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Correspondence Department 3rd year

Самостоятельная работа



Dear students, welcome to the course of functional grammar. The aims of the course are to help you improve your knowledge of English grammar and to raise your awareness of how the English language works, to provide practice in advanced points of grammar as well as to ensure that you are communicatively efficient with the grammar you learn. The spectrum of grammar topics will include the Simple Sentence, the Subject, Subject-Predicate Agreement, the Noun, the Article, Verb Complementation, the Adjective, the Adverb, Secondary parts of the sentence, Predicative complexes, Composite Sentence, Oblique Moods, Word Order. As an outcome you will be expected to be able to comment on the use of major grammatical phenomena in English using appropriate examples, to use the familiar grammar structures in communicative sentences, to translate form Russian into English and from English into Russian using various structures and, most importantly, to possess a wide range of strategies for independent study.

This year you are expected to write two Grammar Tests: Test 1 (the phenomena are listed below) is to be done in the first semester, while Test 2 ought to be completed during the other half of the academic year. Good luck!

Instructions to test

In the Instructions offered you will find a compilation of preliminary exercises as well as the guidelines as to how this or that task should be fulfilled. The given recommendations are likely to be of considerable use to you. Be sure to follow them step by step, and you will spare yourselves many a problem. The keys provided in the manual will highlight your strong points and help you summarize the information thus obtained.

List of Grammar Topics: (you may find all the details in the Plan for independent work)

-Simple Sentence. Structural and Communicative types.

-Subject, its ways of expressing. “It” and “There” as subjects. Types of “It”.

- Noun. Number. Genitive Case.

- Use of Articles with Countable Nouns, Abstract Uncountable Nouns and Material Names. Use of Articles with Proper Names.

- Verb complementation patterns.

Recommended Grammar Books and manuals:

  1. Прокофьева Е.В., Сычевская Н.С. и др. Практическая грамматика современного английского языка = A Book of Modern English Grammar: Учеб. пособие. ― Мн.: МГЛУ, 2004 с. (MSLU Intranet)

  2. Дмитриева И.В. Сборник таблиц по практической грамматике английского языка. Мн, 2000. (MSLU Intranet)

  3. Прокофьева Е.В. Тесты по грамматике английского языка = Tests in English Grammar. ― Мн.: МГЛУ, 2004. (MSLU Intranet)

  4. Functional Units. Part I. (Петрашкевич Н.П., Французова В.О., Шелег Л.А. Учебное пособие по функциональной грамматике. Часть 1.) Мн. 2010. (MSLU, Lexis)

٭ Первые три учебника можно скачать в Интранете в МГЛУ:

1. http://library.mslu;


3. Полнотекстовый документ;

4. Факультет английского языка;

5. Функциональная грамматика (заочное отделение)

٭٭ Четвертый учебник необходимо приобрести в магазине «Лексис»


Step 1 -- read the rules on each topic in the above-mentioned grammar book (Практическая грамматика). (Порядок и время прохождения тем указаны в Плане самостоятельной работы по курсу «Функциональная грамматика».)

Step 2 -- get down to Grammar Test №1.

Step 3 -- After you are through with Grammar Test №1 pass on to individual work with tests in the book Tests in English Grammar, or you may come to MSLU and do these tests on the computer to see your progress.

Recommended tests for independent work: PART 1. MORPHOLOGY: Tests №1-5; PART II. Syntax: Tests 1-2.

Do not forget to compare your answers with the key. Success attend you!