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Text 2. I want to be a programmer

I want to become a computer programmer. I am interested in computers. My favourite subject in school was Computer Science.

My hobby is computer games and computer programming. I have got a computer at home and can spend hours working with it.

It is much easier to do things on computer, for example to write a composition. You can change the text as many times as you want and you don’t need to rewrite everything if you have changed something. You can even go on dates sitting at your computer.

We are living in the age of technology and the profession of programmer can give you a lot of opportunities. I think future will belong to computers.

Post-reading activities

1. Fill in the correct word.

  1. Choosing a career and getting a job are the two things any person develops/does in his lifetime.

  2. Some of school leavers enter a university/business.

  3. He wants to find a job after the graduation from/after the university.

  4. You should take into consideration all the possibilities that your future profession may prove/provide.

  5. To make the right choice/character we should consider our abilities.

  6. I think my knowledge will be enough to succeed/speak in my future work.

2. Find the English equivalents:

вибір професії; закінчувати школу; поступити до університету; анкета;

знайти роботу після закінчення університету; курси підвищення кваліфікації


Pre-reading Activities

1. Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations:

choice — вибір

major — загальний

to give one's preference to smth — віддавати перевагу…

the humanities — гуманітарні науки (предмети)

favourite subject — улюблений предмет

to do well without any effort — добре навчатися без зусиль

instructive — продуктивний

to look forward to smth. — с нетерпінням чекати…

to improve — покращувати

language skills and habits — мовні навички і уміння

adapted адаптований

on a regular basis — постійно

to graduate from — закінчувати вищий навчальний заклад

nowadays — в наші дні

to be of great demand — користуватися великим попитом

to entrust — довіряти, вірити

noble — благородний

devotion to ones cause — відданість справі

unique — єдиний у своєму роді, неповторний

responsible – відповідальний

from time immemorial — з давніх-давен

honorable — почесний, благородний, шановний

authoritative — авторитетний

to develop the character — розвивати характер

to broaden the world outlook — розширювати світогляд

to be of great social importance — мати важливе соціальне значення

to impart — передавати

generosity — великодушність, щедрість

to take a real interest — дійсно цікавитися

to obtain — отримувати, набувати.

2. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is your future profession? / What is your profession?

  2. Did you have a dilemma in choosing your profession (occupation)?

  3. What subjects have you always given your preference to?

  4. Did your parents (friends) impose their views, likes and dislikes on you?

  5. When did you make your choice to become a teacher?

  6. How many hours a day do you (your parents) work?

  7. How do you (your parents) earn your (their) living?

  8. What special education does your (future) profession require?

  9. Why are the teachers proud of their profession and their role in edu­cating young people?

10. What is the noblest and most difficult of the professions?

11. Are the teachers of great demand nowadays?

12. What is the teacher’s aim in life?

13. What should one do to be a good teacher?

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