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Lecture 6 word-groups and phraseological units


  1. Types of word combinations. Classifications of word-groups.

  2. Free word groups.

  3. Phraseology as a subsystem of language.

  4. A phraseological unit.

  5. Distinction between free word-groups and phraseological units.

  6. Classification of phraseological units.

  7. Sources of phraseological units.


1. Types of word combinations. Classifications of word-groups

The vocabulary of any language consists not only of words but also of different word groups and expressions. Words put together to form lexical units make phrases or word-groups. A word-combination (word-group) is a combination of two or more words organizes according to the norms of the language. There are three types of word-groups: 1) free; 2) semi-free (устойчивые); 3) phraseological units.

They are different structurally and semantically.

2. Free word groups

Free word combinations are structurally and semantically unstable, e.g. a good man; a good and reliable man; a better man, a good woman. They are characterized by the following features:

  1. They are made up by the speaker; they are productive.

  2. Each word in a free word combination realizes its own meaning. For example, in the word-combination a red rose, to write a letter, extremely dangerous, each word has its own meaning, and the meaning of the whole phrase is the sum of the meanings of its components.

  3. Substitution is possible in them.

to walk fast

to walk slowly to move fast

forward to run

backward to go

in the park to drive

in the forest to fly

Semi-free or Fixed combinations of words are structurally and semantically stable and the meaning is understood from the meanings of the components. That means there is no transference of meaning of these combinations, e.g. a man of business; a man of letters (писатель). They stand midway between free word-combinations and phrasiological units. They are characterized in the following way:

  1. They are fixed because they are not made up in speech but are used as ready-made units.

  2. The meaning of the whole can be inferred from the meanings of its components.

  3. They are transitional, semi-productive.

Examples: soft landing, to commit suicide, good luck, black coffee, Merry Christmas, Good afternoon.

3. Phraseology as a subsystem of language

Phraseology is a branch of lexicology which studies different types of fixed expressions, which like words name various objects and phenomena. They are not created by the speaker but exist in the language as ready-made units. These word-groups are characterized by stability of structure and transferred (перенос) meaning (take the bull by the horn –действовать решительно, напрямик = брать быка за рога); (to burn one’s boats – совершать решительный поступок, бесповоротно разрывая с прошлым = сжечь корабли); (to eat a bushel of salt with – очень долгое время общаясь, хорошо узнать кого-либо = съесть пуд соли).

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