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    1. Read and translate the text, write an outline and a summary of the text. Pella: a Self-Made Shipyard

On August 23, 2001 the Pella shipyard (Otradnoe, Leningrad Region) launched a tugboat named Saturn built for the Port Fleet Joint Stock Company and intended for service in the port of Primorsk (Leningrad Region). That was the first tug built for a Russian owner at a Russian yard and paid for by Russian money.

The Saturn was built under licence from a Dutch company DAMEN in less than a year and has cost to the owner only three quarters of what would have been required for similar boat delivered from abroad.

Today Pella covers three major sectors:

The ship construction sector. The yard builds series of ships of up to 400t displacement. Additionally to tugs, the yard delivers steel pilot boats of over 80t displacement and versatile (pilot, patrol, work, VIP, leisure) motor boats.

The GRP craft sector. The yard offers a wide variety of plastic Fjord-type boats and lifeboats. The lifeboats meet SOLAR and Russian Register requirements.

The engineering sector offers equipment for ship and machine-building facilities, as well as units for gas and oil well repairs. Particularly, in co-operation with the Central Research Institute of Shipbuilding Technologies the yard has established production of Pella plasma / gas cutting machines (for plates of 4 up to 80 mm with plasma and up to 220 mm with gas), Agat gas cutters for automatic pipe hole cutting, pipe bending equipment, and air-free paint sprayers.

Pella has been awarded with a number of diplomas: Arch of Europe Gold Star for business image and work quality achievements, and Golden Standard for reliability, stability and success of the company.

    1. Enjoy yourself!

a) Read the story and retell it in reported speech.

“It was so cold last winter,” said the Minesota farmer, “that a sheep jumping into my truck just froze in mid-air.”

“That’s impossible!” the stranger said. “That would defy 1 the law of gravity.”

“Yes,” answered the farmer. “In normal conditions that is true, but it was soooo cold that the law of gravity was frozen too!”

1 defy v – игнорировать

b) Read the story and smile!

Once there were three turtles 1. One day they decided to go on a picnic. When they got there, they realized they had forgotten the soda. The youngest turtle said he would go home and get it if they wouldn’t eat the sandwiches until he got back. A week went by, then a month, finally a year, when the two turtles said, “Oh, come on, let’s eat the sandwiches.” Suddenly the little turtle popped up 2 from behind a rock and said, “If you do, I won’t go!”

  1. turtle n – черепаха

  2. pop up v – неожиданно появиться

Unit 6

Texts: 1. The Port of St. Petersburg. 2. How Merchant Ships Operate. 3. Types of Ships.

Grammar: Present and Past Participles. Gerund.

    1. Translate the adjectives with the suffixes –ful, -ous, -ic, -ive, -al.

1. peaceful, doubtful, successful, beautiful, truthful, harmful, powerful, wonderful, colourful;

2. famous, various, continuous, glorious, dangerous, numerous, previous, analogous, obvious;

3. academic, economic, gigantic, electronic, fantastic, electric, scientific, specific;

4. active, intensive, effective, preventive, attentive;

5. cultural, usual, gradual, annual, emotional, individual, social, physical, ideal, traditional.

    1. Form adverbs with the suffix -ly.

main, rapid, annual, usual, gradual, certain, previous, quick, regular, slow, extreme, successful.

    1. Give Russian equivalents.

Nouns: technology, transit, firm, terminal, ton, dock, crane, idea, base, section, system, refrigerator.

Adjectives: super, extra.

Adverbs: officially, formally, regularly, individually.

Verbs: specialize, reconstruct, prevent, regulate.

    1. Guess at the meaning of the word combinations below.

  1. head: to head, at the head of.

  2. vessel: ocean-going vessel, foreign-going vessel.

  3. present (современный, настоящий): at present, for the present (time).

  4. operation (действие, работа): to be in operation, to put into operation.

  5. bulk (навалочный): in bulk, bulk cargo, bulk-carriers.

    1. Find the English equivalents for the Russian words.

1. хотя

a) through

b) thought

c) though

2. почти

a) almost

b) although

c) also

3. каждый

a) ever

b) every

c) even

4. также

a) always

b) although

c) also

5. далее

a) further

b) future

c) feature

6. когда

a) as well

b) as well as

c) as

7. слишком

a) much

b) too

c) such

8. который

a) which

b) when

c) where

9. чем

a) thus

b) then

c) than

10. там

a) there

b) then

c) here

11. такой же

a) so

b) some

c) (the) same

12. любой

a) many

b) any

c) some

Grammar: Present and Part Participles, their forms and functions

Present Participle





being built


having built

having been built

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