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Assignment 10 ( chapters 19-20)

Task 1. Find in the text the following words and word combinations, translate them into Russian, find the synonyms, explain the meaning:

- to wash dirty linen in public

- to insist on

- on the contrary

- the way smb does smth

- to hold one’s tongue

- to wash dirty linen in public

- to come down to brass tacks

- to kick up a row

- to put oneself in smb’s shoes

Task 2. Compose the sentences of your own using the words and word combinations suggested.

Task 3. Use the given words and word combinations in one situation.

Task 4. Continue the sentences according to the text:

- As soon as she could next morning she…

- “ I can manage to see you…”

- “ For the first time since we married…

- “Walter doesn’t give me the impression of a fellow…”

- Perhaps she didn’t know him very well but…

- “Has it occurred to you that…”

- You know, this sort of thing is…

- Now that all danger was past…

- He drew her more closely to him and now…

Task 5. Agree or disagree to the statement. Decide whether it is true or false. Correct the false ones. Give the full answer:

- Kitty asked Charlie to see her and he agreed at once.

- It was a trace of irritation in Charlie’s voice when Kitty asked about their meeting.

- When Kitty reached the curio shop Mr. Townsend was already there waiting her.

- Kitty looked rather washed out that morning because she didn’t sleep much.

- Charlie couldn’t understand Kitty’s being so suspicious, because Walter didn’t say anything.

- It wasn’t strange for Kitty that Walter didn’t kiss her good night, it was his usual impoliteness.

- The only problem for Charlie was that they had looked a pair of damned fools at the moment Walter came at noon.

- Charlie was ready to bet Kitty anything she liked that Walter was going to pretend he knew nothing.

- Kitty believed that it was a material advantage that made Walter to pretend he knew nothing.

- Kitty wished Walter to insist on a divorce.

Task 6. Find the new features of the characters of the story, new facts about them:

  • Charlie

  • Kitty

Task 7. Answer the questions:

- What did she do next morning as soon as she could?

- What did Charlie say at first?

- What did Charlie suggest?

- What was the subject of their discussion?

- How did Charlie react?

- What did Charlie try to assure Kitty of?

- Walter was madly in love with Kitty, wasn’t he?

- Did Charlie manage to calm Kitty down?

- Did Kitty wish to divorce?

Task 8. Translate into English using words and word combinations studied:

- Мне нравится, как она относится к детям.

- Я не буду настаивать на том, чтобы ты молчал. Можешь рассказать всю правду.

- Поставь себя на его место. Разве ты не поднял бы шум?

Task 9. Express your opinion to the points. Give your reasons:

- Charlie loved Kitty and always was ready to help.

- Kitty noticed some changes in Townsend’s behavior but didn’t pay attention.

- Charles Townsend was too self-confident and laughed at Walter Fane.

- Walter knew everything.

- Walter didn’t know anything.

- Walter had to hold his tongue in order not to loose his material status.

Task 10. Retell the content of the chapters using the active vocabulary and words and word combinations studied. Think it over carefully and try to answer the question: what was the reason for Walter to keep silent if he knew the truth?