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УПП 2 курс / Иностранный язык / ин яз 4 семестр.docx
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Work in the railway sector can be difficult, as it requires a high degree of responsibility and care, especially when performing operations related to the movement of heavy equipment and cargo on railway transport. Working at a railway station is associated with certain risks, such as non-compliance with safety regulations, the possibility of emergencies, as well as unforeseen circumstances.

In addition, working on the railway may be associated with the need to perform their duties in unusual and difficult conditions, such as weather conditions, night work, etc.

Despite this, working in the railway sector also has many advantages, including a high level of salary and job stability, opportunities for career growth and professional skills development, as well as the availability of a large number of free and paid specialized training and training.

In general, it can be said that working in the railway sector can be difficult, but it can also provide some significant opportunities for development and professional growth.


  1. https://collegegrad.com/careers/railroad-occupations

  2. https://vogueindustry.com/17325270-railway-professions-list-description-required-education

  3. https://studfile.net/preview/7734941/page:20/

1 Good morning, everyone. I am very pleased to be here with you today. First, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Tatiana. I am a second-year student of the Railway Transport Management Faculty.

2 The purpose of the project is presented on the slide.

3 In this article, the definition of goods stations is presented, the professions of a locomotive engineer, conductor, yardmaster, rail yard engineer, railroad brake, signal, or switch operators and locomotive firers are considered.

4 A railway goods station is a complex of territories with buildings, tracks, devices and mechanisms where goods are prepared for transportation and shipped to railway transport. The main tasks are:

Аcceptance, sorting and classification, handling and dispatch of goods, maintenance of a complex of railway tracks, certain services for customers.

All workers in railroad occupations work together closely. 

5 Locomotive engineers drive goods or passenger trains between stations. They drive long-distance trains and commuter trains, but not subway trains.

Engineers must be aware of the goods their train is carrying because different types of freight require different types of driving, based on the conditions of the rails.

The slide shows the main responsibilities of the worker

6 Conductors coordinate activities of the train crew. On passenger trains, they ensure safety and comfort and make announcements to keep passengers informed. On freight trains they are responsible for overseeing the loading and unloading of goods.

The slide shows the main responsibilities of the worker

7 Yardmasters oversee and coordinate the activities of workers in the rail yard. They tell yard engineers where to move cars to fit the planned configuration or to load freight. Yardmasters ensure that trains are carrying the correct material before leaving the yard.

The slide shows the main responsibilities of the worker

8 Rail yard engineers operate train engines within the rail yard. They move locomotives between tracks to keep the trains organized and on schedule.

9 Railroad brake, signal, or switch operators control equipment that keeps the trains running safely.

Brake operators help couple and uncouple train cars. Some travel with the train as part of the crew.

Signal operators install and maintain the signals along tracks and in the rail yard. Signals are important in preventing accidents because they allow increased communication between trains and dispatchers.

Switch operators control the track switches in rail yards. These switches allow trains to move between tracks and ensure trains are heading in the right direction.

10 Locomotive firers are sometimes part of a train crew and typically monitor tracks and train instruments. They look for equipment that is dragging, obstacles on the tracks, and other potential safety problems.

11 In conclusion, it can be said that working in the railway sector can be difficult, but it can also provide some significant opportunities for development and professional growth.

12 Thank you so much for your attention, and finally, I would be happy to answer your questions.