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It was love at first sight for Jack and Caroline when they met on St. Valentine’s Day five years ago. They chatted and Jack asked the girl for her phone number. On the following day he called and asked her out for dinner. They fell in love and since then they have been together. Six months ago Jack gave Caroline a diamond ring, and she said “yes”. Last weekend they got married. Here is a picture of their wedding.

The bride and groom are leaving the church after the wedding ceremony. Caroline is wearing a long white dress and carrying a bouquet of flowers. Jack is wearing a tuxedo and a white rose. He’s holding Caroline’s hand. Their friends and relatives are throwing rice. The bride and groom are both smiling because they are happy.

In a few minutes, they are going to get into a white Cadillac decorated with flowers and a “Just Married” sign and drive to a hotel for the reception.They are going to have dinner, and the bride and groom are going to cut the cake. Caroline is going to throw her bouquet , and the girls are going to try to catch it. The girl who catches the bride’s bouquet is going to be the next to be married. The guests are going to take a lot of pictures. Some people are going to make speeches, and the parents of the bride and groom are going to cry! Then everyone is going to dance and play games.

Later on, Jack and Caroline are going to change their clothes. They are going to leave the reception, drive to the airport and fly to Acapulco in Mexico for their honeymoon. In Mexico they are going to stay at a luxurious hotel. In the morning they are going to sunbathe on superb beaches and swim in the clear blue water. In the evening they are going to do some sightseeing, buy souvenirs and write postcards to their family and friends. They aren’t going to tell anyone the address of their hotel!


St. Valentine’s Day [səntˈvæləntaɪnz deɪ ] День Святого Валентина

Acapulco [ækəˈpʊlko] Акапулько

II. Vocabulary

1. love at first sight [lʌv ət fɜː(r)st saɪt]

любовь с первого взгляда

2. ask smb out [ɑːsk aʊt]

пригласить к-л на свидание

3. fall in love [fɔːl ɪn lʌv]


They fell in love at first sight.

Они влюбились с первого взгляда.

4. get married [ɡet ˈmærid]


They are going to get married in a church.

Они собираются пожениться в церкви.

5. wedding ceremony [ˈwedɪŋ ˈserəməni]

свадебная церемония

They are going to invite their family and friends for the wedding ceremony.

Они собираются пригласить членов семьи и друзей на свадебную церемонию.

6. bride [braɪd]


7. groom [ɡruːm]


8. white dress [waɪtdres]

белое платье

The bride is going to wear a long white dress for the wedding.

Невеста собирается надеть на свадьбу длинное белое платье

9. tuxedo [tʌkˈsiːdəʊ]


The groom is going to wear a tuxedo and a white rose for the wedding.

Жених собирается надеть на свадьбу смокинг с белой розой.

10. relative [ˈrelətɪv]


11. throw rice [θrəʊ raɪs]

кидать рис

Their friends and relatives are going to throw rice.

Друзья и родственники собираются кидать рис.

12. reception [rɪˈsepʃn]

свадебный прием

They are going to give a big reception in a hotel.

Они собираются устроить большой свадебный прием в отеле.

13. single [ˈsɪŋɡl]

холостой, незамужняя

The bride is going to throw the bouquet and single ladies are going to try to catch it.

Невеста собирается кидать букет, незамужние девушки – пытаться его поймать.

14. make speeches [meɪk spiːtʃ ɪz]

произносить речи

The guests are going to make speeches at the reception.

На свадебном приеме гости собираются произносить речи.

15. honeymoon [ˈhʌniˌmuːn]

медовый месяц

The bride and groom are going to spend their honeymoon in Mexico.

Жених и невеста собираются провести свой медовый месяц в Мексике.

16. luxurious [lʌɡˈzjʊəriəs]


They are going to stay at a luxurious hotel.

Они собираются остановиться в роскошном отеле.

III. Comprehension check

1. Answer the questions:

  1. How long have Jack and Caroline been together? When did they meet?

  2. Did they fall in love at once?

  3. When was the picture taken?

  4. What is Caroline wearing in the picture?

  5. What is Jack wearing in the picture?

  6. What are their friends and relatives doing?

  7. Where are they going to drive in a few minutes?

  8. What is everybody going to do at the reception (the bride, the groom, their parents, their guests)?

  9. Where are Jack and Caroline going to fly after the reception?

  10. What are they going to do in Mexico?

IV. Grammar Cпособы выражения будущего времени




употребляется, когда

употребляется, когда

употребляется, когда

решение о действии принято (спонтанно)

решение о действии принято

решение о действии принято

действие осуществится сразу после принятия решения.

выполнение действия отложено во времени

выполнение действия отложено и возможно только при условии:

1. определенных шагов

2. участия другого лица

3. подразумеваемого точного времени выполнения

- It’s hot in the room. I will open the window.

There is a good movie on TV tonight. I am going to watch it.

I am playing tennis with Jack on Saturday.

NOTE: Оборот TO BE GOING TO также употребляется для обозначения действий, в совершении которых говорящий абсолютно уверен (когда вся ситуация указывает на то, что действие не может не произойти).

Look at that tree. It’s going to fall down.

He is going to be sick.

Look at those clouds! It is going to rain.