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Assembler Tutorial

1996 Edition

University of Guadalajara

Information Systems General Coordination.

Culture and Entertainment Web

June 12th 1995


This is an introduction for people who want to programming in assembler language.

Copyright (C) 1995-1996, Hugo Perez. Anyone may reproduce this document, in whole or in part, provided that: (1) any copy or republication of the entire document must show University of Guadalajara as the source, and must include this notice; and (2) any other use of this material must reference this manual and , and the fact that the material is copyright by Hugo Perez and is used by permission.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Basic Concepts

3. Assembler programming

4. Assembler language instructions

5. Interruptions and file managing

6. Macros and procedures

  1. Program examples

1. Introduction

Table of contents

1.1 What's new in the Assembler material

1.2 Presentation

1.3 Why learn Assembler language

1.4 We need your opinion

1.1 What's new in the Assembler material

After of one year that we've released the first Assembler material on-line. We've received a lot of e-mail where each people talk about different aspects about this material. We've tried to put these comments and suggestions in this update assembler material. We hope that this new Assembler material release reach to all people that they interest to learn the most important language for IBM PC.

In this new assembler release includes:

A complete chapter about how to use debug program

More example of the assembler material

Each section of this assembler material includes a link file to Free

On-line of Computing by Dennis Howe

Finally, a search engine to look for any topic or item related with this updated material.

1.2 Presentation

The document you are looking at, has the primordial function of introducing you to assembly language programming, and it has been thought for those people who have never worked with this language.

The tutorial is completely focused towards the computers that function with processors of the x86 family of Intel, and considering that the language bases its functioning on the internal resources of the processor, the described examples are not compatible with any other architecture.

The information was structured in units in order to allow easy access to each of the topics and facilitate the following of the tutorial.

In the introductory section some of the elemental concepts regarding computer systems are mentioned, along with the concepts of the assembly language itself, and continues with the tutorial itself.

1.3 Why learn assembler language

The first reason to work with assembler is that it provides the opportunity of knowing more the operation of your PC, which allows the development of software in a more consistent manner.

The second reason is the total control of the PC which you can have with the use of the assembler.

Another reason is that the assembly programs are quicker, smaller, and have

larger capacities than ones created with other languages.

Lastly, the assembler allows an ideal optimization in programs, be it on their size or on their execution.

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