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Text 5 bodily communication

Bodily nonverbal communication has several dimensions, one of which is kinesics, or physical movements of the body, such as gestures, the way one holds one’s body (tense or relaxed posture), and how one uses the body in given contexts. Powerful persuaders want to be physically or perceptually “above” their audiences. They also demonstrate relaxed but erect posture, dynamic gestures, good eye contact, and variation in speaking rate and inflection. Powerless

persuaders behave more submissively and exhibit lots of body tension, little direct eye contact, “closed” postures (for example, legs and arms crossed), and few gestures.

Knapp identifies several head movements that convey meaning: cocking of the head, tilting or nodding of the head, and the thrusting out of the jaw or the shaking of the head. And, of course, there are other movements that convey meaning: clenching one’s fist, having one’s arms akimbo on the waist, and standing in an “open” stance with legs spread apart. These movements can indicate anger, intensity, and degree of commitment or dedication.

In some cases, gestures and bodily movements are emblematic — they stand for a particular meaning. For example, stroking the index finger while pointing it at someone is emblematic of “shame on you,” crossed fingers indicate “good luck,” and the hitchhiker’s closed fist and extended thumb are emblematic of wanting a ride (although the same gesture means “gig them” to a student of Texas A&M). Orban points out several others including the “A-OK” sign (which conveys the same meaning to Latin Americans as “the bird” does to us), the “be quiet” sign and the “peace” sign. He says these emblems can do many things such as perform a function (“shush”), communicate positive, negative or neutral values (“thumbs up, ” “thumbs down, ” or shoulder shrugging), or provide an evaluation such as the “A-OK” emblem does in the United States. And there are many obscene gestures that quickly arouse anger or other emotions.

  1. Find English equivalents for the following words and expressions.

Невербальная коммуникация; параметры; поза, положение; изменение интонации; прямой зрительный контакт; передавать значение.

  1. Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions.

Cocking of the head; thrusting out of the jaw; akimbo; to stand in an “open” stance; commitment; to be emblematic; obscene gestures.

  1. Rearrange the statements as they occur in the text. (Give numbers.)

  1. There are many obscene gestures that can quickly arouse anger or other emotions.

  2. Powerless persuaders behave more submissively.

  3. These movements can indicate anger, intensity, and degree of commitment.

  4. Bodily nonverbal communication has several dimensions, one of which is kinesics, or physical movements of the body.

  5. Powerful persuaders want to be physically and perceptually “above” their audience.

  6. Knapp identifies several head movements that convey meaning.

  7. In some cases, gestures and bodily movements are emblematic — they stand for a particular meaning.