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1) Complete the sentences with the correct form of can/ could/be able to and an infinitive in the appropriate form.

1. He's very fit for his age. He ... (to run) really fast.

2. I'd like ... (to work) with you one day.

3. He ... (not to climb) up to the top: he was too scared.

4. We ... (to go) to that concert tomorrow if the tickets haven't been sold out.

5. I... (not to understand) what he says: he speaks too quickly.

6. Do you know where Nick's glasses are? He... (not to see) very much without them.

7. Jonathan ... (not to say) anything until he was about three years old.

8. We ... (not to phone her up) because her phone had broken, but fortunately we ... (to get) a message from her.

9. Amy's exam results weren't very good. She ... (to do) better.

10. I ... (not to sleep) very well for the last three nights. It's been too hot. .

11. You should ... (to go out) when you want to.

12. ... you (to come) to the party on Saturday?

13. She tried to think of other things but she ... (not to put) that awful memory out of her mind.

14. I ... (to ride) this bike soon: I just need more time to practise.

15. I ... (to play) tennis really well a few years ago, but not anymore.

2) Fill in the blanks with must/have to

1. Nothing ... be done in a hurry.

2. You ... not say that, you ... not think that.

3. Harry, you are horrible! You ... not say these dreadful things.

4. You ... give it to me before you go.

5. What a pity you ... go. I know it's time for you to catch the train.

6. He ... stay the night with us. I won't let him drive in this rain.

7. He ... stay the night with us because he has missed the last train.

8. She ... drink tea without sugar.

9. He ... move closer to hear the speaker.

10. "What ... you do to earn so much money?" Barber asked

3) Supply must/mustn't or a suitable form of have to.

1. We ... hurry, or we'll be late.

2. Application forms ... be returned to this office within 15 days

3. You ... visit us again some time.

4. I can never remember people's phone numbers, I always….. look them up.

5. I realize how difficult the situation is, but you ... try not to let it get you down.

6. I'm sorry I ... tell you this, but you leave me no alternative

7. You really ... try to be a little more tactful.

8. It's a very difficult choice I ... make.

9. I ... get up at seven every morning.

10. It's not fair! I always ... do the dirty work.

4) Choose the most suitable form.

1. It isn't cold. You ... wear a coat. a) mustn't b) needn't c) can't

2. You ... drive a car without a license. a) needn't b) can't c) mustn't

3. He ... get up early. It's Sunday today. a) must b) mustn't c) needn't

4. You ... ring her up. She is coming tomorrow. a) mustn't b) needn't c) must

5. If you want to speak English you ... be afraid of making mistakes. a) mustn't b) must c) needn't

6. I... go to bed early on Saturday; we are going hiking on Sunday. a) can b) needn't c) must

7. You ... wait any longer. You ... go now. a) must b) can c) needn't

8. The weather is fine today. You ... close the window. a) must b) needn't c) mustn't

9. She is waiting for you, you ... hurry. a) must b) can c) mustn't

10. He ... go to the library. I ... give him the books he wants. a) needn't b) mustn't c) can

11. You feel bad. You ... go to see a doctor. a) need b) must c) can

12. I ... be off. I want to go to bed. a) can b) need c) must

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