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Grammar Conditionals.rtf
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Grammar. Условные предложения.

Conditional I. Изъявительное наклонение.

Все действия реальны.

Придаточное предложение

Главное предложение

If clause

Main clause

If + Present tense

will + infinitive

If I paint a nice picture

I will give it to you.

Если я напишу хорошую картину,

я тебе ее отдам.

1. Translate into Russian.

1.I'll do it if I have the time. 2. If I see her, I'll tell her the story. 3. If I read the book, I'll give it to you. 4.What will you do if the bus doesn't come? 5. If the weather is fine we will play outside. 6. If you ring me up I'll tell you the address of the workshop. 7. If you are free I'll come to see you. 8. If I see her I'll give her that essay. 9. I'll leave you alone, if you are busy.

2. Open the brackets in the conditional sentences making necessary changes.

Model: If you (come) tomorrow, he will help us. – If he comes tomorrow, he will help us.

1.If you (put) salt on ice, it will melt. 2. If he (leave) now, he will miss rush hours. 3. Provided that she (service) the car, we'll be able to drive to the country. 4. If my son (get) that job, he will make good money for living. 5. If you (read) this book, you'll know much new about the wildlife of our country. 6. If the dog (jump) so high, I'll give it a lump of sugar. 7. If you (bring) that textbook, we'll do those exercises for the next lesson. 8. If nothing terrible (happen), we'll go to the sea in summer. 9.Unless he (do) his homework, he'll stay at home. 10. Providing that we (get up) early, we'll reach the place of destination in time. 11. They will let us know if they (see) him. 12. If it (snow) heavily, we'll have to clean the path in the yard.

3. Translate into English.

1.Если ты купишь мяса, я сварю суп с ним. 2. Мы пойдем на дискотеку, если у нас будет время. 3. Что ты будешь делать, если они не придут? 4. Я помогу тебе с математикой, если ты вымоешь посуду. 5. Родители будут сердиться, если я приду поздно. 6. Я не успею написать доклад до конца, если буду болтать с тобой. 7. Если я поеду на юг летом, я буду валяться на солнце целыми днями. 8. Если я куплю этот шелк, я сошью себе новое платье к лету. 9. Если он достанет билеты, мы пойдем в театр. 10. Если ты опять потеряешь деньги, я больше тебе ничего не дам.

Conditional II (Present, Future)

Действия, которые могли бы произойти сегодня или завтра.

Придаточное предложение

Главное предложение

If clause

Main clause

If + Past Indefinite

would + infinitive

If I had enough money,

I would buy the picture.

Если бы у меня было бы достаточно денег,

я бы купил эту картину.

В придаточном предложении этого типа глагол to be имеет форму сослагательного наклонения were для всех лиц (в устной речи возможно was в единственном числе):

If I were you, I would go and see the doctor.

4. Translate into Russian.

1.If they bought a car they would get to the country quicker. 2. If I saw her the other day I would tell her about your request. 3. If I had enough time now or tomorrow I would send that letter myself. 4. What would you paint if you were a painter? 5. If it were Sunday today I would go to a disco. 6. If I were free now I would fall down on my sofa and split to the ceiling. 7. If it were summer now we would go to the country. 8. If I were a president now I would raise the salaries. 9. If I were an actor I would like to play in comedies. 10. If she knew the TV program for today she would watch the film.

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