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Утевская Н.Л. - English Grammar Book - 2011

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Exercise 1


Put the verb iп brackets iпto tl1e Preseпt Siшple.








1.We (to begiп) our work today. 2. Не always (to read) пewspapers iп t11e libraгy.

3.Му sister (to atteпd) Englisl1 classes. 4. Tl1e cl1ild (to slюw) tJs l1is drawiпgs.

5. Let her go hоше now. Classes (to Ье) over. б. Every шоrпiпg sl1e (to lшrry) to the uпiversity. 7. Father (to соте) !юте froш the factory at б о'clock. 8. Му sоп (to do) 11is lessoпs every eveпiпg. 9. Tl1e teacher (to give) us Eпglisl1 шagaziпes. 1О. The studeпts (to take) books froш the library. 11. Не always (to do) exercises

~atteпtively. 12. Му sister (to look) tl1rougl1 tl1e шorniпg пewspapers every clay.

Exercise 11

Open the brackets usiпg the Preseпt Siшple.


The Strait of Dover ... tl1e Britisl1 Isles froш tl1e сопtiпепt (to sepaгate).


Tl1e шаiп Eпg1ish rivers поt ... rapidly (to f1ow). 3. Tl1e Тlшшеs ... оп!у пiпе

шiles froш tl1e eastern bank oftl1e Severп (to begiп). 4. Tl1e west wiпd soшetiшes

... rise to tl1e daпger off1oodiпg (give). 5. Ifyoн ... to tl1e west oftl1e Реппiпе Сlшiп, уон wiJl enter tl1e шost beautiful part ofEпglaпd, tl1e Lake Distгict (to

go). 6. WI1eгe ... the beaнtifнllake Wiпderшere ... (to lie )? 7. Tl1e шost noгtl1eгly

towп ofEпglaпd, Berwick ... at the nюпtl1 oftl1e Tweed (to staпd). 8. WI1en yoLJ

... iп London, take as шаnу pl1otos as уон сап (to Ье). 9. Tl1e sl1ip ... for Lопdоп in а few days (to leave). 10. I was listeпiпg iпlast nigllt. Suddeпly tl1e bell ... апd I ... ту frieпd's voice: "Ншrау! l аш going to Eпglaпd!" (to гiпg, to l1ear). 11. What ... опе ... ifoпe is slюrtsigl1ted (to use)?

Exercise 111

Write tl1e followiпg seпteпces iп the iпterrogative апd negative forшs.

1.We listeп t.o tl1e radio every day. 2. Не tells us about his work апd studies.

3.I read а page of sоше English book every day. 4. Му sister l1elps ше to do шу

11oшework. 5. The librariaп helps us to c11oose books for lloшe readiпg. 6. We listeп to his lectшes on Suпdays. 7. We speak Eпglish weii. 8. Му sister plays teппis. 9. 1 lеаш пеw \Vords every day. 10. Sl1e Iшs diппer iп tl1e afterпooп. 11. They play the piano weii. 12. Tiюse foгeigп studeпts speak Russiaп.

Exercise IV

Ask wh-questioпs to the words iп bold type.

1. 1 work at an office. 2. We usually have ош Eпglish in the evening. 3. TI1ey often speak English iп class. 4. We write а lot of sentences оп the Ьlackboard. 5. After my English 1 go to the office. 6. You read English books at lюme. 7. We read, write and speak English during our lesson. 8. We l1ave dictations very


often. 9. After classes l go home. 10. Му friends read тапу English books. 11. 1 soшetimes give Peter my exercise-books. 12. Tl1ey usually go to tl1e office

in the morпing.

Exercise V

I'Lrt the verb in brackets into tl1e correct forш.

1. What time ... (eveпing perforшaпcesjЬegin) in St Petersburg? 2. Wlыt .. .

(youjdo)? - 1 аш а teacher. 3. Where ... (youjgo) after classes? 4. How ofteп .. .

(youjlыve) dictations? 5. Where ... (your brot\1erjwork?

- Не ...

(wo1·k) at t11e

Гactory. 6. Му sister ...

(know) Eпglis\1 well, but s\1e ...

(not/know) Frenc\1.

7. Wlыt kind ofbooks ...

(youjread)? 8. How тапу tiшes а week

... (you/Jыve)

Eпglisl1 classes? 9. Не l1as а coшputer but he

... (notjuse) it vегу оЛ:еп. 1О. Му

frieпds ... (rюt/live) iп St Petersbшg, they ...

(live) in Moscow.


Exercise Vl

Translate iпto Englis\1 нsing tl1e Preseпt Siшp1e.

J. Мой друг изучает два иностранных языка. 2. Какие книги вы читаете? 3. Во время урока мы читаем, пишем диктанты, делаем упражнения и

разговариваем по-английски. 4. Вы разговариваете по-английски или

по-русски со своим преподавателем? 5. Обычно мы говорим по-англий­

ски, иногда по-русски. 6. Кто дает вам английские книги для чтения?­

Мой преподаватель. 7. Какие журналы вы любите читать? 8. Каждое

утро мой друг приезжает в Санкт-Петербург, а вечером уезжает домой.

9. Он всегда вовремя приходит на работу. 10. Когда вы обычно приходите

домой с работы? 1J. Что вы делаете по вечерам? - Я прихожу домой и

делаю домашние задания. 12. Как часто вы готовите уроки вместе со своим другом? -Два, три раза в неделю.

Exercise Vll

Тranslate into Eпglish using the Present Simple.

I. 1. Я работаю в одном крупном учреждении. 2. Мой рабочий день обыч­ но начинается в 8 часов утра. 3. Я встаю, делаю утреннюю зарядку,

умьшаюсь и завтракаю. 4. После завтрака я иду на работу. 5. Так как я живу близко от места работы, я обычно иду туда пешком. 6. Я занят

на работе с 9 часов утра до 6 часов вечера. 7. Я также учусь. Я занима­

юсь на подготовительных курсах. 8. У нас занятия в понедельник, среду и пятницу. 9. Занятия начинаются в 18:30 и заканчиваются в 21:30. 10. Вечером, когда у меня нет занятий, я немного читаю, смот­

рю телепередачу или слушаю радио. 11. Иногда я хожу на прогулку

или навешаю своих друзей. 12. В 12 часов я обычно ложусь спать.

II.У меня есть друг. Его зовут Николай. Его родители живут не в Моск­

ве. Они живут в Киеве. Николай занимается спортом. Он учится в





Московском университете. Он завтракает в столовой университе·1;1



Поэтому он уходит из дома в 8 часов. Чтобы дойти до университет;1,



ему необходимо J5-20 минут. Иногда после занятий он ходит в биl)



<лиотеку, где он читает книги и просматривает газеты.














The Past Simple Tense







According to the way in which Н1е Past Simple and Participie 11 are formed, vertJ:.


are divided into 1) regularverbs and 2) irregularverbs.





The regularverbs form the Past Simple and Participle 11 Ьу adding -ed or -d to th1 ·


infinitive of the verb:







to openopened, to translatetranslated;



-ed and -d are pronouпced in three different ways:



а) [1d] after -t апd -d:




to actacted

to /and -Janded;



Ь) [d] after voiced consonants, except -d, and after vowels:


to ореп - opened

to staystayed

to die - died;

с) [t] aftervoiceless consonants, except -t:

to look - /ooked to workworked.

Spel/ing Rules

1. The final consonaпt letter is douЫed if it follows а single vowel in а stressell





to nodnodded

to permitpermitted


to stop - stopped

to referreferred


to stir - stirred

to compelcornpelled


The final -/ is douЫed even in an unstressed syllaЫe:


to traveltravel/ed

to сапсе/- cancel/ed


ln some words the final is douЫed in an uпstressed syllaЫe:


to kidnapkidnapped

to worship - worshipped


The final is changed to -i if it is preceded Ьу а consonant:


to crycried

to rep/y - replied

The irregularverbs form the Past Simple Tense and Participle 11 in а differentway: to Ье - was - were - been

to begin - began - begun to writewrotewritten to meetrnetmet

to lie -/ау -Jain etc.










Number ··


















Did 1speak?



1did not (didn 't)speak













Did he speak?



Не did not speak (play)



















Did she speak?


She did not speak (play)













Did it speak?


lt did not speak (play)













Did we speak?


We did not speak (play)

















Did you speak?


You did not speak (play)

















Did they speak?


They did not speak (play)




















The Use of the Past Simple Tense

The Past Simple Tense is used:

1)to denote past hablt or state:

Не weпt to school оп foot.

2)to denote а complete action or event which happened at а stated past time:

She raпg те up ап hour ago.

3)to denote past actions which happened one after the other:

Не got up, dressed апd had breakfast.

4)to denote an action which happened at а definite past time although the time is not mentioned:

Shakespeare wrote а lot of p/ays.

Note. Besides the Past Simple Tense there are two otherways of expressing haЬitual actions in the past:

а) Ьу means of the form used + the infinitive.

Used to expresses past hablts, regularly repeated actions in the past or past states:

Sоте years ago she used to cal/ оп те.

The negative construction of used to is formed in one of two ways; didп 't use to or used поt to:

Не didп't use to cal/ оп те оп weekdays. Не used поt to cal/ оп те оп weekdays.

The interrogative form is did ( he) use to:

Did he use to play teппis wheп he was а child?


























Ь) Ьу means of the verb would + the infinitive.

Wou/d expresses regularly repeated actions in the past. lt isnlt used for states:

When he was а student he would spend his vacation mountaineering.

Не used to live in the country (not would-state).

The Past Simple Tense is used with the following time expressions: yesterday, the day before yesterdayl а week ago 1 last night1 last week, /ast month 1 /ast yearl an hour ago 1 in 1970 1 w/1en etc.


Exercise 1

Use the Past Simple iпstead ofthe iпfiпitives iп brackets.

1. Не (to stay) at uпiversity after classes. 2. 1 (to kпow) а\1 tl1e words vегу \Vell. 3. Sl1e (to study) Eпglish at sclюol. 4. Sl1e (to wгite) t11e letteг to l1ег trieпd. 5. Some years ago sl1e (to live) iп the couпtry. 6. She (to make) ап iпterestiпg report last week. 7. Last year l1e (to work) at tl1e factory. 8. Yesterday we (to go) home Ьу metro. 9. 1t (to take) те half ап hour to get home. 1О. We (to see) аvery iпterestiпg film а week ago. 11. Sl1e (to Ье) vегу Ьнsу Ьнt she (to fiпd) time to

help нs. 12. Не (to do) the tгaпslatioп withoнt а dictioпary. 13. Last пight we

(to watcl1) а lюckey matc\1 оп ТУ. 14. Sl1e (to leave) for Eпglaпd tl1e day Ьеfоге yesterday. 15. I (to do) my best to fiпis\1 t\1e report in time. 16. Не (to tlпis\1) l1is design last пigl1t. 17. It (to take) me some years to master Eng\is\1.

Exercise 11

Use tl1e Past Simple iпstead oftl1e iпfiпitives iп brackets.

1. Sl1e (to cut) tl1e cake апd (to put) а large piece оп my plate. 2. Не (to look) at 11er for а momeпt witl1 surprise. 3. Му frieпd (to switcl1 on) tl1e wiгeless апd (to sit dowп) beside it. 4. She (поt to smile) wheп sl1e (to see him). 5. Оп tl1e way lюme s\1e usнally (to Ьну) а loafat tl1e bakeг's. 6. Tl1ree o'clock (to strike), апd four, Ьнt 11е (поt to саше). 7. Wl1eп l1e (to arrive) 11е (to fiпd) tl1e patieпt to Ье а small Ьоу of пiпе years of age. 8. А qнarter of ап lюur later l1e (to l1ear) voices. 9. On the fifteent\1 ofOctober Тот (to set онt) аlопе for Londoп. 10. His train (to arrive) iп Lопdоп at опе o'clock, апd 11е (to go) to t11e hotel апd (to \1ave) а batl1 апd а sleep. 11. Tl1e straпger (to climb) iпto l1is car апd (to drive away), апd when 11е (to пotice) laterthat his speedometer (to slюw) seveпty-tlve, l1e (to

laнgl1) at himselfbнt (поt to slow dowп). 12. Wl1eп l1e (to leave) iп tl1e пюгпiпg

l1e (to take) her photograp\1 with 11im.


Exercise 111

\Vrite tl1e followiпg seпteпces iп tl1e пegative foпn.

1. Т11еу had tl1eir breakfast at tl1e нпiversity diпing-room. 2. Не \VШ1ted to go to Moscow duriпg the lюlidays. 3. Ош Eпglisl1 cle~ss Ьеgап at 10 o'clock. 4. Last пigl1t 1 got а Ietter from шу parents. 5. Му sister tried to write tl1e letter iп Eпglish. 6. She made а report Iast week. 7. It snowed hard last week. 8. Dark clouds appeared in tl1e sky. 9. Не did tlle translatioп witlюut any difficulty. 10. Yesterday I skied iп tl1e couпtry. 11. First spriпg flo\veгs appeared iп tlle fields iп April. 12. Т11е weatl1e r was tlпe апd cloodless tl1e day Ьеtоге yesteгday.

13. Tl1e studeпts weпt оп ап excшsioпlast week. 14. Му bгotl1er left fш Eпglaпd

last year. 15. Last sumrner we speпt tl1e lюlidays iп tl1e Crirnea.

Exercise IV

Ask yesjпo апd wl1-qнestioпs.

1. We listeпed to tl1e latest пews over tl1e radio. 2. Т11е meetiпg Ьеgап at 3 o'clock. 4. Му fatl1erweпt to Lопdоп last \\'eek. 5. I got up late yesteгday. 6. We speпt tl1e lюlidays iп tl1e coLmtry last sш11111er. 7. lt was pleasaпt to batl1e iп tl1e river iп sвrnшer. 8. TI1ere were а lot ofleaves оп tl1e grouпd iп ti1e park. 9. We weпt iп fог skating last wiпteг. 10. Не worked l1ard at llis Eпglisl1 last year. 11. They stвdied at tl1e library after classes. 12. ТЬеу passed епtrапсе examiпatioпs Iast sвmmer. 13. \Ve eпtered tl1e college last year. 14. Не atteпded tl1e hockey сlнЬ last year.

Exercise V

Ask wl1-qвestioпs to tl1e words ofbold type.

1.Не was iп Moscow last week. 2. Му friend wrote to me very ofteпlast year.

3.They were at their office yesterday morнing. 4. Our students read а lot of English books last year. 5. Не took llis son онt оп Monday evening. 6. The students вsually weпt home after classes. 7. We decided to ask our friends to diппer. 8. Yesteгday my friends came to see ше in the evening. 9. 1got lюme late

yesterday eveпiпg апd \Vent to bed at once. 1О. The meeting fiпisl1ed at 6 o'clock.

Exercise Vl

Coшplete tl1e seпteпces witЬ used to ....

1. Sl1e ... ту best friend Ьвt we aren't frieпds поw. 2. Wl1eп l was а child 1 ... а lot ofsweets Ьвt I doп't like tЬem поw. 3. Tl1cy ... iп а smalJ village Ьнt поw tl1ey live iп Kiev. 4. SЬе ... long hair Ьвt she cut it sоше time ago. 5. I ... teппis wl1e11 1was а cllild bllt 1stoppecl doing it поw. 6. 1've started driпkiпg cof'fee. I пever ...

it before. 7. [ ... аlопе but поw llive with шу relatives. 8. Му bгotl1er ... а lot bllt these days l1e doesп't go away very ofteп. 9. She ... lшrd wl1eп sl1e was iп tl1e juпior forшs. 10. I ... tl1e рiапо а lot but 1 have по tirne поw.


~u,...,,,,,~,t;ill,;;,,Ы;,o,~..---..........(... . ".....______________________________


Exercise Vll


Replace the Past Simple Tense in the followiпg seпteпces Ьу used to or wou!d.



~1. Не was а lecturer at uпiversity. 2. She lived iп that house wl1eп she was









young. 3. There was а small house l1ere, Ьнt now there is а пеw factory. 4. In her childlюod Магу drank а glass of milk every morпiпg. 5. Peter was very tat. 6. Gтandnюtl1er always grumЬled. 7. Неlеп was ofteп late for work. 8. [ l1ad very good eyesight.



Exercise Vlll

с Translate iпto Eпglisl1 usiпg tl1e Past Simple. z

~1. Я встретила его вчера. Мы боялись опоздать на поезд. К счастью, на

углу нашей улицы мы увидели такси и приехали на вокзал вовремя.

2. Летом я вам не писала, так как потеряла ваш адрес. 3. На прошлой

неделе я написала ей два письма, но ответа не nолучила. 4. Когда вы перевели эту трудную статью? 5. Что вы делали вчера: переводили ста­

тью или писали сочинение? 6. Когда моя сестра была здорова, она всегда

сама шила платья себе и мне. 7. В прошлом году она сшила мне очень

красивое платье. 8. Прошлым летом мы посетили много музеев. 9. Вчера

яне могла прийти домой вовремя, поэтому я пообедала в столовой.

10.Когда вы получили это письмо?- Вчера утром.

Exercise IX

Translate into Englisl1 using tl1e Past Simple.

1. Вы смотрели вчера вечером фильм по телевизору?- Да.

2.Вам он понравился?- Не очень.

3.Что ты делала в выходные дни?- Я была у друзей.

4.Ты записал вчера лекцию на магнитофон? -Да.

5.Твойдруг поступил в университет в прошлом году?

6.Как вы провели каникулы в прошлом году?

7.Когда вы приехали?

8.Где ты был вчера вечером?

9.Когда ты ходил в Третьяковскую галерею последний раз?

10.Куда вы ездили прошлой весной?

Exercise Х

Translate iнto English usiпg the Preseпt Simple or the Past Simple.

1. Он улыбнулся, когда увидел своего приятеля в окне вагона. 2. Он гово­

рит, что не помнит многих подробностей в романе, так какчитал его еще в

детстве. 3. Этой книги уже нет в продаже. Жаль, что я не купил ее на про­ шлой неделе. 4. Кажется, он очень интересуется химией?- Да, он интере­ совался ею еще в школе. 5. Почему вы не пришли за книгой, когда я вас


просила? 6. Я сержусь на вас зато, что вы были так невнимательны вчера.

7. Она осталась в гостинице, т.к. у нее болела голова, а мы отправились

осматривать город. 8. Наша библиотека снабжает студентов всеми нуж­

ными им книгами. 9. Несколько веков тому назад не было поездов, ма­ шин и трамваев, люди путешествовали в каретах. 10. В юности я, бывало, часто ходил на охоту с отцом. 11. Жаль, что он не хочет воспользоваться такой прекрасной возможностью. 12. По его улыбке я понял, что ему при­ ятно услышать эти новости. 13. Когда я был студентом, я обычно обедал в студенческой столовой. 14. Я очень вам благодарен за то, что при встрече вы напомнили ему об этом. 15. Латынь сейчас мертвый язык, но четыре

века тому назад она была международным языком.

The Future Simple Tense

shalljwill + lnfinitive



















shalljwill work



Shall/willl work?

1shalljwill notwork











(1 shan'tjwon'twork)






Will he work?

Hewill notwork






Will she work?

Shewill notwork






Will itwork?

ltwill notwork



shalljwill work



Shalljwill we work?

We shalljwill notwork






Will you work?

You will not work









Will theywork?

Theywill notwork









The Future Simple Tense is used to showthat an action will take place in the future:

She wi/1 take her exams in spring.

Не wi/1 ring you up and tel/ you everything.

ln present day English the tendency is to use wi/1 in the first person singular and plural:

1wi/1 Ье there tonight.

Wi/1 is often used with these words and expressions:


/'1/ probaЬ/ycome home late.


/'mafraid 1'11 Ье а litt/e late.


/'т sure you'll /ike myfriend.


1bet Ann '11 get the prize.


lthinkyou'llwin thematch.


1suppose you'll see Pete at the meeting.


1guess we'/1 meet nextweek.





















The Future Simple is used with the following time expressions: tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, in two days, in а month, the day after tomorrow etc.

Note. The Future Simple is not used

1) in adverЬial clauses of time and condition referring to the future introduced bythe conjunctions: when, while, till, until, before, atter, as soon as, if, unless, in case (that), оп condition (that), provided ( that), providing ( that). ln such clauses the Present Simple Tense is used instead:

When she comes, ask her to type the letter.

2)for а planned future actions with verbs of motion: to соте, to start, to leave, to return, to arrive, to sail, to f/yand when we are talking about timetaЬies, programmes the Present Simple is used:

We leave at six, arrive in Paris at midnight.


Exercise 1

Write tl1e following seпteпces iп iпterrogative апd пegative forms.

1. There will Ье а lot of people at the meeting tomorrow. 2. The talk will Ье vегу iпterestiпg. 3. Не will go witl1 us ifl1e has time. 4. I will have to stay at lюme tl1is eveniпg. 5. Не will Ье out tomorrow afternoon. 6. She will рrоЬаЬ\у соте today. 7. We shall Ье very busy toпight. 8. Опmу day off I will write letters. 9. Оп Мопdау you will Ье busy iп tl1e eveпiпg. 10. We will go to tl1e exhiЬition пехt Sнпdау. 11. 1will fiпish the work iп two days. 12. They will Iшve to get up early toпюrrow.

Exercise 11

Ask уеs/по questioпsапdwl1-questioпsto which the words in bold type are the answers.

1. They will Ье glad to see you. 2. 1will meet them agaiп iп two days. 3. We shall see your friend tomorrow. 4. Mybrotherwill Ье oпleave in Мау. 5. Sl1e will keep in miпd my request. 6. She will поt allow l1er childre11 to play оп tl1e road. 7. 1 will give her а valuaЬie preseпt. 8. Не will go to the post office to se11d а telegram to his mother. 9. 1 will Ье а second year studeпt 11ext year. 10. Tomorrow tl1ey will Ье far from here. 11. It will raiп hard i11 the afternoo11. 12. 111 the Caucasus you will see high mou11taills and beautifullakes.

Exercise 111

Replace the iпfiпitive in brackets Ьу tl1e Future Simple or the Preseпt Simple.

1.The delegatioп (to start) for Londoп as soon as they (to receive) theirvisas.

2.At the travel bureau they (to tell) you exactly when the traiп (to leave).


it (to

3. I (not to tl1iпk) 1(to Ье аЬ!е) to call оп tl1em and (to say) good-bye Ьеfоге 1 (to go) abroad. 4. lfyou (поt to want) to climb tl1e tree, you сап shake it апсt the apples (to fall) dowп to the grouпd. 5. Wl1eпl (to go) to Moscow [ нsually (to stay) at my friends'. б. Ask him when he (to finish) packiпg. 7. Ask l1er ifsl1e (to саше) to the party аlопе or 11er sister (to соте) too. 8. Ifshe (to соте) to tl1e party аlопе апd tl1eгe (to Ье) поЬоdу sl1e (to kпow), she (to f'eel) loпely. 9. Т11е milk (to Ье) fгesl1 а loпg time ifyou (to put) it iп tlle гefгigerator. 10. Ask tl1e flower-giгllюw пшсl1 mопеу 1 (to 11ave) to рау if I (to take) all tl1e flowers. 11. Ask tl1e teacl1er ifwe (to stLidy) accordiпg to the old tiшetaЬie ог а пеw опе (to Ье) ready wl1eп we (to begiп) to study. 12. 1 thiпk we (to leave) for Cllicago

sooпer tl1aп we tlюugllt.

Exercise IV

Use tl1e Preseпt Simple or tl1e Future Simple iпstead ot'tl1e iпfiпitives iп bгackets.

1. 1(not to work) апу тоге today; I (to stay) wit11 you. 2. Now I (to tell) you а secret if'yoll (to promise) поt to tell апуопе. 3. ОГ сошsе it сап't last, but wl1eп

саше) to ап епd it (to Ье) а woпdeгful experieпce for him. It гeally (to шаkе) а mап of11iш. 4. Wl1eп you (to Ье) iп the sanatoriuш it (поt to seem) so

bad, l (to Ье) sure. 5. Iп а шiпнtе l (tojoiп) you, my frieпd. б. Уон don't tl1iпk it (to raiп), do уон? 7. 1(to thiпk) ofyou day апd пigl1t. 8. Уон (to stay) iп Rome long? 9. Wl1y, we (to work) all nigllt and (to fiпisl1) everytl1ing tomorrow. 1О. I tlliпk we (to leave) for Paris sooпerthan we thougllt. 11. 1expect we (to see) а lot ofeach otl1er. 12. Sl1e knows that ifsl1e (to соте) she (to have) а сlыпсе ofa happier life tl1an sl1e has had. 13. Ifyou (to meпtion) l1er nаше agaiп, 1(to Ье) very angry with you. 14. It (not to Ье) so long till we (to Ье) together and theп it (not to Ье) so lыrd for blm.

Exercise V

Use tl1e veгbs to go (to bed), to sи,еер апd to invite iп the Preseпt Simple or in the Fнtше Si mple.

1.[ wil\ switcl1 offthe radio wheп you ... to bed. 1will get up iп time if' l ... to bed early. Мау I riпg you up at eleveп? When ... you ... to bed toпight? - 1

lыve got mucl1 woгk to do, so 1 dоп't kпow if l ... to bed at eleveп as usual. How сап I kпow wheп I ... to bed?

2.lfyou ... tl1e floor, it will Ье quite clean. Will уон kiпdly look tor ту пeedle, wl1e11 уон ... tl1e f1oor tomorrow? lt's пiпе о'clock already. Wl1eп ... yotl ...

the floor? She will Ье so Ьнsу toшorrow; sl1e doesn't kпow wlleп sl1e ... tl1e f1oor. She asks те ifi ... tl1e floor tomorrow morпiпg.

3.Though I don't feel well, I ... some frieпds of шine to the housewarming party. Wl1eп will you ... them, l wonder? lt is not settled yet wl1eп I ... tl1em. 1'11 Ье glad to see Апn ifyou ... l1er to your housewarmiпg party. 1аш eager to kпow ifyou ... tl1e Browпs too.


