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Marry Poppins Ass 10

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Ass. 10

Pre-reading Tasks

Translate the sentences in writing

  1. All the afternoon the house was quiet and still, as though it were thinking its own thoughts, or dreaming perhaps.

  2. It was obviously moving as quickly as it could in order to oblige John.

  3. I thought you’d never stop – you kept me awake all night.

  4. Barbara pulled herself into a sitting position by holding on to one of bars of her cot.

  5. The starling was too busy eating to notice the rebuke.

  6. John, drowsing in the sunlight, put the toes of his right foot into his mouth and ran them along the place where his teeth were just beginning to come through.

  7. He seems not to know that the starling says nothing of the kind, but speaks exactly the same language as we do.

  8. Outside a light wind had sprung up and was whispering gently to the cherry-trees in the Lane.

  9. I don’t want teeth if they make me forget all the things I like best.

  10. It was not very long afterwards that the teeth, after much trouble, came through, as all teeth must, and the Twins had their first birthday.

Read chapter IX “John and Barbara’s Story” on pp. 84-92. Prepare a good reading and translate the passage beginning from “Jane and Michael had gone off…” on pp. 84 and ending with “… where lying” on p. 85

Vocabulary Tasks

I. Explain the meaning of the following word-combinations. Reproduce the context in which they are used. Write down your sentences with them.

  1. to look like a shop window p. 84

  2. to oblige sb. p. 85

  3. to love being praised p. 85

  4. to talk the leg off a chair p. 85

  5. to keep in practice p. 86

  6. to be out of reach p. 88

  7. to pat sb. gently p. 90

  8. to comfort sb. p. 90

  9. to burst into laughter (tears) p. 90

  10. to take no notice of sb. p. 90

  11. to miss sb. 92

II. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words and phrases.

С очками на носу, я ничего не могу поделать, с этим ничего нельзя поделать, двигаться с востока на запад, ласкающий (ласка), аррорутная печенюшка, клевать жадно, сойти с ума от восторга, рюши и оборки (выкрутасы и безделушки, ненужные украшения), да ну тебя, дурацкая манера говорить, настаивать, ничего подобного, взрослеть, убить, наглец, без намека на улыбку, глупые дурачки, почистить перышки клювом.

Reading-Comprehension Tasks

I. Agree or disagree with the following. Give your reasons.

  1. All the family were at home on that day.

  2. John was bothered and displeased by the sunlight.

  3. Jane and Michael could understand the language of things , too.

  4. The Twins were crying piteously because they had a pain for they were getting their teeth.

  5. it was Mrs. Banks who comforted the babies.

  6. After the birthday party of their first birthday the Twins forgot the language of things.

II. Discuss in class.

  1. What was odd of the Twins?

  2. Could Jane and Michael understand the language of things? Why?

  3. Could Mary Poppins this?

  4. Give a portrait of the Starling (What was he like? How did he behave? What did he do and say?)What had changed at the Banks’ when the starling came back from his holiday to Number Seventeen?

  5. How did the starling feel about that? (How did he take that news?)

III. Dramatize the episode “In the Nursery” (The conversation between Mary Poppins, the Starling, John and Barbara and Mrs. Banks) pp. 85-91.

IV. render the conversation between Mary Poppins and Starling on pp. 91-92 in indirect speech as if you were the starling.

V. Write a brief summary of the chapter.

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