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Учебное пособие 300039.doc
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9. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами, данными ниже:

1. The selection of a fire control agent ... the classification of the involved ... . 2. Class A combustibles are extinguished best by ... . 3. Class B combustibles are extinguished by ... like carbon dioxide. 4. The agents for attack on class D combustibles should not ... with the material. 5. Methods of fire attack are related to ... behaviour. 6. At the ... method a fire stream is applied directly onto the fuel. 7. At the ... method a fire stream is applied to an area of the fire without reaching the source of the heat. 8. The combination method results in a ... of the fuel and the atmosphere.

Direct, indirect, fuel, water, react, cooling, gases, fire, depends upon.

10. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитив:

1. It is important to select the proper fire control agent. 2. Water is the best agent to perform cooling. 3. Water sometimes requires an additional chemical to reduce its resistance to penetration. 4. Class D combustibles are difficult to extinguish. 5. The agents which do not react with the material are used to blanket the molten mass. 6. It is necessary to take into account the factors having influence on the process of burning. 7. A fire stream is applied to reach the seat of the fire. 8. To interfere with the combustion process without reaching the source of the heat the firemen apply the indirect method.

11. Переведите следующие предложения, правильно передавая смысл сложного подлежащего с инфинитивом.

Образец: The parts of the building are required to withstand the effects of fire long enough. – Необходимо, чтобы части здания противостояли огню продолжительное время.

1. The class of fuel is known to be the determining criterion for selection of a fire control agent. 2. Foam is considered to be one of the agents to suppress fire. 3. Three methods of fire attack are generally accepted to employ. 4. Electrical equipment is said to be a potential source of ignition. 5. The liquid extinguishing agents happened to be ineffective on powdered metals. 6. Fire prevention engineers are supposed to coordinate and ensure the fire safety, 7. The fire is expected to be extinguished by dry chemicals. 8. The building is reported to be equipped with the automatic fire detectors.

12. Задайте собеседнику вопросы (заменив русские слова на их английские эквиваленты) и выслушайте его ответы:

1. (Сколько) principles influence on a fire attack? 2. (От чего) is the selection of a fire control agent dependent ... ? 3. (Какие) classes of fuels are there? 4. (Как) are class A combustibles extinguished? 5. (Что) are the best extinguishing agents of class B combustibles? 6. (Какие) agents can’t be used to attack fire with class C combustibles? 7. Class D combustibles are extremely difficult to extinguish (не так ли)? 8. (Что) is the determining factor in selecting of method of fire attack?

9. (В чем) is the essence of the direct method? 10. Does a fire stream reach the source of the heat at the indirect method? 11. (Как) is the combination method applied?