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Будущее простое время

1. Fill in blanks with the verb to be in Future Simple:

1. She...our new teacher. 2. These exercises...very difficult for you. 3. There...many examinations next term. 4. They...very glad to see their old friends. 5. There...a new club in our town next year. 6. We...very tired after the long walk. 7. I...happy to be here again. 8. We...interested in his progress.

2. Open the brackets. Use the Future Simple Tense.

1. Helen (find) book which you need. 2. They (see) us tomorrow. 3. I (finish) the work in April. 4. The shops (close) at noon today. 5. We (arrive) at three o’clock. 6. She (tell) you all about it. 7. We (spend) two months in the South. 8. The meeting (begin) at eight o’clock. 9. The film (last) an hour.

3. Make sentences interrogative and negative.

1. They will arrive at three. 2. They will return in April. 3. These exercises will be very easy for you. 4. The lesson will be over at twelve o’clock. 5. There will be three new students in the class. 6. She will leave the message on the table for him. 7. We shall take the children to the park. 8. They will write to us on Wednesday.

4. Insert shall or will.

1. I ... give you a call in the evening. 2. They ... come in a few days. 3. The film ... begin in 5 minutes. 4. We ... stay at our friends’. 5. They ... do it themselves. 6. I ... help you with the cooking. 7. He ... graduate from the University next year. 8. It ... get dark in an hour. 9. You ... pack your things in the evening. 10. We ... dine out tonight.

5. Answer the questions about your next holiday.

1. When will you have your next holiday? 2. Will you stay in town or go anywhere? 3. Who will you go there with? 4. What are you going to do there? 5. Will you go there by train, by plane or by car? 6. Where will you stay there? 7. Where will you have your meals? 8. Will you buy any souvenirs for your family and friends? 9. When will you come back?

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Put the following into Direct Speech

1. He says that his family is in the South now.

2. My friend says that she is a third-year student.

3. Mother says that my brother is going to take me to the Zoo on Sunday.

4. Ann says that she is my true friend.

5. She says that we are very good students.

6. My teacher says that I am not diligent enough.

7. Father says that Mother and he are going to have a party on Sunday.

Put the following into Direct Speech

1. Mother says to Ann that she can invite her friends to her birthday party.

2. The teacher informs us that we must be ready for our English test.

3. The girl says that she must help her mother about the house.

4. He says to Jane that lie can explain the rule to her.

5. He informs them that they must work very hard.

6. The boy says that he can tell a very interesting story.

7. Mother says that I must be kind to my younger brother.

8. The girl announces that all her friends can speak one or two foreign languages.

9. The policeman informs them that they must tell the truth.

Put the following into Direct Speech

1. The policeman asks the man to tell him the facts,

2. The teacher asks Eliza to explain the rule to Johnny.

3. Grandmother asks Ann to send the letter at once.

4. The teacher tells Kate to speak louder.

5. Mother asks her daughter to help her about - the house.

6. The teacher tells the students to make up a plan of the story.

7. The teacher asks the pupil to clean the black­board and write the date.

8. The teacher orders the students to copy the sentences from the blackboard.

Translate the sentences into English

1. Мама просит детей придти вовремя. 2. Учитель просит Катю говорить громче. 3. Прошу не разрешать Биллу идти туда. 4. Он велит остаться нам после уроков. 5. Он велит своей секретарше отправить факс немедленно. 6. Родители просят не тратить так много денег на косметику. 7. Он просит шофера отвезти ее в аэропорт. 8. Дети просят рассказать им какую-нибудь интересную историю. 9. Декан просит преподавателей не опаздывать на собрание. 10. Он просит вас говорить громче.

Put the following into Direct Speech

1. She asks me if it is rainy today.

2. Ann asks her mother if Father is still at work.

3. The teacher asks the pupils if they are ready for the English test.

4. He asks Diana if she has any close relatives in London.

5. The detective asks him if he has the letter about him.

6. He asks me if I really must go now.

7. Tile teacher asks Frank if he can speak any foreign language.

8. The pupils ask the teacher if they must learn the poem by heart.

9. She asks the librarian if she must return the book tomorrow.

10. She asks Tom if he can dance break.

Translate the sentences into English

1. Учитель спрашивает своих учеников, есть ли у них вопросы. 2. Билл спрашивает, есть ли у меня машина. 3. Моя подруга спрашивает, могу ли я играть в теннис. 4. Староста спрашивает препо­давателя, должны ли студенты делать все упражне­ния письменно. 5. Она спрашивает у меня, все ли в порядке. 6. Ученики спрашивают учителя, могут ли они идти домой. 7. Аня спрашивает, все ли готово для нашего пикника. 8. Он спрашивает де­вушку, есть ли у нее хороший друг. 9. Она спра­шивает Тома, большая ли у него семья. 10. Мама спрашивает, могу ли я помочь ей по дому. 11. Он спрашивает, должны ли все студенты остаться пос­ле занятий. 12. Она спрашивает Лизу, закончи­лось ли уже собрание.

Put the following into Direct Speech

1. He asks Jane what her favourite flower is.

2. The teacher asks Bob how many sisters and brothers he has.

3. She asks her friends why there are so many people in the street.

4. The tourists ask the guide where they can see these rare flowers.

"5. The manager asks his secretary when Mr. Brown must come back.

6. She asks the Dean who must be present at the meeting.

7. Jane asks Bill why he can't stay longer.

8. The boy asks Lucy when he can see her again.

Put the following into Direct Speech

1. She says, "How many stones by Maugham have you read this term, Mary?"

2. Mother says, "How many times have you seen this film, Bobby?"

3. The teacher says, "What exercises have you done in writing, students?"

4. My friend says, "What present have you brought for Mike?"

5. She says, "What places of interest have you seen in London, Helen?"

6. The policeman says, "What have you lost, Madam?"

7. He says, "Where have you parked your car, Nick?"

8. Ally says, "How long have you been in love with Billy?"

9. Mother says, "Who has called you up, Alice?"

10. "What has happened, Dan?", she asks him.

Translate the sentences into English

1. Он спрашивает, сколько времени я уже здесь. 2. Мальчик говорит, что они дружат с детства. 3. Он сообщает, что с октября там стоит плохая погода. 4. Она спрашивает, сколько новых книг я прочитала за последнее время. 5. Брат говорит, что он ничего не ел с утра. 6. Подруга спрашивает, почему я не принесла ей эти журналы. 7. Линда говорит, что она не была на лекции по страноведению. 8. Учитель спрашивает, повторили ли мы грамматическое правило 8-го урока? 9. Мама говорит, что они еще не поужинали. 10. Студенты говорят, что они выучили много новых английских слов за последнее время.

Put the following general and spe­cial questions into Indirect Speech

1. "Is it the story about me?" he said.

2. "Is that the end of the story?" asked the Water-Rat.

3. "Is there a word of truth in this story?" the girl asked.

4. "Are you in a hurry or can we sit here for a while?" he said.

5. "Are you ready to start?" Macomber asked.

6. "Is that his name?" asked Lord Henry.

7. "Is there any way by which I can get it?" cried the Nightingale.

8. "Are we having tea in the kitchen?" she asked Tom. 9. "Is Olive coming down at all today?" she asked me.

Translate the sentences into English paying special attention to the adverbials

1. Он сказал, что никогда там не был 2. Он сказал, что был там на прошлой неделе 3. Она сказала, что видела их вчера в парке 4. Она сказала, что видела их много раз. 5. Я сказала, что я ему уже позвонила. 6. Я сказала, что звонила ему нас назад. 1. Мама сказала, что сегодня она была очень занята. 8. Мама сказала, что была в гостях вчера. 9. Дети сказали, что никогда не видели страуса (ostrich) 10. Дети сказали, что видели много животных в зоопарке вчера. 11. Он сказал, что в прошлом году часто ходил в театр. 12. Он сказал, что не видел еще этот спектакль.

Translate the sentences into English

Он сказал, что больше никогда не поедет дневным поездом. Они сказали,- что расскажут все позже. Она сказала, что сама приготовит бутерброды для нашего пикника. Он сказал, что на будущий год ему будет 60, и он уйдет на пенсию. Аня сказала, что на будущий год она заканчивает Университет. Он сказал, что будет писать письма каждую неделю. Эксперты сказали, что ситуация в стране улучшится через два года.

Translate the sentences into English

1. Он спросил, поедем ли мы на море в этом году. 2. Она спросила, буду ли я сдавать экзамен по английскому языку в конце года. 3.Продавщица спросила Катю, будет ли она примерять это платье. 4. Мама спросила Ника, будет ли он принимать участие в концерте. 5. Дети спросили отца, поможет ли он сделать им модель самолета. 6. Соседка спросила меня, буду ли я выращивать цветы на даче. 7. Она спросила, будет ли у меня завтра время сходить с детьми в кино. 8. Он спро­сил, устроит ли их эта цена. 9. Друзья спросили меня, приду ли я на вокзал проводить их. 10, Он спросил, будет ли Джон петь на концерте. 11. Она спросила его, придет ли он завтра. 12. Студенты спросили, будут ли они читать этот роман в ори­гинале.

Translate the sentences into English

1. Она спросила, что он купит ей на день рождения. 2. Туристы спросили, когда они поедут в Павловск. 3. Он спросил, сколько времени продлится это путешествие. 4. Дети спросили, когда начнутся каникулы. 5. Она спросила, кто будет присматривать за домом зимой. 6. Она спросила меня, где мы остановимся в Москве. 7. Она спросила, когда отправится последняя электричка в Сосново. 8. Он спросил, где они будут обедать сегодня вечером, 9.Мама спросила, кого я приглашу на вечеринку. 10. Он спросил, когда покажут вто­рую часть этого фильма. 11. Она спросила, кто поможет ей убрать квартиру. 12. Он спросил, где мы будем ждать его.

Say what doctors advise us to do or not to do

Example: Doctors advise us (people, pa­tients, young people, elderly people) to take walks every day. Doctors don't advise us to smoke.

1. To lie in the sun too long (elderly people)

2. To keep oneself too warm (young people)

3. To walk barefoot (children)

4. To take cold showers (old people)

5. To eat seven times a day (elderly people)

6. To have regular meals (people)

7. To drink much cold water (children)

8. To swim several times a day (young people)

9. To do morning exercises (everybody)

10. To go in for sports (children and young people)

11. To eat much ice-cream (children)

12. To wear high-heeled shoes every day (young girls)

13. To go to bed late (elderly people)

14. To put on weight (young women)

Complete the sentences

1. She offered... .

2. The teacher suggested ... .

3. My parents advised me ... .

4. My friend suggested ... .

5. The shop-girl advised me ... .

6. Nick advised them ... .

7. Mike offered ... .

8. His secretary offered ... .

9. The dean suggested ... .

10. Everybody advised him ... .

11. I suggested ....

12. Nobody offered ... .

13. The doctor advised .., .

Translate the sentences into English

1. Он предложил обсудить ситуацию немедленно. 2. Мама посоветовала мне надеть серое платье. 3. Она предложила нам кофе и бутерброды. 4. Полицейский посоветовал водителю быть более осторожным. 5. Врач посоветовал мне придерживаться диеты. 6. Он предложил, чтобы мы пригласили всех друзей на день рождения Ани. 7. Она посоветовала мне слушаться советов врача. 8. Он предложил пойти и купить билеты на 7-часовой сеанс. 9. Он не советовал ехать на юг в июле. 10. Я предложил остаться после занятий и выполнить эту работу. 11. Он посоветовал девушке есть больше фруктов и овощей. 12. Она предложила сделать торт и яблочный пирог.


Exercise. State the form and the function of the Infinitives. Translate the sentences into Russian

1. To become a spectator of one's own life is to escape suffering of life. 2. He was too much excited to sit still and took her out into the crowded street to walk. 3. Your eyes are tawny too. That colour would be very difficult to capture.4. "To be a great painter, you work every day", he said. 5. "It would be so silly to pretend you weren't divinely handsome". 6. "Of course the only way to get decent parts consistently is to run one's own theatre", he said. 7. The great thing is to have good, strong parts. 8. There is every reason to believe that the child was kidnapped. 9. Dorian put his hand to the frame so as to help them. 10. I had to come down to see someone not far from here. 11. It was a pleasure even to see her. 12. He felt ready to leap upon him. 13. To make things worse, there was a leak in the engine-room. 14. He thought artists were servants to be patronized by men of wealth. 15. Accommodation was very hard to get. 16. He woke next morning to find himself in a room, in a bed. He couldn't think where he was. It was a cheap iron bed and the mat­tress was hard to lie on, but to lie on it was a relief after the discomfort of the boat. 17. We could go home and he could find another miniaturist to paint the sort of picture he wanted for his fiancée. 18. He'll get his miniature, so he'll have nothing to complain about. 19. I thought that her mother had not been easy to live with.

Exercise. Choose the most suitable verb from the box and make it the subject of the sentence

produce, have, paint, show, read, smoke, deceive, get, think, go

1. ... a friend with such noble ideas is a great privilege.

2. ... so much means ruining one's health.

3. ... in for sports is one of the best ways to harden oneself.

4. ... books in the original is very useful for those who study foreign languages.

5. Does this mean that... is the same thing an to utter words?

6. ... you some of the rare pieces here will be my pleasure.

7. ... into bed that night was a relief.

8. It would be dreadful... something below Collison standards on such an important occasion.

9. It would be almost impossible ... him, I was sure.

10. ... them would be interesting, I thought.

Exercise. Reword the sentences according to the examples. State the function of the Infinitive

Example 1: She is very weak now and she can't take her exams.

She is too weak now to take her exams.

1. Jane was very frightened. She couldn't even call.

2. The man is very cold. He cannot write any more.

3. He was very polite. He couldn't make any personal remarks out loud.

4. The young writer was very tired. He could not finish his play.

5. She is very happy. She can't think of anything else.

6. We have gone very far. We can't return to the camp.

7. He has done very much. He can't give up his experiments.

8. The man is very wicked. He won't make you a good husband.

9. The painter is very proud of his work. He won't stand any criticism.

Example 2: He is very clever. You can't deceive him with your tricks.

He is too clever to be deceived with your tricks.

1. She is very weak. They can't take her to hospital.

2. The manager is very busy. You shouldn't bother him with your problems.

3. The Swallow was flying very high. The boys couldn't catch it.

4. The problem is very serious. We can't discuss it now.

5. The park is extremely beautiful. One can't describe it in plain words.

6. She is very proud. You shouldn't treat her in this way.

7. He is very old. We can't take him to the seaside.

8. This fact is insignificant. You needn't take it into account.

Exercise. Make the sentences complete using suitable infinitives from the box. State their function

please, give, many, quarrel, discover, live, sleep,

learn, rest, ask, introduce, send, give, look, suit, hear.

1. The performance ended with a powerful and moving scene in which Julia had the opportunity ... a fine display of acting.

2. It was unlike him not ... her a smile and a friendly word.

3. It was impossible ... with him.

4. I think an actor's a perfect fool ... young.

5. His father had little more than his pension ... on and it had been a sacrifice to ... him to Cambridge.

6. On the strength of an outstanding performance in one of these queer plays they had engaged an actor, only ... that in any other sort of play he was no better than anybody else.

7. When you go to bed all you'll want to do is ... .

8. It was charming ... her childish sweet voice.

9. At two he sent them home ... then parts and ... before the evening's performance.

10. She had an impulse ... at some of her old photographs.

11. She did it from an instinctive desire ....

12. I find it almost impossible ... a part ... me.

13. He is crazy ..... to you. ' „

14. Is that a sufficient reason ... him for lunch?

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