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специальности архитектура

Астрахань 2005

УДК 373. 167. 1:808,2


Учебно-методическое пособие рекомендовано абитуриентам, студентам инженерно-строительных специальностей высших учебных заведений. Содержит практические задания по дисциплине «Английский язык». – Астрахань, 2005.

Автор: к.п.н., доцент Борисова Т.В.

Рецензенты: к.п.н., доцент Гужвинская Е.Р.

к.с.н., доцент Лебедева И.В.

Утверждены к печати на заседании кафедры прикладной лингвистики АИСИ.

Протокол № ____ от _________________г.

© Борисова Татьяна Васильевна

©Астраханский инженерно-строительный институт


1. Введение. 4

2. Lesson I. 5

About myself 5

Nouns. Article. 11

3. Lesson II. 17

My native town. 17

Present Simple, Continuous. 24

4. Lesson III. 29

My country Russia. 29

Pronoun. 34

5. Lesson IV. 39

My Institute. 39

There + to be. 45

Pronoun. 45

6. Lesson V. 49

My future profession. 49

Past Simple, Continuous. 57

7. Lesson VI. 63

Great Russian Architects 63

Adjectives. Adverbs. 66

8. Lesson VII. 72

Building materials. 72

Future Simple, Continuous. 78

9. Lesson VIII. 83

Art of building. 83

Modal verbs. 90

10. Lesson IX. 97

Architecture: its forms and functions. 97

Numerals. Time. 100

11. Lesson X. 104

What is meant by «Bioclimatic architecture». 104

Past, Present, Future Perfect. 106

12. Appendix. 115

13. Список литературы. 120


Современный период развития общества и возросший интерес молодежи к образованию и науке способствуют ускоренной интеграции российской экономики в мировое сообщество. В связи с этим возникает проблема качественного освоения иностранного языка в профессиональной сфере общения.

Данное учебное пособие призвано помочь студентам I курса, обучающимся на специальности «Архитектура», наиболее полно, доступно в течение первых двух семестров овладеть фоновыми знаниями лексики и грамматики, необходимыми в будущей профессиональной деятельности. Отличительной особенностью данного пособия является наличие проблемных и развивающих языковую догадку заданий, направленных на совершенствование навыков аудирования и разговорной речи.

Продолжением данного пособия является УП «Command of English for architects».

Lesson I

About myself

  1. Read and translate the text:

Let me introduce myself. My name is Mike. I am seventeen years old. First of all I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is not large. There are four of us in the family: a father, a mother, a sister and me. My mother is a doctor. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair. My mother is forty-four but she looks much younger. She is tall and slim. My father is an engineer. He is a broad - shouldered, tall man with fair hair and grey eyes. My father goes in for sports. He is fond of football. My mother’s hobby is listening to the classical music. My parents are hard-working people. My mother keeps the house and takes care of me, my sister and father. My younger sister is a schoolgirl.

As for me, I am a first-year student of Astrakhan Engineer Building Institute. I entered this Institute because I want to become an engineer. I think that it is not so difficult to study here if a student never misses classes and always tries to be ready for academic subjects. I have a hobby. I am fond of playing computer games and I like to play the guitar. I have a lot of relatives and friends. We are deeply attached to each other and we get on very well.

  1. Answer the questions:

  1. What is your name?

  2. How old are you?

  3. Is your family large? How many are you in the family?

  4. What are your parents? Where do they work?

  5. Do you spend a lot of time with your family?

  6. Where do you study?

  7. Have you got any brothers or sisters?

  8. Who runs the house in your family?

  9. Why did you enter the Institute?

  10. Have you got a hobby? Name it.

  11. Have you got friends and relatives?

  12. Can you describe your parents?

  1. Find in the text English equivalents for:

профессия, врач, инженер, симпатичная, высокий, стройный, выглядеть моложе, широкоплечий, светлые волосы, заниматься спортом, увлекаться чем-либо, хобби, трудолюбивый, вести домашнее хозяйство, заботится о ком-либо, поступать куда-либо, родственники, быть глубоко привязанным, прекрасно уживаться с кем-либо.

  1. Translate and use the following word combinations in your sentences:

To be fond of smth. (to be of doing smth.), to go in for sports, to keep the house, to take care of somebody, to get on well.

  1. Tell about your family and yourself:

Relatives: mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, grandmother, son, grandfather, daughter, grandchildren, niece, nephew, father-in-law, mother-in-law, wife, husband.

Professions: engineer, doctor, teacher, serviceman, salesman, driver, veterinary, surgeon, postman, musician, accountant.

Hobbies: gardening, playing computer games, drawing, reading, traveling, playing musical instruments, collecting stamps, coins, books, recorders, postcards, toys.

Appearance: broad shouldered, tall, short, slim, thin, stout, beautiful, good-looking, handsome, pretty, nice.

  1. Tell about the relationship in the family. Use the models:

Model 1: Who is your mother’s sister? – My mother’s sister is my aunt.

Who is your father’s brother?

aunt’s daughter?

sister’s daughter?

brother’s son?

wife’s mother?

husband’s father?

mother’s daughter?

father’s son?

Model 2: Who is an aunt?

  • An aunt is a father’s (mother’s) sister.

Who is an uncle?

a niece?

a nephew?

a cousin?

a father-in-law?

a mother-in-law?

  1. Translate from Russian into English:

  1. У меня хорошие родственники.

  2. Моя сестра – школьница. Она увлекается чтением и рисованием.

  3. Нас в семье пять человек. Наши родители – музыканты. А мы – ученики.

  4. Моя бабушка – ветеринар, а дедушка – нет.

  5. Мою племянницу зовут Мария, ей 8 лет. Она очень хорошая девочка.

  6. Моему племяннику всего три года. Он очень любит играть с игрушками. Его зовут Александр.

  7. Наша семья большая, и мы все хорошие друзья.

VIII. Complete the story of Ann’s day. Choose from the list below:

A. 9 a.m. B. my friend C. the library

D. cakes E. a train F. 2 p.m.

G. a canteen H. an hour later I. watched TV

J. a birthday present

I left home at (example) 8 p.m. yesterday morning and went to the institute by (1) … . I arrived there (2) … . My lessons began at (3) … and finished at (4) … . I went to (5) … for lunch. I met (6) … there and we had lunch together. We both ate (7). After lunch I bought (8)… for my brother, and my friend went to (9) … to study. In the evening I stayed at home and (10) … .

Now complete the questions that you would ask Ann according to the text.

(example) When did you leave home …………..?

How ………………………………………….?

When …………………………………………?

What time …………………………………….?

Where ………………………………………...?

Who …………………………………………..?

What ………………………………………….?

Where …………………………………………?

What …………………………………………..?

IX. Some words about introducing that you should memorize:

What do you do?

What’s your profession?

What are you by origin?

What are you by vocation?

I’m British

I’m Scottish

I’m Russian

What particularly interests you?

To be more exact … (чтобы быть более точным)

Moreover (более того)

Virtually (фактически)

You flatter me (вы мне льстите)

Now read the conversation between Caroline, a teacher of London University and Katherine, an instructor of English:

C. And what do you do Katherine?

K. I’m an instructor of English at the Upgrading College of Radio and Television, Russia. Excuse me, can I call you by your first name?

C. Certainly yes, my pleasure.

K. How do you spell your name?

C. It’s CAROLINE, Caroline.

K. Thank you. Is it your first visit to Russia?

C. In fact, it’s my second visit. I happened to be on a flying visit to Moscow two years ago on my way to China.

K. Could you tell us a few words about yourself?

C. What particularly interests you?

K. What are you by origin?

C. I’m British. To be more exact my father is Scottish and my mother is Welsh. I’m a linguist by education and a teacher by profession.

K. And by vocation (What are you by vocation?).

C. Well, by vocation I’m a devoted wife and mother.

K. Is it a profession or a position?

C. Both, I believe. Moreover being a good wife and mother is a full time job.

K. It’s quite true. You should be an economist, a good cook and an actress.

C. A philosopher, a doctor, a priest and what not.

K. You must have a large family, Caroline.

C. No, I can’t say so. I have two daughters and a son. It’s a top secret I’m already a grandmother.

K. But you don’t look it.

C. You’re very kind, you flatter me.

K. But I really mean it. What are you planning to do in Moscow?

C. It isn’t so easy to put it in a few words. Virtually I’ve got big plans. Perhaps next time.

K. So till next time. It was a pleasure, Caroline.

C. The pleasure was all mine. Hope to see you soon, Katherine. Good bye.

K. Good bye. Take care.

Translate a few phrases into English:

    1. Позвольте представиться, меня зовут …

    2. Здравствуйте, рад с Вами познакомиться.

    3. Простите, можно Вас называть по имени?

    4. Да, конечно, мне это приятно.

    5. Вы впервые в Москве?

    6. Вообще-то я в Москве во второй раз.

    7. Что вас особенно интересует?

    8. Кто вы по призванию?

    9. Для того, чтобы быть хорошей женой и матерью требуется полный рабочий день.

    10. Вы мне льстите.

X. Compose the dialog-introducing “My first day in the institute” using phrases from the previous exercise .

XI. Now read the dialog about a day off, be ready to answer the question after it:

S. Hi Caroline. You’re looking smart.

K. Oh, yes, you really are. This lovely tan of yours becomes you very much.

C. Thank you for the compliment. I guess, it’s because I’ve spent a few days out of town, in the open.

K. Where have you been?

C. I stayed with friends of mine in the little town. It’s not far from Moscow. My friends are both biologists.

K. I hope you enjoyed your time there. What entertainments could you find there?

C. Oh, lots. My friends devoted a lot of time to me. They woke me up together with the sunrise to listen to the birds’ songs. We went boating and yachting. I even went fishing. I wish you saw the fish we caught.

K. We envy you, Caroline.

What entertainments and pleasure can one find while being on a holiday somewhere out of town?

XII. Read the text below about the Bond family.

  • Choose the best sentences from list given below the text to fill in each of the gaps.

  • For each gap 1-6, mark one letter A-F.

  • Do not use any letter more than once.

Mrs. Bond is a widow. Her husband died two years ago. She has three children: two boys and a girl. Michael, the younger son, is ten years old. (1) …… Her elder son, John, is twenty – nine. He is an engineer. (2) …… His job often takes him abroad and he is in Paris now. Mrs. Bond’s daughter, Susan, is nineteen. She is studying a business college in London. (3) ……

The Bond family lives in Putney, a suburb of London. They have quite a large house. (4) …… There are also two empty rooms at the top of the house. Susan’s parents bought the house when they got married. (5) …… That was a lot of money in those days, but now the house is worth twenty times that amount!

Mrs. Bond likes the house but she sometimes thinks she will sell it and buy something smaller. She works at the local Public Library. (6) …… So the big problem in the lives of the Bond family at the moment is money.

    1. He works for a large international company.

    2. The work is interesting but the pay is not very good.

C. It has four bedrooms, a living – room, a dining – room, a small study, a kitchen, a bathroom and two lavatories.

D. He goes to the local secondary school.

E. They paid eight hundred pounds for it.

F. She will finish her course next year.

XIII. Task: Listen to the text “Einstein”, then to the questions, read three possible answers and mark the best answers to each question.

Key-words to the text:

backward – заторможенный

The Theory of Relativity – теория относительности

fame – слава

offer – предлагать

refuse – отказаться

favour – выгода

impress – производить впечатление

praise – похвала

violin -скрипка

Answer the questions using possible variants:

  1. What was Einstein by profession?

  2. Where did he live when he became famous?

  3. Was Einstein a very happy man?

  4. What things didn’t he want in his life?

  5. Where did he like to think?

1. a) a great novelist

b) a poor painter

c) a scientist

2. a) in a luxurious hotel

b) in a simple house

c) on the boat

3. a) yes, he was

b)no, he wasn’t

c) he didn’t know

4. a) children

b) domestic animals

c) money, titles and praise

5. a) in company with his friends

b) in streets

c)in music

XIV. Answer these questions and be ready to speak on topic “About myself”:

  1. When does your working day begin?

  2. How long does it take you to wash, dress and do morning exercises?

  3. When do you have breakfast?

  4. Where do you go after breakfast?

  5. Do you live far from your institute?

  6. How do you get to your institute?

  7. When do you work at the library?

  8. Where do you have dinner?

  9. Have you a rest after dinner?

  10. When do you come home?

  11. How much time does it take you to prepare the home-work?

  12. Are you a member of any circle?

  13. Do you go in for sport?

  14. What kind of sport do you like best of all?

  15. What’s your hobby?

  16. How do you spend your evening on your working day?

  17. When do you go to bed?

  18. What is your day off?

  19. In what way do you prefer to spend your days off?

  20. When do you get up on Sunday?

  21. When do you rest?

  22. Do you visit museums (exhibitions)?

  23. Have you ever been to the picture gallery? What is your favourite painter (writer, poet)?

  24. Do you often go to the theater (cinema)? What do you like more-opera, drama, musical comedy or concert?

  25. What films do you prefer?

  26. Do you visit your friends on your day off?

  27. Where did you spend last Sunday? Did you stay in town or go to the country?

  28. Describe your best day off.