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Assignment 1

Read the text. Translate it (orally). Make use of the Notes and the Vocabulary.

Text made in britain

You now know that Britain used to have many manufacturing industries, but since the Second World War its service industries, especially banking and retailing, have expanded. Heavy industries, including steel manufacture and shipbuilding, have been replaced by high-technology manufacturing industries, such as aeroplane engine manufacture and pharmaceuticals.

In Britain, there are only a few successful large companies, but very many successful small companies. Many of them appeared in the 1980s. It was at that time that small businesses began to increase rapidly. At the end of 1990 officially there was a total of more than 1.5 million small businesses, though the real figure, including the «black economy», was probably nearer two million. However proportionately there were 50 per cent more in West Germany and the United States, and about twice as many in France and Japan.

Unfortunately, many small businesses fail to survive, mainly as a result of poor management, but also because, compared with almost every other European Community member, Britain offers the least encouraging conditions. But such small businesses are important not only because large businesses grow from small ones, but also because over half the new jobs in Britain are created by firms employing fewer than 100 staff.

The large companies invest a lot of money in research and development (R & D) to find new and better, usually high-technology, products. Glaxo is Britain's leading pharmaceutical company and is one of the largest in the world. It tries to find and make new medicines that can cure or reduce the effects of disease. BP (British Petroleum) is at present the second-largest company in Europe. It is involved in oil and gas exploration, oil refining and the manufacture of petrochemical products. It is investing money in making cleaner petrol.

Successful small manufacturing companies in the UK often make expensive products. These companies are successful because they use first-class materials, have excellent quality control and the workers are proud of what they make. Such companies include J.Barber & Sons, the Morgan Motor Company, Quad Electroacoustics, Wilkin & Sons. J.Barber & Sons makes waterproof jackets. Originally designed for fishermen and farmers, these waterproof jackets are now fashionable in cities throughout Europe and the US. The Morgan Motor Company produces elite cars. Quad Electroacousticsis is well-known for its expensive but high-quality loudspeakers and hi-fi equipment. Wilkin & Sons makes jams which British people cannot do without.

Notes and Commentary

European Community — Европейское сообщество («Общий рынок»); основано в 1957 году; Великобритания стала членом сообщества в 1973 году


retail (n) розничная продажа

retail (a) розничный

retail (v) продавать в розницу

small business малый бизнес

black economy теневая экономика

management (n) управление; менеджмент

large business крупная компания

employ (v) нанимать на работу

employee (n) работник

employer (n) работодатель

high technology высокие технологии

quality control контроль качества

produce (v) производить

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