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5.Дайте краткое определение различным типам инноваций, пользуясь текстом.

Образец: Financial innovation – combining basic financial attributes in progressive innovative ways.

6. Закончите предложения нижеприведенными фразами:

1. The concept of innovation …

2. Business model innovation – …

3. Marketing innovation –…

4. Organizational innovation – …

5. Process innovation – …

6. Product innovation – …

7. Service innovation - …

8. Supply chain innovation – …

9. Financial innovation – …

a) the creation or alteration of business structures, practices and models;

b) through which new financial services and products are developed by combining basic financial attributes in progressive innovative ways;

c) implies different types of innovation;

d) the introduction of new service that is new or substantially improved;

e) development of new marketing methods with improvement in product design or packaging, product promotion or pricing;

f) occur in the sourcing of input products from suppliers and the delivery of output products to customers;

g) changing the way business is done;

h) the implementation of a new or significantly improved production or delivery method;

i) the introduction of a new good that is new or substantially improved.

7. Задайте собеседнику следующие вопросы:

1.What does the concept of innovation imply?

2. What is business model innovation?

3. How do product and service innovations differ?

4. What does marketing innovation presuppose?

5. Organizational innovation is the creation or alteration of business structures, practices and models, isn’t it?

6. Where does supply chain innovation occur?

7. What type of innovation develop financial services and products?



1.Найдите в тексте интернациональные слова и дайте их соответствия на русском языке.

2.Обратите внимание на фразы, содержащие модальные глаголы. Переведите их.

Everything new should be substantially different from others; all organizations can innovate; it may also have a negative or destructive effect; organizations may be destroyed; the smallest idea can be the cause of an improvement.

3.Запомните следующие слова, необходимые для понимания текста:

to modify – модифицировать

saleable –продаваемый

incremental – прибавочный

destructive –разрушительный

deliberation – обсуждение

variety –разнообразие

to cause –служить причиной

improvement - усовершенствование

4.Прочитайте и переведите текст.

TEXT. Innovative Activity and Creativity

“All progress, all success springs from thinking”

Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Being first in the field of inventions is not enough. Innovation is the process that modifies new and original ideas through their thorough development and wide business activity into saleable goods, processes and services in demand.

In economics, business and government policy everything new should be substantially different from others. The innovative activity concerns as a rule both radical and incremental changes to required products, processes and services. Goal of innovation is to solve a problem. Innovation is a key issue in the fields of economics, business, technology, sociology and engineering. Innovation is thought to be a major driver of the economy.

All organizations can innovate, including, for example, hospitals, universities and local governments. While innovation typically adds value to some existed thing, it may also have a negative or destructive effect as new developments clear away or change old organizational forms and practices. Organizations that do not innovate effectively may be destroyed by those that do.

In addition, it is of great importance that everyone in the business has the potential to be creative. Each member of the organization has a different viewpoint. This will help in deliberation of the variety of ideas created. Even the smallest idea can be the cause of an improvement in various spheres.

5.Задайте собеседнику вопросы по тексту, требующие краткие ответы (yes/no questions), предложите ему ответить на них.

Образец: 1.Is it enough to be first in the field of inventions? No, it isn’t.

2. Does the innovative activity concern both radical and incremental changes? Yes, it does.

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