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for the students of Islamic studies

In the name of ALLAH the Merciful the Compassionate

Алматы, 2015ж.

«Исламтану» бөлімінің студенттеріне арналған оқу-әдістемелік құрал.

Пікір жазғандар: доцент, ф.ғ.к. Г.Қ.Рысбаева, доцент, п.ғ.к. Ш.Б.Бәйнеш.

Гуманитарлық және жаратылыстану пәндері кафедрасының аға оқытушысы Х.Оразбаеваның «Ағылшын тілі» оқу құралына

Қазақстан Республикасы білім және

Ғылым министрлігі Нұр-Мубарак Египет ислам мәдениеті университеті

«Гуманитарлық және жаратылыстану пәндері» кафедрасы


«Тәрбиә» - араб сөзі. Көктету, өсіру, жетілдіру деген мағынаны білдіреді. Демек, жеке тұлғаны тәрбиелеудегі мақсат – оның жан-жақты кемелденіп, қоғамға пайдасы тиетін азамат етіп қалыптастыру. Осы орайда, Ислам дінінің кемел тәрбиеге қосар үлесі зор. Ал исламдағы тәрбие негіздерімен танысуға руханият дамып келе жатқан бүгінгі күні толық мүмкіндік туып отыр.

Шексіз – шетсіз ғаламның жаратушасы Алла тағала Ислам діні арқылы діндерді толықтырып кемеліне келтірді. Адамзаттың бақыты үшін ең соңғы жарлығы, Құран Кәрімді түсірді. Ол қасиетті кітапты түсіруде, Пайғамбарымыз, соңғы елші Мұхаммед (с.ғ.с.) адамзатқа ұстаздық етті. Сондықтан Пайғамбарды тану - жаратқанды білу, дінді дұрыс түсіну деген сөз. Сол себепті, оның ғибратқа тола нұрлы ғұмырын оқып үйрену – иісі мұсылман баласының негізгі міндеті.

Халқымыздың бір ерекшелігі – тәрбиеге үлкен мән беруінде. Өйткені, бүкіл салт-санасы, әдет-ғұрпы, ертегі, аңыздары, мақал-мәтелдері, жыр-термелері, жұмбақтары мен жаңылтпаштары барлығы да айналып келіп тәрбиеге тірелген.

Қорыта келгенде, өз өмірінде Мұхамед Пайғамбарымыз (с.ғ.с.) тәрбиеге қатты көңіл бөліп, жауапкершілікпен қараған.

Тәрбие мәселесінде адам табиғатына қатысты мына мәселені есте ұстаған абзал. Пайдалы, жақсы нәрселер әдеттену арқылы қалыптасады. Пайғамбарымыз бұл туралы былай дейді «жақсылық жасау - әдет, жамандыққа бой ұру - қырсықтық». Демек, жақсылыққа бейімделу - әдет пен мінезді тәрбиелеу арқылы қалыптасады.

Төменде ұсынылған мәтіндер Пайғамбарымыз Мұхамед (с.ғ.с.) жайлы және оның өнегелерін ұрпақтан ұрпаққа қаз қалпында жеткізген сахабалардың өмірі жайлы естеліктер.

Muhammad, The Father of Orphans

Muhammad (peace be upon him) loved all children. He wanted them all to be happy and merry.

Once, on the day of Ramadan Feast1, he was walking in the city of Medina and the children around him were playing and laughing. They were in new clothes. Some had toys in their hands. Some were buying sweets from the small shops. Some were running fast in a children’s race. Some were playing with toys like a bow and an arrow. All of them were happy.

Suddenly, the Prophet (peace be upon him) saw a small boy standing alone. He was thin and dirty. He was not playing with the other children. He looked at them with tears in his eyes.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) went to him and asked, “Why are you crying my son?” ‘My father was killed in the war” replied the boy. My mother has remarried. Her husband does not want me any more. He dismissed2 me. I lost everything. I have no house. I have no father. I have no one to care for me’.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Would you like to have a new family? If I take the place of your Father, and Ayesha, my wife, takes the place of mother, will you happy again?”

“Oh yes! Oh yes!” the boy said happily. So the Prophet (peace be upon him) took him to his house and said to his wife, “I have brought home a son for you! Take good care of him!”

Ayesha (may Allah be pleased with her), the Prophet’s wife, gave the boy some new clothes to wear and some good food to eat. She gave him also some money to buy whatever he wanted. Then she said, “Go out and play with the other children. When you are tired, come back here. From now on this will always be your home.”


  1. Did the Prophet (peace be upon him) love all children?

  2. Were the children celebrating on 2 the day of Feast?

  3. Did Muhammad (peace be upon him) see a man crying?

  4. Was the boy healthy and rich?

  5. Did the Prophet (peace be upon him) call him or go to him?

  6. Did his mother or his stepfather dismiss him?

  7. What did the boy lost?

  8. What did Muhammad (peace be upon him) offer to be to the boy?

  9. Where did he take the boy?

  10. Who gave the boy money and new clothes?

Choose the correct answers:

  1. Muhammad (peace be upon him) loved ___________________.

a) his children

b) all children

c) some children

2. The Prophet (peace be upon him) was walking _________________.

a) the city of Medina

b) the city

c) in the city of Medina

3. Children play with __________.

a) toys

b) sweets

c) race

4. In a race, runners ___________.

a) walk fast

b) run slowly

c) run fast

5. The boy would be happy if ___________.

a) he lived alone

b) he lived with the Prophet and his family

c) he did not have a family

Do not become angry

A man said to the Prophet (peace be upon him), “Advise me”. He said “Do not become angry”. The man repeated his request several times and again and again the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Do not become angry.”

This is one of Muhammad’s

(peace be upon him) sayings. It is piece of advised to all of us. The Prophet (peace be upon him) didn’t say it only in words, but it was his way of life.

Once when the Prophet (peace be upon him) was living in Medina, a non-Muslim who lived next door saw that day after day many people were becoming Muslims. He did not want Muhammad (peace be upon him) to live in Medina any more. What could he do? He thought if he could keep annoying the Prophet, he would leave Medina and go away. ‘But how could he make him angry?

So the non-Muslim went at night and put dirt in front of the Prophet’s house, and in the morning he hid3 behind his door to see what the Prophet (peace be upon him) would do. The Prophet (peace be upon him) did not quarrel with him. He did not even blame him. He did not become angry. He only buried the dirt in the sand and went quietly on his way.

The next night, the non-Muslim put dirt again in front of the Prophet’s house. In the morning, the Prophet (peace be upon him) picked up the dirt and buried it. This was repeated many times.

Then one morning, the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not find the dirt in front of his house as usual. He was astonished4. “What has happened to the non-Muslim? Why hasn’t he put dirt this morning? He must be ill and should visit him.” The Prophet (peace be upon him) went to the non-Muslim. He knocked at his door. The non-Muslim thought the Prophet (peace be upon him) came to quarrel with him or at least to abuse him.

To his surprise, he found the Prophet (peace be upon him) smiling and asking after him. The non-Muslim said, “I have treated you in a very bad way, and yet you come and visit me to ask after my health. I testify that there is no God but Allah and that you are the Messenger of Allah.”


1. Who asked for the Prophet’s advice?

2. Did the man repeat his request several times?

3. What did the Prophet (peace be upon him) tell him not to do?

4. Who lived next door to the Prophet (peace be upon him)?

5. Why was the non-Muslim angry?

6. What did he put in front of the Prophet’s house?

7. Did Muhammad (peace be upon him) become angry?

8. Where did he bury the dirt?

9. Why did the Prophet (peace be upon him) visit the non-Muslim?

10. What did the non-Muslim say to become a Muslim?

Choose the correct answers:

  1. The Prophet (peace be upon him) advised the man not____________.

    1. to angry.

    2. anger

    3. to become angry.

  1. The non-Muslim did not want the Prophet(peace be upon him) to live in Medina because_________.

a) the Prophet (peace be upon him) lived next him.

b) many people became Muslims.

c) he wanted to become a Muslim.

3. The non-Muslim put _________in front of the Prophet’s house.


b) dirty.

c) dirk.

4. The non-Muslim hid___________ his door.

a) in front of.

b) beside.

c) behind.

5. The Prophet (peace be upon him) visited the non-Muslim to____________.

a) fight him.

b) ask after him.

c) abuse him.

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