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A promising picture – многообещающая картина

Favorable conditions – благоприятные условия

To arrange a fair – устраивать ярмарку

Brisk - оживленный; brisk trade – оживлённая торговля

Exhibition case – выставочная витрина

Industry show – отраслевая выставка

To render services – предоставлять услуги

Limited outlet – ограниченный рынок сбыта

Sewerage – канализация

To put into commission – сдавать (сдать) в эксплуатацию

Catering – общественное питание

To undergo – испытывать, подвергаться, подвергнуться

Output – выпуск, производство

By means of the intermediary – через посредника

Performance of – проведение чего-либо

Glaciers - ледники; avalanches – лавины

Ex. 2. Read the dialogue, mind the phrases underlined, and translate the dialogue from English into Russian.

Conversation after the Lecture

The Lecturer: Thank you very much for your attention during the lecture. I am ready to answer all questions of yours.

Oleg: Why is the problem of demography policy so important in the Russian East?

The Lecturer: That is because people leave our territory. After the Soviet Union disintegration about two million people left Kamchatka, Chukotka, the Magadanskaya oblast, the Khabarovsk krai and other areas. That amounts 90 percent. If we don’t stop this migration process, the Far Eastern territory will become vacant for foreigners.

Oleg: Doesn’t it mean that we can loose our territories?

The Lecturer: Yes, if you don’t want to become a raw material appendage for neighbors, we’ll follow the social and economic program of the Far East development elaborated by scientists.

Lena: But how can one make people keep living in the North or East? My


relatives have recently moved from Sakhalin, as they want to live in more favorable conditions. Now they live in Khabarovsk.

The Lecturer: The Far Eastern scientists proposed the idea of creating the local


zones of intensive development with centers in Khabarovsk,


Vladivostok, Blagoveschensk, Sovetskaya Gavan and Vanino. There


are favorable conditions both for living and working. The Far East


needs permanent and devoted Far Easterners.


So, the North of Russia will be much less inhabited than it is now.


Probably, that’s not bad. Kamchatka, Chukotka, the Sakha Yakutia


and Magadan will remain as recreational zones or natural reserves.


Their inimitable beauty will be untouched by people with the


exception of native folk and tourists. That would be great.


I wish your words would come true.

The Lecturer: In any case, it is rather expensive to finance the development of the


Northern areas the way, which has been traditionally used.


Are the scientists sure that Khabarovsk can become attractive for



The Lecturer:

Certainly, they are. Khabarovsk is very prospective for business, that


means for making profits and making life better.


I think the picture is not so promising as there are a lot of difficulties.

The Lecturer:

You are right, but wait for the next lecture on problems and prospects


of business in the region.

Ex. 3. Find pairs of synonyms.

Favorable, prospects, to move, dedicated, intensive, permanent, appendage, indigenous people, to finance, a scheme, perspectives, an inhabitant of the Far East, to produce money gained in business, propitious, constant, something added to something, to relocate, a Far Easterner, devoted, to work out, thorough and marked by special effort, to make profits, native folk, to provide money, a program, to elaborate.

Ex. 4. Translate the phrases from English into Russian. Choose the reasons corresponding to the situation in the Far East and say why people leave the region.

Shortage of perspective and innovative ideas;


Dangerous ecological situation;

Far distance from centers of culture and education;

Growth of inflation;

Low salaries;

Cold climate;

Expensive housing;

Unsatisfactory health service;

High prices for utilities;


Low level of educational institutions;

Limited outlet;

Expensive higher education;

Depression in economy;

Foreign expansion;

Global warming;

Frequent natural calamities;

Criminal situation;

Out-of-date production;

Lack of shopping centers.

Ex. 5. Sum up what you have learnt about the Passives, Conditionals, Non-finite forms of the verbs and Reported Speech. Translate the text from Russian into English.

Инвестиционные объекты Хабаровска

Хабаровск растёт и становится настоящим центром Дальневосточного Федерального округа. Городские архитекторы создают собственные неповторимые проекты жилых комплексов, торговых, развлекательных и бизнес центров. Они также используют опыт зарубежных планировщиков – зеркальные фасады из Европы, звуковые и цветовые фонтаны из Лас-Вегаса, плавучие пляжи из Франции, обустройство набережной из Лондона. Естественно, зарубежные современные технологии, оборудование, строительные материалы также применяются в строительстве.


Правительства края и города хотели бы, чтобы иностранные и национальные инвестиции привлекались в строительство и производственную сферу города. Если инвесторы будут заинтересованы в предлагаемых проектах, они будут финансировать реализацию таких целевых программ, как логистический центр, реконструкция парка «Динамо», пассажирская струнная дорога, Межрегиональный центр экономического сотрудничества с выставочными залами и другие.

Мэр города сказал, что Хабаровск открыт для инвестиций и сотрудничества. Объём инвестиций в экономику составляет 25,7 млрд рублей. Он заметил, что энергетика, транспорт и производственная сфера являются наиболее перспективными для инвесторов.

Ex. 6. Find Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.

Mayor of the city, exhibit hall, passenger string road, mirror fronts, landscaping of the river bank, building materials, manufacturing branch, target program, logistics center, industrial engineering, construction engineering, volume of investments, power engineering, proposed projects.

Ex. 7. Read the brief information below and make up a dialogue on the investment projects of Khabarovsk.

Pretend you are:

a.a foreign investor and a businessman;

b.a planner and a reporter;

c.a city mayor and a sister city mayor (from Niigata, Portland or Harbin);

d.a travel guide and a foreigner.

Project: Business Center in Dzerzhinskiy Street.

Characteristics: area of 20,000 square meters; 20 % total area for dental center, hair salon, retail enterprises; up-to-date engineering equipment, sewerage, air conditioning, escalators, shops, cafes, a conference hall, a two level underground parking lot for 100 cars, from 9 to 14 floors, block of offices.

Words to use: to improve business processes; to form conditions for business; to meet the world standards; multifunctional; to put into commission (operation).

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