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книги / Перевод с листа (Английский язык) Sight translation

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The police searched an apartment the man had rented in Paris and are now working to establish whether he acted alone, on impulse, or on order from someone, prosecutor told at a press conference. The man was wearing a black T-shirt with a death’s head emblem when he attacked soldiers checking bags near the museum’s shopping mall “with a machete in each hand”, the prosecutor said.

He struck one soldier and knocked another one to the ground. When he continued his attack the soldier on the ground shot him in the abdomen.

Two rucksacks carried by the suspected attacker were checked by bomb disposal specialists at the scene and were found not to contain explosives.

Michel Cadot, the Paris police prefect, said the man had headed towards soldiers “armed with a machete” and shouting threats. Soldiers opened fire and he was injured by gunshots, including to the stomach, and was being treated in hospital.

The French president, François Hollande, praised the soldiers, saying that the operation undoubtedly prevented an attack whose terrorist nature leaves little doubt. Also, Donald Trump, when responding to the incident in a tweet, described the suspected attacker as “a new radical Islamic terrorist”.

4) Переведите информацию, которая была размещена на сайте службы скорой помощи Лондона после теракта на Лондонском мосту в июне 2017. Сохраняйте стилевую специфику сообщения при переводе на русский язык.

London Ambulance Service NHS

NHS Trust

Statement on the incident at London Bridge 04 June 2017

Final statement at o6:05 hrs

London Ambulance Service Assistant Director of Operations, Peter Rhodes said: “Our thoughts are with all of those affected by the incident at London Bridge

and their friends and family.

We took over 48 patients to five hospitals across London and treated a number of others at the scene for minor injuries. Police have confirmed that sadly, six people also died at the scene.

We were called to the incident at 10:07 pm (Saturday 3 June), with the first ambulance crew arriving within six minutes.

We sent over 80 of our medics to the scene including ambulance crews, advanced paramedics, specialist response teams, and an advanced trauma team from London’s Air Ambulance.


We declared a major incident and worked closely with other members of the emergency services at the scene. Our priority was to assess patients and ensure that they were treated and taken to hospital as soon as possible.

I would like to thank our staff and other emergency services who responded. Members of the public who are concerned about friends and relatives should

contact the police Casualty Bureau on 0800 096 1233 or 020 7158 0197.

As we are still very busy, we would urge the public to only call us in a genuine emergency and to call NHS 111 for urgent healthcare advice.”

Update at 00:49hrs

London Ambulance Service Assistant Director of Operations, Peter Rhodes said: “We are responding to an incident alongside other emergency services at Lon-

don Bridge.

We have sent a number of ambulance crews, advanced paramedics and specialist response teams to the scene, with the first of our medics arriving in six minutes. An Advanced trauma team from London’s Air Ambulance has also been dispatched by car.

We are working closely with other members of the emergency services at the scene, with our priority being to get people to safety and ensure they receive the medical help they need as quickly as possible.

Our initial priority is to assess the level and the nature of injuries, and ensure that those people in most need are treated first and taken to hospital.

More information will follow when we have it.”



1)Ознакомьтесь с информацией о Бергене, старинном норвежском городе. Отметьте для себя незнакомые слова и обороты речи, а также стратегию преодоления возможных затруднений, вызванных незнанием слов, в процессе перевода с листа.

2)Выполните перевод с листа, осуществляя запись на диктофон (или другой носитель). Проанализируйте сильные и слабые стороны своего перевода.

3)Внесите в свой индивидуальный словарь-глоссарий лексику, связанную с историей и культурой страны.

The gateway to the fiords

Bergen is Norway’s second largest city, and lies clambering up the mountain sides, overlooking the sea, embracing you. You can roam through living history in this modern city, before continuing on to explore the wildest and loveliest fjords of Norway.

On a Norwegian scale, Bergen is a large city, but one with a small-town charm and atmosphere. Its passionately patriotic inhabitants are proud of their many-sided city and its history and cultural traditions. Many are only happy to direct visitors to their favourite local attraction, coffee-shop or restaurant.

Around 10 per cent of the population in Bergen are students, which adds a fresh and youthful mood to the city’s vibe. Alongside its offerings of museums, art galleries, cultural events and dining opportunities, as well as the possibilities offered by its accessible sea and mountains, this contributes to making it a lively and vibrant city.

Founded more than 900 years ago, Bergen has roots to the Viking Age and beyond. As one of the main offices of Hanseatic League, Bergen was for several hundred years the centre of prosperous trade between Norway and the rest of Europe. Bryggen (“The Hanseatic Wharf”) is the most obvious remnant from this time, and is today home to many of the city’s restaurants, pubs, craft shops and historical museums.

Bergen is famous for the seven mountains surrounding the city centre, the Hanseatic Wharf, the fish market, and one of Norway’s biggest cultural events – the Bergen International Festival, which is held there each year.

Bryggen is one of the main attractions of the city, and its history goes back to about the year 1070. Located at an easily defendable position, it was within reach of ships both from the fat north, Iceland and the Continent. It became an important Nordic trade hub. 300 years later the Hanseatic League established their office, and had a huge influence on the city for hundreds of years to come.


Back in the day, the sweet scent of tar among the wooden structures would have been overpowered by a heavier odor of dried fish. Tons and tons of it. The German Office had secured a monopoly on the export of dried and salted cod from the rich Norwegian coastline to the north.

In return they brought grains and cereals, salt and more luxurious wares back from the Continent, to be distributed up the coast and into the country.

Bergen was never an official Hanseatic City, but the Germans claimed this whole area for themselves, so the old city centre and town hall had to move elsewhere. The Germans also made the beautiful old St Mary’s Church their own, holding sermons in German into the 1900s. For the next several hundred years the settlement grew ever larger, as its busiest, some 2,000 Germans lived and worked here. The Office was active till 1754, when Norwegians finally took over.

4) Выполните перевод с листа материала о штате Кентукки, обращая внимание на прецизионную информацию. Отметьте слова, передача которых при переводе вызывает у вас сомнения. После выполнения перевода проверьте себя, обратившись к справочной литературе. Внесите необходимые сведения в индивидуальный словарь глоссарий.


–The highest point in Kentucky is Black Mountain at 4,145 feet above sea level.

–The lowest point in Kentucky is at the Mississippi River at 257 feet above sea level.

–The time zones in Kentucky are both the Eastern and the Central time zones.

–Abraham Lincoln was born three miles south of Hogenville Feb12, 1809 at Sinking Spring Farm.


Kentucky has many geographic features. The Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River form the east and west borders. The Ohio River forms an irregular northern border. There are heavily forested areas in the mountains near Virginia. Here are found deep valleys and gorges. In this area is the Cumberland Gap, a national historical park. The south-central area of the state has many caves, including Mammoth Cave near Cave City. Central Kentucky is the “Bluegrass Area,” and the Lexington area is known as the Horse Capital of the World. The southwestern portion of the state, though not altogether flat, has low hills and wide flood plains. It is also a very fertile area of the state.


You can see ancient history at Big Bone Lick Park when you view prehistoric animal bones. The area was also home to various Indian tribes. Shawnee and Cherokee hunted and fought here before the Europeans arrived. The area remained basically unex-


plored because of natural barriers, such as the Appalachian Mountain Range. In 1750, Dr. Thomas Walker made a trip through the Cumberland Gap. His records helped others follow. Daniel Boone and John Finley, a Virginia trader, came through with their party in 1769. Their settlements, as a result of the trek, were referred to as Boone’s Trace or the Wilderness Road. The area rapidly expanded through the 1770s. Settlers came in abundance after the American Revolution. Statehood finally came in 1792.

5)Переведите с листа без подготовки текст Who Were the Indians? Соблюдайте ровный темп речи, ритмический рисунок, следите за интонацией. Прежде чем приступать к переводу текста в целом, ознакомьтесь с одним из возможных вариантов перевода двух первых абзацев: а) сравните переводную версию с оригиналом и проанализируйте использованные приемы перевода

ипроизведенные трансформации;

6)Прочитайте образец перевода с листа вслух, соблюдая перечисленные выше требования.

Образец перевода с листа (1–2 абзацы):

В 1492 году Кристофер Колумб отправился в плавание от берегов Испании в поисках морского пути в Азию. Колумб рассчитывал проложить путь к богатствам, которыми славилась Азия: специям, шелкам и золоту. Шесть недель спустя матросы увидели землю.

Полагая, что это острова, расположенные к востоку от Индии, Колумб назвал людей, которых они увидели на первом из островов, «индейцами». Конечно, это была не Азия. Он достиг американского континента или Нового Света. Но название «индейцы» закрепилось в английском языке.

Who Were the Indians?

In 1492, an Italian navigator named Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain in search of a sea route to Asia. Columbus hoped to obtain access to the wealth of spices, silk and gold for which the Asian continent was famous. Six weeks later, his men sighted land.

Thinking he had landed in the Indies, a group of islands east of the coast of Asia, he called the people on the first island on which he landed “los Indios”, or, in English, “Indians.” Of course, Columbus had not reached Asia at all. He had landed in the New World (the American continent). But the name “Indians” remained fixed in the English language.

Though Columbus had one name for them, the Indians comprised many groups of people. The Indians north of Mexico in what is now the United States and Canada


spoke over 300 languages. (Some 50 to 100 of these languages are still spoken today.) And they lived scattered across the continent in small bands or groups of bands called tribes. To them, the continent was hardly new. Their ancestors had been living there for perhaps 30,000 years.

Scientists speculate that people first came to North America during the last ice age. At that time, much of the earth’s water was frozen in the glaciers that covered large part of the globe. As sea levels dropped, a strip of land was exposed in the area that is now the Bering Strait. People probably followed the big game they were hunting across this land bridge from Siberia into Alaska.

Over time, these people increased in number, adapted to different environments and spread from the far northern reaches of Alaska and Canada to the tip of South America.

Some groups, such as peaceful Pueblo of the American Southwest, lived in busy towns. They shared many-storied buildings made of adobe (mud and straw) bricks. They grew corn, squash and beans. Their neighbors, the Apache, lived in small bands. They hunted wildlife and gathered plants, nuts and roots. After acquiring horses from the Spanish, they made their living by raiding food and goods from their more settled white and Indian neighbors.

In the eastern woods of the North American continent, the Iroquois hunted, fished and farmed. Like the Pueblo, they were excellent farmers, and 12 varieties of corn grew in their communal fields. Their long houses, covered with elm bark, held as many as 20 families. Each family had its own apartment, on either side of the central hall.

The Iroquois were fierce warriors. They surrounded their villages with wooden stockades to protect them from attack by their neighbors. They fought for the glory of their tribe and for the glory of individual warriors.

The Indians of the North Pacific coast harvested ocean fish and seafood. Tribes like the Haida lived in large plank houses with elaborately carved doorposts. These were called totem poles, and the figures on them were the record of the history of the family which lived in the house.

Many Indians were fine craftsworkers. They made pottery, baskets, carvings and woven cotton and plant-fiber cloth. They travelled in small boats and on foot, never having developed the wheel. Some, such as the Plains Indians, used dogs to pull a load-carrying frame called a travois. Others, such as the Winnebagoes of the Midwest developed a sophisticated calendar that took the motions of both the sun and the moon into account.

Different as they were, all tribes were greatly affected by the coming of the white man, with his firearms, iron cooking pots, horses, wheeled vehicles and with his diseases, to which the Indians had no immunities. The European arrival changed the Indian way of life forever.


During the early period of settlement of the United States, the American Indians lived under the same conditions they had lived for hundreds of years. Some lived in wigwams or stone cliff dwellings; others lived in lodges, sharing their home with pet dogs and horses and with their hunting equipment within easy reach.

Today, Indian-reservation life has only the slightest resemblance of the conditions under which Indians used to live. The major change has been the linkage of reservation with the outside world through access to electricity and modern communications and entertainment conveniences. Nevertheless, on average, Indian’s poverty rates are the highest among the race groups in the US.



А. Два отрывка из статьи, которые приводятся ниже, касаются дорожного строительства. Просмотрите первый текст, обращая внимание на выделенные курсивом его части, и подберите к ним эквиваленты на русском языке с учетом содержания и функционально-стилистической принадлежности текста. Затем, работая в парах, по очереди произнесите вслух «смысловой каркас» каждого предложения и его «черновой» перевод на русский язык. Ваш партнер контролирует вас по ключу, в который вы не должны смотреть.

Б. Работая самостоятельно, выполните перевод с листа второго отрывка. Алгоритм ваших действий должен быть аналогичен тому, который имел место при работе с первым текстом. Обсудите свой вариант перевода с партнером и преподавателем. Сравните свой вариант перевода выделенных курсивом слов с тем, который приводится в технических словарях.


The subgrade layer is the base of the structure and is already in place when construction begins. It is usually native soil that exist at the site and has been compacted (densified) to make it stronger. However, the subgrade is shaped to assist in draining water from the pavement structure. The road is shaped like an upside-down “V” and this shaping is referred to as “having a crown”. Each layer of the road has a crown to aid in keeping water off the road.


The (subgrade) layer is the base … and is in place when construction begins.

It is (native) soil that exists … and has been compacted (to make …).


the subgrade is shaped (to assist …) .

The road is shaped… and this shaping is referred to … .

(Each) layer … has a crown (to aid …).


Dense Grade Aggregate (DGA) Layer

Both concrete and asphalt roads often (but not always) start with a layer of dense aggregate or DGA. This layer of material is between 6 and 12 inches in thickness. It consists of a fairly uniform distribution of aggregate, ranging from larger-sized aggregate (of approximately 1” in diameter) down to small, dust-sized particles. This layer is almost impermeable (won’t permit fluid to pass through it) thus preventing water from passing into the subgrade and weakening it. If the subgrade is weakened, the entire structure will eventually fail.

Прежде чем приступать к переводу с листа следующих текстов проанализируйте характер смысловых связей между словами в подчеркнутых словосочетаниях и сформулируйте эквивалентные атрибутивные фразы (или словосочетания) на русском языке. Затем выполните перевод с листа, руководствуясь указаниями из предыдущего задания.

1) Risk Management – A Key Requirement for Project Success (by Brett Schroeder, John Alkemade, and Gordon Lawrence)


Most people involved in capital investment project execution are aware of the link between early design definition and project success. Over the course of our work in recent years, we have observed that a high percentage of major capital projects fail to meet their project performance targets. This failure can very often be traced back to poor early design development. Indeed, the link between good early development and project success has been demonstrated in numerous articles over several years now. However, the positive role of good risk management is not always as well known. This article discusses how risk management can aid in project success. It looks at the potential gain from good risk management, examines some typical risks that recur regularly on projects, and offers suggested flow scheme and methodology for managing project risks.

2) Physical modeling of nonwoven/nonwoven GCL shrinkage under simulated field conditions

(by Kerry Rowe, M.T.Rayhani, W.A.Siemens, R.W.I. Brachman)


A physical model was employed to evaluate the potential shrinkage of a needlepunched nonwoven/nonwoven geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) subjected to simulated daily heating /cooling cycles (23°C for 16 h; 60°C for 8h; 23°C for 16h etc.) model-


ing solar exposure conditions of an overlying black geomembrane and similated field moisture conditions where GCL rehydrate with water from a silty sand foundation soil with an initial moisture content of 16-17% in a closed system. It is shown when the GCL was allowed to hydrate to 110% gravimetric moisture content before being subjected to daily heating/cooling cycles there is a relatively rapid increase in maximum shrinkage strain to 1.7% (corresponding to shrinkages of 75 mm for a 4.42 m wide roll) over the first 5 cycles and 3.8% ( 170 mm) over the first 14 cycles. The shrinkage rate then decreases giving the maximum shrinkage strain of 4.5% ( 200 mm) after 50 heating/cooling cycles. Experiments are conducted for the GCL with different initial gravimetric moisture contents and it is shown that that the initial moisture content at the time the heating/cooling cycle commenced has a substantial effect on shrinkage. Consistent daily cycles of the magnitude examined are shown to suppress GCL shrinkage, but a cool period during which the GCL can hydrate from the subsoil, followed by significant daily thermal cycles, increases the shrinkage. The implications with respect to field shrinkage are discussed.

3) Medical Ontology in the Dynamic Healthcare Environment (by Furkh Zeshan, Radziah Mohamad)


Advances in medical care and computer technology in recent decades have expanded the parameters of the traditional domain of medical services. This scenario has created new opportunities for building applications to provide enterprise services in an efficient, diverse and highly dynamic environment. Yet the involvement of multiple factors in health care systems, such as diverse professional and embedded devices, has made IT-based health care systems expensive, competitive and complex. The deployment of different programming languages, platforms and data management standards has led to restrictions in flawless exchange, integration and reuse of information across different systems. In this regard, service-oriented architecture (SOA) is an advanced methodology that can be used for developing loosely coupled, dynamic flexible, distributed and cost-effective applications. SOA relies on services and can handle complexity and heterogeneity with the help of ontologies. In this paper, we show our development of domain ontology for the effective handling of IT-based healthcare system problems especially during an emergency.


Emergency services are very important in every country because they save the life of citizens. Emergency services include rapid assessment, timely provision of appropriate interventions, and prompt transportation to the nearest hospital. Advances


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