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see what you expect to see even when it is not there. Magi­ cians rely heavily upon this. They get you to expect them to do one thing, and you see them doing that — for example, burning your five-dollar bill — even though they are really doing something different. Because of your set you miss the little "tricks."

Set will often continue for some time after the initial expectation. When people are asked to recall as many names as possible beginning with a certain letter — T, say

— they will still be set for names beginning with T several hours after the experiment has ended. The task remains at the "back of the mind" and as soon as а Г name appears, even in a completely different setting, it will stand out.

The same can happen in daily life. A person may have had a name on the tip of his tongue but not have been able to recall it. Later he may hear the name incidentally in con­ versation or read it somewhere and immediately recognize that this was the name he could not remember. Although it was not being consciously looked for, the mind had re­ mained "set" for it.

T e x t 22

The VestibularApparatus

If a cat is dropped upside down, it will land right side up on all fours. If a newborn infant is tilted backward, its eyes wilt roll downward so that its gaze remains fixed. If the reader shakes his head rapidly from side to side as he reads this article, the print nonetheless stands still. Each of these effects represent a compensation for a disturbance to balance or orientation, and each is controlled in part by the

sensory apparatus in the vestibule of the inner ear.


The exact role of the vestibular apparatus

is only


partly understood. Unlike the apparatus of the other major senses, it cannot, for example, "see" or "hear"; it responds to accelerations of the head, but the individual cannot read­ ily describe sensations associated with it as he can sights or sounds. The study of vestibular sensations is difficult be­ cause the vestibular apparatus is only one source of infor­ mation for a system of balance and orientation that is "multimodal": the system also receives input from the eyes and from somatic receptors (sensors in the skin and the joints). Moreover, the multimodal system of balance and orientation is adaptable: if the vtstibular apparatus itself is damaged, the system can learn to function without it.

For all these reasons it is difficult to trace a response to any one source of information in this triad of sources: ves­ tibular, visual and somatic.

Experiments to be conducted in the manned satellite Spacclab will test the ability of astronauts to balance and orient themselves under conditions of weightlessness and therefore will offer a new opportunity for studying the elu­ sive vestibular apparatus. Such experiments may also help to explain why motion sickness appears to be intimately related to the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

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Предисловие ..........................................




общенаучной английской лексики...............


Приложение ....................................


Список заимствованных слов,


выражений и сокращений .................


Образцы научных текстов .................



Учебное издание

Настольная книга аспиранта


Выпуск 5


Практическое пособие

Редактор и корректор В. И. Попова Оригинал-макет А. Г. Кохно

Подписано в печать . Формат 60x84 1/16. Бумага для множительных аппаратов. Гарнитура Таймс. Уч.-изд. л. 5,5. Уел. печ. л. 6,51. Тираж 300 экз. Заказ М 5 . Уральский государственный университет им. А. М. Горького.

______________ 620083, Екатеринбург, пр. Ленина, 51.______

Отпечатано в ИПЦ "Издательство УрГУ". 620083, Екатеринбург, ул.Тургенева, 4.