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our new training facility in the Postgraduate Centre. Our research students will also take advantage of our eProfile system which provides a powerful means to promote their work to the academic community, collaborators, sponsors and employers.

Whatever your reasons for wanting to study at postgraduate level, I am confident that you will enjoy studying at the University of Exeter, with its supeb facilities, dedicated Postgraduate Centre, attractive campus and vibrant postgraduate community.

I look forward very much to welcoming you into the Graduate School. Professor Hilary Lappin-Scott

Dean of Postgraduate Studies

Переведите каждое из этих предложений, выдерживая ровный темп и ритм речи. (Пробегите предложение глазами, но не смотрите в книгу при проговаривании переводной версии.)

You will benefit from excellent teaching and learning in a research-rich environment, supported by a skills training system tailored to your needs.

Offering research-led programmes means the content of our post-graduate degrees are attuned to contemporary issues.

Interdisciplinary degrees are open to graduates in a wide variety of subject


All students will benefit from the new programme which is delivered in our new training facility in the Postgraduate Centre.

Students can also take advantage of our eProfile system which provides a powerful means to promote their research work to the academic community.

Whatever your reasons for wanting to study at postgraduate level, you will enjoy studying at the University of Exeter.

To ensure we continue to attract the best students, the University administration do their best to find money to support postgraduates financially.

2) Исходя из контекста, предложите эквиваленты на русском языке для следующих слов: collaborators; dedicate; vibrant; tailored; to attune; to ensure.

Обсудите свои решения с другими студентами. Если необходимо, обратитесь

ксловарю и внесите коррективы.

3) Осуществите перевод с листа всего текста в ровном темпе. Следите за интонацией и не старайтесь отразить в переводе каждое слово!

UK College of Engineering: Message from the Dean (AmE)

1) Переведите следующие словосочетания, изменив, если это необходимо, порядок слов в соответствии с нормами русского языка


University of Kentucky College of Engineering

*The Commonwealth’s leading engineering institution

both a passion and commitment to teaching and research [our teachers have]

both across the Commonwealth and beyond

[our] upper division undergraduate and graduate programs

the work performed by our staff through [dynamic] research centers

to consider the college for education, research, or service purposes

*NB! Штат Кентукки его жители часто именуют ‘Commonwealth of Kentucky’.

2) В двух английских предложениях выделите самую важную информативную часть. Переведите выделенные фрагменты дословно. Затем для каждого из предложений выберите наиболее удачный вариант перевода или предложите свой. Обоснуйте свое решение.

Our students must meet rigorous admission standards to get entry into graduate academic programs.

а) Наши студенты должны соответствовать/отвечать строгим стандартам, чтобы заниматься по программам послевузовской подготовки.

б) Стандарты, которым должны соответствовать наши студенты, чтобы быть зачисленными в магистратуру, очень строгие.

в) Требования, предъявляемые к нашим студентам при зачислении в магистратуру, весьма высоки.

г) Чтоб продолжить обучение в магистратуре (или: по академическим программам более высокого уровня), студенты должны пройти жесткий отбор.

д) Обучение в магистратуре предполагает строгий конкурсный отбор.

е) Существуют жесткие критерии для наших студентов, желающих обучаться по академическим программам, рассчитанным на тех, кто уже имеет университетскую степень.

All of these are critical components in the make-up of the entity known as the UK College of Engineering.

а) Все это важные компоненты единого целого, известного под названием Инженерный колледж Университета Кентукки.

б) Каждый из этих моментов имеет огромное значение, и каждый внес свою лепту в становление того, что именуется Инженерный колледж… .

в) Вряд ли можно переоценить роль любого из вышеперечисленных факторов в появлении/становлении учебного заведения, известного как Инженерный колледж… .

г) Все вышеперечисленное играет исключительную роль в формировании школы подготовки кадров, известной как Инженерный колледж Университета Кентукки.

3) Просмотрите текст еще раз. Если вам незнакомы слова alumni, entity, to peruse, commitment, to acclaim и, возможно, некоторые другие, попытайтесь догадаться об их значениях, исходя из контекста. Проверьте себя по сло-


варю. Если ваша догадка оказалась неверной, выпишите в тетрадь слово со всеми его значениями на русском языке и примерами.

4)Выпишите слова-когнаты, которые, с вашей точки зрения, можно рассматривать как «ложных друзей» переводчика.

Сформулируйте русскоязычную версию начального предложения, уделив особое внимание переводу фразы “onе of the best kept secrets”.

5)Сравните информацию, которую передает выделенная часть этого предложения, и информацию, которую содержит следующее предложение. Какой прием можно применить, транслируя информацию, заключенную в этих двух предложениях?

I am pleased to introduce you to the University of Kentucky College of Engineering – one of the best kept secrets in engineering education in the USA.

We are the Commonwealth’s leading engineering institution. An outstanding faculty, one-third of which has been hired since 1990, possesses both a passion and commitment to teaching and research. The work performed by faculty and staff through our dynamic research centers directly impacts thousands of lives annually, both across the Commonwealth and beyond.

Our students must meet rigorous admission standards to get entry into our upper division undergraduate and graduate programs. Our alumni have been instrumental in creating many new companies of various types in Kentucky and throughout the nation. Nationally, over 600 engineering alumni serve as presidents, CEOs, vicepresidents, or partners in their corporations.

This brochure provides brief description of key items, such as our mission and vision statements, the academic departments, our essential academic and other support programs, acclaimed research centers, extension efforts and more. All of these are critical components in the make-up of the entity known as the UK College of Engineering.

I hope that after perusing this document you will have a better understanding of our College and that you will realize what many others have come to know – the UK College of Engineering is special. Whether you are considering our college for education, research, or service purposes we have the personnel, resources, and most of all, desire to meet your needs.

6) Потренируйтесь в переводе с листа текста в целом, соблюдая плавность речи и избегая многочисленных и длительных пауз.



Electrical Engineering

1)Задание для работы в парах. Фрагменты предложений, заключенные

врамку, состоят из подлежащего и сказуемого (жирный шрифт) плюс слова

вскобках, придающие некоторую смысловую законченность этим фрагментам. Используя их, один студент выступает в роли контролирующего. Второй студент, используя текст, разбитый на предложения, вычленяет «структурный каркас» каждого предложения, произносит по-английски и переводит вслух. Первый студент, если необходимо, исправляет англоязычную версию переводящего. Затем они меняются ролями.

no field has had…an impact on…[ lives as has electrical engineering] …[every] modern convenience is the result [of work …]

…[ the electrical engineering] faculty is comprised of … [ senior members as well as … junior colleagues..]. who are … distinguishing [themselves…]

All are… committed [to the excellence … and imparting … education]

faculty has …answered the call [of educating successors to Edison …]

engineers are destined to make discoveries … [to shape …lives in …] The curriculum affords [students the melding of theories clarified in practi-

cal ways… in … laboratories]

Since computer skills are critical to [engineers]…, students have at their disposal[ hardware and software]

students may choose to take a [generic] approach or concentrate

[in any… area …]

Collaborations provide [students with … experience in…]

Perhaps no field of engineering has had such an impact on our lives as has electrical engineering.

Virtually every modern convenience known is the result of the work of an electrical engineer.

At the University of Kentucky, the electrical engineering faculty is comprised of internationally renowned senior members, as well as their junior colleagues, who are already distinguishing themselves in their respective areas.

All are equally committed to the excellence in teaching and to imparting the finest education anywhere.

This faculty has enthusiastically answered the call of educating successors to Edison, Bell, Morse, Steinmetz and other pioneers in the field.

Electrical engineers educated at the University of Kentucky are destined to make discoveries sure to shape our lives in the 21st millennium.


The curriculum affords students the perfect melding of fundamental theories clarified in practical ways in modern, well-equipped laboratories.

Since computer skills are critical to any engineer, students have at their disposal the latest in computing hardware and software.

Electrical engineering students may choose to take a more generic approach to the field or may concentrate their studies in any of these areas: microelectronics, communications, computer engineering, power electronics, power systems or controls.

Collaborations with the Centre for Robotics and Manufacturing Systems and with the Centre for Biomedical Engineering provide students with additional learning experiences in manufacturing systems or biomedical engineering.

2)Не обращаясь к словарю, предложите свои варианты контекстуально обусловленных эквивалентных замен слов и словосочетаний, выделенных в тексте жирным шрифтом. Обсудите свои решения и внесите коррективы, если это необходимо.

3)Переведите предложения, выделенные серым фоном. Сравните свои варианты перевода с теми, которые предлагают другие студенты.

4)Проговорите вслух переводную версию, глядя в текст. Те места, которые вызвали затруднения при переводе, повторите еще раз, перифразируя формулировки.

Просмотрите текст Mechanical Engineering и запишите предельно кратко основную мысль каждого предложения на английском языке (см. задание №1 к предыдущему тексту).

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is generally recognized as the broadest of all engineering disciplines and therefore offers the widest range of engineering opportunities. Mechanical engineers are employed in virtually every industry, applying principles of mechanics and thermodynamics to the design, development and manufacture of everything from jet engines to automobiles.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering has a proud heritage at the University of Kentucky. Our faculty including the College’s first dean, Paul Anderson, were early pioneers in developing air conditioning. Margaret Ingels , the second woman to receive an engineering degree and the first to receive a graduate degree in the USA, was a UK mechanical engineering graduate.

The Department has enjoyed a long tradition of excellence in the area of thermofluid sciences, and more recently has been recognized for its outstanding instructional and research programs in computational fluid dynamics. Consolidation


with the Department of Engineering Mechanics has greatly strengthened the Department as has the recruitment of onethird of its faculty since 1990. Both factors has led to the expansion of the Department’s instructional and research programs.

The collaborations with other departments provide students with unsurpassed access to the world-class facilities and computing resources in support of instruction and research. In particular, joint efforts with the Centre for Robotics and Manufacturing Systems have complemented and strengthened the Department’s programs in machinery and manufacturing. These efforts play a key role in improving the industrial competitiveness of Kentucky’s manufacturing base.

1)Используя свои заметки, сформулируйте на русском языке связную версию текста. Вы можете добавлять слова, которых нет в заметках. Цель упражнения – тренировка связной речи, состоящей из законченных предложений, со зрительной опорой на ‘смысловой каркас’, выполненный на иностранном языке.

2)Примените прием языковой догадки по отношению к неизвестным словам. Запишите слова, в определении значения которых вы ошиблись.

Выполните аналогичные задания на материале следующих двух текстов

Civil Engineering

The Department of Civil Engineering provides a stimulating atmosphere for research and education for faculty and students. A major goal of this department is to prepare its students for successful professional engineering careers in government agencies or in private firms. There are 22 full-time faculty and 8 part-time adjunct faculty who are practitioners. All work with students on an individual basis to assist them with their educational endeavors. There are also two industry advisory committees that help guide the Department’s activities to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Education and research opportunities are provided in the following areas: civil engineering materials, construction engineering and management, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, hydrosystems engineering, structural engineering, surveying, transportation engineering and water resources engineering. All these areas contribute to the civil engineer’s mission – to improve our quality of life.

The Department is housed in the 78,000square foot Civil Engineering/Kentucky Transportation Center with state-of-the-art facilities for teaching and research. Modern offices and classroom, well-equipped laboratories, and sophisticated computer labs for computer-aided drafting and design provide an excellent environment for learning.


Mining Engineering

The Department of Mining Engineering strives to keep pace with the demands of the mining industry that has undergone a remarkable transformation during the last decade. The labour-intensive mining methods of yesterday have been replaced with those that rely upon advanced technology to enhance productivity and ensure worker safety.

Our curriculum is constantly reviewed to ensure it prepares mining engineers for the future. It provides a balance between instruction in traditional mining subjects and the latest analytical tools and research advances. Students are taught the basics of mining methods, rock mechanics, ventilation, mine power systems, mineral processing, and mine machinery. At the same time they are schooled in the automation of mine monitoring systems to provide a safe and healthy environment. They also learn to apply principles of operation research to optimize mining production systems.

The University of Kentucky Department of Mining Engineering enjoys the distinct advantage of being located at the center of a leading coal-producing state. Further, Lexington is midway between eastern Kentucky Appalachian Coal Basin and western Kentucky’s Eastern Interior Coal Basin.

Lexington is the city where the University of Kentucky is located.



School of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Perdue University

В тексте произведена разметка, чтобы обратить ваше внимание на выполнение следующих аналитических действий:

в процессе ознакомительного чтения текста постарайтесь осуществить «внутренний перевод для себя» подчеркнутых частей предложений, обращая особое внимание на те, которые выделены жирным шрифтом;

примите решение относительно контекстуального значения слов, выделенных курсивом;

в отношении тех фрагментов текста, которые заключены в рамку, произведите необходимые лексические и структурные трансформации, чтобы формулировка перевода соответствовала нормам русского языка;

первый и третий абзацы представляют собой целые предложения большой протяженности; при переводе разбейте каждый из них на два предложения.

The field of aeronautical and astronautical engineering includes the challenging problems encountered in the design and operation of many types of aircraft, missiles and space vehicles and puts a constant demand on research and development groups for an even better understanding of basic physical phenomena.

Aeronautical education has existed on at least a small scale at Perdue University since about 1029. Aeronautical engineering degrees were first offered at Perdue by the School of Mechanical &Aeronautical Engineering during WWII, and first B.S.Degrees were awarded in 1943. The School of Aeronautics was established as a separate entity on July 1, 1945.

Our mission is to serve the State of Indiana and our Nation by providing degree granting programs recognized as innovative learning experiences that prepare students to be exceptional, recognized contributors to aeronautical and astronautical engineering in industry, government laboratories, and universities.

During the first sixty years of its existence, the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics has awarded 5,824BS degrees, 1,439 MS degrees and 474 PhD degrees.

These graduates have made significant contributions to aerospace field, and have had positions of high responsibility in government and private industry.

Twenty-three graduates of Purdue have become astronauts, and of these, thirteen have been graduates of the school of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

The Aeronautical and Astronautical curriculum concentrates on the fundamental subject areas necessary to the research, development, design, and operation of the aerospace industry. The curriculum is designed to emphasize the disciplines of


aerodynamics, propulsion, structures, dynamics, and control, and further provides design courses to integrate these disciplines into the design of flight vehicles that will perform the required mission. A strong background in mathematics and physics is required to pursue these disciplines, and extensive use of computers and programming skills is a necessity.

The future holds many interesting challenges. The record shows that our graduates have demonstrated their ability to provide technical leadership in a variety of successfully completed projects. A degree from Perdue University in the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics promises to prepare out future graduates for the 21st century in the aerospace field.

The faculty and the staff do their best to develop and maintain quality graduate research programs in technical areas relevant to Aeronautics and Astronautics and to foster a collegial and challenging intellectual environment necessary to conduct breakthrough research for aerospace systems.

Осуществите перевод с листа всего текста в ровном темпе. (Студенты по очереди переводят по 2–3 абзаца.)

Работа в парах. В течение 1–2 минут просмотрите следующие тексты

ипо очереди осуществите их перевод с листа. Работайте с включенным диктофоном. Обсудите, работая в парах, а затем с преподавателем достоинства

инедостатки выполненных вами переводов.

Computer science

The University of Kentucky Department of Computer Science, founded in 1966, is among the oldest computer science departments in the nation. It is the newest department in the College of Engineering, coming under its administrative auspices in July 1994.

Faculty members are committed to advancing the field of computer science and the transfer of its principles and knowledge to others. At the same time, the move to the College of Engineering allowed the faculty to more easily engage in logical collaborative efforts with colleagues from other engineering departments.

Strong research programs in artificial intelligence, database systems, computer networks, computer vision and graphics, numerical analysis, cryptography, algorithms and complexities are directed by the faculty and allow the students unique learning experience.

Centre for Biomedical Engineering

The Graduate Centre for Biomedical Engineering, under the auspices of Chandler Medical Centre, provides multidisciplinary programs of education, research and


service in the application of the engineering principles to the areas of medicine and biology. The Centre located in the Wenner-Gren Laboratory, brings together engineers, life scientists and physicians to conduct original research in a variety of medi- cal-related problems.

Areas of research include cardiopulmonary mechanics and controls, neuromuscular function, musculoskeletal mechanics, rehabilitation engineering, orthopaedic biomaterial, orthopaedic biomechanics and electromagnetic tissue stimulation. Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in biomedical engineering are offered.

Faculty and staff of the Centre collaborate with investigators from other units of the University – the Departments of Chemical, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, the Centre of Robotics and Manufacturing Systems, the Departments of Physiology, Anatomy, Neurobiology, Cardiology, Surgery, as well as the College of Pharmacy.

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Chemical and material engineers will be key contributors in the development of new technologies of the future. The Department of Chemical and Material Engineering is at the forefront in educating engineers who will meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Active research areas include: aerosol dynamics, biocellular engineering, fuel science, polymer engineering, ceramic and electronic materials processing, and fiber composite materials to name only a few. The department has extensive research facilities necessary for successful conduct of faculty and student research projects.

Computing resources are available within the engineering complex as well as throughout the university. There exist the necessary opportunities for multidisciplinary collaboration due to close ties with other departments and research centers.

Close faculty-student relationships are valued and considered an essential part of the educational process.


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