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Lesson I. Climate and weather


Read the stories of three people from different countries and say what are their favourite seasons.

Leonor from Portugal.

People think it is always warm and sunny in Portugal, but January and February are often cold, wet and grey. I don’t like winter. In winter, I usually meet my friends in restaurant and bars and we chat. But then suddenly it is summer, the weather is fine, days are sunny and hot. We go to the beach and swim.

Owen from Canada

We have long, cold winters and short, cold summers. We have a holiday home near a lake, so in summer I go sailing a lot. But in winter, I often go ice-skating. My favourite season is autumn, or fall, as we call it. I love the colours of the trees – red, gold, orange, yellow and brown.

Fukashi from Japan.

I don’t have a lot of free time, because I work at a big company. But when I am free, I go for a walk and make photoes of flowers, especially in spring. Spring in Japan is wonderful. There are a lot of flowers in the street. The weather is lovely and sun shines brightly.

Fix five mistakes about Leonor, Owen, Fukashi.

1.Owen comes from Canada. In winter he goes skiing. In summer he plays football. He has a holiday home near the sea.

2. Leonor comes from Brazil. She doesn’t like winter. In summer she goes to the beach.

3. Fukashi works at a big company. He likes winter. He is fond of photography.

I. Insert the appropriate words.

Cold, fond, sunny, spring, weather, lovely

The _________ is very changeable in Britain. It is _______ on Monday and hot on Tuesday. It is cloudy on Wednesday and ________ on Thursday. The weather is _______ on Friday but on Saturday it is horrible. And it is rainy and foggy in winter, in _______, in summer and in autumn. It is strange but the British are ________of their climate.


winter зима

spring весна

summer лето

autumn (fall) осень


January январь

February февраль

March март

April апрель

May май

June июнь

July июль

August август

September сентябрь

October октябрь

November ноябрь

December декабрь

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