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4. Complete the following sentences. Make use of the suggested Russian






1. She suggested

… (чтобы я отправил книги в Москву почтой).

2. The official


(чтобы мой друг послал телеграмму с

оплаченным ответом).



3. The clerk insisted

… (чтобы отправитель написал свое имя полностью

в самом низу бандероли).



4. Theу arrange

(чтобы срочные телеграммы доставлялись в течение

двух часов).





5. The woman requested …

(чтобы я написал фамилию и адрес получателя

в середине пакета).




6. The man demands


(чтобы у него приняли заказ на разговор с

Москвой немедленно).



7. The chief directed

(чтобы документы были отправлены заказным






8. I requested ..

(чтобы нас не разъединяли, пока мы не закончили






9. The postmaster ordered

… (чтобы телеграмму доставили адресату как

можно скорее).



10. The girl at the counter requested

… (чтобы я сначала заполнила бланк).

III. The object, predicative and appositive clauses after the expression of fear.

to fear


smb should do smth

to worry


smb should have done smth

to be anxious


smb do smth

to be afraid



He was afraid lest they should be late. - Он боялся, как бы ( чтобы) они не опоздали. He was afraid lest they be late. – Он боялся, как бы они не опоздали.

If the subordinate clause begins with the conjunction that, instead of Subjunctive forms there is used modal verb may or might and the infinitive of the notional verb (perfect or nonperfect forms).

We fear that it may be raining. – Мы боялись, что пойдет дождь.

Jim was afraid that Ann might miss the train. - Джим боялся, что Энн может опоздать на поезд.

Jim was afraid that Ann might have missed the train. – Джим боялся, что Энн опоздала на поезд.


1.Read the following sentences. Comment on the use and meaning of the verb forms. Translate them into Russian.

1.I feared lest I should be detained.

2.He feared lest I should have stayed too long in the sun.

3.She was afraid lest their meeting should be the last.

4.He fears lest she should have a romantic idea of the place.

5.She felt a little uneasy lest they should arrive late.

6.We were afraid lest she’d disturb them.

7.He was afraid lest people should know the truth about his affairs.

8.He felt a little uneasy hat his friend might easily read his mind.

9.Mother was afraid that the girl might have told too many lies.

10.I was afraid that you might have fallen ill.

11.The man fears that he might miss the train.

12.The girl felt a bit uneasy that the hostess may have disapproved of her words.


Supply the necessary forms for the verbs in brackets using the

Subjunctive Mood or modal phrases.


We feared lest the weather

… (change).


I felt a bit uneasy lest I

mistakes in the dictation (make).


The boy feared that he

many mistakes in his last test (make).


He feared that she …

much more than she had told them (learn).


The girl looked upset and he feared lest his parents … rude to her (be).

6. The woman was afraid that her niece … certain old newspapers and …

about her parents (see, know).



He ordered that his secretary … him immediately (send in).


I insist that he … his opinion frankly (speak).


They friendly advised that she … it seriously (not take).


Who suggested that you … this doctor (consult)?


They propose that the issue

in a week (discuss).


The man arranged that they

in library (meet).


The painter feared lest the public

of his brushwork (disapprove).


Nell was resolute in insisting that she

… the dentist (see).

3.Translate the sentences into English using the Subjunctive Mood or modal phrases.

1.Боюсь, что я потеряла ключ: нигде не могу найти его.

2.Сестра волновалась, как бы я не забыла слова.

3.Он боялся, что не скоро заснет из-за шума в соседней комнате.

4.Мы беспокоились, что давно бродим по городу.

5.Вы легко одеты. Боюсь, как бы вы не заболели.

6.Она боялась, как бы ее речь не рассердила слушателей.

7.Дети волновались, как бы отец не забыл о своем обещании купить им конфеты.

8.Боясь, как бы не разбудить сына, она быстро вышла из комнаты.

9.Он боялся, что старший мальчик хочет подшутить над ним.

10.Она волновалась, как бы они не остались к чаю. 11. Боюсь, что он откажется поехать с нами за город.

IV. Adverbial clauses of purpose.


do smth


smb should do smth


in case

smb do smth


in order that

smb may do smth


so that

smb might do smth


so as

( if the verb of principal



clause is in the past)

Put down my address lest you should forget it. – Запиши мой адрес, чтобы не забыть его.

Put down my address lest you forget it. – Запиши мой адрес, чтобы не забыть его.

Take the child to the river so that he may swim a little. – Возьми ребенка на речку, чтобы он мог поплавать немного.

In spoken language the infinitive is usually used in this type of sentences. Put down my address in order not to foreign it.

I called her earlier for her to catch the train.


1.Read the following sentences. Comment on the use and the meaning of the verb forms in the subordinate clauses. Translate them into Russian.

1.He put on his warm coat lest he should catch cold.

2.The girl was pale. She stopped lest she should faint.

3.I wrote down their address lest she should forget it.

4.He quickly stood up test she should forget it.

5.Put the letter into your bag lest you should lose it.

6.The children hurried home lest their mother should worry about them.

7.Be quick lest you should be late.

8.It is necessary to help Ann with English lest she should fall behind the group.

9.The students had already begun to read up for their exams lest they should fail at them.

10.You’ll have to work hard so that you may catch up with the group.

11.My sister entered a teacher’s training college so that she might become a teacher because she is fond of children.

12.I’m going to the library in order that I may prepare a good report on Byron’s poetry.

13.The boys worked regularly in order that they might make good progress.

2. Complete the following sentences. Make use of the suggested words and




Would you like to go to the buffet …

(we have lunch together)?


She asked me to buy some vegetables

… (she, mix salad).


Helen had her birthday party in a restaurant … (she, treat her guests to

many tasty things).



I suggest buying ice-cream … (our children, have a treat).


We called a waitress … (she, take our order).


He helped his wife to wash up

… (it, not take much time).


Would you see to the meat in the oven …

(it, not be overdone)?


The man put one lump of sugar into his tea

… (it, not be sweet).


The woman gave him a piece of bread …

(he, not look hungry).


She ate plenty of vegetables

… (she, not put on weight).


He ordered only one course

… (he, not waste money).

3.Change the structure of the following sentences so as to use the Subjunctive Mood or modal phrases.

1.She turned away to avoid her daughter’s eyes.

2.The soldier stood up for me to sit down.

3.I kept a diary in order to enter the wonderful secrets of my life.

4.They spoke in a whisper so as not to wake anybody in the ward.

5.We’ll start earlier for them not to find us here.

6.You’ll close the door or the window otherwise there will be a draught.

7.He’ll have a car sent down to your place tonight to take you to the station.

8.They kept the gate closed for the cows not to get into the garden.

9.The boy stood aside for her to go by.

10.Father repeated it for us not to misunderstand him.

11.He watched Easter carefully not to let her commit some mistakes.

4. Translate the sentences into English.

1.Сестра принесла мне журнал, чтобы я прочитала статью об английских художниках.

2.Она дала ему учебник грамматики, чтобы он подготовился к контрольной работе.

3.Пройдите в другую комнату, чтобы никто не мешал вам заниматься.

4.Я пошлю ей телеграмму, чтобы она приехала на конференцию вовремя.

5.Включите свет, чтобы в зале стало светлее.

6.Объясни ему его ошибки, чтобы он не сделал их снова.

7.Он шел медленно, чтобы мы могли его догнать.

8.Упакуйте картину, чтобы она не испортилась по дороге.

9.Докладчик говорил громко, чтобы все слышали его.

10.Она дала мне деньги, чтобы я купил вам сувениры.

11.Девочка спряталась за дерево, чтобы брат не заметил ее.


Review of Subjunctive I


Supply the necessary forms for the verbs in brackets using the

Subjunctive Mood or modal phrases.


I was afraid lest the boy … the article already (read).


They came nearer to the stage in order that they … the actor well (see).

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