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Section IV (Chapters 21-24)

1. Read Chapters 21-24 paying attention to the usage of the active vocabulary. Learn the active words and word-combinations. Reproduce the situations in which they are used in the text:

to shrug one's shoulders

to reach the destination

to provide smb with smth

to know which side one's bread is buttered

a mean and pettifogging nature; to dose (away, out)

to put on rouge

(in) embarrassment

to embarrass; to be (feel) embarrassed

to mock at smb/smth


to be sick to death of smth (doing smth)

to cope with smth

to let smb down

2. Transcribe the flg. words. Read them aloud. Make sure you know their meanings:

curtly, trifle, impatient, enormous, disease, exulted, indulgence, rouge, hesitate, orphanage, discern, bacteriologist, cholera, epidemic, gesture, frivolous, immobile, sacrifice, subordinate.

3.Give synonyms: curtly, to chat, enormous, furious, to sieze, wrath.

4.Give antonyms: polite, brave, human, dangerous, convenience, bitter.

5.Read the passage (Ch.23), beginning with the words 'I had no illusions…' up to '… receive as a favour'. Translate it. Split up each sentence into intonation groups and be ready to read the passage for a mark.

6.Complete the sentences using your active vocabulary:

He didn't answer, but......

She gave him a long look.....

There was a moment silence, then.....

He leaned back in his chair and......

Our line is......

But as a matter of fact ......

The only thing that worries me......

7.Pick out and write down 5 sentences for back translation.

8.Speak on the following points:

The Fanes dine out.

W. Fane's plans for the future.

Kitty's decision to divorce Walter.

Charlie's efforts to solve all the problems peacefully.

Section V (Chapters 25-30)

1. Read Chapters 25-30 paying attention to the usage of the active vocabulary. Learn the active words and word-combinations. Reproduce the situations in which they are used in the text:

• to keep one's head


• if the worst comes to the worst ...


• to make a clean breast of smth.


• to care for smb./ smth.


• to stand a dog's chance


• to take smth. literally


• to appeal to smth./ smb.


• to make head or tail out of smth.


• exaggeration; to exaggerate


• to turn a hair


• to endeavour at perfection


2. Transcribe the flg. words. Read them

aloud. Make sure you know their meanings:

menace, appreciable, exasperation, career, publicity, distraught, wretched, anguish, consternation, contemptible, silhouette, vaguely.

3. Translate the flg. sentences into Russian::

The corners of his mouth dropped peevishly.

She saw him suppress the exclamation of annoyance which came to his lips.

When he knew the horrible alternative that was placed before her, his generosity, his sense of justice, his manliness, would be so vehemently aroused, that he would think of nothing but her danger.

It was like a dark and ominous landscape seen by a flash of lightning and in a moment hidden again by the night.

'And the tragic part is - her face was on a sudden distraught with pain - the tragic part is that notwithstanding I love you with all my heart'.

4. The flg. statements are not true. Correct them:

One can't be very much in love with a woman without wishing to spend the rest of one's life with her.

It wasn't just like Walter to expose Kitty to such a cruel disillusion.

Walter's chair headed the procession and all the rest followed her.

Kitty passed through the country with joy and pleasant anticipation.

Kitty understood perfectly well why Walter did not love her: it was her fault, though she remembered a thousand signs of his adoration.

Kitty could not understand why the bearers had called her attention to the archway that stood on the crest of the hill.

5. Convert the flg. sentences from direct into indirect speech. Make all the necessary changes:

Of course, I love you,' he said tenderly. 'You surely can't have any doubt of that now.'

'Does that mean you don't want her to divorce you?' she asked.

'I’m not going to let you down,' he said.

'Oh, my dear, it's rather hard to take quite literally the things a man says when he is in love with you,' said Charlie.

'We're not going to get much further by saying disagreeable things to one another,' he answered.

'How can you be so heartless!' she exclaimed.

6. Speak on the flg. points:

• Kitty’s final talk with Charlie.

• Their way to the place of destination.

• Kitty’s meditations over her fate on board a steamer.

• The end of their journey.

7. Be ready with the report 'Charlie Townsend'.

Section VI (Chapters 31-38)

1. Read Chapters 31-38 paying attention to the usage of the active vocabulary. Learn the active words and word-combinations. Reproduce the situations in which they are used in the text:

• to boast of / about

• to perform the funeral rites

to take precautions

to clench hands

to humiliate smb.; humiliation

• to put on (no) frills

• to knock smb. down with a feather

a nun; nunnery

to be inoculated

to deceive smb.

2. Transcribe the flg. words. Read them aloud. Make sure you know their meanings: bizarre, bungalow, paraffin, ludicrous, grotesque, awe, barbarian, hilarious.

3. Complete the sentences using your active vocabulary:

• In the dim light she could see ...

• He spoke lightly and ...

• He laughed as he recollected ...

• The streets were narrow and tortuous and ...

• The tears ran down Kitty's face and ...

• Vaguely she knew that...

• Kitty sometimes was so frightened that...

• He gives you the impression that...

• She laughed with soft affection because...

4. Copy out the words connected with the topic 'Appearance' and learn them.

5.Be ready with 5 sentences for back translation.

6.Choose a passage (10-12) lines, mark stresses and tunes, practise reading it, learn it by heart. Reason your choice.

7.Speak on the flg. points:

К itty's acquaintance with Waddington.

Describe Waddington's appearance and character.

Kitty's dreams.

Kitty's impression of the city she saw at dawn.

Kitty's desire to escape.

Waddington's attitude to Charlie.

Kitty's thought about Charlie after his departure.

Kitty's walks with Waddington.

Waddington's impressions of Kitty's married life.

Section VII (Chapters 39-45)

1.Read Chapters 39-45 paying attention to the usage of the active vocabulary. Learn the active words and word-combinations. Reproduce the situations in which they are used in the text:

• convent - a community of monks or nuns; their building; nunnery – a convent of nuns; a nun – a woman living in a convent under religious vow;

• to grin at smb.

• to maintain

• a flippant remark (answer)

• to come to smb.'s rescue

• a rougish glance (smile)

• at smb.'s disposal

• to fall a victim to the epidemic

• to give the shadow of a bow

• to be burdened with smth.; to burden one's memory with useless facts

• a dormitory

2.Transcribe the flg. words. Read them aloud. Make sure you know their meanings:

malicious, a chequered oilcloth, subterfuge, austerity, amiable, austere demeanour, elaborate, embroideries, orphan.

3.Give synonyms: grave, merry, simple, permit, desolate.

4.Give antonyms: indiscreet, to obey, offensive, sober, understanding.

5.Complete the sentences using your active vocabulary:

But there was some other quality in her which.....

She shuddered a little for.....

Alone once more in the sordid parlour.....

She had nothing else to do.....

She had only contempt for herself because.....

She could not but admit.....

It was easy to see that.....

6. Speak on the flg. points:

Kitty's decision to visit the convent.

A drive through a Chinese city.

Kitty's impression of the Mother Superior.

The appearance of the Mother Superior.

The convent and its inhabitants.

The interior view of the chapel.

The orphans in the parlour and Walter's attitude to them.

Kitty's thoughts about her visit to the convent.

Section VIII (Chapters 46-50)

1.Read Chapters 46-50 paying attention to the usage of the active vocabulary. Learn the active words and word-combinations. Reproduce the situations in which they are used in the text:

• trifle; trifling things

• to occur to smb.

• to treat smb. well / badly

• tedious

• to flush to the roots of one's hair

• to stand in awe of smb.

• a wayward child

• to harbour malice in one's heart

• to be short-handed

• to be reticent about (on) smth.

• to frame the words

• to have no ear for music

2.Transcribe the flg. words. Read them aloud. Make sure you know their meanings:

scrupulously, absurd, disproportionate, hydrocephalic, profile, cameo, gorgeous, loquacious, desultorily, arduous, ominously.

3.Give synonyms: to cease, weary, rapid, to surrender, tiny, to console, remote.

4.Give antonyms: worthless, insignificant.

5.Expand on the flg.:

You don't ask for a pearl necklace or a sable coat at a booth in a fair, you ask for a tin trumpet and a toy balloon.

... he had dressed a doll in gorgeous robes and set her in a sanctuary to worship her...

6. Speak on the flg. points:

1.Kitty's talk with Walter about her decision to work in the convent.

2.Kitty's meditations about her relations with Walter. Her thoughts about his appearance.

3.Kitty's observations on the way to the convent. Her talk with the Mother Superior.

4.Kitty's work in the convent - a refreshment to her spirit.

5.Kitty's friendship with sister St. Joseph.

Section IX (Chapters 51-56)

1. Read Chapters 51-56 paying attention to the usage of the active vocabulary. Learn the active words and word-combinations. Reproduce the situations in which they are used in the text:

peep in (into)

to be devoted to smb.

to yearn (to, for, after) smb./ smth.

vanity; to do smth. out of vanity; to feed smb.'s vanity

to commit suicide; to commit to oblivion;


• to make a vow; to be under a vow to do smth.

to do smth. on purpose

to love smb. to distraction

to be wicked of smb.; a wicked world.

to make an unforeseen discovery.

2.Transcribe the flg. words. Read them aloud. Make sure you know their meanings: reverence, princess (2 var.), besiege, perplexed, nausea, to vomit.

3.Give synonyms: to exist, ugly, security, terror, to struggle, illness, chuckle, to betray.

4.Give antonyms: genious, to forbid, apart.

5.Complete the sentences using your active vocabulary:

It is as though they possessed a secret which.....

It's a good many years now since.....

She seemed to be.....

She gave a little laugh and.....

The silence was intolerable and.....

Неr thoughts wandered strangely.....

She had a feeling that.....

There was no need for.....


Answer the flg. questions:


What hummered madly in Walter's brain and why?


Why did Kitty have to tell Walter the truth?


Why did the Manchu Princess stand as the symbol of something that vaguely, but insistently,

beckoned to her?


Why did Kitty feel relief and the sense of liberation?


Speak on the flg. points:

The personality of the Mother Superior.

Mr. Waddington's private life.

Kitty's work at the convent.

A trip to a Buddhist monastery.

The human race - the drops of water in the river.

Kitty's fainting fit.

Kitty's final talk to Walter.

Section X (Chapters 57-60)

1. Read Chapters 57-60 paying attention to the usage of the active vocabulary. Learn the active words and word-combinations. Reproduce the situations in which they are used in the text:

• acid irony; acid looks

to heal a wound; Time heals most troubles.

to attach importance to

to care a row of pins

• to embroider; embroidery

to feel all thumbs

to give smb. a sidelong glance

to be content to do smth.


to be at liberty to do smth

2.Transcribe the flg. words. Read them aloud. Make sure you know their meanings: fornication, nuisance, magnanimous, haphazard, sojourn, exhaustion, languid, jasmine, contemptuous, knuckle, tapestry.

3.Read the passage (Ch.58) beginning with 'She was slim...' up to '... the breeding of uncounted centuries.' Translate it. Be ready to read the passage for a mark.

4.Give synonyms: desolation, ridiculous, sensitiveness, weary, to resume.

5.Give antonyms: significance, acid, faithful, fair.

6.Complete the sentences using your active vocabulary:

Kitty hesitated for a moment before.....

She took Kitty's hand and.....

The Mother Superior thought a little and.....

My mother made no answer and.....

There is only way to.....

I was still lost in my anxiety and.....

But I know that.....

7. Speak on the flg. points:

Walter's suggestion to take Kitty away.

The dinner at Waddington's house.

The mystery of birth blew through the convent.

The Mother's Superior thoughts of the past.

Your idea of the alternations of Kitty's character.

Section XI (Chapters 61-68)

1.Read Chapters 61-68 paying attention to the usage of the active vocabulary. Learn the active words and word-combinations. Reproduce the situations in which they are used in the text:

• to be detained

• to surrender oneself to smth. (e.g. to despair)

• to mortify

• to take pains to do smth.

• This is a pretty kettle of fish!

• to have mercy on smb.

• to cast down one's eyes

• to sympathize with smb.

• to make a pretence of smth.

• to be captured by smth./smb.

• to torment smb

2.Transcribe the flg. words. Read them aloud. Make sure you know their meanings:

pestilence, sanguine, envisage, phosphorized, ominous, pallet, rancour, deliverance, tranquil, serene, chaos.

3.Give synonyms: swrftly, to protect, a bow, riot, clumsy, to utter, apprehension.

4.Give antonyms: to lock, mortal, alive, passionate.

5. Read the passage (Ch.66), beginning with the words 'It is the Way…' up to '… who conquers himself'. Translate it. Be ready to read the passage for a mark.

6. Comment on:

Life is a cross which they willingly bear.

The richest in beauty is the beautiful life.

7. Speak on the flg. points:

Kitty's thoughts like little white clouds reflected on a still lake.

Unexpected night's alarm.

Walter's death.

Kitty's way home.

The burial service.

Kitty's talk with Waddington about the problems of life and death.

Kitty's return to the convent.

8. Dramatize the dialogue between Kitty and Waddington about the problems of life and death.

Section XII (Chapters 69-75)

1. Read Chapters 69-75 paying attention to the usage of the active vocabulary. Learn the active words and word-combinations. Reproduce the situations in which they are used in the text:

to be sea-sick


to disguise (to disguise oneself in a woman's dress)

to be under an obligation

to talk balderdash

to fall head over heels in love with smb.

to foresee smth.

to be convinced of smth.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

2.Transcribe the flg. words. Read them aloud. Make sure you know their meanings: peremptousness, placid, paradise, voluminous, wraith, lapis lazuli, savoury, despicable, iridescent, valiant, effusiveness, bereavement, fragile.

3.Give synonyms: malicious, sacrifice, sorrow, cruel, cordial.

4.Give antonyms: to attract, reluctant, personal, curious, tolerant.

5.Complete the fig. sentences using your active vocabulary: n

It seemed incredible to Kitty that.....

And now, sitting with Dorothy.....

She wondered if.....

But he could hardly remember that.....

6.Dramatize the dialogue between Kitty and Dorothy (Ch.71).

7.Speak on the flg. points:

The convent door closed for the last time on Kitty.

Kitty's meditations on the way to Hong Kong.

It's always despicable to lie to oneself (comment on it).

The thought that sung in Kitty's heart.

Kitty's visit to the Townsends.

The luncheon at the Townsends'.

Charlie's appearance (drawn in Kitty's mind and the one that he really had).

Kitty's part as a little heroine.

Charlie's renewed affection towards Kitty.

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