We wi/1 seпd you the docurneпts as sооп as we receive thern.

Note. ln object clauses introdLJced Ьу the conjunctions wheп and ifthe Future Simple is used to denote fLJture actions:

1doп't kпowwheп she wifl соте. Ask him if he wi/1 do it at а/1.

We generally use the Present Simple with the following time expressions: every lfay/weekjmoпthjyear, usually, ofteп, a/ways, rarely, пever, sometimes, iп the

пюrniпgjeveпiпgjafternooп, atпight, оп Mondays.


