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VII. Answer the following questions.

Pattern: When do you usually get up? – Usually I get up at 7 o’clock. Yesterday I got up at 8 and tomorrow I’ll get up at 6 because I have a lot of work to do.

1. Where do you usually spend your holidays?

2. How long does it take you to do your homework?

3. What TV programs do you prefer to watch?

4. What kind of sport do you go in for?

5. Where do you usually have your dinner?

6. Where do you like to go for a walk?

7. When do you go sleeping?

8. How often do you see your grandparents?

VIII. Replace the Infinitive in brackets by the correct tense form.

Michelangelo (1475-1564) was one of the most inspired creators in the history of art. He (have) a tremendous influence on all his contemporaries, as a sculptor, an architect, a painter, and a poet.

He (be) born near Arezzo, but he considered Florence to be his home town. He (love) the city’s art, architecture, and culture above all. He (concentrate) on sculpture initially. He (begin) to carve a figure of David from a huge block of marble in 1501 and (finish) it in 1504.

Pope Julius II asked Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel later. Michelangelo (work) on this task every day for four years from 1508 till 1512.

Many buildings (be) designed by him. His work at St. Peter’s Basilica (represent) his greatest achievement as an architect. This revolutionary design (be) difficult to appreciate nowadays.

Michelangelo (belong) to that small group of artists such as Shakespeare and Beethoven who have been able to express the deepest experiences of humanity through their work. Every new generation of people (know) and (remember) Michelangelo’s immortal works.

IX. Use the prompts to write a conversation about an accident. Choose the best form of the verb.

A: Frank told me you (have) accident yesterday. What (happen)?

B: We were driving home and another car (stop) suddenly and we (go) into it.

A: (Be) the other car all right?

B: Yes, of course, because I never (drive) very fast. But as for my brother, he (not like) to drive slowly.

A: By the way, tomorrow we (go) to London to see our friends.

B: That (be) great. I (be) sure your trip (be) wonderful.

X. In the 2nd century BC a list was made of the most impressive and beautiful man-made objects in the world:

the Pharos, light house of Alexandria;

the Hanging Gardens of Babylon;

the Statue of Zeus at Olympia;

the Colossus of Rhodes;

the Pyramids of Egypt;

the Tomb of Mausolus;

the Temple of Diana.

These were called The Seven Wonders of the World.

1) Translate their names into Ukrainian;

2) Name the greatest wonders of our time (the 20-th–21-st centuries). Don’t just think of buildings!

3) Write a short essay about one of the seven wonders of the world using the Simple Tenses.

XI. 1. What machines are important in our life? Mark them 1 for the most important down to 10 for the least important.

ٱthe car

ٱthe telephone

ٱthe television

ٱthe computer

ٱthe washing machine

ٱthe plane

ٱthe atom bomb

ٱthe space rocket

ٱthe fax machine

ٱthe space satellite

2. What other machines would you add to the list?

3. Act out the following topics using the Simple Tenses:

a) the most important machine in my life;

b) machines which have changed the world the most.

XII. 1. Read the text and reproduce it.

Madonna is a well-known singer and actress in the whole world. She was born in Michigan (the USA) in 1959. Originally a dancer, she had her first hit record “Holiday” in 1983. In 1985 she began her film career and also married the actor Sean Penn, but the marriage lasted less than four years. Her “Blond Ambition Tour” in 1990 – complete with outrageous costumes designed by Jean Daul Gaultier – and her book “Sex” (1993) caused much controversy. Her career took a more respectable direction, however, with the birth of her first child, Lourdes, in 1997, and her performances in the title role of Evita.

  1. Do you have a favourite singer or actor? Why do you like him (her)? Compare your favourites with the rest of the class. Work in groups. Ask each other questions and answer them. Use the Simple Tenses.