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Unit 3 leisure activities lead-in

1 Look at the pictures. What activities can you see there? Work in pairs. Ask each other and answer the questions using the activities in the picture for about 5 minutes.

Example: Do you like /enjoy going to the parties?

Are you interested in reading?

Are you keen on listening to music?

 playing football / tennis

 running

 swimming

 reading books

 cooking

 watching TV

 writing letters

 listening to music

 going out with friends

 going to parties / discos

 dancing

 going to the theatre / cinema (movies)

 going to concerts / restaurants


2 Now you are going to read the text in which three people talk about their favourite leisure activities. Read the paragraphs and match them with the photos. Then tick () the right column to complete the chart “What do they like?”

1 'Well, I like watching and playing football. Most of all, I like meeting friends, especially after the football match. It's the social element I like. And I like swimming and all sorts of sports. I don't like just silting at home doing nothing.'

2 Me? Well, I like being with lots of people. I don't like being on my own. I like going out with friends, going to parties, discos, that sort of thing. I always try and make sure I've got plenty of things to do at the weekend.'

3 ‘We can't go out too much because of the children. We don't like leaving them. But I love playing with them, taking them to the park at weekends. And I like cooking and writing letters... But with three young children I don't have much time!’

What do they like?




Watching football matches

Being with lots of people

Meeting friends


Going to parties

Playing with children

Playing football

Taking children to the park

Writing letters

All sorts of sports

3 Read the passages again and decide if these statements are ‘Right’ (a) or ‘Wrong’ (b). If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (a) or ‘Wrong’ (b), choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (c).

1 Mary has got four children.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

2 Shelly has always got plenty of things to do at the weekend.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

3 Most of all Pat enjoys meeting friends after football matches.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

4 Shelly hates being on her own.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

5 Mary never writes letters.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

6 Pat usually sits at home doing nothing.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

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