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1) Грамматический строй языка. Особенности структуры английского языка.

Грамматический строй – система грамматических маркеров и правил их применения. Грамматические маркеры обеспечивают связность элементов предложения.

Единицы: грамматическая категория (имеет формальный способ выражения в виде спец маркеров), грамматическая форма, грамматическое значение.

The grammatical form is the lexical nucleus + a grammatical marker. Sometimes they are referred to as word forms (словоформы)

The grammatical meaning is that which distinguishes one member of a paradigm from another.

Особенности английского языка: 1) Completeness of structure: any syntatic structure should be complete, it should contain the Immediate Constitute (the main units without which this particular structure ceases to exist). In Russian the refer to непосредственные составляющие. That’s why the type of sentence is a 2-number sentence (He’s a doctor and a good one). There’s a group of words which serve to complete the structure (form words, structure-filling words) at the sentence level – there, it, one; at the word group level – it, one, that, those.

2) The role of form words: structure-filling words, prepositions which render the Gen case relations (of); by, with – the instrumental case; to – Dative case relations. The majority of group forms are analytical forms.

3) отсутствие маркеров, отнесенности форм к части речи

4) пунктуация – разница в запятой

English has some important features:

  1. any syntactic structure should be completed (the completeness of structure) – there is no sentence without all the I.E. expressed – it is achieved by means of structure – filling words:

  • at the sentence level: it, there, one

  • at the word group level: it, one, that, those

  • in short answers: the auxiliaries

  1. The predominance of analytical forms and the role of auxiliaries

  2. The role of word order and the structural words (prep, conj)

Analysis. Структурный анализ – определение функций слов в предложении на основе их формальных признаков (нужен, чтобы определить отношения между словами в предложении). Через дистрибуцию и форму слова мы определяем его функцию в предложении, через функцию – определяем часть речи, потом уже значение слова.

  1. Segmenting the text down to the sentence level

  1. capitalization

  2. spaces

  3. punctuation markers

  4. conjunctions and other structural words

  1. Find the predicate (at the sentence level)

We study the left hand distribution and the right hand distribution:

  • identify the subject group in the left hand distribution

  • identify the object group in the right hand distribution

So we have arrived at the I. C. Of the sentence (Immediate Constitute – непосредственные составляющие) устанавливаем второстепенные члены предложения…

The grammatical system of a language helps arrange lexical units into coherent utterance (членораздельное высказывание). A coherent utterance is a structure which expresses a certain complete thought and is marked at all the lingual levels: at the phonetic level, at the lexical level, at the level of combinability and at the grammatical level. The grammatical system is a set of devices and their application rules which are employed to produce a coherent utterance; the devices:

  1. grammatical affixes or gramm morphemes

  2. form words (служебные слова)

  3. word order

As for the morphemes are concerned (the smallest unit capable of having a meaning). There may be lexical morphemes and grammatical morphemes. Lexical morphemes: root and affixational morphemes. Gramm morphemes mark certain grammatical meaning. The variants of the morphemes are called allomorphs.

As for form words they are: prepositions, conjunctions and auxiliary words.

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