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6. Fill in the missing phrasal verbs.

1. He was going through a very difficult time.

2. The district board will vote today on whether to go ahead with the plan.

3. `Will Dinkie break off the engagement straightaway or will she wait until she has her claws into Robert Welbeck?

4. They groaned and panted, but they could do nothing to speed up her progress.

5. Yesterday, the men's families held a news conference in their campaign to find out the truth.

6. Georgia refuses to give up any territory.

7. Panic broke out.

8. The Social Democrats could still carry out their threat to leave the government.

7.Find the information in the text and describe:

1) Giles and Virginia’s talk before Lady Barrington’s will was read;

2) The reading of the will and the reaction of the people present to it;

3) Giles and Virginia’s wedding; Emma and Harry’s attitude to it;

4) Giles’s appeal against judgment in the High Court; the hearing of the case;

5) Emma and Harry’ feelings in court;

6) Virginia Fenwick’s behavior at the trial;

7) Elizabeth Barrington’s letter and everybody’s reaction to it;

8) Harry Clifton and Giles Barrington as witnesses;

9) The Court’s ruling and the reaction of Harry, Giles and Virginia to it.

8. Read the following summary of the fourth portion and fill in the missing facts and words.

The Cliftons and the Barringtons are to be present at the reading of the will of the late Lady Elizabeth Barrington. Giles and Virginia expect no surprises, but Harry knows that Elizabeth made a new will shortly before her death. The reading of the will takes everyone by surprise. Elizabeth wanted to prevent Lady Virginia, who, as she thought, had put a spell on Giles, from getting her hands on any of the Barringtons’ possessions. No doubt, Virginia wants Giles to fight tooth and nail. He agrees and does not invite his sisters to his wedding, as well as Harry, who was supposed to be Giles’s best man. Every effort has been made to come to an out of court settlement, but Harry and Emma can only agree that it would be wiser for the case to be heard in a closed court with a judge presiding, rather than risking the unpredictable whims of a jury. At the trial both barriesters do a first-class job, calling all the possible witnesses. Giles’s barrister is sure that Elizabeth Barrington was not in her right mind, when she signed her last will. He insists that the will that was made when she was in rude health should be taken into account. Giles’s barrister believes they have the case wrapped up, but the last-minute intervention turns everything against them. The Judge reads the letter Elizabeth wrote before her death and states that Lady Barrington was not only capable of executing a will, but was well aware of the significance of its … . Giles loses the case and refuses to lodge an appeal. Lady Virginia threatens to leave him.

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