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1.Morphology and syntax as parts of grammar. Main units of grammar and types of relations between grammatical units in language and speech.

What is grammar?


1. as a phenomenon – a subsystem of language

2. as a linguistic discipline – type of describing/ interpreting the phenomenon

3. as a university course – subject to learn

Subsystems of language

Subsystems Disciplines

- phonetics - phonology

-lexicon/vocabulary - lexicology

-grammar - grammar

Expressing meanings

e.g. Quantity

-Lexically -Grammatically

one this-these

many dog-dogs

few ask-asks

one item 2 items

Grammar as a phenomenon

??? !!!!

What is it is a subsystem in language which expresses meanings through

What does it do the opposition of variants of

How one and the same unit.

Types of grammar

as a linguistic discipline

  • Descriptive gr. - WHAT

  • Prescriptive gr. - WHAT

  • Normative gr. - WHAT (what ко всем)

  • Categorial gr. -

  • Functional gr. -

  • Communiative - HOW (ко всем how, why)

  • Generative gr. - WHY

  • Semantic gr./ case gr. -

  • Cognitive gr. –


as a university course

may be


practical theoretical

-describes the grammatical - gives a scientific explanation of the

system of a given nature and peculiarities of the grammatical

language system of the language

Main units of grammar are a word and a sentence. A word may be divided into morphemes, a sentence may be divided into phrases (word groups). A morpheme, a word, a phrase and a sentence are units of different levels of language structure. A unit of a higher level consists of one or more units of a lower level.

Units of grammar

  • Morpheme – form building morphemes/ inflections (1)

  • Word (2)

  • Word group/ phrase (3)

  • Sentence (4)

  • Units larger than a sentence – supra sentential unities/ supraphrasal unities/ clause clasters etc. / texts (5)

1,2,3 – Naming function, do not convey any information

4,5 – Nominative and communicative functions; they exist only in speech

Grammatical units enter into 2 types of relations: in the language system (paradigmatic relations) and in speech (syntagmatic relations)


In the language system each unit is included into a set of connections based on different properties . Ex. Word forms child, children, child's, children's have the same lexical meaning and have different grammatical meanings. They constitute a lexeme.

Word-forms children, boys, men, books.. have the same grammatical meaning and have different lexical meanings. They constitute a grammeme ( a categorical form, a form class).

The system of all grammemes ( gram. Forms) of all lexemes (words) of a given class constitutes a paradigm.

Paradigmatic relations – relations outside the lines of the sentence, exist in language

  1. between classes of language units of a similar structural type or having similar elements. Ex. Between word- forms of one categorial line – asking, making, doing OR

  2. between categorial forms of one unit – ask, asked, has asked, was asked..

Syntagmatic relations are the relations in an utterance:

I like children.

They are linear relations – we observe them in a line, it means in speech. They are observed between units in speech

Ex. Between phonemes within a morpheme : [ɑ:] [s] [k] in asks;

morphemes within a word: ask- and- ing in asking; words within a sentence

Syntagmatic connection between words and word groups is called syntactic relations.( Barkhudarov)


The word is – a unit of language, both gram. and lexicon

- a semantic and structural unity

- a ready- made unit

- a naming unit( used to name smth actions, processes)


The sentence is - a unit of language and a unit of speech

- not a ready-made unit

- a naming and communicative unit


Word Sentence

As an individual entity – blue as an event

exam Exam!

names a phenomenon (it is real, is happening right now –

the time, we know the participants)

names a situation( an event)

  • indicates the time of the event,

  • shows whether the event is real or unreal

Main grammatical units are studied by different sections of grammar : Morphology and Syntax. Morphology studies the structure, forms and the classification of words. In other words it studies paradigmatic relations of words.

  • gram. forms making up gram. categories typical of a given part of speech

  • means of grammatical word- changing (form-building morphemes)

  • types of gram. meanings…

Syntax studies the structure, forms and the classification of sentences. In other words it studies syntagmatic relations of words and paradigmatic relations of sentences.

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